Georgia Republicans Nominate Birther For Governor

the statement from hawaii on obama's certificate says nothing at all about NOT being able to give out the fact, they say they have the original on file and those that want a copy of the birth certificate (not colb) must have an interest as stated in the code....
Let's take a blast to the past, January of 2010.

I think we should get to see his long form birth-certificate and will reserve judgment until we do.

And no, they were not married legally as they were married in the USA and he had a previous wife in Kenya to whom he was STILL married. No state in the union recognizes bigamy as legal which means the marriage was invalid. He was illegitimate any way you look at it, unless you don't believe the laws should apply to him or his family.

I believe the laws should apply to everyone. However, you seem to be missing the point.

And I'll tell you what. You find the real birth certificate that says he's born in Kenya. Then get back to me with the long form stuff. Obama has already released a sufficient amount of evidence to proof that he was born here legally.

in a court of law, if a court ever allowed the case to're wrong

he has not presented enough evidence....
dude...i was a case, drop it

now for the 4th time, since you are too timid to call them up yourself and can't admit that the links i gave said you can get a copy of the original....where is YOUR support for your claim? where did you come up with that idea?
it was on the official HI website where i got that
and no, i didnt save the link because its a 2 year old DEAD issue

yeah right....still won't call them huh....or try and find your link again...

there is the where does it say you can't get a copy of the original....nothing in the code says you can't get a copy of the original....

its funny, others support your claim, but you and they can't back it up
Hawai‘i State Department of Health
it was on the official HI website where i got that
and no, i didnt save the link because its a 2 year old DEAD issue

yeah right....still won't call them huh....or try and find your link again...

there is the where does it say you can't get a copy of the original....nothing in the code says you can't get a copy of the original....

its funny, others support your claim, but you and they can't back it up
Hawai‘i State Department of Health

thanks divecon....

divecon....that link actually supports the fact you can get a copy of the original....

Birth Certificate or Certificate of Live Birth
State law prohibits the DOH for disclosing any information about a Hawaii vital record unless the requestor has a direct and tangible interest in the record. This includes verification of vital records and all the information contained in a record. Vital records disclosure laws protect all birth, death, marriage and divorce records held by the department and all amendments, changes, supporting records, and requests related to vital records.

Direct and tangible interest is determined by HRS §338-18(b). This statute may be accessed on the state legislative website at:

right there in black and white....a copy of the b/c OR certificate of live birth
Let's take a blast to the past, January of 2010.

I believe the laws should apply to everyone. However, you seem to be missing the point.

And I'll tell you what. You find the real birth certificate that says he's born in Kenya. Then get back to me with the long form stuff. Obama has already released a sufficient amount of evidence to proof that he was born here legally.

in a court of law, if a court ever allowed the case to're wrong

he has not presented enough evidence....

thanks for bringing up all my great posts modbert....

they do nothing but show you're a liar on my stance....

my statement stands and is factual....i already linked you to the code that said if the original exists, that is the best evidence, unless these factors....

modbert's is on a self pwn roll today :lol:
thanks for bringing up all my great posts modbert....

they do nothing but show you're a liar on my stance....

my statement stands and is factual....i already linked you to the code that said if the original exists, that is the best evidence, unless these factors....

modbert's is on a self pwn roll today :lol:

Obama has proved he's a citizen. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news for you Yurt.
They should ask all Republicans if they are birthers

and if they will repeal the Health Plan

and if they oppose making BP pay damages

and if they want to repeal financial reform
It certainly isn't a compliment...

And I couldn't really care less. Your's wasn't so bad, but the others will make up for what your's lacks, given time. They always do. I've come to the conclusion that insults from people here are just gas. Gunny asked me to tone it down a notch, and I've done just that.

But you know what I find amusing bert, is how the ANTIbirthers come SO UNHINGED at the mention of someone wanting to see obama's "REAL, purported," birth certificate. I think that's WEIRD. I find it even more perplexing why they REFUSE to answer the question, WHY IS OBAMA HIDING IT, and all the other stuff along with it?

Obama: Where have all his records gone?
Footprints of president's own history either vanish or remain covered up

Obama: Where have all his records gone?

