George Zimmerman

Good grief. Over 70 posts of you all whining about a murderer getting his gun taken away. There is something wrong with that.

That is a formerly accused murderer. What pray tell is so difficult for you to grasp?

He has been acquitted of murder and manslaughter. There are no charges pending against him as of today. He has as much right to his property as you do to your computer.

The preceding quote is the jist of Ernie's posts day in and day out.

Stupid.. Idiot.. You're so dumb.. (every foul word he can think of..)

What a bore you are lately, Ernie.

Show where, in this post, I called you stupid idiot, dumb. Do you see foul words there?

I'm not going to insult your intelligence in this post Sarah, but I will point out that when you get all pissy at people for thinking that you are somewhat lacking, you would do well to check your spelling. The word is "gist".

Now tell me why Mr. Zimmerman's property hasn't been returned to him.
With a juror who had her mind made up from the beginning. She obviously lied to get on the jury, they did ask her questions about whether she already had an opinion. Remember the knock knock joke by one of the biggest jokes in the courtroom?

Don't attempt to retry the case, there is nothing anyone can do but they can make his life miserable. Sort of like OJ. Zimmerman won't get a moment's peace.

She did have her mind made up from the beginning, but the other jurors convinced her she was wrong.

How did she define " the beginning" ? She could have meant after opening statements were made. I know this is gonna hurt Sarah's " tainted jury" mantra but it's possible.

She could have meant from the beginning of deliberations too. Her statement wasn't clear.
If you fine folks haven't realized by now, Obama and his Chicago crime syndicate can do whatever they want. Where I come from we call that hard tyranny.

The question is what are you people, veterans, active military, retired law enforcement going to do about it? Are you going to roll over or are you going to fight? It's time to pick a side. Die for something or live for nothing, and yes I'm promoting violent resistance to the U.S government in any form when this shit hole falls over, whether it be jet liner aimed at the pentagram or your local federal building. I give no quarter to tyrants and neither should you. No mercy. Replace your sadness with pure hate and deal with it.

And you haters can gladly report me to your local snitch hotline. Good luck with that. I'm off the grid and hacked into some family's secure wireless network.

...and your terroristic threats have been reported.
and it was tainted, how?

With a juror who had her mind made up from the beginning. She obviously lied to get on the jury, they did ask her questions about whether she already had an opinion. Remember the knock knock joke by one of the biggest jokes in the courtroom?

Don't attempt to retry the case, there is nothing anyone can do but they can make his life miserable. Sort of like OJ. Zimmerman won't get a moment's peace.

That same atty appeared in a really nasty photo with his daughters.

That trial was decided long before the jury was empaneled.

I've said from the beginning that GZ's life is over and he brought it on himself. He's just a low life skinhead and his day will come.

The one where they were eating ice cream cones? Are you daft? Wait! We already know the answer.
If you fine folks haven't realized by now, Obama and his Chicago crime syndicate can do whatever they want. Where I come from we call that hard tyranny.

The question is what are you people, veterans, active military, retired law enforcement going to do about it? Are you going to roll over or are you going to fight? It's time to pick a side. Die for something or live for nothing, and yes I'm promoting violent resistance to the U.S government in any form when this shit hole falls over, whether it be jet liner aimed at the pentagram or your local federal building. I give no quarter to tyrants and neither should you. No mercy. Replace your sadness with pure hate and deal with it.

And you haters can gladly report me to your local snitch hotline. Good luck with that. I'm off the grid and hacked into some family's secure wireless network.

...and your terroristic threats have been reported.

