George Zimmerman

That's fine and all.

But if I killed a kid in self-defense, and felt I had no other choice, I would have gotten up on the stand and told my side of the story.

I wouldn't have hid behind the 5th Amendment---- unless I knew I was in the wrong.

there was no need to

Well, yeah, if you are in front of an all-white jury of people as stupid as B37, probably not.

Hey, I heard that the jury that acquitted the Klansmen who lynched Emmet Till were acquitted, too.

The only thing that's changed is they don't wear sheets anymore.

tha is a bunch of hogwash and you know it
I'll take 500 Trayvons over ONE of you or Stephanie or katzen or any of the other racist and ignorant scum bags here.

Well, why aren't you out rounding up all the li'l Trayvons of the world and taking them in? Hypocrite!


no kidding...such a joke
lluddy has to take on the women on the

Luddly is the biggest hypocrite I've seen in many a day. I doubt he has ever set foot in the projects, or even tried to turn one of these little punks around. The impossibility of the task escapes him. He bashes others, but he does nothing to make this world better. LOL. The Jehovah's Witness saved him, though, so he is copacetic.

You work on the assumption that most white folks or Hispanics really want to associate with your side.

oh boy, their side...
but they do with YOUR side I suppose?

You mean the side that won the last two elections, yeah.

And of course, since most of your side are rubes voting their fears, while the Plutocrats laugh all the way to the bank.

Laugh all you want. I remember the civil unrest of the 60s and the "silent majority." This bullshit from 0bama, Holder, Jackson, Sharpton will open the eyes of THIS generation's silent majority. If it was only about money, they would lie down in front of the bus you so ineptly drive. But this is about little black thugs taking our lives and your ilk wanting us to just lie down an let it happen. Quite a different lay of the land there.
OK....ummm......this shit is getting seriously out of hand. These fascists are TRYING to incite a pushback. Im 52 years old........seeing things I never thought Id see happen in the country. This is tyranny shit folks.......meant to enrage a whole segment of the population

Justice Department places 'hold' on Trayvon Martin trial evidence, including George Zimmerman's gun - which Florida law says must be returned to him | Mail Online

Anybody ok with this .........doesn't get it.
What are they gonna do with the gun? Give it to a drug lord? :rolleyes:
Maybe they could give it to a gangsta wanna be like treyvon and he would kill another black kid. It happens everyday, but you don't care about black on black crime.

Third- and get this- the kid wasn't doing anything illegal.

Not until he started beating on GZ.

Actually, if the cops showed up before the shooting, they wouldn't have charged him. They'd have determined that Zimmerman stalked him without identifying himself.

And that works on the assumption that Trayvon threw the first punch, which I doubt.

Actually, if the cops showed up before the shooting, they wouldn't have charged him.

Why not?

They'd have determined that Zimmerman stalked him without identifying himself.

Following thugs is allowed, even if they're black.

And that works on the assumption that Trayvon threw the first punch, which I doubt.

I'm sure they'd give your doubt the respect it deserves. :lol:
Not certain what psycho sunshine is babbling about but it's likely one of her compulsive lies. Just like to keep things in perspective for those of you who haven't been the victim of her obsessions.

She follows me around like a love sick moose. Scary. :cuckoo:

Of course you don't know what I'm talking about. Many things in life escape you. Now, you think you can diagnose. Well here's a flash, you have to have a license to do that. Better tread softly on that one. It is clear you have a thing for Ernie S. Most black women do get hung up on a white guy at some point. Don't make me start counting posts now. Ya hear.

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Every citizen in the United States is worthy of protection under the law.

Except for Zimmerman.

Being found not guilty by a jury of his peers wasn't good enough for Holder.

Having been found to have NO RACIAL tendencies by the FBI after 40 interviews of his friends, acquaintances and neighbors wasn't good enough for Holder.

No. Holder wants to continue to drag this guys ass through the mud.

That is protection under the law for Zimmerman?

And that's not what happened.

The DOJ decided to let Florida handle this. That's probably a good thing, because it put focus on just how screwed up Florida's self defense laws really are..

Zimmerman followed and murdered a kid who did absolutely nothing to him.

Then, admitted to it.

This was pretty open and shut, but because Florida is so racist and so in love with the notion of Frontier justice..the outcome was completely fucked.
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oh boy, their side...
but they do with YOUR side I suppose?

You mean the side that won the last two elections, yeah.

And of course, since most of your side are rubes voting their fears, while the Plutocrats laugh all the way to the bank.

