George Zimmerman

I'm fine with it, I don't want him murdering any other teens.

No, you don't want lying idiots like yourself to have any fear of attacking him now that he's been found INNOCENT....ya got that? INNOCENT....NOT GUILTY.....

Well what we are learning now is the jury was obviously tainted.

LOL....It never ends with you clowns does it?
Watching the black "trayvon march" in Los Angeles, the march for peacers attacked a black man waiting for a bus and beat him into unconsciousness. The paramedics came and took the body away. Then they went on to attack others. The marchers attacked black owned and staffed stores to vandalize and steal what they could. They stopped cars in all black neighborhoods, driven by black people to smash windows, jump on them to cause damage. One woman driver with a dozen protesters on her car simply floored the gas and took off with bodies flying everywhere.

This is what they do in protest. Where do they learn that this is appropriate? They learn it from Holder, Sharpton, or from their parents.

What's scary is with the Fed attention it's escalating not calming down. So where's the end game here?

All this on the back of this single incident.

Once again; If you elect a community organizer to be POTUS the only thing you can expect is someone that specializes in causing turmoil. This fact is why half the libs on this site voted for Obama. They love it.

Obama isn't there to solve problems. He's there to cause them. Why else would George Soros and Bill Ayers help finance his candidacy.


Its wasn't GZ who stalked and murdered the kid.

it was Obama!

Er, uh, no, it was Ayers? Soros?

Gawd. Who can keep up with all the rw fictions?
Has the DOJ put a hold on Zimmerman's NICS records?

Is he no longer able to purchase a new firearm?

Nope. So calm down the feigned outrage. He will get his toy back.

He was found to be NOT guilty. He has a right to have a gun. And I am sick of obama, his ilk and his sheep shredding the finest document ever written by man

OMG! Obama is shredding my divorce decree????!!!!

I doubt he'd shred it, but if it served his purposed, he'd sure as shit release it to the media.
There are plenty out there. I love America but hate my government and I'm perfectly willing and truly expect that I'll die for it. I believe that is why I was put on this planet. Just my opinion.

People always ask why I'm so upset. I don't say a word. They don't understand. I was born in different world. Wasn't perfect, but it wasn't a police state either.

I hear ya. Hell,I'm only 48 and what I've seen happen to America in the last twenty years scares the crap out of me. And it's only getting worse.
When obama got elected the first time I was somewhat surprised and figured...all right lets give the guy a chance.
When he was elected the second time I knew we were in trouble.
The guy is a disaster and the fact that over half of Americans actually thought it a good idea to put him in office again......???
Yeah..some shits going to have to change.

nothing will change without a leader.

Your right about that. Unfortunately the two choices we now have ain't going to cut it.
And we dont have enough people who actually pay attention to whats happening in America.
All they care about is reality TV and whats on ET tonight.
OK....ummm......this shit is getting seriously out of hand. These fascists are TRYING to incite a pushback. Im 52 years old........seeing things I never thought Id see happen in the country. This is tyranny shit folks.......meant to enrage a whole segment of the population

Justice Department places 'hold' on Trayvon Martin trial evidence, including George Zimmerman's gun - which Florida law says must be returned to him | Mail Online

Anybody ok with this .........doesn't get it.

Maybe we should just shoot em.

Why do you righty guys say shit like this?

Just reacting to the absurdity of the issue.

And I'm a moderate, not a "righty guy".
What's scary is with the Fed attention it's escalating not calming down. So where's the end game here?

All this on the back of this single incident.

Once again; If you elect a community organizer to be POTUS the only thing you can expect is someone that specializes in causing turmoil. This fact is why half the libs on this site voted for Obama. They love it.

Obama isn't there to solve problems. He's there to cause them. Why else would George Soros and Bill Ayers help finance his candidacy.


Its wasn't GZ who stalked and murdered the kid.

it was Obama!

Er, uh, no, it was Ayers? Soros?

Gawd. Who can keep up with all the rw fictions?

The case against GZ was a work of fiction which the trial proved.

Now the gutter-snakes in the White House want to use this tragedy to push more gun laws down our throats. Nothing they do is shameful to them.
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Every citizen in the United States is worthy of protection under the law.

Except for Zimmerman.

Being found not guilty by a jury of his peers wasn't good enough for Holder.

