George Zimmerman

Trial is talk outta your ass like this in the real world?
I'm not talking about that trial, and an admitted compulsive liar like you has no place to mention anyone talking out of their ass.

And another talk like you been in Arizona a long time....I call bullshit on that...whereever you came here from I'd be glad to lend you bus fare back.
I've been in Arizona for 17 years, whether that is considered "long" is fairly subjective, and I couldn't care less what you call bullshit on your frustrated angry little has-been of a wilting old man.

And I wouldn't accept anything from someone who has been caught in these forums by other veterans lying about their creds in Vietnam. I can't believe you didn't change your username in humiliation after that episode.

Have you ever been confronted by one of these little assholes that think they're so bad that the only reason they aren't pushing up Daisies and you're not doing time is because you didn't have a gun? I have. The only reason that didn't happen is that I didn't give the punk a chance to throw the first punch. Then again I don't believe Zimmerman expected that to happen to him.

The reason so many blacks get shot is because of their big mouths.

Also, *LOL*, when did it become acceptable to attack Gays simply because you fear being raped?

What are you, some kind of red-necked Homophobe?

I think it's a matter of how valid the fear of rape was. Doesn't matter, gay or straight. A guy chases you on a vehicle and THEN on foot. Yeah, that's a valid fear.

Incidently, I've been in some of the worst neighborhoods of Chicago, and I've even been in a fight or two.

Point was, if Zimmerman didn't know what was going to happen, he should have stayed in the truck like the man said.

If you couldn't exaggerate you wouldn't have anything to say.
It is obviously important to the obama regime to incite riots across the country. They can use it to scream injustice, because neither obama nor holder represent the nation, but only black people.

If they want a fight, blacks are between 10 and 13% of the population, it's gonna be a real short fight.

Yeah, once the Hispanic gangs get in on it. A REAL short fight.

It's a puzzler. Hispanics are chasing blacks out of entire cities. Blacks are being outright murdered the way Jamile Shaw was murdered. Yet obama wants to bring in 30 million more hispanics.

Only in Texas. He wants to turn Texas Blue.
No, you don't want lying idiots like yourself to have any fear of attacking him now that he's been found INNOCENT....ya got that? INNOCENT....NOT GUILTY.....

Well what we are learning now is the jury was obviously tainted.

and it was tainted, how?

( Libs have to console themselves by claiming the trial was "tainted" )
If you really think the guy isn't a racist, what are you worried about?

Why would I worry if a guy in Florida is a racist. What's he gonna do? Call me a cracker? Hell, this place is crawling with black racists. You being one of them. Maybe they need a tip line about YOU!

I'll take 500 Trayvons over ONE of you or Stephanie or katzen or any of the other racist and ignorant scum bags here.

Trayvan wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire. He hated Crackers. He hated fags. He loved punching out adults. If you were surrounded by 500 Trayvans your ass would be nothing but a grease spot.
Trial is talk outta your ass like this in the real world?
I'm not talking about that trial, and an admitted compulsive liar like you has no place to mention anyone talking out of their ass.


And another talk like you been in Arizona a long time....I call bullshit on that...whereever you came here from I'd be glad to lend you bus fare back.
I've been in Arizona for 17 years, whether that is considered "long" is fairly subjective, and I couldn't care less what you call bullshit on your frustrated angry little has-been of a wilting old man.

And I wouldn't accept anything from someone who has been caught in these forums by other veterans lying about their creds in Vietnam. I can't believe you didn't change your username in humiliation after that episode.

You're one sick puppy boy.....mind pointing out any "lie" I've told about the RVN or anything else? Seems to me you're becoming hysterical....I suggest putting your head underwater for 4 or 5 minutes to clear your sinuses.
Fear not! GZ will soon be back on the streets fighting crime wherever hoodies roam! He will use some of the donations to his website to buy a cape, and a utility belt. The Caped Crusader, better known as the Dark Knight, will spread fear into the hearts of evil men, wherever they lurk, with their sinister intentions and evil schemes! He will be directed by God to root out their devilish intensions!
You're one sick puppy boy.....mind pointing out any "lie" I've told about the RVN or anything else? Seems to me you're becoming hysterical....I suggest putting your head underwater for 4 or 5 minutes to clear your sinuses.
I'm not hysterical at all, although I could imagine a bitter old irrelevant man doing his best to convince himself that he's making an impact anywhere he can, even it is on a message board churning out 20 pointless bullshit posts a day.

