Georgia City Councilman Resigns After Claiming Interracial Marriage Is Wrong

Yanno, I know there were parts in the OT where Jews and Gentiles weren't supposed to marry, but I've never heard of any passages where it is against interracial marriage.
There is a passage about Christians not marrying sinners
So, if someone wants to live in a segregated community and send their kids to segregated schools, that's OK? How about starting a college fund for poor white kids only?

I see no problem NAACP versus the NAAWP.

The NAAWP has existed for 243 years. It's more commonly called the US GOVERNMENT.

You should try living in the United States of America. EVERY politician has his lips firmly attached to some other race's ass... every race, but white.

Oh, puleeez! The orange whore and pigpence do it daily. They love those MAGA-hatted low-IQ bitch-boys more than anybody.

You like playing stereotypes, don't you? Did you research what I've posted on this board about Trump before trying to make that ill conceived connection?

Why would I waste my time? Your allegiance seems to be elsewhere than the U.S.A. and its people. It seems to be with white straight males who play identity politics, race cards, gender cards, and the rest of us Americans be damned. You rely on laws passed by a group of white men hundreds of years ago who first made sure that no others were included in the deliberative body that passed them. Pure identity politics. How many women and minorities deliberated, voted for, and signed the Constitution? Why did women of all backgrounds and non-white men have to fight to get to vote and participate in democracy?
I see no problem NAACP versus the NAAWP.

The NAAWP has existed for 243 years. It's more commonly called the US GOVERNMENT.

You should try living in the United States of America. EVERY politician has his lips firmly attached to some other race's ass... every race, but white.

Oh, puleeez! The orange whore and pigpence do it daily. They love those MAGA-hatted low-IQ bitch-boys more than anybody.

You like playing stereotypes, don't you? Did you research what I've posted on this board about Trump before trying to make that ill conceived connection?

Why would I waste my time? Your allegiance seems to be elsewhere than the U.S.A. and its people. It seems to be with white straight males who play identity politics, race cards, gender cards, and the rest of us Americans be damned. You rely on laws passed by a group of white men hundreds of years ago who first made sure that no others were included in the deliberative body that passed them. Pure identity politics. How many women and minorities deliberated, voted for, and signed the Constitution?
Old my somebody whining about people who use identity politics using identity politics to identify. those people. Yet you make falses statements doing it.
The NAAWP has existed for 243 years. It's more commonly called the US GOVERNMENT.

You should try living in the United States of America. EVERY politician has his lips firmly attached to some other race's ass... every race, but white.

Oh, puleeez! The orange whore and pigpence do it daily. They love those MAGA-hatted low-IQ bitch-boys more than anybody.

You like playing stereotypes, don't you? Did you research what I've posted on this board about Trump before trying to make that ill conceived connection?

Why would I waste my time? Your allegiance seems to be elsewhere than the U.S.A. and its people. It seems to be with white straight males who play identity politics, race cards, gender cards, and the rest of us Americans be damned. You rely on laws passed by a group of white men hundreds of years ago who first made sure that no others were included in the deliberative body that passed them. Pure identity politics. How many women and minorities deliberated, voted for, and signed the Constitution?
Old my somebody whining about people who use identity politics using identity politics to identify. those people. Yet you make falses statements doing it.

I do not attack white men in general. This would be attacking decent, upstanding, reasonable people whom I love and respect. I attack only those white men who play identity politics based on their ethnicity and gender to get what they want for themselves only and are quite content to throw the rest of us under the bus to do it. There are many great people who are white and male and stand up for all of us.
  • Thanks
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What We Have Here Is:
An OP With An Opportunity To Denigrate Perceived 'Bible Belt' Christians
Homosexuals Never Overlook That Opportunity

A Homosexual Trying To Piggy-Back
Onto Race Based Discrimination And Civil Rights
As Though They Are Both The Same As One Another
What We Have Here Is:
An OP With An Opportunity To Denigrate Perceived 'Bible Belt' Christians
Homosexuals Never Overlook That Opportunity

A Homosexual Trying To Piggy-Back
Onto Race Based Discrimination And Civil Rights
As Though They Are Both The Same As One Another

What we have here is a person, this councilman, who insists on trying to portray his personal prejudices as a part of the Christian faith, in an effort to prostitute and belittle the Christian faith. These "Bible Belt" so-called "Christians" do this a lot. Much of what they say is "Christian" is not. BTW: the OP himself is a heterosexual. He just happens to be a fair and reasonable heterosexual man.
I see no problem NAACP versus the NAAWP.

The NAAWP has existed for 243 years. It's more commonly called the US GOVERNMENT.

You should try living in the United States of America. EVERY politician has his lips firmly attached to some other race's ass... every race, but white.

Oh, puleeez! The orange whore and pigpence do it daily. They love those MAGA-hatted low-IQ bitch-boys more than anybody.

You like playing stereotypes, don't you? Did you research what I've posted on this board about Trump before trying to make that ill conceived connection?

Why would I waste my time? Your allegiance seems to be elsewhere than the U.S.A. and its people. It seems to be with white straight males who play identity politics, race cards, gender cards, and the rest of us Americans be damned. You rely on laws passed by a group of white men hundreds of years ago who first made sure that no others were included in the deliberative body that passed them. Pure identity politics. How many women and minorities deliberated, voted for, and signed the Constitution? Why did women of all backgrounds and non-white men have to fight to get to vote and participate in democracy?

