Georgia Investigators have ‘Ballot Trafficker’ Who Is Talking — Admits to Being Paid THOUSANDS in 2020 Election Ballot Boxes Ballot Harvesting Scheme

Most secure election ever! 81 million votes for Biden. Every single one is 100% legit.

BUT WAIT! In 2012, Obumma told Romney that our elections were locked down solid as granite, impossible to cheat! Then from 2016 through 2019, all we heard from the Left was that Russia has STOLEN the 2016 election! That Trump colluded! And they even spent two years and 30 million dollars trying to prove it, but FAILED.

Then in 2019, the Left said they were so fed up with Trump warning people that the Left were going to steal the election, that they all rallied to be sure they stole it for Biden to get Trump out of office! It was reported in B&W in February Time Magazine by Molly Ball. Jeff Z even donated 400 million to the cause.


Now Durham has found out that Hillary, the DNC and some in the GOP even were behind it all, both trying to frame Trump for a made up fictitious dossier they paid Chris Steele to create, lied to the FISA court, then wiretapped and spied on Trump's campaign even after he was president in the WH! A crime that makes Watergate look like a school rally. And the investigation is still ongoing and unraveling.

Then the Left forced this unheard of special 2020 election (to save the children!) where suddenly, insane new rules applied where no one could track or tell one ballot from another whether it was legit or not, and people were mailing in ballots or finding boxes of them for weeks before and after the election, and Trump went from winning all night long until 4AM then suddenly, democrats find millions of ballots in the middle of the night and they were ALL FOR BIDEN! And if you even doubt that or question it at all, you are ridiculed as a conspiracy kook, blocked, banned and deplatformed from even asking the questions on social media! Then we are told 10,000 times by every leftwing media outlet the fraud has all been debunked as baseless!--- just DAYS after the election! Before any of the evidence or cases were even heard yet! Amazing.

SHAZZAM! Miracles befall us! And yet, after all this time, not one of these assholes has ever produced any evidence supporting their claim that the fraud is all a baseless, disproven lie, because if it were disproven, it had to be disproven by SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE, SOMETIME, yet NO ONE on the Left much less JackOfNoTrades can ever produce it! :shok:
Is there any doubt these 147 politicians shouldn't be trusted?
Every doubt.

They've shown they are willing to overturn the will of the voters.
NOPE. Just willing to overturn the will of the radical leftwing socialist democrat party who defrauded America from an open and honest election to install a sham puppet-string fool in office willing to do their bidding. Proven.
The ballots are still legal and valid
Why? How do you know? Where is your documentation? Where is the chain of custody on all these ballots turned in illegally at 4AM? Why were these people paid vast sums of money to do so? That includes all the ballots processed which never were even folded so couldn't have been mailed.
Exactly. I never have heard a satisfactory answer relating to the videos of boxes of ballots being snuck in after midnight where they were counting votes.

Getting a satisfactory answer these days from the Left are like pulling hens teeth. All you get these days is: It's over, you lost, nothing to see here, move on, by the likes of JackOfNoTrades.

I wish I could be so sure of something which if true threatens the very underpinnings of our democracy for something I have no proof of!
Getting a satisfactory answer these days from the Left are like pulling hens teeth. All you get these days is: It's over, you lost, nothing to see here, move on, by the likes of JackOfNoTrades.

I wish I could be so sure of something which if true threatens the very underpinnings of our democracy for something I have no proof of!
Exactly. They'll make Kraken jokes but they won't discuss the details that show there was widespread voter fraud.
Meanwhile Dems continue to CHEAT and RIG ahead of the next elections.

A lower-court judge declared last month that New York's new maps were unconstitutionally gerrymandered, and said the legislative maps should also be tossed because lawmakers exceeded their authority when they passed them.

A panel of five judges wrote that Democrats unconstitutionally drew up congressional districts "to discourage competition or for the purpose of favoring or disfavoring incumbents or other particular candidates or political parties."

If you thought Dems would stop trying to steal elections you would be wrong.
we have Georgia election official, Gabriel Sterling, attempting to drive a stake into the heart of Don Trump's fantagasm about a "stolen election".
Sterling's sincerity is abundantly clear. He expresses his legitimate concerns, while he itemizes and de-bunks the conspiracy-nuttery they espouse.

Really? Odd that the guy, apparently another RINO, has only microphones there from the most leftwing news orgs out there. Why no mics for the kinds of right wing news orgs that all these "dangerous nutbags" might actually watch? And why the deaf interpreter? That is something only the Left usually does.

MORE TO THE POINT: why the attempt to blame Trump for every kook out there, driving the false story that somehow they are all some "army" under Trump's control? I've not seen a single case or report of a case where anyone got a death threat from a Trump supporter. But even so, why aren't the democrats ever charged with diffusing THEIR base of cretins? The one actual case of documented violence was against Steve Scalise where some leftwing crackpot actually SHOT HIM with a rifle in a ballpark! That was not Qanon.

AND MUCH MORE TO THE POINT: Sterling presented NO EVIDENCE, no itemizations, much less debunked a single thing! Did I miss it? What minute and second did that happen?

Your guy Sterling presented absolutely NOTHING but hearsay and baseless claims. Had he been espousing support for Trump and the fraud, you'd be summarily dismissing everything he said now instead.