Having been found to have NO RACIAL tendencies by the FBI after 40 interviews of his friends, acquaintances and neighbors wasn't good enough for Holder.

No. Holder wants to continue to drag this guys ass through the mud.

That is protection under the law for Zimmerman?

Florida had a chance to get this right.

They didn't.

And won't.

Some time ago the Feds had to step in and end Jim Crow.

This is no different.

What hurts worst your head or your asshole when you pull it out?

Can you really be this dumb?
Jesus, even I have two guns!!

George will be fine and surely will be armed and dangerous tonight.

I'm sure his whole family is after all the death threats.

It is the American way! Now, the whole family can shoot it out in the streets of Florida with all the citizens who feel similarly threatened. Under the stand your ground law, Whoever wins will be innocent!
Jesus, even I have two guns!!

George will be fine and surely will be armed and dangerous tonight.

I'm sure his whole family is after all the death threats.

It is the American way! Now, the whole family can shoot it out in the streets of Florida with all the citizens who feel similarly threatened. Under the stand your ground law, Whoever wins will be innocent!

I guess that would settle it. And since I would be on the winning side.......
Again, when was this and by who(m) squirt? Your side pulls this shit all the time.....we're "homophobic" if queers disgust us...we're waging a "war on women" if we can't tolerate mudering babies, and us Vets are constantly called "liars" and "wannabes"....nothing new here....
Ah the classic JoeBlam pulling shit out of his ass. Lets review
1- I've never called you homophobic, and couldn't care less what disgusts you
2- I've not made on post expressing opinion on abortion
3- I've certainly not insulted vets, as I am one

You however were busted lying about your miliary creds, I saw it. There is nothing wrong with vets, but certainly ones like you who are compulsive liars and who's ego is so fragile they need to manufacture a past deserve to be called on it.

you're a useless boy living a useless life....demeaning those of us who have lived a superior life doesn't make you any less useless. So how much is bus fare back to where you're from?
I'm not demeaning "us' I'm demeaning you and exactly you. The angry compulsive liar who pops into threads with nothing but bullshit. I see what you are, bitter old guy.

Every citizen in the United States is worthy of protection under the law.

Except for Zimmerman.

Being found not guilty by a jury of his peers wasn't good enough for Holder.

Having been found to have NO RACIAL tendencies by the FBI after 40 interviews of his friends, acquaintances and neighbors wasn't good enough for Holder.

No. Holder wants to continue to drag this guys ass through the mud.

That is protection under the law for Zimmerman?

Florida had a chance to get this right.

They didn't.

And won't.

Some time ago the Feds had to step in and end Jim Crow.

This is no different.

Jim Crow laws were a Democratic Party idea.

I wonder who was the driving force that ended them?

Wasn't Democrats.
w0w do we have a lot of foolish people in here. Of course they have us by the balls......we have millions and million of people in this country very happy to invite the government over tomorrow, "Yeah.....come on in!!! Set up some tiny cameras while youre at it......and please do, take my guns while youre taking the tour!!! Take my salty food out of my house too while youre at it. I don't need it anyway!! Yes I had McDonalds last night....its OK to fine me!! I love you you implicitly. I know you're here only for the betterment of the state!!!"

Anyone need a good laugh? Watch Hannity tonight. God, the new scenarios just keep on coming. We had one guest(forgot his name,the Congressman who wore the hoody) who made up his own versions of how Zimmerman broke his nose. UnF^%$##Ing Believable! He may as well said that George Zimmerman was attacked by a Dodo Bird that took a bite out of his nose and pecked his bald head.
Another guest made up his own version of what happened that night. Is this going to go on for weeks? And remember when it all started, and every Black Rep/or Leader immediately told the media that Zimmerman stalked Trayvon and when he found out he was black, just shot him? This is nuts, and whoops, then they found out he was Hispanic, Oh Noooo! We Thought He was White !!!!!!
w0w do we have a lot of foolish people in here. Of course they have us by the balls......we have millions and million of people in this country very happy to invite the government over tomorrow, "Yeah.....come on in!!! Set up some tiny cameras while youre at it......


Which person are you referring to who would invite the government to set up tiny cameras? I'd be curious to see them agree to the opinion your are stating for them.

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