George Zimmerman

this is scarier than just being about racism from the administration. This is a pattern this administration has followed since day one. Don't you all remember the websites that have been set up to report on your neighbors, on Romney, Attack Watch website, Fight the Smears- so-called 'corruption' tip lines, misinformation tip lines, Obamacare snitch lines, etc., etc.?
I did. He didn't say anything about Martin filiming it, and frankly, Zimmerman would have known that was lie, since Martin wasn't holding a camera when he blew a hole in him.
Trayvon Martin was going to kill him. He'd just gotten off the phone with Jeantel who told him the guy who had questioned him was a white gay male who was looking to rape a black kid. She told that not to the jury, she told that to her first interviewer after the trial for the big bucks.

IOW, what the jury and nation heard from her was a series of careful avoidance of facing what actually happened. She motivated Trayvon to go back and kill the "rapist" to prevent his younger brother of being the victim of a "creepy-ass cracka!" Her jive talk motivated Trayvon to stalk and try to kill the guy who was just going back to his car to either move on or call the police to report the young man had moved on. Trayvon did attack him before he got back to his car and likely it's true he told Zimmerman he was going to kill him and did use near lethal force to beat him to a pulp.

I'm glad Jeantel did the interview. Now America knows for a certainty that Zimmerman was the victim not only of Trayvon, but also of Jeantel, the alleged witness who actually motivated Trayvon's decision to stalk, surprise, and kill Zimmerman if he could for the purpose of getting rid of a "Creepy Ass Cracka"--IOW a white gay man stalking unwitting young blacks as a sexual predator-type pedophile.

What ensued was a life-threatening attack that was met with a gunshot wound of Zimmerman's assailant who in fact had motivation and opportunity to kill another man, and in fact, did say to Zimmerman that he was going to kill him, just as Zimmerman truthfully testified.

Laws of mercy, what you learn after a trial is over. Trayvon Martin's parents should go after the cause of this travesty--the phone prompting of Martin to kill a pedophile, who was actually a Neighborhood Watch captain doing his job to keep that neighborhood safe from burglars.
this is scarier than just being about racism from the administration. This is a pattern this administration has followed since day one. Don't you all remember the websites that have been set up to report on your neighbors, on Romney, Attack Watch website, Fight the Smears- so-called 'corruption' tip lines, misinformation tip lines, Obamacare snitch lines, etc., etc.?

I agree. This bothers and scares me on so many levels.
this is scarier than just being about racism from the administration. This is a pattern this administration has followed since day one. Don't you all remember the websites that have been set up to report on your neighbors, on Romney, Attack Watch website, Fight the Smears- so-called 'corruption' tip lines, misinformation tip lines, Obamacare snitch lines, etc., etc.?

yep, he even has federal employees keeping a eye out for people( whistleblowers)who might expose wrongdoing by the government and are told to report them before they can do it

this administration is damn scary and I for one can't wait until they are gone
A desperate action after a poor move by a president who should have kept his mouth shut in the first place.
"DoJ Sets Up George Zimmerman Tip-line To Help Build Civil Rights Case"

This would be a political ploy to please his base, the NAACP, and others, who are calling for more blood. He knows he hasn't a chance to file charges, but needs to "pretend" until his base cools off. JMO.
Call the police.

Stay in his car.

Don't go chasing the guy with a gun.

All the stuff that his Community Watch guide told him to do.

And that is what he the police.

The question is about racial profiling. Assholes like you that want to make something out of nothing are claiming that he called 911 because he racially profiled the guy...

SO I again ask.....

A 6 foot individual is seen by the night watchman walking in the rain in a closed community. The night watchman does not recognize him as a resident and, besides, he has reason to wonder why a "resident" of a closed community is walking in the rain in the community.

His job is to call the police when he sees something unusual.

That being said, how does one deduce that he found the person suspicious because he racially profiled him?

Strictly because the individual was black?

Does that mean a white night watchman can NEVER assume an unrecognized individual in a closed community who is black is suspicious?

If a six foot white kid was walking through that neighborhood, Zimmerman would have never called the cops.
Yes he would have. 35 of Zimmerman's friends testified to the police that Zimmerman was not prejudiced and had never, never used language of any kind to anyone based on race. That's likely because Zimmerman was a multicultural individual whose great-grandfather was black.

Zimmerman's family tree:


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"DoJ Sets Up George Zimmerman Tip-line To Help Build Civil Rights Case"

This would be a political ploy to please his base, the NAACP, and others, who are calling for more blood. He knows he hasn't a chance to file charges, but needs to "pretend" until his base cools off. JMO.



The Eric Holder Department of Justice has set up a tip-line where concerned citizens can email in their own personal racist interactions with George Zimmerman in hopes of building a case against him for civil rights violations.
They were calling on us to actively refer anyone who had any information,” that might build a case against Zimmerman for either a civil rights violation or a hate crime, Arnwine said. “They said they would very aggressively investigate this case.”

Arnwine said the call was convened at about 3:30 p.m. by Tom Perez, Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division of the United States Department of Justice, and included representatives from the FBI, and several federal prosecutors, she said. DOJ officials also said they would open a public email address so people could send in tips on the case.

