George Zimmerman

and it was tainted, how?

With a juror who had her mind made up from the beginning. She obviously lied to get on the jury, they did ask her questions about whether she already had an opinion. Remember the knock knock joke by one of the biggest jokes in the courtroom?

Don't attempt to retry the case, there is nothing anyone can do but they can make his life miserable. Sort of like OJ. Zimmerman won't get a moment's peace.

Provide evidence of this claim. Or admit it is just you throwing a tantrum cause you didn't get what you wanted.

She's been on tv saying stuff like this all week.
OK....ummm......this shit is getting seriously out of hand. These fascists are TRYING to incite a pushback. Im 52 years old........seeing things I never thought Id see happen in the country. This is tyranny shit folks.......meant to enrage a whole segment of the population

Justice Department places 'hold' on Trayvon Martin trial evidence, including George Zimmerman's gun - which Florida law says must be returned to him | Mail Online

Anybody ok with this .........doesn't get it.

I'm fine with it, I don't want him murdering any other teens.

What you mean is you don't want him to be able to protect himself from thugs.
OK....ummm......this shit is getting seriously out of hand. These fascists are TRYING to incite a pushback. Im 52 years old........seeing things I never thought Id see happen in the country. This is tyranny shit folks.......meant to enrage a whole segment of the population

Justice Department places 'hold' on Trayvon Martin trial evidence, including George Zimmerman's gun - which Florida law says must be returned to him | Mail Online

Anybody ok with this .........doesn't get it.

I'm fine with it, I don't want him murdering any other teens.

He would have to murder one first. Then you "murder any other teens"

Glad I could straighten that out
They aren't taking his gun, the feds put a hold on all the evidence from the trial until they finish their civil rights investigation. That is what happens in criminal investigations, you hold onto evidence.

If they don't pursue the charges he'll get the gun back. Meanwhile he is free to go buy 10 more if he wants.

Yup. But hey, let them stir shit up.
These people.......these people are thugs and the country needs to wake are indeed correct dude. This is a spit in the eye to all people who don't embrace the progressive view.......right in the eye, "FUCK YOU!!!"

Once you overcome the horror of it then the rest of it becomes easier to deal with. The fact that you're going to die for your convictions and the fact that you were born to live in this time to fight these bastards anyway you can. Death no longer scares me. The people who fight this tyranny will be remembered.

dude.......when the SHTF, Im calling you my friend!!! Im done with these fucking hate America assholes.......and I know there are millions just like us!!!!

Count me in.
I'm fine with it, I don't want him murdering any other teens.

No, you don't want lying idiots like yourself to have any fear of attacking him now that he's been found INNOCENT....ya got that? INNOCENT....NOT GUILTY.....

Well what we are learning now is the jury was obviously tainted.

Obvious sheep is obvious
OK....ummm......this shit is getting seriously out of hand. These fascists are TRYING to incite a pushback. Im 52 years old........seeing things I never thought Id see happen in the country. This is tyranny shit folks.......meant to enrage a whole segment of the population

Justice Department places 'hold' on Trayvon Martin trial evidence, including George Zimmerman's gun - which Florida law says must be returned to him | Mail Online

Anybody ok with this .........doesn't get it.

I'm fine with it, I don't want him murdering any other teens.

Don't be silly--he can buy another

It would be interesting to see if he can. I'm betting DOJ has blackballed him in the FBI check.
Has the DOJ put a hold on Zimmerman's NICS records?

Is he no longer able to purchase a new firearm?

Nope. So calm down the feigned outrage. He will get his toy back.
OK....ummm......this shit is getting seriously out of hand. These fascists are TRYING to incite a pushback. Im 52 years old........seeing things I never thought Id see happen in the country. This is tyranny shit folks.......meant to enrage a whole segment of the population

Justice Department places 'hold' on Trayvon Martin trial evidence, including George Zimmerman's gun - which Florida law says must be returned to him | Mail Online

Anybody ok with this .........doesn't get it.

I'm fine with it, I don't want him murdering any other teens.

What you mean is you don't want him to be able to protect himself from thugs.