Not one American in 10 million can tell you why America was founded. Let us be clear here. Let me repeat a few paragraphs from post # 80:

China is 91.5 percent Han Chinese; North Korea is 99.8 percent racially homogeneous ; Japan claims to be the most racially pure country in the world with 98 percent of its people being Japanese and Zimbabwe is over 97 percent black. We do not question those countries and their policies. So, why does it have to be so "controversial" in America?

America was founded by white Christians who believed America was the New Jerusalem and the job of the biblical Israelites was to be a "shining city on a hill." Check out this sermon, delivered in 1630 aboard a ship called the Arbella as it sailed toward the New World: Model of Christian Charity.pdf

Now, that is what I said in post # 80. You would be well advised to access that link above if you want a real answer to your question. IF you happen to access that link, the balance of my post will make sense to you. If not, you will continue to live in darkness. In Genesis 12: 3 God promised to Abraham and his descendants:

"and I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed."

If you are going to condemn the whites for the bad in your life, you have to face the facts regarding the status quo as a whole.

America was founded by white Christians and in the Preamble to the Constitution, the purpose was quite clear:

" secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity..."

Did you read that link? The colonists knew their identity. Why should you "waste your time?" Let me draw you an analogy:

America spends BILLIONS UPON BILLIONS of dollars every year propping up a sandpit in the Middle East on the false presupposition that it represents biblical Israel. We've given those people everything they have from tooth picks to intercontinental missiles. The world has NOT been blessed by being their rich benefactor. By contrast, under the white Christians rule, America became the greatest nation in the annals of history.

From America came the invention of electricity, the telegraph, telephone, the transistor (that ushered in the computer age); America conquered the skies with their airplanes and then the largest navy in recorded history. America dominates the world in science, inventions, literature, art, entertainment, sports, agriculture, and much more. We sent more missionaries into the world than all other nations combined and we've sent more soldiers to foreign nations to fight for the Liberty of other countries - AND we never asked for an acre of land for our sacrifices. We accomplished more in the first 250 years starting with the the Mayflower Compact than the Roman Empire accomplished in 1000 years.

When the rest of the world wants something, do they ask Russia, China, or some African country? Do they ask the Saudis? No sir. Those who want something ask the United States. Even the Israelis looked to Donald Trump for validation when moving their capital.

If you are standing on U.S. soil, you are living in the regathering spot for God's covenant people. America is the New Jerusalem and by our identifying features, it is no mistake who we really are. Every nation that looked upon us favorably was blessed; those that would rise up against us suffered defeat ... provided that we (as a nation) were in compliance with God's laws. The more we have shifted away from that position and rejected God, the worse things have gotten for us.

America was not founded as a Democracy nor are you guaranteed one. We were founded as a Republic and we are guaranteed that in the Constitution. Democracy is never mentioned in the Constitution. So, you can read this post, access that link and begin asking why you've had no problem with supporting the false Israelites, but now rail against the real ones once it has been brought to your attention.
The NAAWP has existed for 243 years. It's more commonly called the US GOVERNMENT.

You should try living in the United States of America. EVERY politician has his lips firmly attached to some other race's ass... every race, but white.

Oh, puleeez! The orange whore and pigpence do it daily. They love those MAGA-hatted low-IQ bitch-boys more than anybody.

You like playing stereotypes, don't you? Did you research what I've posted on this board about Trump before trying to make that ill conceived connection?

Why would I waste my time? Your allegiance seems to be elsewhere than the U.S.A. and its people. It seems to be with white straight males who play identity politics, race cards, gender cards, and the rest of us Americans be damned. You rely on laws passed by a group of white men hundreds of years ago who first made sure that no others were included in the deliberative body that passed them. Pure identity politics. How many women and minorities deliberated, voted for, and signed the Constitution? Why did women of all backgrounds and non-white men have to fight to get to vote and participate in democracy?

Not one American in 10 million can tell you why America was founded. Let us be clear here. Let me repeat a few paragraphs from post # 80:

China is 91.5 percent Han Chinese; North Korea is 99.8 percent racially homogeneous ; Japan claims to be the most racially pure country in the world with 98 percent of its people being Japanese and Zimbabwe is over 97 percent black. We do not question those countries and their policies. So, why does it have to be so "controversial" in America?

America was founded by white Christians who believed America was the New Jerusalem and the job of the biblical Israelites was to be a "shining city on a hill." Check out this sermon, delivered in 1630 aboard a ship called the Arbella as it sailed toward the New World: Model of Christian Charity.pdf

Now, that is what I said in post # 80. You would be well advised to access that link above if you want a real answer to your question. IF you happen to access that link, the balance of my post will make sense to you. If not, you will continue to live in darkness. In Genesis 12: 3 God promised to Abraham and his descendants:

"and I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed."

If you are going to condemn the whites for the bad in your life, you have to face the facts regarding the status quo as a whole.

America was founded by white Christians and in the Preamble to the Constitution, the purpose was quite clear:

" secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity..."