That email address, which is now in operation, is [email protected].

Good. I'm still waiting on the Obama Administration to set up a tip-line for whistle-blowers on the IRS abuses, the NSA spying on every single American, and anyone who knows witnesses or survivors from the attacks at Benghazi Libya.

I think they'll have a problem building a case with real evidence.

Zimmerman’s high school prom date- black.

Zimmerman’s business partner- black.

Zimmerman’s wife’s best friend- black.

Kids Zimmerman tutors after school for free- black.

Neighbor Zimmerman invited to stay at his house as long as she needed after being rattled by a break in to her house, black.

Homeless man killed that Zimmerman fought for justice for- black.

Fifty-one percent of the neighborhood where Zimmerman rents a house- black/brown.

Read more: Holder's DOJ Sets Up Email Account For Zimmerman Tips | NewsBusters


George Zimmerman: DOJ solicits help from civil rights leaders in Zimmerman investigation - Orlando Sentinel

DOJ Sets Up Zimmerman Snitch Hotline | Jammie Wearing Fools

Holder's DOJ Sets Up Email Account For Zimmerman Tips | NewsBusters

It sad that the feds did not put this much effort into Casey Anthony. And now you have the AG openly discussing CCW and stand your ground laws. This is exactly what the guy who did our CCW said would happen. If thees laws are repealed in Florida will it still be important that Zimerman kissed black babies and all that ?
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Watching the black "trayvon march" in Los Angeles, the march for peacers attacked a black man waiting for a bus and beat him into unconsciousness. The paramedics came and took the body away. Then they went on to attack others. The marchers attacked black owned and staffed stores to vandalize and steal what they could. They stopped cars in all black neighborhoods, driven by black people to smash windows, jump on them to cause damage. One woman driver with a dozen protesters on her car simply floored the gas and took off with bodies flying everywhere.

This is what they do in protest. Where do they learn that this is appropriate? They learn it from Holder, Sharpton, or from their parents.
don't go by me--ever.

I have 'issues'--lots of issues.

How I interpreted Rachel Jeantel--that is how they talked to each other.

It has been said often enough that the black community does not approve of homosexuals. I think someone said Trayvon was Baptist--I forget.

How he might have responded--again don't go by me--an impulsive decision.

'One dark and stormy night...'

Interesting that John Guy, prosecutor, hasn't been interviewed.

How can we have closure unless we also hear from him?

it has been said that only 26% of the population followed this case.
Watching the black "trayvon march" in Los Angeles, the march for peacers attacked a black man waiting for a bus and beat him into unconsciousness. The paramedics came and took the body away. Then they went on to attack others. The marchers attacked black owned and staffed stores to vandalize and steal what they could. They stopped cars in all black neighborhoods, driven by black people to smash windows, jump on them to cause damage. One woman driver with a dozen protesters on her car simply floored the gas and took off with bodies flying everywhere.

This is what they do in protest. Where do they learn that this is appropriate? They learn it from Holder, Sharpton, or from their parents.

What's scary is with the Fed attention it's escalating not calming down. So where's the end game here?

All this on the back of this single incident.
It is obviously important to the obama regime to incite riots across the country. They can use it to scream injustice, because neither obama nor holder represent the nation, but only black people.

If they want a fight, blacks are between 10 and 13% of the population, it's gonna be a real short fight.
Watching the black "trayvon march" in Los Angeles, the march for peacers attacked a black man waiting for a bus and beat him into unconsciousness. The paramedics came and took the body away. Then they went on to attack others. The marchers attacked black owned and staffed stores to vandalize and steal what they could. They stopped cars in all black neighborhoods, driven by black people to smash windows, jump on them to cause damage. One woman driver with a dozen protesters on her car simply floored the gas and took off with bodies flying everywhere.

This is what they do in protest. Where do they learn that this is appropriate? They learn it from Holder, Sharpton, or from their parents.

Wish I had video of the lady plowing protesters. That would just be capital.
“In my mind, I believe Trayvon,” Jeantel said. “It was Trayvon because like I say, it was the headset. I know Trayvon. That headset [is] always over by his chest area. And I was on the phone. Why would Trayvon leave me on the phone if he wanted to start something? That’s a black — well, not a black situation, any teen situation — ‘I’m gonna call you back.’ Trayvon had not said nothing to me. The only things, ‘OK, I’m at the back. I’m almost at my daddy’s fiancée house. Wow.”

Jeantel: I believe Trayvon hit first [VIDEO] | The Daily Caller

Do you mean Trayvon WAS hit first?

Travon didn't say he was going after Z. He left Jeantel on the phone. She is saying that he didn't go after GZ, that he was running to his house and cam e upon GZ and probably said, WHOA!

Your ignorance of the facts in the case is the surpriose of absolutely no one.
If George Zimmerman hadn't killed the thug, Martin would be in jail for either murder, attempted murder, or at least felonious assault.

And, surely at 17, Trayvon Martin would be magically turned into an adult and tried as an adult.
I think Holder is flirting with this for the angry mob and he won't bring charges, but I've got to tell you, I'd love to see Stamina march the FBI up to the stand to testify against civil rights charges.

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