Georgia republicans just made water an illegal substance

They can certainly have a little water. Just bring a bottle.
Was there some crisis in Georgia with people being given water in line to vote? How was this going to address voter fraud?
That's just it..these laws are not really meant to address so called voter fraud..they are meant to suppress the number of people voting.
How does this suppress votes?

Because idiot lefties say so...
How does it prevent “voter fraud”?
Well because, if a voter wants water while waiting in their 8 hour line they can either die there in the line or get out of line and go drink water. Fraud avoided.
If the line is an 8 hour wait they can die and shorten the line.

Link to an 8 hour wait please.
So, the Georgia legislature passed an unwarranted law to prevent people from giving other people water and snacks while waiting in a long line to vote.
The real question is what chicanery led to such a law being passed?
All we're hearing here are childishly simplified emotional outbursts devoid of any intellectual depth of understanding.

"Water is illegal!!!! Waaaahhh!!!!". F'n retards.
So, the Georgia legislature passed an unwarranted law to prevent people from giving other people water and snacks while waiting in a long line to vote.
The real question is what chicanery led to such a law being passed?
All we're hearing here are childishly simplified emotional outbursts devoid of any intellectual depth of understanding.

"Water is illegal!!!! Waaaahhh!!!!". F'n retards.

Thank God I’m one of the reasonable ones.:cool:
The real question is what chicanery led to such a law being passed?
Like the entirety of the bill, none.

Georgia had an election with little evidence of fraud let alone proof of widespread impropriety. Yet, here is a bill overhauling the election mechanisms. The only reason for this, the only thing they changed, is that Democrats won and that’s what they intend to address with this bill.
Like the entirety of the bill, none.

Georgia had an election with little evidence of fraud let alone proof of widespread impropriety. Yet, here is a bill overhauling the election mechanisms. The only reason for this, the only thing they changed, is that Democrats won and that’s what they intend to address with this bill.
Do you think water is now an illegal substance in Georgia?
doing campaign activity
If they intended for it to be limited to people doing campaign activity, they would have said so. You’re inserting words which aren’t in the bill.

Besides; there’s already a prohibition against campaign activity. The intent is clear that it’s not supposed to apply to just those people otherwise it would be unnecessary.
Please take no offense to this. But it is clear you never argued in a court of law. Most haven't. But from a comparison standpoint, we had a President say "it depends on what the definition of the word is, is"....
And he is a very smart and experienced individual.....and he won his case.

I was part of a case where an opposing attorney argued that my use of the term "cab" referring to a taxi in NY, was derogatory...because women's butts are referred to as cabooses (not by me....EVER) my entire opening statement was stricken from the record.

It was a case where a Taxi Driver in NYC turned right on a street that was one way going the other way and a pedestrian was hit and broke her ankle. I am not a personal injury attorney. She is my niece. I learned a bad lesson that week. Be careful of your terminology. It will be used against you.
I saw It as a ban of distributing water/snacks on the voting line.
And the reasoning behind this is what?
Were people trying influence people's votes with their "generosity"?
That seems far more likely than the silly meme of "Evil repubs illegalize water".
Truthfully “water being illegal” didn’t enter my mind.
The thread title is "Georgia republicans just made water an illegal substance".
You are ignoring the Section above subsection (a)...that qualifies the "person" - to campaign activities
Incorrect. That part you refer to is merely a title of the section. It does not define “person” as someone associated with a campaign.

It specifically says no person. If they intended for it to apply to campaigns, they would have said so.
yes it qualifies the subsection....yes it's the title, it specific about campaigns....not the activity of people not involved in the campaign.

Seems pretty clear and obvious to me...even state legislatures that help with the bill said that was their intent....but I suppose we will have to see how a Court views it...we obviously view it differently
No, it doesn’t. It plainly says “no person”. The plain language of the law contradicts your assertions. “No person” means “no person”. No where is a person defined as you assert.

I have my doubts about the honesty of people who pass voting restrictions just because they lost an election. Not to mention the red flag of them passing it in both houses and signing into law all in one day.
I agree it says that, but the title qualifies the topic of what the section regulates.

I share your concerns, also about people that just won an election...and ram it through as riders to legislation that suppose to be about something else..for example HR1
The title doesn’t qualify anything about who a person is and isn’t according to the law. It’s just a title.
The title, as you put it is the law, and the subsections of the law outline specific things....but the title, qualifies the topic of the law and scope.

Like I said, I guess we shall see how a Judge rules on the subject if someone is charged that's not a part of the campaign. That's why we have Courts...and fyi Courts will if need be, look at legislative intent...and in this case at least one lawmaker made clear the intent was campaigns.
It describes the intent but doesn’t change the plain language of the law.

If they intended for it to apply only to campaigns, they wouldn’t have said “no person”.
Curious...are you a legislator? An Attorney? Or are you just making an assumption and stating it as fact to defend your position. tell....what are your credentials as it pertains to legislation and the law?
I’ve read enough laws to know that when it says “no person” it means “no person”.

Laws are not so archaic that individuals can’t understand them.
So you only know what you think.

Im OK with that. happen to be wrong in this case.....has to do with the word "person".....but I know better
Not to be too philosophical, but don’t we all only know what we think?