Did you read that link? The colonists knew their identity. Why should you "waste your time?" Let me draw you an analogy:

America spends BILLIONS UPON BILLIONS of dollars every year propping up a sandpit in the Middle East on the false presupposition that it represents biblical Israel. We've given those people everything they have from tooth picks to intercontinental missiles. The world has NOT been blessed by being their rich benefactor. By contrast, under the white Christians rule, America became the greatest nation in the annals of history.

From America came the invention of electricity, the telegraph, telephone, the transistor (that ushered in the computer age); America conquered the skies with their airplanes and then the largest navy in recorded history. America dominates the world in science, inventions, literature, art, entertainment, sports, agriculture, and much more. We sent more missionaries into the world than all other nations combined and we've sent more soldiers to foreign nations to fight for the Liberty of other countries - AND we never asked for an acre of land for our sacrifices. We accomplished more in the first 250 years starting with the the Mayflower Compact than the Roman Empire accomplished in 1000 years.

When the rest of the world wants something, do they ask Russia, China, or some African country? Do they ask the Saudis? No sir. Those who want something ask the United States. Even the Israelis looked to Donald Trump for validation when moving their capital.

If you are standing on U.S. soil, you are living in the regathering spot for God's covenant people. America is the New Jerusalem and by our identifying features, it is no mistake who we really are. Every nation that looked upon us favorably was blessed; those that would rise up against us suffered defeat ... provided that we (as a nation) were in compliance with God's laws. The more we have shifted away from that position and rejected God, the worse things have gotten for us.

America was not founded as a Democracy nor are you guaranteed one. We were founded as a Republic and we are guaranteed that in the Constitution. Democracy is never mentioned in the Constitution. So, you can read this post, access that link and begin asking why you've had no problem with supporting the false Israelites, but now rail against the real ones once it has been brought to your attention.

I don't concern myself with your bullshit theories. You are just a protestant fundie. Possibly of the southern baptist cult. Maybe a mollusk.
You should try living in the United States of America. EVERY politician has his lips firmly attached to some other race's ass... every race, but white.

Oh, puleeez! The orange whore and pigpence do it daily. They love those MAGA-hatted low-IQ bitch-boys more than anybody.

You like playing stereotypes, don't you? Did you research what I've posted on this board about Trump before trying to make that ill conceived connection?

Why would I waste my time? Your allegiance seems to be elsewhere than the U.S.A. and its people. It seems to be with white straight males who play identity politics, race cards, gender cards, and the rest of us Americans be damned. You rely on laws passed by a group of white men hundreds of years ago who first made sure that no others were included in the deliberative body that passed them. Pure identity politics. How many women and minorities deliberated, voted for, and signed the Constitution? Why did women of all backgrounds and non-white men have to fight to get to vote and participate in democracy?

Not one American in 10 million can tell you why America was founded. Let us be clear here. Let me repeat a few paragraphs from post # 80:

China is 91.5 percent Han Chinese; North Korea is 99.8 percent racially homogeneous ; Japan claims to be the most racially pure country in the world with 98 percent of its people being Japanese and Zimbabwe is over 97 percent black. We do not question those countries and their policies. So, why does it have to be so "controversial" in America?

America was founded by white Christians who believed America was the New Jerusalem and the job of the biblical Israelites was to be a "shining city on a hill." Check out this sermon, delivered in 1630 aboard a ship called the Arbella as it sailed toward the New World: Model of Christian Charity.pdf

Now, that is what I said in post # 80. You would be well advised to access that link above if you want a real answer to your question. IF you happen to access that link, the balance of my post will make sense to you. If not, you will continue to live in darkness. In Genesis 12: 3 God promised to Abraham and his descendants:

"and I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed."

If you are going to condemn the whites for the bad in your life, you have to face the facts regarding the status quo as a whole.

America was founded by white Christians and in the Preamble to the Constitution, the purpose was quite clear:

" secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity..."

Did you read that link? The colonists knew their identity. Why should you "waste your time?" Let me draw you an analogy:

America spends BILLIONS UPON BILLIONS of dollars every year propping up a sandpit in the Middle East on the false presupposition that it represents biblical Israel. We've given those people everything they have from tooth picks to intercontinental missiles. The world has NOT been blessed by being their rich benefactor. By contrast, under the white Christians rule, America became the greatest nation in the annals of history.

From America came the invention of electricity, the telegraph, telephone, the transistor (that ushered in the computer age); America conquered the skies with their airplanes and then the largest navy in recorded history. America dominates the world in science, inventions, literature, art, entertainment, sports, agriculture, and much more. We sent more missionaries into the world than all other nations combined and we've sent more soldiers to foreign nations to fight for the Liberty of other countries - AND we never asked for an acre of land for our sacrifices. We accomplished more in the first 250 years starting with the the Mayflower Compact than the Roman Empire accomplished in 1000 years.

When the rest of the world wants something, do they ask Russia, China, or some African country? Do they ask the Saudis? No sir. Those who want something ask the United States. Even the Israelis looked to Donald Trump for validation when moving their capital.

If you are standing on U.S. soil, you are living in the regathering spot for God's covenant people. America is the New Jerusalem and by our identifying features, it is no mistake who we really are. Every nation that looked upon us favorably was blessed; those that would rise up against us suffered defeat ... provided that we (as a nation) were in compliance with God's laws. The more we have shifted away from that position and rejected God, the worse things have gotten for us.

