Georgia 6th race takes tense turn after Scalise shooting


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
The race for Georgia’s 6th Congressional District took a tense turn Thursday as police cordoned off Republican Karen Handel’s street after several suspicious packages containing white substances were found, police said.

Tensions spiked a day after a gunman who was said to be infuriated by President Donald Trump ambushed members of the Republican congressional baseball team in a Washington suburb, injuring U.S. Rep. Steve Scalise and three others.

Channel 2 Action News reported that the FBI had joined the investigation after at least five homes in Handel’s neighborhood received the suspicious packages. TV helicopters flying above her Roswell home showed authorities had descended on her leafy street.

In a statement released by her campaign, Handel said that “the packages contained threatening letters and a suspicious substance.”

“The police were quickly notified and street is now being blocked off,” she said. “We will continue to coordinate with law enforcement as necessary.”

One of Handel’s neighbors, Melissa De Feis Lentz, provided a copy of a letter that she received. It said “your neighbor Karen Handel is a dirty fascist” expletive, and to take a “whiff of the powder and join her in the hospital.”
Georgia 6th race takes tense turn after Scalise shooting

This is a bunch of nonsense. Stop the continuous non-stop protests over bullshit. Stop listening to the nitwit commentators. Stop dividing people.
The left has become increasingly violent over the last 6-8 months. It will escalate as they become even more radicalized and continue to lose power.
Well, we did just elected a foul mouthed piece of human waste who ran the most vitriolic and hate filled campaign in modern times. He raised the nastiness factor exponentially. So I'm not surprised that both sides in this race have been receiving threats.

"Democrat Jon Ossoff’s campaign reported Thursday that it had received several threats and had responded by hiring a security detail.

Ossoff campaign manager Keenan Pontoni said threats of violence had been received in recent days and had been discussed with police.

In a statement released by his campaign, Ossoff said: “These recent events speak to the need for a redoubled commitment to civility and unity. The overwhelming majority of Americans want decent and civil political dialogue, and candidates for office and elected leaders must continue to call for calm and unity, even when there are intense differences of opinion."
Well, we did just elected a foul mouthed piece of human waste who ran the most vitriolic and hate filled campaign in modern times. He raised the nastiness factor exponentially. So I'm not surprised that both sides in this race have been receiving threats.

"Democrat Jon Ossoff’s campaign reported Thursday that it had received several threats and had responded by hiring a security detail.

Ossoff campaign manager Keenan Pontoni said threats of violence had been received in recent days and had been discussed with police.

In a statement released by his campaign, Ossoff said: “These recent events speak to the need for a redoubled commitment to civility and unity. The overwhelming majority of Americans want decent and civil political dialogue, and candidates for office and elected leaders must continue to call for calm and unity, even when there are intense differences of opinion."

So, it's Trump's fault?


It's been going on much longer. It's a propaganda game that has been played for a very long time and by both political parties when it is convenient.

There has been a shift where a political party is now a part of someone's identity. We have people that are actually defending media conglomerates---like it's a life and death issue. We have college kids protesting that have no idea what they are protesting. In fact, they have been bombarded their entire lives with non-stop commercials, they have no recollection of what debate looks, they have no idea what real journalism looks like and they have spent the past 10 years listening to the never ending campaign for a team.

It's how propaganda works.
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The point isn't Hitler. It's the propaganda.
The left has become increasingly violent over the last 6-8 months. It will escalate as they become even more radicalized and continue to lose power.

At this point it does not look like the Democrats can lose much else.
This race shouldn't be nearly as close as it is.

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