George Zimmerman

Why is it you want to blame Jantell, Trayvon or anyone else except the GUY WHO ACTUALLY SHOT THE KID!!!

On the other hand, why is it you want to blame the guy who defended himself and not the guy that attacked and attempted to murder someone?

Not that I'm expecting a rational answer...
There is no criminal civil rights violation possible in a civilian on civilian crime.
Sure there is, that is where fed hate crimes fall. They are investigated and charged by the U.S. Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division.

I'm not saying ZImmerman should be, just sayin' that is exactly what the feds are mulling over.

Your comment does prove one thing, you watch MSNBC.
Your comment proves you easily jump to poor conclusions. I don't watch MSNBC.
OK....ummm......this shit is getting seriously out of hand. These fascists are TRYING to incite a pushback. Im 52 years old........seeing things I never thought Id see happen in the country. This is tyranny shit folks.......meant to enrage a whole segment of the population

Justice Department places 'hold' on Trayvon Martin trial evidence, including George Zimmerman's gun - which Florida law says must be returned to him | Mail Online

Anybody ok with this .........doesn't get it.

I hear an echo!

4th Amendment .. 4th Amendment .. 4th Amendment .. 4th Amendment .. 4th Amendment

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.[1]

Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Those idiots are trying to make him richer than Bill Gates~! He is a free man. No charges against him. The gun is his, there is no reason he can't have it. This is an illegal seizure.


Very astute on.

This DOJ doesn't give a rats ass about the Constitution. Moreover, it habitually pulls provocative stunts to make that a plain fact. More troubling Sunshine is nobody who represents us is saying or doing anything. Remember how Kucinich used to bring articles of impeachment against Bush every other week in the early 2000's? Not one person in Congress has the balls to do it, even if it is only symbolically. You have to ask yourself.......why is that?

I hope these fuckers keep pushing the envelope.......shit is going to come to a head anyway, might as well be now. They are itching to implement martial law......the test run was in Boston back in April.
Why is it you want to blame Jantell, Trayvon or anyone else except the GUY WHO ACTUALLY SHOT THE KID!!!

On the other hand, why is it you want to blame the guy who defended himself and not the guy that attacked and attempted to murder someone?

Not that I'm expecting a rational answer...

Defended himself in a fight his actions caused?

He profiled Martin
He stalked Martin
He chased Martin
He cornered Martin
And when Martin defended himself against a guy who might well have been a rapist and was making a good showing for himself, he got shot.
She did have her mind made up from the beginning, but the other jurors convinced her she was wrong.

How did she define " the beginning" ? She could have meant after opening statements were made. I know this is gonna hurt Sarah's " tainted jury" mantra but it's possible.

She could have meant from the beginning of deliberations too. Her statement wasn't clear.

Right. Her fellow jurors have distanced themselves from her. They don't want to be associated with any of her comments. That should tell some of you something like maybe you could look at other sides of the issue? Oops, forgot who I am talking to for a moment.

Misspellings, Ernie? That didn't hurt me a bit, I do have them occasionally. So do you only some of us aren't ready to use that argument for anything. You do though.

Not certain what psycho sunshine is babbling about but it's likely one of her compulsive lies. Just like to keep things in perspective for those of you who haven't been the victim of her obsessions.

She follows me around like a love sick moose. Scary. :cuckoo:

That would be the George who never testified on the stand because he didn't want to be caught in more lies?

the state testified for him

That's fine and all.

But if I killed a kid in self-defense, and felt I had no other choice, I would have gotten up on the stand and told my side of the story.

I wouldn't have hid behind the 5th Amendment---- unless I knew I was in the wrong.
Not certain what psycho sunshine is babbling about but it's likely one of her compulsive lies. Just like to keep things in perspective for those of you who haven't been the victim of her obsessions.

She follows me around like a love sick moose. Scary. :cuckoo:

perhaps.......but sweetie........let me tell you something. Your level of naïve is matched on this forum only by that boardmember named Chris. I think the avatar is quite ironic by the way.......:coffee:
Yeah, once the Hispanic gangs get in on it. A REAL short fight.

You work on the assumption that most white folks or Hispanics really want to associate with your side.

oh boy, their side...
but they do with YOUR side I suppose?

You mean the side that won the last two elections, yeah.

And of course, since most of your side are rubes voting their fears, while the Plutocrats laugh all the way to the bank.

That would be the George who never testified on the stand because he didn't want to be caught in more lies?

the state testified for him

That's fine and all.

But if I killed a kid in self-defense, and felt I had no other choice, I would have gotten up on the stand and told my side of the story.

I wouldn't have hid behind the 5th Amendment---- unless I knew I was in the wrong.

shit're going to decimate records on this message board!!! Over 1,000 posts in a single month!!:eek::eek::wtf:

Do you take your laptop to the shitter with you?:up:


That would be the George who never testified on the stand because he didn't want to be caught in more lies?

the state testified for him

That's fine and all.

But if I killed a kid in self-defense, and felt I had no other choice, I would have gotten up on the stand and told my side of the story.

I wouldn't have hid behind the 5th Amendment---- unless I knew I was in the wrong.

there was no need to

Have you ever been confronted by one of these little assholes that think they're so bad that the only reason they aren't pushing up Daisies and you're not doing time is because you didn't have a gun? I have. The only reason that didn't happen is that I didn't give the punk a chance to throw the first punch. Then again I don't believe Zimmerman expected that to happen to him.

The reason so many blacks get shot is because of their big mouths.

Also, *LOL*, when did it become acceptable to attack Gays simply because you fear being raped?

What are you, some kind of red-necked Homophobe?

I think it's a matter of how valid the fear of rape was. Doesn't matter, gay or straight. A guy chases you on a vehicle and THEN on foot. Yeah, that's a valid fear.


If you couldn't exaggerate you wouldn't have anything to say.

How is that an exaggeration?

Zimmerman did follow him in a car.
He did follow him on foot.
He did start running after him when the kid tried to run away.
At no time did he identify himself as "Community Watch".
the state testified for him

That's fine and all.

But if I killed a kid in self-defense, and felt I had no other choice, I would have gotten up on the stand and told my side of the story.

I wouldn't have hid behind the 5th Amendment---- unless I knew I was in the wrong.

there was no need to

Well, yeah, if you are in front of an all-white jury of people as stupid as B37, probably not.

Hey, I heard that the jury that acquitted the Klansmen who lynched Emmet Till were acquitted, too.

The only thing that's changed is they don't wear sheets anymore.

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