America was not founded as a Democracy nor are you guaranteed one. We were founded as a Republic and we are guaranteed that in the Constitution. Democracy is never mentioned in the Constitution. So, you can read this post, access that link and begin asking why you've had no problem with supporting the false Israelites, but now rail against the real ones once it has been brought to your attention.

I don't concern myself with your bullshit theories. You are just a protestant fundie. Possibly of the southern baptist cult. Maybe a mollusk.

Southern Baptist? You really are ignorant when it comes to the tenets of faith of churches, aren't you? I'm sure name calling reveals what you are.
I would not have doubted that people like this still exist. What is shocking is that a person in a position of power and public trust believed that he could say this out loud and actually get away with it!

Georgia City Councilman Resigns After Claiming Interracial Marriage Is Wrong

Bible Belt Racism: A Georgia city councilman has resigned after publicly opposing interracial marriage because of his sincerely held Christian beliefs.

Earlier this year Hoschton City Councilman Jim Cleveland defended his mayor’s decision to discriminate against a black man by citing his sincerely held Christian beliefs and his opposition to interracial marriage.

At the time, Councilman Cleveland explained that he is a Christian, and as a Christian, he has a problem with “race mixing.”

Someone should point out to him that the vast majority of Christians would find this belief revolting. The good news is:

After making headlines for his openly racist claim, Cleveland was faced with mounting opposition and a recall election next month, and so decided to resign rather than fact the public humiliation of a recall.

In related news, the mayor is a bigot also:

Georgia mayor under fire for alleged remarks about black job candidate

The mayor of Hoschton, a nearly all-white community 50 miles northeast of Atlanta, allegedly withheld a job candidate from consideration for city administrator because he was black, an AJC investigation has found.

According to documents obtained by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution and interviews with city officials, Mayor Theresa Kenerly told a member of the City Council she pulled the resume of Keith Henry from a packet of four finalists “because he is black, and the city isn’t ready for this.”

It's all a matter of perspective and personal choice. In dogs, we value purebred races to retain their individual characteristics. For only 200 out of 4 million years has man had the technology to move around and blend like we are doing now. The day will come where there will no longer be any races, just one uniblend of them all. It is a genetic experiment we are conducting on ourselves with which we have no idea the ultimate outcome. But the days of your parent telling you to find a good Italian or Jewish girl will be gone.
I would not have doubted that people like this still exist. What is shocking is that a person in a position of power and public trust believed that he could say this out loud and actually get away with it!

Georgia City Councilman Resigns After Claiming Interracial Marriage Is Wrong

Bible Belt Racism: A Georgia city councilman has resigned after publicly opposing interracial marriage because of his sincerely held Christian beliefs.

Earlier this year Hoschton City Councilman Jim Cleveland defended his mayor’s decision to discriminate against a black man by citing his sincerely held Christian beliefs and his opposition to interracial marriage.

At the time, Councilman Cleveland explained that he is a Christian, and as a Christian, he has a problem with “race mixing.”

Someone should point out to him that the vast majority of Christians would find this belief revolting. The good news is:

After making headlines for his openly racist claim, Cleveland was faced with mounting opposition and a recall election next month, and so decided to resign rather than fact the public humiliation of a recall.

In related news, the mayor is a bigot also:

Georgia mayor under fire for alleged remarks about black job candidate

The mayor of Hoschton, a nearly all-white community 50 miles northeast of Atlanta, allegedly withheld a job candidate from consideration for city administrator because he was black, an AJC investigation has found.

According to documents obtained by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution and interviews with city officials, Mayor Theresa Kenerly told a member of the City Council she pulled the resume of Keith Henry from a packet of four finalists “because he is black, and the city isn’t ready for this.”

It's all a matter of perspective and personal choice. In dogs, we value purebred races to retain their individual characteristics. For only 200 out of 4 million years has man had the technology to move around and blend like we are doing now. The day will come where there will no longer be any races, just one uniblend of them all. It is a genetic experiment we are conducting on ourselves with which we have no idea the ultimate outcome. But the days of your parent telling you to find a good Italian or Jewish girl will be gone.

If you read the thread, you would know what you said is in error. We already know the outcome of destroying nations via amalgamation.
Oh, puleeez! The orange whore and pigpence do it daily. They love those MAGA-hatted low-IQ bitch-boys more than anybody.

You like playing stereotypes, don't you? Did you research what I've posted on this board about Trump before trying to make that ill conceived connection?

Why would I waste my time? Your allegiance seems to be elsewhere than the U.S.A. and its people. It seems to be with white straight males who play identity politics, race cards, gender cards, and the rest of us Americans be damned. You rely on laws passed by a group of white men hundreds of years ago who first made sure that no others were included in the deliberative body that passed them. Pure identity politics. How many women and minorities deliberated, voted for, and signed the Constitution? Why did women of all backgrounds and non-white men have to fight to get to vote and participate in democracy?

Not one American in 10 million can tell you why America was founded. Let us be clear here. Let me repeat a few paragraphs from post # 80:

China is 91.5 percent Han Chinese; North Korea is 99.8 percent racially homogeneous ; Japan claims to be the most racially pure country in the world with 98 percent of its people being Japanese and Zimbabwe is over 97 percent black. We do not question those countries and their policies. So, why does it have to be so "controversial" in America?