Hey dude if you're content being caught fabricating shit and being outted by other veterans for overhyping your military history more power to you, but it sure doesn't give you much room to call out anyone else on what facts are.
Well what we are learning now is the jury was obviously tainted.

and it was tainted, how?

With a juror who had her mind made up from the beginning. She obviously lied to get on the jury, they did ask her questions about whether she already had an opinion. Remember the knock knock joke by one of the biggest jokes in the courtroom?

Don't attempt to retry the case, there is nothing anyone can do but they can make his life miserable. Sort of like OJ. Zimmerman won't get a moment's peace.

Provide evidence of this claim. Or admit it is just you throwing a tantrum cause you didn't get what you wanted.
Wow, this thread should have a asterisk with "Warning: Feigned Outrage Level 5 out of 5).

I'm sure this killer has other guns in his closet. Putting a hold on all evidence isn't a big deal.

Unless you're just looking to express a wee bit of feigned outrage.
and it was tainted, how?

( Libs have to console themselves by claiming the trial was "tainted" )

The left has WAY too much invested in this to let go of it....will it outlast their claims that algore won Florida?

It's highly possible. There's an option they have that hasn't been discussed yet. I wanna see if they figure it out. It could be quite damaging. ( no I'm not Snowden)
OK....ummm......this shit is getting seriously out of hand. These fascists are TRYING to incite a pushback. Im 52 years old........seeing things I never thought Id see happen in the country. This is tyranny shit folks.......meant to enrage a whole segment of the population

Justice Department places 'hold' on Trayvon Martin trial evidence, including George Zimmerman's gun - which Florida law says must be returned to him | Mail Online

Anybody ok with this .........doesn't get it.

Maybe we should just shoot em.
You're one sick puppy boy.....mind pointing out any "lie" I've told about the RVN or anything else? Seems to me you're becoming hysterical....I suggest putting your head underwater for 4 or 5 minutes to clear your sinuses.
I'm not hysterical at all, although I could imagine a bitter old irrelevant man doing his best to convince himself that he's making an impact anywhere he can, even it is on a message board churning out 20 pointless bullshit posts a day.

Hey dude if you're content being caught fabricating shit and being outted by other veterans for overhyping your military history more power to you, but it sure doesn't give you much room to call out anyone else on what facts are.

Provide evidence of the claim or admit you are full of shit.
Wow, this thread should have a asterisk with "Warning: Feigned Outrage Level 5 out of 5).

I'm sure this killer has other guns in his closet. Putting a hold on all evidence isn't a big deal.

Unless you're just looking to express a wee bit of feigned outrage.

Wow, you're still here taunting evil gun owners and standing up for street trash?
You're one sick puppy boy.....mind pointing out any "lie" I've told about the RVN or anything else? Seems to me you're becoming hysterical....I suggest putting your head underwater for 4 or 5 minutes to clear your sinuses.
I'm not hysterical at all, although I could imagine a bitter old irrelevant man doing his best to convince himself that he's making an impact anywhere he can, even it is on a message board churning out 20 pointless bullshit posts a day.

Hey dude if you're content being caught fabricating shit and being outted by other veterans for overhyping your military history more power to you, but it sure doesn't give you much room to call out anyone else on what facts are.

Again, when was this and by who(m) squirt? Your side pulls this shit all the time.....we're "homophobic" if queers disgust us...we're waging a "war on women" if we can't tolerate mudering babies, and us Vets are constantly called "liars" and "wannabes"....nothing new're a useless boy living a useless life....demeaning those of us who have lived a superior life doesn't make you any less useless. So how much is bus fare back to where you're from?

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