George Zimmerman

Why is it you want to blame Jantell, Trayvon or anyone else except the GUY WHO ACTUALLY SHOT THE KID!!!

On the other hand, why is it you want to blame the guy who defended himself and not the guy that attacked and attempted to murder someone?

Not that I'm expecting a rational answer...

Defended himself in a fight his actions caused?

"His actions" were completely legal. Are you suggesting we should outlaw neighborhood watches? Are you suggesting it should be illegal to follow someone...someone that is the rain...while concealing his identity?

He profiled Martin

You have zero evidence to support this assumption. But even if he did, that's hardly illegal.

He stalked Martin

He followed a trespasser. Hardly stalking.

He chased Martin

You have zero evidence to support this assumption.

He cornered Martin

Again, no evidence. We do know that Martin waited around after seeing Zimmerman following him (that 4 minute time period). If anyone 'cornered' someone, it was Martin.

And when Martin defended himself against a guy who might well have been a rapist and was making a good showing for himself

All evidence suggests Martin struck first. That's NOT defending oneself, that's attacking another. Even the girlfriend understands this.

If Martin really thought Zimmerman was a rapist (ridiculous, but let's go with it), why wouldn't he have simply gone home? Instead, he doubled back and waited for Zimmerman.

he got shot.

Are you suggesting that someone who has been attacked by another who proclaimed "I"m going to kill you" and then proceeds to attempt to do just that, should NOT be able to defend himself with deadly force? Really?

As I said, I never expected a rational response, but it's been fun pointing out just how blindly bias you are to facts, logic or reason.
I have fallen behind

<WESH-TV in Orlando reported Thursday afternoon that police had confirmed the evidence 'hold,' meaning that everything related to the trial, from Zimmerman's gun to the Skittles and iced tea Martin was carrying when the pair's altercation began, will remain in the hands of law enforcement.

The DOJ did not immediately respond to questions about whether it will take custody of the evidence, or when that might occur.>
This 'tip line' takes McCarthyism to a whole 'nother level. How many of you have the intestinal fortitude to write your congressmen/women and protest. My email goes out Monday morning. They ALL have email, now, you know. Even the White House.
Laugh all you want. I remember the civil unrest of the 60s and the "silent majority." This bullshit from 0bama, Holder, Jackson, Sharpton will open the eyes of THIS generation's silent majority. If it was only about money, they would lie down in front of the bus you so ineptly drive. But this is about little black thugs taking our lives and your ilk wanting us to just lie down an let it happen. Quite a different lay of the land there.

Martin was no thug.

He was a kid that just turned 17, walking home in the rain after legally purchasing a drink and a snack.

Nothing he did that night would have drew the attention of law enforcement.

Zimmerman murdered him.

He should be in jail.
Wrong. Trayvon was a young thug...on his way to prison or an early death at the hands of a competing drug dealer.

You weren't there. Zimmerman was. Zimmerman said he was acting suspiciously. I believe what Zimmerman said about Trayvon appearing to be casing the houses and showing no signs of walking directly to his destination.

I believe Trayvon either hid somewhere near Zimmerman's truck or circled back to confront Zimmerman and beat him badly with fist and pavement.

The judge disallowed Trayvon's phone texts and Facebook messages (both to him and about him) to be introduced as evidence of his punk ass lifestyle and his pot growing skills...and that he was looking to buy a gun.

Trayvon was a thug.

I'm sorry that his parents lost a child, but not sorry that a thug has been removed from society.

I didn't need to be there.

In most states, following someone around with a loaded gun is a crime.

And shooting them is a bigger crime.

And no..Martin was not a thug..he was a kid.

Thugs generally have things like criminal know..for things like hitting women or getting into fights with law enforcement officers.

Like Zimmerman, The thug.
It is obviously important to the obama regime to incite riots across the country. They can use it to scream injustice, because neither obama nor holder represent the nation, but only black people.

If they want a fight, blacks are between 10 and 13% of the population, it's gonna be a real short fight.

I was thinking the same thing.
He keeps pushing,there will come a time he'd wished he hadn't.
Martin was no thug.