America was founded by white Christians who believed America was the New Jerusalem and the job of the biblical Israelites was to be a "shining city on a hill." Check out this sermon, delivered in 1630 aboard a ship called the Arbella as it sailed toward the New World: Model of Christian Charity.pdf

Now, that is what I said in post # 80. You would be well advised to access that link above if you want a real answer to your question. IF you happen to access that link, the balance of my post will make sense to you. If not, you will continue to live in darkness. In Genesis 12: 3 God promised to Abraham and his descendants:

"and I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed."

If you are going to condemn the whites for the bad in your life, you have to face the facts regarding the status quo as a whole.

America was founded by white Christians and in the Preamble to the Constitution, the purpose was quite clear:

" secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity..."

Did you read that link? The colonists knew their identity. Why should you "waste your time?" Let me draw you an analogy:

America spends BILLIONS UPON BILLIONS of dollars every year propping up a sandpit in the Middle East on the false presupposition that it represents biblical Israel. We've given those people everything they have from tooth picks to intercontinental missiles. The world has NOT been blessed by being their rich benefactor. By contrast, under the white Christians rule, America became the greatest nation in the annals of history.

From America came the invention of electricity, the telegraph, telephone, the transistor (that ushered in the computer age); America conquered the skies with their airplanes and then the largest navy in recorded history. America dominates the world in science, inventions, literature, art, entertainment, sports, agriculture, and much more. We sent more missionaries into the world than all other nations combined and we've sent more soldiers to foreign nations to fight for the Liberty of other countries - AND we never asked for an acre of land for our sacrifices. We accomplished more in the first 250 years starting with the the Mayflower Compact than the Roman Empire accomplished in 1000 years.

When the rest of the world wants something, do they ask Russia, China, or some African country? Do they ask the Saudis? No sir. Those who want something ask the United States. Even the Israelis looked to Donald Trump for validation when moving their capital.

If you are standing on U.S. soil, you are living in the regathering spot for God's covenant people. America is the New Jerusalem and by our identifying features, it is no mistake who we really are. Every nation that looked upon us favorably was blessed; those that would rise up against us suffered defeat ... provided that we (as a nation) were in compliance with God's laws. The more we have shifted away from that position and rejected God, the worse things have gotten for us.

America was not founded as a Democracy nor are you guaranteed one. We were founded as a Republic and we are guaranteed that in the Constitution. Democracy is never mentioned in the Constitution. So, you can read this post, access that link and begin asking why you've had no problem with supporting the false Israelites, but now rail against the real ones once it has been brought to your attention.

I don't concern myself with your bullshit theories. You are just a protestant fundie. Possibly of the southern baptist cult. Maybe a mollusk.

Southern Baptist? You really are ignorant when it comes to the tenets of faith of churches, aren't you? I'm sure name calling reveals what you are.

The southern baptists have always been an aggressive non-Christian crap cult that is dominated by white heterosexual males who seek to prostitute religion to gain power. There are other Baptists who are actually Christian, as they seem to be motivated by the teachings of Jesus.
You like playing stereotypes, don't you? Did you research what I've posted on this board about Trump before trying to make that ill conceived connection?

Why would I waste my time? Your allegiance seems to be elsewhere than the U.S.A. and its people. It seems to be with white straight males who play identity politics, race cards, gender cards, and the rest of us Americans be damned. You rely on laws passed by a group of white men hundreds of years ago who first made sure that no others were included in the deliberative body that passed them. Pure identity politics. How many women and minorities deliberated, voted for, and signed the Constitution? Why did women of all backgrounds and non-white men have to fight to get to vote and participate in democracy?

Not one American in 10 million can tell you why America was founded. Let us be clear here. Let me repeat a few paragraphs from post # 80:

China is 91.5 percent Han Chinese; North Korea is 99.8 percent racially homogeneous ; Japan claims to be the most racially pure country in the world with 98 percent of its people being Japanese and Zimbabwe is over 97 percent black. We do not question those countries and their policies. So, why does it have to be so "controversial" in America?

America was founded by white Christians who believed America was the New Jerusalem and the job of the biblical Israelites was to be a "shining city on a hill." Check out this sermon, delivered in 1630 aboard a ship called the Arbella as it sailed toward the New World: Model of Christian Charity.pdf

Now, that is what I said in post # 80. You would be well advised to access that link above if you want a real answer to your question. IF you happen to access that link, the balance of my post will make sense to you. If not, you will continue to live in darkness. In Genesis 12: 3 God promised to Abraham and his descendants:

"and I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed."

If you are going to condemn the whites for the bad in your life, you have to face the facts regarding the status quo as a whole.

America was founded by white Christians and in the Preamble to the Constitution, the purpose was quite clear:

" secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity..."

Did you read that link? The colonists knew their identity. Why should you "waste your time?" Let me draw you an analogy:

America spends BILLIONS UPON BILLIONS of dollars every year propping up a sandpit in the Middle East on the false presupposition that it represents biblical Israel. We've given those people everything they have from tooth picks to intercontinental missiles. The world has NOT been blessed by being their rich benefactor. By contrast, under the white Christians rule, America became the greatest nation in the annals of history.

