George Zimmerman

Good grief. Over 70 posts of you all whining about a murderer getting his gun taken away. There is something wrong with that.

That is a formerly accused murderer. What pray tell is so difficult for you to grasp?

He has been acquitted of murder and manslaughter. There are no charges pending against him as of today. He has as much right to his property as you do to your computer.
well being there's not too much comedy on TV next week, at least we will have plenty of laffs from Black commentaters/guests on cable making stuff up !!!! what next? Zimmerman was attacked by a tree, like the one in the wizard of oz? the tree threw an apple at George?
With a juror who had her mind made up from the beginning. She obviously lied to get on the jury, they did ask her questions about whether she already had an opinion. Remember the knock knock joke by one of the biggest jokes in the courtroom?

Don't attempt to retry the case, there is nothing anyone can do but they can make his life miserable. Sort of like OJ. Zimmerman won't get a moment's peace.

Provide evidence of this claim. Or admit it is just you throwing a tantrum cause you didn't get what you wanted.

She's been on tv saying stuff like this all week.

She's admitted that she lied to get on the jury to reporters? AND that she had already made up her mind???

There has GOT to be a link supporting THAT!
I would LOOOOOVE to read it.
A murder weapon might fetch a pretty penny. :eusa_whistle:
Obstruction of justice has gotten two Presidents impeached in American history. Does President Obama want himself to be #3? Because that's where this President and his minion, Attorney General Eric Holder, are headed.

You all have been hoping for that for some time now. It isn't going to happen.
That's good advice for the hard-of-hearing President, Sarah. I hope he hands the gun back to the man who is innocent of murder and drops his wishes for double jeopardy against an American citizen. ;)
Good grief. Over 70 posts of you all whining about a murderer getting his gun taken away. There is something wrong with that.

No there is something wrong when someone parrots the media, and lets it infect them.

Our public school system failed miserably
Good grief. Over 70 posts of you all whining about a murderer getting his gun taken away. There is something wrong with that.

That is a formerly accused murderer. What pray tell is so difficult for you to grasp?

He has been acquitted of murder and manslaughter. There are no charges pending against him as of today. He has as much right to his property as you do to your computer.

The preceding quote is the jist of Ernie's posts day in and day out.

Stupid.. Idiot.. You're so dumb.. (every foul word he can think of..)

What a bore you are lately, Ernie.
Seriously guys, what did you expect was going to happen? This a cash cow for the MSM and millions of sheep that graze in this retarded nation. It's a serial addiction. I'm sure there will be a lifetime movie next portraying the plight of Janteal or whatever her name is. It's stupid shit, not worthy of discussion, yet I fell for it, again. I suck.
They aren't taking his gun, the feds put a hold on all the evidence from the trial until they finish their civil rights investigation. That is what happens in criminal investigations, you hold onto evidence.

If they don't pursue the charges he'll get the gun back. Meanwhile he is free to go buy 10 more if he wants.

There is no criminal civil rights violation possible in a civilian on civilian crime.

Your comment does prove one thing, you watch MSNBC.
OK....ummm......this shit is getting seriously out of hand. These fascists are TRYING to incite a pushback. Im 52 years old........seeing things I never thought Id see happen in the country. This is tyranny shit folks.......meant to enrage a whole segment of the population

Justice Department places 'hold' on Trayvon Martin trial evidence, including George Zimmerman's gun - which Florida law says must be returned to him | Mail Online

Anybody ok with this .........doesn't get it.

I'm fine with it, I don't want him murdering any other teens.

You are fine with the government trying people multiple times in violation of the Constitution? Why not throw the whole thing out and make it even easier?
OK....ummm......this shit is getting seriously out of hand. These fascists are TRYING to incite a pushback. Im 52 years old........seeing things I never thought Id see happen in the country. This is tyranny shit folks.......meant to enrage a whole segment of the population

Justice Department places 'hold' on Trayvon Martin trial evidence, including George Zimmerman's gun - which Florida law says must be returned to him | Mail Online

Anybody ok with this .........doesn't get it.

I'm fine with it, I don't want him murdering any other teens.

Don't be silly--he can buy another

I'm fine with it, I don't want him murdering any other teens.

No, you don't want lying idiots like yourself to have any fear of attacking him now that he's been found INNOCENT....ya got that? INNOCENT....NOT GUILTY.....

Well what we are learning now is the jury was obviously tainted.

Tainted by what? Common sense?
Well what we are learning now is the jury was obviously tainted.

and it was tainted, how?

With a juror who had her mind made up from the beginning. She obviously lied to get on the jury, they did ask her questions about whether she already had an opinion. Remember the knock knock joke by one of the biggest jokes in the courtroom?

Don't attempt to retry the case, there is nothing anyone can do but they can make his life miserable. Sort of like OJ. Zimmerman won't get a moment's peace.

She did have her mind made up from the beginning, but the other jurors convinced her she was wrong.

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