I don’t think I’m wrong. “Person” ain’t exactly ambiguous.
I don't think it is either...but if the subject is clear...for example....BLUE WHALES....and then I go on to discuss under the title..."whales" the reader, at least a reasonable reader, should understand I am discussing Blue Whales.

In this case, if the subject, is it is CAMPAIGNS...and I got on to say person in the subsection...I am referring to the people associated with the campaign.
No really. The subject is “campaign activity” if you actually read the title. It doesn’t say anything about “campaign members”. It would seem that the section considers giving out water to be a “campaign activity”. This is clearly the intent to apply to all people given the prohibition against all persons from campaigning in the area of the polling place. I think we can both agree that no one is allowed to campaign at the polling place regardless of whether they belong to the campaign or not. Right?
yes so it limits it to campaign don't be campaigning for your guy within 150 feet...of the polling station or 25 feet from the people in line...that's not unreasonable...most states have some safeguards like that...I known mine does.
So the “no person” statement doesn’t just apply to no people associated with the campaigns. It applies to everyone. Yet that statement appears in the same paragraph as “no person” as it applies to distribution of water. Yet you take that instance to have a different meaning.

Does “no person” change meaning mid-paragraph?
I don’t think so.
actually, in law, "no person " applies to everyone because you can not argue that someone is not a person.

However, when you say "person" it opens up the debate as to who are you referring to.....and it opens up the debate as to who is a person in the eyes of the law.

Don't get me wrong. It is silly, foolish and ridiculous.

But that is how attorneys think....and an attorney of the opposite side needs to be prepared for it.

Look at how the debate of fetuses and abortion has gone. If the original argument in Roe Vs Wade was "it is a living being with human DNA that requires oxygen to survive, the whole debate may have gone a different way. Instead, the pro lifer side called it a living human being... a person......and that opened up the debate. No?
Well, then in this case it says “nor shall any person” hand out water.

So it seems that it applies to everyone.
So if a person sells that water for 1 is no longer a hand out. So is it breaking the law?
Actually. yes.....because "no person may resell something offered by a utility company that is not bought wholesale with records for tax liability"....
But what if that person donates one penny back to the buyer of the water as charity?

You are not correct here. "person" is a vey dangerous word to use in law or in litigation argument.
Like the entirety of the bill, none.

Georgia had an election with little evidence of fraud let alone proof of widespread impropriety. Yet, here is a bill overhauling the election mechanisms. The only reason for this, the only thing they changed, is that Democrats won and that’s what they intend to address with this bill.
Do you think water is now an illegal substance in Georgia?
It is if you hand it to someone in line waiting to vote.

What possible reason could there be for this outside of pettiness?
doing campaign activity
If they intended for it to be limited to people doing campaign activity, they would have said so. You’re inserting words which aren’t in the bill.

Besides; there’s already a prohibition against campaign activity. The intent is clear that it’s not supposed to apply to just those people otherwise it would be unnecessary.

The law does say so....and you in fact quoted it: Said chapter is further amended by revising subsections (a) and (e) of Code Section 21-2-414, relating to restrictions on campaign activities and public opinion polling within the vicinity of a polling place, cellular phone use prohibited, prohibition of candidates from entering certain polling places, and penalty, as follows:

I that's why the propagandist and the outrage is just silly...
I saw It as a ban of distributing water/snacks on the voting line.
And the reasoning behind this is what?
Were people trying influence people's votes with their "generosity"?
That seems far more likely than the silly meme of "Evil repubs illegalize water".
Truthfully “water being illegal” didn’t enter my mind.
The thread title is "Georgia republicans just made water an illegal substance".

I understand what the thread title was. Obviously I do not agree with its wording. More often than not thread titles are supposed to be attention getters.

That being said, something needs to be done. IMO, If the lines are going to be long, steps should be taken to shorten them. I do not think it’s unreasonable to allow water snacks to be given out, provided that those people are not attempting to influence the vote. What we do not know is the veracity of the claims.
I can't believe they actually passed a law to make it illegal to bring grandma some water in the voting line. What a buncha freaks.
Maybe 'grandma', being an intelligent adult, and anyone else that sees a long line can bring their own damn bottle of water with them if they need it?

Perhaps black folks wouldn't anticipate a 4-6 hour line .. CLOWN :laugh2:

Well of course you would think that, you give them no credit for intelligence or common sense of their own, even your dear leader thinks they're too stupid to get ID in order to vote to begin with. You live in fear that they're going to wake up and no longer be under your control. And you should be, that time will eventually come.
You now need to scan your Drivers License and print it off to include it with your mail-in ballot.

So if you're in Georgia, go buy a scanner and a printer. Will cost you over $100 to do that so...sorry if you're poor or disabled. Thank the GOP for making it a requirement for mail-in.
You can go to FEDEX and scan it there for $2.00, moron.
So, the Georgia legislature passed an unwarranted law to prevent people from giving other people water and snacks while waiting in a long line to vote.
The real question is what chicanery led to such a law being passed?
All we're hearing here are childishly simplified emotional outbursts devoid of any intellectual depth of understanding.

"Water is illegal!!!! Waaaahhh!!!!". F'n retards.
So why pass a law making it illegal to offer someone water in a voting line?
I do not think it’s unreasonable to allow water snacks to be given out, provided that those people are not attempting to influence the vote.
Agreed. It seems rather obvious that that is what they are trying to prevent here, not this silly "water is illegal" hysterical BS.

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