From America came the invention of electricity, the telegraph, telephone, the transistor (that ushered in the computer age); America conquered the skies with their airplanes and then the largest navy in recorded history. America dominates the world in science, inventions, literature, art, entertainment, sports, agriculture, and much more. We sent more missionaries into the world than all other nations combined and we've sent more soldiers to foreign nations to fight for the Liberty of other countries - AND we never asked for an acre of land for our sacrifices. We accomplished more in the first 250 years starting with the the Mayflower Compact than the Roman Empire accomplished in 1000 years.

When the rest of the world wants something, do they ask Russia, China, or some African country? Do they ask the Saudis? No sir. Those who want something ask the United States. Even the Israelis looked to Donald Trump for validation when moving their capital.

If you are standing on U.S. soil, you are living in the regathering spot for God's covenant people. America is the New Jerusalem and by our identifying features, it is no mistake who we really are. Every nation that looked upon us favorably was blessed; those that would rise up against us suffered defeat ... provided that we (as a nation) were in compliance with God's laws. The more we have shifted away from that position and rejected God, the worse things have gotten for us.

America was not founded as a Democracy nor are you guaranteed one. We were founded as a Republic and we are guaranteed that in the Constitution. Democracy is never mentioned in the Constitution. So, you can read this post, access that link and begin asking why you've had no problem with supporting the false Israelites, but now rail against the real ones once it has been brought to your attention.

I don't concern myself with your bullshit theories. You are just a protestant fundie. Possibly of the southern baptist cult. Maybe a mollusk.

Southern Baptist? You really are ignorant when it comes to the tenets of faith of churches, aren't you? I'm sure name calling reveals what you are.

The southern baptists have always been an aggressive non-Christian crap cult that is dominated by white heterosexual males who seek to prostitute religion to gain power. There are other Baptists who are actually Christian, as they seem to be motivated by the teachings of Jesus.

I do not seek power. Our church helps people; we never pass the collection plate (if people think we're doing a good job and doing God's work, they tithe.)

You don't have to agree with my assessment of who God's covenant people are. As an American you only have to acknowledge that I have an equal Right to believe and to separate myself from any influence that is inconsistent with my beliefs. That is the essence of the secular law that guarantees an "equal protection of the laws."

Servants of Christ feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and heal the sick. They observe God's laws and separate themselves from the rest of the world in order to remain true to their values. Mixing cultures bastardizes both cultures. And so, you can call it a theory, but history proves its veracity. In this thread I've mentioned a number of other countries that have remained homogeneous and if you are not condemning them, then you have no legitimate criticisms against me. If you go through your house and find products that say Made in China, Japan, or maybe North Korea, then maybe you should rethink your attitude toward me.
What We Have Here Is:
An OP With An Opportunity To Denigrate Perceived 'Bible Belt' Christians
Homosexuals Never Overlook That Opportunity

A Homosexual Trying To Piggy-Back
Onto Race Based Discrimination And Civil Rights
As Though They Are Both The Same As One Another
What we have here is another mindless troll who makes idiotic assumptions about others such as:

Assuming that I am attacking "bible belt Christians" when I am attacking a racist

Assuming that you know something about my sexuality based on my politics
I would not have doubted that people like this still exist. What is shocking is that a person in a position of power and public trust believed that he could say this out loud and actually get away with it!

Georgia City Councilman Resigns After Claiming Interracial Marriage Is Wrong

Bible Belt Racism: A Georgia city councilman has resigned after publicly opposing interracial marriage because of his sincerely held Christian beliefs.

Earlier this year Hoschton City Councilman Jim Cleveland defended his mayor’s decision to discriminate against a black man by citing his sincerely held Christian beliefs and his opposition to interracial marriage.

At the time, Councilman Cleveland explained that he is a Christian, and as a Christian, he has a problem with “race mixing.”

Someone should point out to him that the vast majority of Christians would find this belief revolting. The good news is:

After making headlines for his openly racist claim, Cleveland was faced with mounting opposition and a recall election next month, and so decided to resign rather than fact the public humiliation of a recall.

In related news, the mayor is a bigot also:

Georgia mayor under fire for alleged remarks about black job candidate

The mayor of Hoschton, a nearly all-white community 50 miles northeast of Atlanta, allegedly withheld a job candidate from consideration for city administrator because he was black, an AJC investigation has found.

According to documents obtained by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution and interviews with city officials, Mayor Theresa Kenerly told a member of the City Council she pulled the resume of Keith Henry from a packet of four finalists “because he is black, and the city isn’t ready for this.”

It's all a matter of perspective and personal choice. In dogs, we value purebred races to retain their individual characteristics. For only 200 out of 4 million years has man had the technology to move around and blend like we are doing now. The day will come where there will no longer be any races, just one uniblend of them all. It is a genetic experiment we are conducting on ourselves with which we have no idea the ultimate outcome. But the days of your parent telling you to find a good Italian or Jewish girl will be gone.
And the world will be a better place for it.
I would not have doubted that people like this still exist. What is shocking is that a person in a position of power and public trust believed that he could say this out loud and actually get away with it!