Laugh all you want. I remember the civil unrest of the 60s and the "silent majority." This bullshit from 0bama, Holder, Jackson, Sharpton will open the eyes of THIS generation's silent majority. If it was only about money, they would lie down in front of the bus you so ineptly drive. But this is about little black thugs taking our lives and your ilk wanting us to just lie down an let it happen. Quite a different lay of the land there.

Martin was no thug.

He was a kid that just turned 17, walking home in the rain after legally purchasing a drink and a snack.

Nothing he did that night would have drew the attention of law enforcement.

Zimmerman murdered him.

He should be in jail.

The Eric Holder Department of Justice has set up a tip-line where concerned citizens can email in their own personal racist interactions with George Zimmerman in hopes of building a case against him for civil rights violations.
They were calling on us to actively refer anyone who had any information,” that might build a case against Zimmerman for either a civil rights violation or a hate crime, Arnwine said. “They said they would very aggressively investigate this case.”

Arnwine said the call was convened at about 3:30 p.m. by Tom Perez, Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division of the United States Department of Justice, and included representatives from the FBI, and several federal prosecutors, she said. DOJ officials also said they would open a public email address so people could send in tips on the case.

That email address, which is now in operation, is [email protected].

Good. I'm still waiting on the Obama Administration to set up a tip-line for whistle-blowers on the IRS abuses, the NSA spying on every single American, and anyone who knows witnesses or survivors from the attacks at Benghazi Libya.

I think they'll have a problem building a case with real evidence.

Zimmerman’s high school prom date- black.

Zimmerman’s business partner- black.

Zimmerman’s wife’s best friend- black.

Kids Zimmerman tutors after school for free- black.

Neighbor Zimmerman invited to stay at his house as long as she needed after being rattled by a break in to her house, black.

Homeless man killed that Zimmerman fought for justice for- black.

Fifty-one percent of the neighborhood where Zimmerman rents a house- black/brown.

Read more: Holder's DOJ Sets Up Email Account For Zimmerman Tips | NewsBusters


George Zimmerman: DOJ solicits help from civil rights leaders in Zimmerman investigation - Orlando Sentinel

DOJ Sets Up Zimmerman Snitch Hotline | Jammie Wearing Fools

Holder's DOJ Sets Up Email Account For Zimmerman Tips | NewsBusters
I am quite sure that each and every one of the tips submitted will be authentic and truthful.

Eric Holder is a vengeful, arrogant, racist, disingenuous, dishonest, impeachable prick.

The Eric Holder Department of Justice has set up a tip-line where concerned citizens can email in their own personal racist interactions with George Zimmerman in hopes of building a case against him for civil rights violations.
They were calling on us to actively refer anyone who had any information,” that might build a case against Zimmerman for either a civil rights violation or a hate crime, Arnwine said. “They said they would very aggressively investigate this case.”

Arnwine said the call was convened at about 3:30 p.m. by Tom Perez, Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division of the United States Department of Justice, and included representatives from the FBI, and several federal prosecutors, she said. DOJ officials also said they would open a public email address so people could send in tips on the case.

That email address, which is now in operation, is [email protected].

Good. I'm still waiting on the Obama Administration to set up a tip-line for whistle-blowers on the IRS abuses, the NSA spying on every single American, and anyone who knows witnesses or survivors from the attacks at Benghazi Libya.

I think they'll have a problem building a case with real evidence.

Zimmerman’s high school prom date- black.

Zimmerman’s business partner- black.

Zimmerman’s wife’s best friend- black.

Kids Zimmerman tutors after school for free- black.

Neighbor Zimmerman invited to stay at his house as long as she needed after being rattled by a break in to her house, black.

Homeless man killed that Zimmerman fought for justice for- black.

Fifty-one percent of the neighborhood where Zimmerman rents a house- black/brown.

Read more: Holder's DOJ Sets Up Email Account For Zimmerman Tips | NewsBusters


George Zimmerman: DOJ solicits help from civil rights leaders in Zimmerman investigation - Orlando Sentinel

DOJ Sets Up Zimmerman Snitch Hotline | Jammie Wearing Fools

Holder's DOJ Sets Up Email Account For Zimmerman Tips | NewsBusters
I am quite sure that each and every one of the tips submitted will be authentic and truthful.

Eric Holder is a vengeful, arrogant, racist, disingenuous, dishonest, impeachable prick.

Look on the bright side. A lot of people who voted this bigoted administration in have had their eyes opened.
You mean the side that won the last two elections, yeah.

