Georgia Police Officer Forced to Resign for Supporting Traditional Marriage

this stinks! not in my america! as an act of solidarity, i will become straight from now on

Hopefully he will sue them as well. Now, if he's posting while at work, that's different. But, as an off-duty officer not on work time, not on the "State's" time, there is no crime. He's within his rights to say marriage is between a man and a woman. If Facebook want's to shut him down, that's their right as a private company to do so as long as they aren't in bed with the Democrat Party or any state sponsored party.
Of course Progressive Tyranny is wrong.

Nevertheless, we as a Society must accept LGBT people. Almost all of us are sinners. I am grateful to Conservative LGBT people. For example, many gay men are advocating for male victims of abuse and discrimination.
I support all marriages. What I don’t support are grooming books in our schools and Democrats supporting it.
If he was being harassed by other cops, those other cops are who should be packing their bags. As if all that cops are going to endure thanks to everyone else out there isn't enough. In my opinion, cops should be an oasis for one another. If certain officers can't find some way to get along, they shouuld either be fired or transferred.

God bless you always!!!


Georgia Police Officer Forced to Resign​

this stinks! not in my america! as an act of solidarity, i will become straight from now on

Idiot, the guy himself CHOSE to resign, then came back and won a lawsuit! But you will never be straight.
Perhaps some LGBT people participate in Cancel Culture.

That should never excuse bias against all LGBT people.

There are Conservative LGBT people who have been cancelled.

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