Georgia City Councilman Resigns After Claiming Interracial Marriage Is Wrong

Bible Belt Racism: A Georgia city councilman has resigned after publicly opposing interracial marriage because of his sincerely held Christian beliefs.

Earlier this year Hoschton City Councilman Jim Cleveland defended his mayor’s decision to discriminate against a black man by citing his sincerely held Christian beliefs and his opposition to interracial marriage.

At the time, Councilman Cleveland explained that he is a Christian, and as a Christian, he has a problem with “race mixing.”

Someone should point out to him that the vast majority of Christians would find this belief revolting. The good news is:

After making headlines for his openly racist claim, Cleveland was faced with mounting opposition and a recall election next month, and so decided to resign rather than fact the public humiliation of a recall.

In related news, the mayor is a bigot also:

Georgia mayor under fire for alleged remarks about black job candidate

The mayor of Hoschton, a nearly all-white community 50 miles northeast of Atlanta, allegedly withheld a job candidate from consideration for city administrator because he was black, an AJC investigation has found.

According to documents obtained by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution and interviews with city officials, Mayor Theresa Kenerly told a member of the City Council she pulled the resume of Keith Henry from a packet of four finalists “because he is black, and the city isn’t ready for this.”
He doesn't think interracial marriage is wrong

He thinks black man having sex with white women is wrong.

He's tried to clean it up. But when white supremacist talk about race mixing what they're about is black men having sex with white women.

History has shown that EVERY TIME you mix races, religions, etc. the civilization perished. Even the Roman Empire could not survive that inevitability.
Dude stop it.

You dont have a problem with races mixing. You have a problem with black men banging white women. That's it.
I would not have doubted that people like this still exist. What is shocking is that a person in a position of power and public trust believed that he could say this out loud and actually get away with it!

Georgia City Councilman Resigns After Claiming Interracial Marriage Is Wrong

Bible Belt Racism: A Georgia city councilman has resigned after publicly opposing interracial marriage because of his sincerely held Christian beliefs.

Earlier this year Hoschton City Councilman Jim Cleveland defended his mayor’s decision to discriminate against a black man by citing his sincerely held Christian beliefs and his opposition to interracial marriage.

At the time, Councilman Cleveland explained that he is a Christian, and as a Christian, he has a problem with “race mixing.”

Someone should point out to him that the vast majority of Christians would find this belief revolting. The good news is:

After making headlines for his openly racist claim, Cleveland was faced with mounting opposition and a recall election next month, and so decided to resign rather than fact the public humiliation of a recall.

In related news, the mayor is a bigot also:

Georgia mayor under fire for alleged remarks about black job candidate

The mayor of Hoschton, a nearly all-white community 50 miles northeast of Atlanta, allegedly withheld a job candidate from consideration for city administrator because he was black, an AJC investigation has found.

According to documents obtained by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution and interviews with city officials, Mayor Theresa Kenerly told a member of the City Council she pulled the resume of Keith Henry from a packet of four finalists “because he is black, and the city isn’t ready for this.”
He doesn't think interracial marriage is wrong

He thinks black man having sex with white women is wrong.

He's tried to clean it up. But when white supremacist talk about race mixing what they're about is black men having sex with white women.

History has shown that EVERY TIME you mix races, religions, etc. the civilization perished. Even the Roman Empire could not survive that inevitability.
Dude stop it.

You dont have a problem with races mixing. You have a problem with black men banging white women. That's it.

It is equally wrong for Chinese men to bang black chicks. However, something in the Chinese culture tells them not to do it.
I would not have doubted that people like this still exist. What is shocking is that a person in a position of power and public trust believed that he could say this out loud and actually get away with it!

Georgia City Councilman Resigns After Claiming Interracial Marriage Is Wrong

Bible Belt Racism: A Georgia city councilman has resigned after publicly opposing interracial marriage because of his sincerely held Christian beliefs.

Earlier this year Hoschton City Councilman Jim Cleveland defended his mayor’s decision to discriminate against a black man by citing his sincerely held Christian beliefs and his opposition to interracial marriage.

At the time, Councilman Cleveland explained that he is a Christian, and as a Christian, he has a problem with “race mixing.”

Someone should point out to him that the vast majority of Christians would find this belief revolting. The good news is:

After making headlines for his openly racist claim, Cleveland was faced with mounting opposition and a recall election next month, and so decided to resign rather than fact the public humiliation of a recall.

In related news, the mayor is a bigot also:

Georgia mayor under fire for alleged remarks about black job candidate

The mayor of Hoschton, a nearly all-white community 50 miles northeast of Atlanta, allegedly withheld a job candidate from consideration for city administrator because he was black, an AJC investigation has found.

According to documents obtained by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution and interviews with city officials, Mayor Theresa Kenerly told a member of the City Council she pulled the resume of Keith Henry from a packet of four finalists “because he is black, and the city isn’t ready for this.”