And of course, since most of your side are rubes voting their fears, while the Plutocrats laugh all the way to the bank.

Laugh all you want. I remember the civil unrest of the 60s and the "silent majority." This bullshit from 0bama, Holder, Jackson, Sharpton will open the eyes of THIS generation's silent majority. If it was only about money, they would lie down in front of the bus you so ineptly drive. But this is about little black thugs taking our lives and your ilk wanting us to just lie down an let it happen. Quite a different lay of the land there.

Martin was no thug.

He was a kid that just turned 17, walking home in the rain after legally purchasing a drink and a snack.

Nothing he did that night would have drew the attention of law enforcement.

Zimmerman murdered him.

He should be in jail.
Wrong. Trayvon was a young thug...on his way to prison or an early death at the hands of a competing drug dealer.

You weren't there. Zimmerman was. Zimmerman said he was acting suspiciously. I believe what Zimmerman said about Trayvon appearing to be casing the houses and showing no signs of walking directly to his destination.

I believe Trayvon either hid somewhere near Zimmerman's truck or circled back to confront Zimmerman and beat him badly with fist and pavement.

The judge disallowed Trayvon's phone texts and Facebook messages (both to him and about him) to be introduced as evidence of his punk ass lifestyle and his pot growing skills...and that he was looking to buy a gun.

Trayvon was a thug.

I'm sorry that his parents lost a child, but not sorry that a thug has been removed from society.
Mooooosssssie.. Stop following me, you're making me very uncomfortable, Creep.

Not nearly as uncomfortable as your following me around and calling me psycho makes me. People like yourself often use the helpless mentally ill to further your bigoted agenda. So tell me, which threads do I have your permission to post on, sheba?
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That would be the George who never testified on the stand because he didn't want to be caught in more lies?

the state testified for him

That's fine and all.

But if I killed a kid in self-defense, and felt I had no other choice, I would have gotten up on the stand and told my side of the story.

I wouldn't have hid behind the 5th Amendment---- unless I knew I was in the wrong.

Does that hold true with Lois Lerner? Or is that different somehow?
Laugh all you want. I remember the civil unrest of the 60s and the "silent majority." This bullshit from 0bama, Holder, Jackson, Sharpton will open the eyes of THIS generation's silent majority. If it was only about money, they would lie down in front of the bus you so ineptly drive. But this is about little black thugs taking our lives and your ilk wanting us to just lie down an let it happen. Quite a different lay of the land there.

Martin was no thug.

He was a kid that just turned 17, walking home in the rain after legally purchasing a drink and a snack.

Nothing he did that night would have drew the attention of law enforcement.

Zimmerman murdered him.

He should be in jail.
Wrong. Trayvon was a young thug...on his way to prison or an early death at the hands of a competing drug dealer.

You weren't there. Zimmerman was. Zimmerman said he was acting suspiciously. I believe what Zimmerman said about Trayvon appearing to be casing the houses and showing no signs of walking directly to his destination.

I believe Trayvon either hid somewhere near Zimmerman's truck or circled back to confront Zimmerman and beat him badly with fist and pavement.

The judge disallowed Trayvon's phone texts and Facebook messages (both to him and about him) to be introduced as evidence of his punk ass lifestyle and his pot growing skills...and that he was looking to buy a gun.

Trayvon was a thug.

I'm sorry that his parents lost a child, but not sorry that a thug has been removed from society.

The judge disallowed Trayvon's phone texts

had zimmerman lost

this would have been considered a serious error by the judge

i dont know if she out of the water yet because of her ruling

on one hand she considered the phone "authenticated" when the state used it

and was able to pick parts of it

but then all of a sudden the phone was not "authenticated" when the defense wanted to

pick parts from it
Wasn't he tried already?
Now he will be tried again?...
And if that fails will they just kill him?

the doj just put a freeze order on the Zimmerman evidence

Hole E. Hell.

He's not really going to do this. What a mockery.

Get your Stamina up Stamina and subpeona the FBI.

This is why there's a Federal super lawyer on his defense team. Smarter than I thought amd you know how clever I think he is.
Wasn't he tried already?
Now he will be tried again?...
And if that fails will they just kill him?

the doj just put a freeze order on the Zimmerman evidence

Hole E. Hell.

He's not really going to do this. What a mockery.

Get your Stamina up Stamina and subpeona the FBI.

This is why there's a Federal super lawyer on his defense team. Smarter than I thought amd you know how clever I think he is.

crowd sourcing is working on it

actually never stopped

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