He was a kid that just turned 17, walking home in the rain after legally purchasing a drink and a snack.

Nothing he did that night would have drew the attention of law enforcement.

Zimmerman murdered him.

He should be in jail.
Wrong. Trayvon was a young thug...on his way to prison or an early death at the hands of a competing drug dealer.

You weren't there. Zimmerman was. Zimmerman said he was acting suspiciously. I believe what Zimmerman said about Trayvon appearing to be casing the houses and showing no signs of walking directly to his destination.

I believe Trayvon either hid somewhere near Zimmerman's truck or circled back to confront Zimmerman and beat him badly with fist and pavement.

The judge disallowed Trayvon's phone texts and Facebook messages (both to him and about him) to be introduced as evidence of his punk ass lifestyle and his pot growing skills...and that he was looking to buy a gun.

Trayvon was a thug.

I'm sorry that his parents lost a child, but not sorry that a thug has been removed from society.

The judge disallowed Trayvon's phone texts

had zimmerman lost

this would have been considered a serious error by the judge

i dont know if she out of the water yet because of her ruling

on one hand she considered the phone "authenticated" when the state used it

and was able to pick parts of it

but then all of a sudden the phone was not "authenticated" when the defense wanted to

pick parts from it

the last thing I heard on the phone records/900 page transcript that wasn't turned over until June.

they/Prosecution turned the cd over but there were codes required to unlock the file. So there may be 'nothing' with that.

I presume the Martins made the rounds yesterday--every time I turned on the TV there they were. Not much to say--as far as I am concerned.

I have become increasingly aware of a particular 'language'--'There was a disconnect (between the jurors, B37 in particular, and the victim)'---not something I wish to debate.

What would be said about my family if we were center stage? None of us would be able to be coherent enough to appear on every talk show for what--almost 2 years?

My worst nightmare--the scrutiny of the nation and the world.

The Eric Holder Department of Justice has set up a tip-line where concerned citizens can email in their own personal racist interactions with George Zimmerman in hopes of building a case against him for civil rights violations.

Good. I'm still waiting on the Obama Administration to set up a tip-line for whistle-blowers on the IRS abuses, the NSA spying on every single American, and anyone who knows witnesses or survivors from the attacks at Benghazi Libya.

I think they'll have a problem building a case with real evidence.

Zimmerman’s high school prom date- black.

Zimmerman’s business partner- black.

Zimmerman’s wife’s best friend- black.

Kids Zimmerman tutors after school for free- black.

Neighbor Zimmerman invited to stay at his house as long as she needed after being rattled by a break in to her house, black.

Homeless man killed that Zimmerman fought for justice for- black.

Fifty-one percent of the neighborhood where Zimmerman rents a house- black/brown.

Read more: Holder's DOJ Sets Up Email Account For Zimmerman Tips | NewsBusters


George Zimmerman: DOJ solicits help from civil rights leaders in Zimmerman investigation - Orlando Sentinel

DOJ Sets Up Zimmerman Snitch Hotline | Jammie Wearing Fools

Holder's DOJ Sets Up Email Account For Zimmerman Tips | NewsBusters

the feds could always use the

"maybe" that is just a cover

to hide his racism

Some of my best white friends are racist. SO WHAT does that prove?

You hang around with trash and show poor judgement? Why am I not surprised.
Something I missed in all of the race hate, race bait, race fate BS going down all over the TV, net and radio.....

A common argument has been forwarded and is now being parroted by many lawmakers ( of color btw ) that if the roles were reversed and trayvon was the Neighborhood watchman who followed Zimmerman and subsequently shot him....Trayvon would have been arrested......and that of course would have been another proof of racism and would have been wrong!


Let's think about this for a minute shall we? Given the same set of info and fact about the case the black community is using the reverse scenario to demonstrate how law enforcement would have been wrong to arrest Trayvon should he have been the shooter and that his arrest would have been due skin color and not to what he did in self defense to kill Zimmerman.

Do you see it? At first I didn't either.....but look again at what is being said.