Oh Pale, you make me laugh, that's not a insult at all! You should do standup!

As for your WND source, that rag of a website can't be trusted on anything.

Oooh oooooofff course bert, funny thing about that though is that if you could prove anything about obama they've said to be false, you'd do it... right?

No, seriously, I think the ANTI-birthers are crazier than the birthers. One mention of "where is obama's birth certificate" and they come flying apart at the seams all pop eyed and frothing at the mouth calling names and insulting those who do want to see it.

Sheeezuz... it's only obama's birth certificate, right? Where is it, and why is he hiding it?
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thanks for bringing up all my great posts modbert....

they do nothing but show you're a liar on my stance....

my statement stands and is factual....i already linked you to the code that said if the original exists, that is the best evidence, unless these factors....

modbert's is on a self pwn roll today :lol:

Obama has proved he's a citizen. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news for you Yurt.

shut up hack, i never said he didn' once again, you're lying about my stance and bearing me bad news....nice trolling in this get an A plus for your trolling here

i see you never once supported your claim i was running around saying obama hasn't proven he is a citizen and not once did you apologize for that lie....yet, you demand others do so

go and play with 5 year olds, you're better suited for it
thanks for bringing up all my great posts modbert....

they do nothing but show you're a liar on my stance....

my statement stands and is factual....i already linked you to the code that said if the original exists, that is the best evidence, unless these factors....

modbert's is on a self pwn roll today :lol:

Obama has proved he's a citizen. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news for you Yurt.

Nope. The ball was dropped, no such proof has been produced.
Yurt, let's face the facts of this thread. The guy is a birther and or is pandering to the birthers. You rushed to defend him as if his comments were okay and not crazy. Jillian and I both then proceed to point out how ethically corrupt this guy is. The guy's current position is that Obama's birth certificate validity is still in question. That makes him a birther.
thanks for bringing up all my great posts modbert....

they do nothing but show you're a liar on my stance....

my statement stands and is factual....i already linked you to the code that said if the original exists, that is the best evidence, unless these factors....

modbert's is on a self pwn roll today :lol:

Obama has proved he's a citizen. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news for you Yurt.

Nope. The ball was dropped, no such proof has been produced.

he produced the colb....and there are newspaper articles and statements from the registrar stating he was born here
Yurt, let's face the facts of this thread. The guy is a birther and or is pandering to the birthers. You rushed to defend him as if his comments were okay and not crazy. Jillian and I both then proceed to point out how ethically corrupt this guy is. The guy's current position is that Obama's birth certificate validity is still in question. That makes him a birther.

the facts of this thread are that you have lied a few times about what i have said and refuse to man up and apologize

you derailed the thread with your false attacks

of course you think a righty is crazy, you're an extreme partisan hack and a dishonest one at that
Obama has proved he's a citizen. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news for you Yurt.

Nope. The ball was dropped, no such proof has been produced.

he produced the colb....and there are newspaper articles and statements from the registrar stating he was born here

Right, a "certification of live birth," which the State of Hawaii handed out to anyone in 1961, even if you were born in say... oh... KENYA for example. It's proves exactly NOTHING, other than you were BORN.
Obama has proved he's a citizen. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news for you Yurt.

Nope. The ball was dropped, no such proof has been produced.

he produced the colb....and there are newspaper articles and statements from the registrar stating he was born here

Nope, the article in the newspaper says nothing more than a "certification of live birth" was "issued." It makes no distinction as to WHERE obama was born, none, zip, zilch. Those notifications were automatically forwarded to the newspaper by the registrar of deeds. That article is as worthless as the certification of live birth when it comes to proving where obama was born. Neither make any reference to a hospital, a doctor or a witness, nothing. In fact the address given to the newspaper, the obama's had NEVER LIVED THERE.
Simple fact of the matter is, there are millions upon millions of people that have serious doubts as to whether or not obama qualifies as a "natural born citizen," regardless as to whether he was born in Hawaii or not, and the matter will NOT rest until it's resolved with indisputable proof. At some point obama is either going to have to willfully or by FORCE give up all the information he is hiding. I suspect that when his approval numbers plummet to a certain point, it will be his own party that throws him under the bus and forces him to give it up, to save their own hides.
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