George Zimmerman

This guy is dangerous.

obama's speech reminded me very much of the one Tom Bradley gave which was credited with starting the Rodney King riots.

He doesn't care about evidence as he only knows what his racist feeling tell him. :eusa_hand:n The guy doesn't care that 49% of all murders are mostly black on black murders. What this does is make the black thugs that do it feel like it is ok.

This is really sad.
obama big mouth just had to open it again today to remind the whole nation that's he's black and force used against black criminals is a force used against him personally.

I'm so mad I still can't get over it. I'm in another thread having a full out tantrum. lol
So a man doesn't have a right to self defense as a thug beats on him? Is this what's he saying...


The problem with the trial is that--in THIS case--the jury accepted the story of the killer, and assumed the victim was guilty.

You really can't twist it any other way.

That's somewhat unusual, and it's why race is suspected of being a factor.
Zimmerman's going to need a bigger gun next time around.

I think it would be nice if they had a telethon to raise money to get Zimmy armed with more firepower, like an AR-15, or riot 12-guage. More importantly, he needs tactical firearms training when Obama's lookalike sons find him (likely with help from Holder).
Well if there were't witnesses and evidence there would be only Zimmerman's word. But there was.
(CNN) -- President Barack Obama said Friday that "Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago" in his first live comments since a Florida jury acquitted George Zimmerman last weekend in the teenager's shooting death.

Obama speaks out on Zimmerman verdict -

Unfucking believable. He WANTS a race war.


That's what the subject matter of my tantrum in the other thread was about.

Cause I'm not seeing much other motivation.
Ah the classic JoeBlam pulling shit out of his ass. Lets review
1- I've never called you homophobic, and couldn't care less what disgusts you
2- I've not made on post expressing opinion on abortion
3- I've certainly not insulted vets, as I am one

You however were busted lying about your miliary creds, I saw it. There is nothing wrong with vets, but certainly ones like you who are compulsive liars and who's ego is so fragile they need to manufacture a past deserve to be called on it.

you're a useless boy living a useless life....demeaning those of us who have lived a superior life doesn't make you any less useless. So how much is bus fare back to where you're from?
I'm not demeaning "us' I'm demeaning you and exactly you. The angry compulsive liar who pops into threads with nothing but bullshit. I see what you are, bitter old guy.

:lol: Same ol deal....wait until I leave and go for "last word" like a gum chewing valley grrrrrl. Odd you won't link to what "you saw" because anybody who "saw" the little dustup I had with "Jake Starkey" knows what happened. He claimed he was my trainer at Nha Trang yet he didn't know who did the RECONDO training (5th SFG) and claimed that the school "closed in '67. It was finally closed in '71. He then repeatedy claimed victory and quickly signed off between feeble insults and has stayed clear of me since.

Incidentally, there is another poster here by the name of "shintao" who is a notorious fake claiming Viet service, to the point of creating a web-site about himself complete with a photoshopped composite of ribbons and medals. It is so poorly done you'd think he had a hand in creating the Obama birth certificate. His tales got so bogus I started hounding him on the site he haunts. Finally, I sent the local VFW chapter after him on 3 occasions....he would not answer the door. He consequently got me banned for "stalking" him, tried to post here when that site was down, saw I was here, and fled.

This will be my last word on the matter; I've given weaklings like you and that cretin enough attention.

Mall Ninjas need love too. These guys were probably military rejects or REMF's like a supply SGT from Chicago that runs his mouth here.
'Charles Barkley--Voice of Reason in Zimmerman Case?!'
Charles Barkley... the Voice of Reason on the Zimmerman Case?!? | Independent Journal Review

<The Round Mound of Rebound said that he did see &#8220;racial profiling&#8221; in the case, but added that &#8220;something happened that changed the dynamic that night.&#8221; He noted that it was &#8220;probably not a popular opinion among most people,&#8221; but &#8220;looking at the evidence&#8221; he said he agreed with the jury&#8217;s decision.

Most controversially, Barkley called out the media for not having a &#8220;pure heart&#8221; when it comes to race. &#8220;Racism is wrong in any, shape or form,&#8221; Barkley said. &#8220;A lot of black people are racist too. I think sometimes when people talk about racism, they say only white people are racist, but I think black people are too. I don&#8217;t think the media has clean hands.&#8221;

I heard what the POTUS said--not exceptional.
I heard what Robert Zimmerman said--is he possibly considering some sort of political future? A bit tired of him but nonetheless--sounded 'nice and good'.

Alan Colmes--thought it was intended to grasp a 'teachable moment'. To say nothing before the week concluded--that would have been unwise.

So the POTUS said what he said.

'Each and every child should have a good start in life'--I still believe that. Each and every child should have some regard, if not respect when others try to offer support. Considerable change is needed across the board.
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Zimmerman's going to need a bigger gun next time around.

I think it would be nice if they had a telethon to raise money to get Zimmy armed with more firepower, like an AR-15, or riot 12-guage. More importantly, he needs tactical firearms training when Obama's lookalike sons find him (likely with help from Holder).

Lots of ammo too. Who says Obama isn't helping the economy ?

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