He wants to aim a jetliner at a 'pentagram'. Here is a pentagram:


Pentagram - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That's just stinkin' funny!
Rachel Jeantel Believes Trayvon Martin Swung FIRST On Zimmerman


This chick has told so many different versions of the story whereas George was consistent.

yeah on one hand she talks about how close they are talking all the time

on the other hand she does not findit strange that she hadnt talked to him

for two days after the incident
Good points, Boss. But keep in mind, many--perhaps even the majority--of "townspeople" have an agenda to keep everyone divided, distracted, and paranoid. So they will keep grabbing their guns and going out to shoot the wolf--and insist that the boy who cried wolf has everyone's best interest at heart--when in reality, they knew all along there was no wolf. In other words, most of today's equivalent of the "townspeople" in your story, are faking concern for the wolf in order to further their own agenda. So they are never going to stop grabbing their guns and pretending to believe the boy's cries of wolf.
Let it go people. Get pissed when the president sicks his gestapo on Z man although there is nothing you can do about it aside from directing your hate where it belongs: The president of the United States and his corrupt regime.

This racial infighting solves nothing except to shield the murderous regime that controls this country. They're counting on your short attention spans to distract you from the fact you live under a tyranny. They want you to forget Libya, the NSA etc. Don't be fools. Become bigger than yourselves.
Either Holder is an ignorant fool or he is just performing for an audience and there will be no charges against Zimmerman. Since Holder is an extremely intelligent man, I opt for the latter.

Any good defense attorney would be able to discredit evidence obtained by a government-run tip line. The process itself discredits any evidence it produces. Searching the country for someone who would be willing to be a witness against Zimmerman is certain to encourage people to come forward and lie about the man. Even the most ignorant among us know there are many people who hate Zimmerman and would gleefully do anything they could – including lie - to destroy him. Hell, there was even one man who tried to get on the Zimmerman jury just so he could convict him. If the government solicits witnesses against Zimmerman, they are knowingly and openly soliciting biased and untruthful testimony.

Further, before the tip line came into being there was no evidence that Zimmerman was racist; in fact, the FBI's own investigation found no evidence of racism. Additionally, there was a lot of evidence proving that Zimmerman went out of his way to help Blacks, including a homeless Black stranger. If the DOJ ignores the powerful evidence of record and goes on a questionable fishing expedition instead a defense attorney would have a field day.

I don't think it would benefit the DOJ to file charge against Zimmerman. A federal trial where race is a central issue would give Zimmerman a platform to demonstrate that he is a good man, not necessarily the brightest man in the world but a good man nonetheless and this is something Holder would rather avoid. Plus there is going to be a lot coming out about Martin that will tarnish his image as an innocent child and no one in the Administration wants to see that happen.

My advice: Zimmerman should take the offensive in this matter. He should call a press conference and have his attorney announce that although the DOJ has no case against him, if he is charged he will use the opportunity to defend himself against the false and malicious accusations of racism. He should publicly demand that the DOJ investigate the many death threats received by Zimmerman and members of his family. He should also demand that the DOJ prosecute members of the Black Panther Party for putting a price on Zimmerman's head and publicly soliciting for his murder. His attorney would also relate all the good things Zimmerman has done for the Black community. Much of the public doesn't know about a lot of this and they need to be told. Then Zimmerman would sit back and watch Holder squirm as he tries to get off the hook without upsetting his political base.

I doubt that Holder will file charges because he prefers the status quo where many people continue to hate Zimmerman and demonstrate - sometimes violently - for Martin. The Zimmerman/Martin affair is a convenient distraction that keeps the public in the dark about more important things. The truth would change everything. Unfortunately for Holder, even the ass-kissing media will be unable to suppress the evidence which would be revealed during a Federal civil rights trial. If charges are filed, Zimmerman will walk away a completely exonerated man with his reputation finally restored.

Even if the DOJ could prove that Zimmerman was the most racist man in the world (and everyone should know the very opposite is true), they would need more. They DOJ would have to prove that Zimmerman did something to deprive Martin of his civil rights, and that is not going to happen. The Zimmerman jury admitted that they looked for a way to punish Zimmerman, but no matter how hard they tried they couldn’t find that Zimmerman did anything wrong. There is no evidence that he called the police for any reason other than there were a number of recent burglaries in his neighborhood and Martin was acting suspiciously (this is a fact established by a combination of official police records and the exact content of Zimmerman's call). There is no evidence that Zimmerman struck Martin, attempted to restrained him or interfered with his movements in any way. There is not the slightest bit of evidence that Zimmerman did anything which could have justified Martin's attack on him.