It's all a matter of perspective and personal choice. In dogs, we value purebred races to retain their individual characteristics. For only 200 out of 4 million years has man had the technology to move around and blend like we are doing now. The day will come where there will no longer be any races, just one uniblend of them all. It is a genetic experiment we are conducting on ourselves with which we have no idea the ultimate outcome. But the days of your parent telling you to find a good Italian or Jewish girl will be gone.
And the world will be a better place for it.
How would you know? That is like saying we would be better off if every species of cat from lion to panther, leopard, to house cat were all mated together into one. Just as the Neanderthal both gave us genes that strengthened us in some ways, they also gave us genes which are a liability. You are a fool who hasn't the slightest idea what you are talking about, as usual, just one more idiot who talks out his ass because all you care about is rationalizing your own perverse habits.
I would not have doubted that people like this still exist. What is shocking is that a person in a position of power and public trust believed that he could say this out loud and actually get away with it!

Georgia City Councilman Resigns After Claiming Interracial Marriage Is Wrong

Bible Belt Racism: A Georgia city councilman has resigned after publicly opposing interracial marriage because of his sincerely held Christian beliefs.

Earlier this year Hoschton City Councilman Jim Cleveland defended his mayor’s decision to discriminate against a black man by citing his sincerely held Christian beliefs and his opposition to interracial marriage.

At the time, Councilman Cleveland explained that he is a Christian, and as a Christian, he has a problem with “race mixing.”

Someone should point out to him that the vast majority of Christians would find this belief revolting. The good news is:

After making headlines for his openly racist claim, Cleveland was faced with mounting opposition and a recall election next month, and so decided to resign rather than fact the public humiliation of a recall.

In related news, the mayor is a bigot also:

Georgia mayor under fire for alleged remarks about black job candidate

The mayor of Hoschton, a nearly all-white community 50 miles northeast of Atlanta, allegedly withheld a job candidate from consideration for city administrator because he was black, an AJC investigation has found.

According to documents obtained by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution and interviews with city officials, Mayor Theresa Kenerly told a member of the City Council she pulled the resume of Keith Henry from a packet of four finalists “because he is black, and the city isn’t ready for this.”

It's all a matter of perspective and personal choice. In dogs, we value purebred races to retain their individual characteristics. For only 200 out of 4 million years has man had the technology to move around and blend like we are doing now. The day will come where there will no longer be any races, just one uniblend of them all. It is a genetic experiment we are conducting on ourselves with which we have no idea the ultimate outcome. But the days of your parent telling you to find a good Italian or Jewish girl will be gone.
And the world will be a better place for it.
How would you know? That is like saying we would be better off if every species of cat from lion to panther, leopard, to house cat were all mated together into one. Just as the Neanderthal both gave us genes that strengthened us in some ways, they also gave us genes which are a liability. You are a fool who hasn't the slightest idea what you are talking about, as usual, just one more idiot who talks out his ass because all you care about is rationalizing your own perverse habits.
Only a racist moron would equate the different species of cats to the different races. All cats are not the same. All humans are, well, human
I would not have doubted that people like this still exist. What is shocking is that a person in a position of power and public trust believed that he could say this out loud and actually get away with it!

Georgia City Councilman Resigns After Claiming Interracial Marriage Is Wrong

Bible Belt Racism: A Georgia city councilman has resigned after publicly opposing interracial marriage because of his sincerely held Christian beliefs.

Earlier this year Hoschton City Councilman Jim Cleveland defended his mayor’s decision to discriminate against a black man by citing his sincerely held Christian beliefs and his opposition to interracial marriage.

At the time, Councilman Cleveland explained that he is a Christian, and as a Christian, he has a problem with “race mixing.”

Someone should point out to him that the vast majority of Christians would find this belief revolting. The good news is:

After making headlines for his openly racist claim, Cleveland was faced with mounting opposition and a recall election next month, and so decided to resign rather than fact the public humiliation of a recall.

In related news, the mayor is a bigot also:

Georgia mayor under fire for alleged remarks about black job candidate

The mayor of Hoschton, a nearly all-white community 50 miles northeast of Atlanta, allegedly withheld a job candidate from consideration for city administrator because he was black, an AJC investigation has found.

According to documents obtained by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution and interviews with city officials, Mayor Theresa Kenerly told a member of the City Council she pulled the resume of Keith Henry from a packet of four finalists “because he is black, and the city isn’t ready for this.”

It's all a matter of perspective and personal choice. In dogs, we value purebred races to retain their individual characteristics. For only 200 out of 4 million years has man had the technology to move around and blend like we are doing now. The day will come where there will no longer be any races, just one uniblend of them all. It is a genetic experiment we are conducting on ourselves with which we have no idea the ultimate outcome. But the days of your parent telling you to find a good Italian or Jewish girl will be gone.
And the world will be a better place for it.
How would you know? That is like saying we would be better off if every species of cat from lion to panther, leopard, to house cat were all mated together into one. Just as the Neanderthal both gave us genes that strengthened us in some ways, they also gave us genes which are a liability. You are a fool who hasn't the slightest idea what you are talking about, as usual, just one more idiot who talks out his ass because all you care about is rationalizing your own perverse habits.
Only a racist moron would equate the different species of cats to the different races. All cats are not the same. All humans are, well, human
Only a Pickle-brained Penis Packer wouldn't realize that all cats are under the Family Felidae. That doesn't mean they should all be bred together. But then, it only takes about 7 watts of brain power to say all Humans are human! That doesn't mean they are all the same, all equal, and should be bred as one. But then, you are obviously incapable of understanding science reality, so you label anything you cannot grasp as "racism." Poor slob.

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