George Zimmerman

Anyone need a good laugh? Watch Hannity tonight. God, the new scenarios just keep on coming. We had one guest(forgot his name,the Congressman who wore the hoody) who made up his own versions of how Zimmerman broke his nose. UnF^%$##Ing Believable! He may as well said that George Zimmerman was attacked by a Dodo Bird that took a bite out of his nose and pecked his bald head.
Another guest made up his own version of what happened that night. Is this going to go on for weeks? And remember when it all started, and every Black Rep/or Leader immediately told the media that Zimmerman stalked Trayvon and when he found out he was black, just shot him? This is nuts, and whoops, then they found out he was Hispanic, Oh Noooo! We Thought He was White !!!!!!

Zimmerman's nose was broken?

Anyone confirm that?
Hannity needs to stop inviting these racist retards on his show. All it does is validate them.

Not really it doesn't. Tons of fools on TV. Hell, I'll even tip my hat to the wackos for going and speaking in a forum that's not friendly. As for Hanity, he is no better then Chris M. Over on MSNBC. Enjoy this. If we are lucky, this stupidity will go on for a week or two and be done. I would be more worried about CCW laws, and protecting them then I would worry about TV entertainers and commentators they have on their shows.

Anyone need a good laugh? Watch Hannity tonight. God, the new scenarios just keep on coming. We had one guest(forgot his name,the Congressman who wore the hoody) who made up his own versions of how Zimmerman broke his nose. UnF^%$##Ing Believable! He may as well said that George Zimmerman was attacked by a Dodo Bird that took a bite out of his nose and pecked his bald head.
Another guest made up his own version of what happened that night. Is this going to go on for weeks? And remember when it all started, and every Black Rep/or Leader immediately told the media that Zimmerman stalked Trayvon and when he found out he was black, just shot him? This is nuts, and whoops, then they found out he was Hispanic, Oh Noooo! We Thought He was White !!!!!!

Sounds like Bobby Rush and Rachel Jeantel could carry on a conversation. But I couldnt understand half of what he said,and what I did understand was complete gibberish.

That this guy is a congressman speaks volumes about his constituents.
No damn wonder our country is so fucked up.

Anyone need a good laugh? Watch Hannity tonight. God, the new scenarios just keep on coming. We had one guest(forgot his name,the Congressman who wore the hoody) who made up his own versions of how Zimmerman broke his nose. UnF^%$##Ing Believable! He may as well said that George Zimmerman was attacked by a Dodo Bird that took a bite out of his nose and pecked his bald head.
Another guest made up his own version of what happened that night. Is this going to go on for weeks? And remember when it all started, and every Black Rep/or Leader immediately told the media that Zimmerman stalked Trayvon and when he found out he was black, just shot him? This is nuts, and whoops, then they found out he was Hispanic, Oh Noooo! We Thought He was White !!!!!!

Sounds like Bobby Rush and Rachel Jeantel could carry on a conversation. But I couldnt understand half of what he said,and what I did understand was complete gibberish.

That this guy is a congressman speaks volumes about his constituents.
No damn wonder our country is so fucked up.

Bobby Rush, while generally is a racist idiot, I did manage to find one quote from him I rather agree with.

"Barack Obama went to Harvard and became an educated fool."

Anyone need a good laugh? Watch Hannity tonight. God, the new scenarios just keep on coming. We had one guest(forgot his name,the Congressman who wore the hoody) who made up his own versions of how Zimmerman broke his nose. UnF^%$##Ing Believable! He may as well said that George Zimmerman was attacked by a Dodo Bird that took a bite out of his nose and pecked his bald head.
Another guest made up his own version of what happened that night. Is this going to go on for weeks? And remember when it all started, and every Black Rep/or Leader immediately told the media that Zimmerman stalked Trayvon and when he found out he was black, just shot him? This is nuts, and whoops, then they found out he was Hispanic, Oh Noooo! We Thought He was White !!!!!!

Zimmerman's nose was broken?

Anyone confirm that?

These have already been posted. As a matter of fact you participated in the thread they were posted in. Wait scratch that ! You were the fucken OP.

Are you really this stupid? Or is it selective memory?
What a disingenuous asshole you are.
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This thread makes an excellent point. There are plenty of cases in which innocent blacks have been convicted of murder or rape and then exonerated years later due to DNA evidence. If a case of racism were to be made, theses cases would make a hell of a lot more sense to use.
I wouldn't have hid behind the 5th Amendment---- unless I knew I was in the wrong.

Zimmerman didn't have to take the 5th Amendment.

wow--threads are going 'off the tracks' in every direction.

Passed 2 polygraphs and <I am not going to type the lengthy list which supports GZ's veracity> inclined to believe that if your mind is made up--'Zimmerman lied'--nothing will change that.

B37's rather limited mind was made up before she heard the evidence, as was every white Florida cracker.

Zimmerman had 6 versions of what happened: each time, adjusting his story to the evidence as it was discovered.

Zimmerman will be forced to take the stand in the civil suit.

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She doesn't think Trayvon should be accountable to human standards. Humans don't viciously attack other humans. Trayvon could not live up to that basic rule of living in a civilized society. I'm sick and tired of Sybrina Fulton mouthing off after raising a gangster. She's a failure as a parent. In closing, Trayvon wasn't human, he was a feral savage animal.
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Zimmerman didn't have to take the 5th Amendment.

wow--threads are going 'off the tracks' in every direction.

Passed 2 polygraphs and <I am not going to type the lengthy list which supports GZ's veracity> inclined to believe that if your mind is made up--'Zimmerman lied'--nothing will change that.

B37's rather limited mind was made up before she heard the evidence, as was every white Florida cracker.

Zimmerman had 6 versions of what happened: each time, adjusting his story to the evidence as it was discovered.

Zimmerman will be forced to take the stand in the civil suit.


There won't be a civil suit. You know why? You forget the FBI ruled out in an independent investigation that George Zimmerman never racial profiled or stalked Trayvon Martin therefore not violating his civil rights.
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how do you know?

There is no evidence that Zimmerman confronted Martin. None.

Any statement that he did is pure conjecture.

the state in making their case

never pushed the ball past

"could have"


"it was possible"

not very good arguments

for showing guilt beyond a reasonable doubt

The evidence is clear, not disputed and beyond a reasonable doubt: Zimmerman, a white, followed Trayvon a black for 100 yards and shot him.

An incredibly poor prosecutor allowed himself to be led by the nose by a remarkably smart defense lawyer.

Enter the Feds.

Trayvon Martin was the only person that could have prevented his own death. He should not have attacked George Zimmerman.

That's what the jury saw and that's the truth.
There is no evidence that Zimmerman confronted Martin. None.

Any statement that he did is pure conjecture.

the state in making their case

never pushed the ball past

"could have"


"it was possible"

not very good arguments

for showing guilt beyond a reasonable doubt

The evidence is clear, not disputed and beyond a reasonable doubt: Zimmerman, a white, followed Trayvon a black for 100 yards and shot him.

An incredibly poor prosecutor allowed himself to be led by the nose by a remarkably smart defense lawyer.

Enter the Feds.


The feds have no case either. They have less of a case than state court had.

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