I was about to ask where Jack was on this thread, and here you are, ready to prove once again that all of this is totally false, made up, and 2020 was the most upstanding election in history! Prove that the sourced article and all involved and all their evidence is WRONG.

Never mind that as each day passes, these people are making their case and laying it out more definitively by the day.

To prove that all these people admitting to their crime, caught on video going to drop box after drop box at 4AM dumping off mass quantities of illegal ballots now known across at least two states, that none of it is true!

AND HERE IT IS! Here comes Jack with his undeniable proof:


Trump lost.

You're all little whiny bitches.

All these claims have been debunked.

Only problem is, Jack, your SAYING it has been debunked ain't worth SHIT. If the storyline above and all claims therein have been debunked, then WHERE THE FUCK IS IT JACK? Where is the proof of that? WHO debunked the story above? WHERE can I go to see this magical evidence or are only very special people like you allowed to see it?! :laughing0301:
Start your voter fraud thread..or shut..the..fuck..up.
Easy to understand, cuck. Even for you.
If the 2020 election fraud is all a LIE, then where is your proof? Evidence? Can't you share even a tiny bit of the proof with us, or do you have it all securely locked away in a secret safe???
60+ court cases dismissed. Multiple recounts, audits, and re-audits..all in favor of Biden.

Not up to us to prove the claim of election fraud is a lie. It's up to you. Stop trying to deal a reverse.

C'mon. Man up. If that's possible for you.
Start your voter fraud thread..or shut..the..fuck..up.
Easy to understand, cuck. Even for you.
TOTAL EVASION again by the chickenshit Jack. Run Jack run. The Big-talker got nothing. Start your own thread, douchebag. I've been carrying the story of this fraud election and presenting my "thread" about the evidence almost continuously here and there since December of 2020 in some form or another across 100 other threads on the topic. You, NOTHING, but empty bullshit lip service. Meantime, as each week passes by, more and more evidence and legal action for the stolen 2020 election grows more and more as the noose tightens around the criminals involved.
TOTAL EVASION again by the chickenshit Jack. Run Jack run. The Big-talker got nothing. Start your own thread, douchebag. I've been carrying the story of this fraud election and presenting my "thread" about the evidence almost continuously here and there since December of 2020 in some form or another across 100 other threads on the topic. You, NOTHING, but empty bullshit lip service. Meantime, as each week passes by, more and more evidence and legal action for the stolen 2020 election grows more and more as the noose tightens around the criminals involved.
Cuck, cuck, cuck, cluck. I'd call you a pussy but that's an insult to cats.
You have no thread on this board devoted to discussing your "theories". Just
the same debunked crap post after post. The only noose tightening here is
the one that a lot of Republicans and the former occupant of the WH have around them.
Eventually, everybody that had a hand in making that day happen will be outed. Just in
time for November. Bet that's not gonna sit well with independents. :)

Your GA voter fraud claims have been shot down. Not just in court, but by multiple audits as well.
Give it up. You got nothing.
60+ court cases dismissed.
Meaningless. They were mostly dismissed outright before the cases were even presented on technicalities.

Multiple recounts, audits, and re-audits..all in favor of Biden.
HOGWASH. You on drugs, Jack? The only ones which favored Biden was where they recounted stuff using the same flawed methods and lack of custody chain that was the problem to begin with.

Not up to us to prove the claim of election fraud is a lie.
YOU made the accusation that the fraud is all a lie, totally debunked. Try to go into court and accuse someone of lying with no evidence to back it up! YOU said it was all debunked. Now STAND BY YOUR ACCUSATIONS and either present your evidence or proof of it, or fuck off Jack. Myself and countless others here have been presenting the evidence to make the case that the election WAS a fraud for almost EIGHTEEN FUCKING MONTHS, Jack! I bet there has been 500 threads about it here alone.


Story of your pathetic life.
Meanwhile Dems continue to CHEAT and RIG ahead of the next elections.

A lower-court judge declared last month that New York's new maps were unconstitutionally gerrymandered, and said the legislative maps should also be tossed because lawmakers exceeded their authority when they passed them.

A panel of five judges wrote that Democrats unconstitutionally drew up congressional districts "to discourage competition or for the purpose of favoring or disfavoring incumbents or other particular candidates or political parties."

If you thought Dems would stop trying to steal elections you would be wrong.
Same thing has happened very recently with republican drawn districts. Or did you propaganda masters not tell you that?

So does that mean Republicans are trying to steal elections?
The good news?

Hundreds of thousands more conservatives died from COVID than liberals.

The bad news?

Those dead conservatives will still all be voting.
The good news?

Hundreds of thousands more conservatives died from COVID than liberals.

The bad news?

Those dead conservatives will still all be voting.
More claims with no proof of either.

Run along, chickenshit.
From you. You are such a gutless party hack.

It's not up to normal people to disprove your kook fascist conspiracy theories. It's up to you to prove them. You make it a point of pride to pout and run when anyone asks for proof.

Here's the challenge. Provide for us your _one_ best piece of evidence for organized vote fraud, back it up with solid evidence, and we'll debate it. No Gish Gallops of crap, one single topic only. Solid evidence means actual evidence we can link to and verify, not just a link to a crazy butthurt conspiracy theorist spouting unsupported opinions. That is, you can't use your usual tactics.

If ... I mean, when we refute it, you have to admit that you've been brainwashed.

You can make your excuses for running now. You always do.

Any other Trump cult sore-losers, feel free to respond to the challenge as well.

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