The liberals, liars, fascists, and sheep want him to be murdered.

It is a shame how people are acting over this. And people that I thought had a little class or at least was civilized. I was wrong...again.
I'm fine with it, I don't want him murdering any other teens.

No, you don't want lying idiots like yourself to have any fear of attacking him now that he's been found INNOCENT....ya got that? INNOCENT....NOT GUILTY.....

Well what we are learning now is the jury was obviously tainted.

The only thing tainted is what passes for "thought" in that hat rack on your shoulders.
Has the DOJ put a hold on Zimmerman's NICS records?

Is he no longer able to purchase a new firearm?

Nope. So calm down the feigned outrage. He will get his toy back.

He was found to be NOT guilty. He has a right to have a gun. And I am sick of obama, his ilk and his sheep shredding the finest document ever written by man
OK....ummm......this shit is getting seriously out of hand. These fascists are TRYING to incite a pushback. Im 52 years old........seeing things I never thought Id see happen in the country. This is tyranny shit folks.......meant to enrage a whole segment of the population

Justice Department places 'hold' on Trayvon Martin trial evidence, including George Zimmerman's gun - which Florida law says must be returned to him | Mail Online

Anybody ok with this .........doesn't get it.

Maybe we should just shoot em.

Why do you righty guys say shit like this?
Has the DOJ put a hold on Zimmerman's NICS records?

Is he no longer able to purchase a new firearm?

Nope. So calm down the feigned outrage. He will get his toy back.

He was found to be NOT guilty. He has a right to have a gun. And I am sick of obama, his ilk and his sheep shredding the finest document ever written by man

OMG! Obama is shredding my divorce decree????!!!!
Once you overcome the horror of it then the rest of it becomes easier to deal with. The fact that you're going to die for your convictions and the fact that you were born to live in this time to fight these bastards anyway you can. Death no longer scares me. The people who fight this tyranny will be remembered.

dude.......when the SHTF, Im calling you my friend!!! Im done with these fucking hate America assholes.......and I know there are millions just like us!!!!

There are plenty out there. I love America but hate my government and I'm perfectly willing and truly expect that I'll die for it. I believe that is why I was put on this planet. Just my opinion.

People always ask why I'm so upset. I don't say a word. They don't understand. I was born in different world. Wasn't perfect, but it wasn't a police state either.

I hear ya. Hell,I'm only 48 and what I've seen happen to America in the last twenty years scares the crap out of me. And it's only getting worse.
When obama got elected the first time I was somewhat surprised and figured...all right lets give the guy a chance.
When he was elected the second time I knew we were in trouble.
The guy is a disaster and the fact that over half of Americans actually thought it a good idea to put him in office again......???
Yeah..some shits going to have to change.
OK....ummm......this shit is getting seriously out of hand. These fascists are TRYING to incite a pushback. Im 52 years old........seeing things I never thought Id see happen in the country. This is tyranny shit folks.......meant to enrage a whole segment of the population

Justice Department places 'hold' on Trayvon Martin trial evidence, including George Zimmerman's gun - which Florida law says must be returned to him | Mail Online

Anybody ok with this .........doesn't get it.

Maybe we should just shoot em.

Why do you righty guys say shit like this?

I think they listened to liberals talk about Cheney.
dude.......when the SHTF, Im calling you my friend!!! Im done with these fucking hate America assholes.......and I know there are millions just like us!!!!

There are plenty out there. I love America but hate my government and I'm perfectly willing and truly expect that I'll die for it. I believe that is why I was put on this planet. Just my opinion.

People always ask why I'm so upset. I don't say a word. They don't understand. I was born in different world. Wasn't perfect, but it wasn't a police state either.

I hear ya. Hell,I'm only 48 and what I've seen happen to America in the last twenty years scares the crap out of me. And it's only getting worse.
When obama got elected the first time I was somewhat surprised and figured...all right lets give the guy a chance.
When he was elected the second time I knew we were in trouble.
The guy is a disaster and the fact that over half of Americans actually thought it a good idea to put him in office again......???
Yeah..some shits going to have to change.

nothing will change without a leader.

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