The only hope that the DOJ could cling to is to allege that Zimmerman killed Martin because he was Black, not because Zimmerman acted in self defense out of fear of serious bodily injuries. Since Zimmerman had already received substantial injuries and was unable to defend himself against Martin's continuous blows, good luck with that one. Martin's girlfriend said that Martin didn't want to kill Zimmerman just give him a good whooping. Unfortunately Zimmerman did not know that. In fact, according to Zimmerman Martin told him he was going to kill him.

All this animosity towards Zimmerman is the result of lies coming from the race-bating main stream media whores. I wonder how many people have already been injured, some seriously, because of their unconscionable lies. Fuck them all. You, too, Nancy Grace.

In the first trial, neither side was allowed to make race an issue so Zimmerman was not able to overcome the false image created by the media. However in a civil rights trial race will be a central issue and if I were Zimmerman I would be looking forward to setting the record straight.

Either Holder is an ignorant fool or he is just performing for an audience and there will be no charges against Zimmerman. Since Holder is an extremely intelligent man, I opt for the latter.

Any good defense attorney would be able to discredit evidence obtained by a government-run tip line. The process itself discredits any evidence it produces. Searching the country for someone who would be willing to be a witness against Zimmerman is certain to encourage people to come forward and lie about the man. Even the most ignorant among us know there are many people who hate Zimmerman and would gleefully do anything they could – including lie - to destroy him. Hell, there was even one man who tried to get on the Zimmerman jury just so he could convict him. If the government solicits witnesses against Zimmerman, they are knowingly and openly soliciting biased and untruthful testimony.

Further, before the tip line came into being there was no evidence that Zimmerman was racist; in fact, the FBI's own investigation found no evidence of racism. Additionally, there was a lot of evidence proving that Zimmerman went out of his way to help Blacks, including a homeless Black stranger. If the DOJ ignores the powerful evidence of record and goes on a questionable fishing expedition instead a defense attorney would have a field day.

I don't think it would benefit the DOJ to file charge against Zimmerman. A federal trial where race is a central issue would give Zimmerman a platform to demonstrate that he is a good man, not necessarily the brightest man in the world but a good man nonetheless and this is something Holder would rather avoid. Plus there is going to be a lot coming out about Martin that will tarnish his image as an innocent child and no one in the Administration wants to see that happen.

My advice: Zimmerman should take the offensive in this matter. He should call a press conference and have his attorney announce that although the DOJ has no case against him, if he is charged he will use the opportunity to defend himself against the false and malicious accusations of racism. He should publicly demand that the DOJ investigate the many death threats received by Zimmerman and members of his family. He should also demand that the DOJ prosecute members of the Black Panther Party for putting a price on Zimmerman's head and publicly soliciting for his murder. His attorney would also relate all the good things Zimmerman has done for the Black community. Much of the public doesn't know about a lot of this and they need to be told. Then Zimmerman would sit back and watch Holder squirm as he tries to get off the hook without upsetting his political base.

I doubt that Holder will file charges because he prefers the status quo where many people continue to hate Zimmerman and demonstrate - sometimes violently - for Martin. The Zimmerman/Martin affair is a convenient distraction that keeps the public in the dark about more important things. The truth would change everything. Unfortunately for Holder, even the ass-kissing media will be unable to suppress the evidence which would be revealed during a Federal civil rights trial. If charges are filed, Zimmerman will walk away a completely exonerated man with his reputation finally restored.