In retrospect you will see that the people who are using the reverse scenario argument are actually saying that no arrestable crime was committed and that the ONLY REASON ZIMMY was not arrested was because he was white ( Which he is not but he's white enough to make a proper target ) and that the only reason Trayvon would have been arrested is because he was Black...not because he committed a crime.

Maybe they should rephrase?'


Anyone need a good laugh? Watch Hannity tonight. God, the new scenarios just keep on coming. We had one guest(forgot his name,the Congressman who wore the hoody) who made up his own versions of how Zimmerman broke his nose. UnF^%$##Ing Believable! He may as well said that George Zimmerman was attacked by a Dodo Bird that took a bite out of his nose and pecked his bald head.
Another guest made up his own version of what happened that night. Is this going to go on for weeks? And remember when it all started, and every Black Rep/or Leader immediately told the media that Zimmerman stalked Trayvon and when he found out he was black, just shot him? This is nuts, and whoops, then they found out he was Hispanic, Oh Noooo! We Thought He was White !!!!!!

Only two possible explanations for those two guests. Whether they're both the same is anyone's guess.

1. Know their new versions are outright lies and don't give a shit because they know the millions of low information black voters (and others) will believe anything coming from them as the gospel truth.

2. Not lying in their minds because it's what they've "heard" and, apparently, they trust the source is correct, and believe it's their duty to pass it on to the low information voter folks, black or other.

As to their assertions of things supposed to have been said or covered in the trial that actually weren't, again either outright lies or acute gullibility.

Bottom line to anyone who followed the trial closely is these are just two of the many who are now spreading various lies and whatnot that the lawbreakers on the streets believe.

No Justice, No Peace!!!
If you really think the guy isn't a racist, what are you worried about?

Why would I worry if a guy in Florida is a racist. What's he gonna do? Call me a cracker? Hell, this place is crawling with black racists. You being one of them. Maybe they need a tip line about YOU!

I'll take 500 Trayvons over ONE of you or Stephanie or katzen or any of the other racist and ignorant scum bags here.

Well thats close to how many TMs you'd need to equal one Steph or Katz or any other conservative.
So I can see why you'd want at least 500. But you might want to up it to a 1000 just to be safe.
Ah the classic JoeBlam pulling shit out of his ass. Lets review
1- I've never called you homophobic, and couldn't care less what disgusts you
2- I've not made on post expressing opinion on abortion
3- I've certainly not insulted vets, as I am one

You however were busted lying about your miliary creds, I saw it. There is nothing wrong with vets, but certainly ones like you who are compulsive liars and who's ego is so fragile they need to manufacture a past deserve to be called on it.

you're a useless boy living a useless life....demeaning those of us who have lived a superior life doesn't make you any less useless. So how much is bus fare back to where you're from?
I'm not demeaning "us' I'm demeaning you and exactly you. The angry compulsive liar who pops into threads with nothing but bullshit. I see what you are, bitter old guy.

:lol: Same ol deal....wait until I leave and go for "last word" like a gum chewing valley grrrrrl. Odd you won't link to what "you saw" because anybody who "saw" the little dustup I had with "Jake Starkey" knows what happened. He claimed he was my trainer at Nha Trang yet he didn't know who did the RECONDO training (5th SFG) and claimed that the school "closed in '67. It was finally closed in '71. He then repeatedy claimed victory and quickly signed off between feeble insults and has stayed clear of me since.

Incidentally, there is another poster here by the name of "shintao" who is a notorious fake claiming Viet service, to the point of creating a web-site about himself complete with a photoshopped composite of ribbons and medals. It is so poorly done you'd think he had a hand in creating the Obama birth certificate. His tales got so bogus I started hounding him on the site he haunts. Finally, I sent the local VFW chapter after him on 3 occasions....he would not answer the door. He consequently got me banned for "stalking" him, tried to post here when that site was down, saw I was here, and fled.

This will be my last word on the matter; I've given weaklings like you and that cretin enough attention.

Anyone need a good laugh? Watch Hannity tonight. God, the new scenarios just keep on coming. We had one guest(forgot his name,the Congressman who wore the hoody) who made up his own versions of how Zimmerman broke his nose. UnF^%$##Ing Believable! He may as well said that George Zimmerman was attacked by a Dodo Bird that took a bite out of his nose and pecked his bald head.
Another guest made up his own version of what happened that night. Is this going to go on for weeks? And remember when it all started, and every Black Rep/or Leader immediately told the media that Zimmerman stalked Trayvon and when he found out he was black, just shot him? This is nuts, and whoops, then they found out he was Hispanic, Oh Noooo! We Thought He was White !!!!!!

I watched that interview....Bobby Rush is a representative. I couldn't believe it...he was almost incoherent and made absolutely NO sense in what he was was hard to follow what he was saying! What a dope.....he almost acted like he was drunk or high!

Anyone need a good laugh? Watch Hannity tonight. God, the new scenarios just keep on coming. We had one guest(forgot his name,the Congressman who wore the hoody) who made up his own versions of how Zimmerman broke his nose. UnF^%$##Ing Believable! He may as well said that George Zimmerman was attacked by a Dodo Bird that took a bite out of his nose and pecked his bald head.
Another guest made up his own version of what happened that night. Is this going to go on for weeks? And remember when it all started, and every Black Rep/or Leader immediately told the media that Zimmerman stalked Trayvon and when he found out he was black, just shot him? This is nuts, and whoops, then they found out he was Hispanic, Oh Noooo! We Thought He was White !!!!!!

I watched that interview....Bobby Rush is a representative. I couldn't believe it...he was almost incoherent and made absolutely NO sense in what he was was hard to follow what he was saying! What a dope.....he almost acted like he was drunk or high!

He's always been a bad egg but I think part of the way he looked and acted is due to something medical, stroke or whatever.
I get the point.

Until the FL legislature reconvenes and elects to consider the issues no amount of 'pressure' on the citizens at large is going to be significant.

FL Gov Scott declined to call a special session. 'Simmer down'.

Isn't the entire NE and parts of the midwest baking in sweltering heat? Who can have the strength for this right now.

Fall--lawmakers return--they can twitter with their constituents in the mean time.

I will not boycott the state of FL. fwiw. rather unusual that some have chosen that as a disciplinary response.
the state testified for him

I wouldn't have hid behind the 5th Amendment---- unless I knew I was in the wrong.

Zimmerman didn't have to take the 5th Amendment.

wow--threads are going 'off the tracks' in every direction.

Passed 2 polygraphs and <I am not going to type the lengthy list which supports GZ's veracity> inclined to believe that if your mind is made up--'Zimmerman lied'--nothing will change that.
Here's the interview, Ape-man:

Here's the interview:

MORGAN: You felt that there was no doubt in your mind from what Trayvon was telling you on the phone about the creepy ass cracka and so on, that he absolutely believed that George Zimmerman, this man, you didn’t know who he was at the time, but this man, was pursuing him?
MORGAN: And he was freaked out by it?
JEANTEL: Yes. Definitely after I say may be a rapist, for every boy, for every man, every — who’s not that kind of way, seeing a grown man following them, would they be creep out?
“And people need to understand, he didn’t want that creepy ass cracker going to his father or girlfriend’s house to go get — mind you, his little brother was there. You know — now, mind you, I told you — I told Trayvon it might have been a rapist.”
Anything you don't understand about Jeantel withholding from the jury that she "told Trayvon it might have been a rapist." to her interviewer after the trial was over? She contradicted the whole bit about Trayvon being the voice crying for help. She lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lied. Some call that perjury. The wrong person was on trial. Her suggestion caused mega trouble against a Neighborhood Watch person whose only wrong (if it could be called that) was looking out for the neighborhood that had been hit over and over by burglar break-ins.

Why is it you want to blame Jantell, Trayvon or anyone else except the GUY WHO ACTUALLY SHOT THE KID!!!
American law holds blameless the man who kills another in self defense. The question is, my friend, why are you holding George Zimmerman's feet to the fire for self-defense? The jury didn't.
The networks, including FOX, are hustling YOU just like the race pimps are hustling blacks and libs.

Turn the shit off. I stopped watching the news the day of the verdict for just that reason. You can't bitch about it if you're going to sit there and willfully watch it.

And Hannity right now is just as bad as Sharpton

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