Even if the DOJ could prove that Zimmerman was the most racist man in the world (and everyone should know the very opposite is true), they would need more. They DOJ would have to prove that Zimmerman did something to deprive Martin of his civil rights, and that is not going to happen. The Zimmerman jury admitted that they looked for a way to punish Zimmerman, but no matter how hard they tried they couldn’t find that Zimmerman did anything wrong. There is no evidence that he called the police for any reason other than there were a number of recent burglaries in his neighborhood and Martin was acting suspiciously (this is a fact established by a combination of official police records and the exact content of Zimmerman's call). There is no evidence that Zimmerman struck Martin, attempted to restrained him or interfered with his movements in any way. There is not the slightest bit of evidence that Zimmerman did anything which could have justified Martin's attack on him.

The only hope that the DOJ could cling to is to allege that Zimmerman killed Martin because he was Black, not because Zimmerman acted in self defense out of fear of serious bodily injuries. Since Zimmerman had already received substantial injuries and was unable to defend himself against Martin's continuous blows, good luck with that one. Martin's girlfriend said that Martin didn't want to kill Zimmerman just give him a good whooping. Unfortunately Zimmerman did not know that. In fact, according to Zimmerman Martin told him he was going to kill him.

All this animosity towards Zimmerman is the result of lies coming from the race-bating main stream media whores. I wonder how many people have already been injured, some seriously, because of their unconscionable lies. Fuck them all. You, too, Nancy Grace.

In the first trial, neither side was allowed to make race an issue so Zimmerman was not able to overcome the false image created by the media. However in a civil rights trial race will be a central issue and if I were Zimmerman I would be looking forward to setting the record straight.


Yup, the tip-line is just a campaign stunt.

Personally, I don't think there will ever be a civil rights trial because no lawyer worth a damn would risk their reputation on such a sham not to mention the fact that Zimmerman is not a rich man. Fact is, Zimmerman has enough evidence to sue the Martins because of what Trayvan did. Since he was a minor they're liable. One of my brothers was involved in an auto accident that killed 7 family members. He was drunk and the only reason they didn't throw me and my family out in the streets was my brother had just turned 18.

I think they should take a few seconds to decide if they want to continue to go down this road.
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Why would I worry if a guy in Florida is a racist. What's he gonna do? Call me a cracker? Hell, this place is crawling with black racists. You being one of them. Maybe they need a tip line about YOU!

I'll take 500 Trayvons over ONE of you or Stephanie or katzen or any of the other racist and ignorant scum bags here.

Well, why aren't you out rounding up all the li'l Trayvons of the world and taking them in? Hypocrite!


no kidding...such a joke
lluddy has to take on the women on the
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Third- and get this- the kid wasn't doing anything illegal.

Not until he started beating on GZ.

Actually, if the cops showed up before the shooting, they wouldn't have charged him. They'd have determined that Zimmerman stalked him without identifying himself.

And that works on the assumption that Trayvon threw the first punch, which I doubt.
Here's the interview, Ape-man:

Here's the interview:

MORGAN: You felt that there was no doubt in your mind from what Trayvon was telling you on the phone about the creepy ass cracka and so on, that he absolutely believed that George Zimmerman, this man, you didn’t know who he was at the time, but this man, was pursuing him?
MORGAN: And he was freaked out by it?
JEANTEL: Yes. Definitely after I say may be a rapist, for every boy, for every man, every — who’s not that kind of way, seeing a grown man following them, would they be creep out?
“And people need to understand, he didn’t want that creepy ass cracker going to his father or girlfriend’s house to go get — mind you, his little brother was there. You know — now, mind you, I told you — I told Trayvon it might have been a rapist.”
Anything you don't understand about Jeantel withholding from the jury that she "told Trayvon it might have been a rapist." to her interviewer after the trial was over? She contradicted the whole bit about Trayvon being the voice crying for help. She lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lied. Some call that perjury. The wrong person was on trial. Her suggestion caused mega trouble against a Neighborhood Watch person whose only wrong (if it could be called that) was looking out for the neighborhood that had been hit over and over by burglar break-ins.

Why is it you want to blame Jantell, Trayvon or anyone else except the GUY WHO ACTUALLY SHOT THE KID!!!

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