Georgia school on lockdown amid reports of an 'active shooter'

Anyone who wants to get an arsenal can acquire one.

It will likely require Arab terrorists to buy an arsenal and dust a school before the gun nuts finally realize that something needs to be done about this.

I doubt Venezuelan street gangs doing it would move the needle.

Every time some nut with a gun murders, it only strengthens the argument for why you need one in the first place.
Which of course would involve legislation regarding guns. Universal Background checks, red flag laws, ways to confiscate guns, etc.
Of course not. The gun doesn't do anything. It's an inanimate object. The cartels do a booming business selling guns to criminals. Do you think we should be unarmed which occupied by an armed force?

Someone knew this kid was going to go off. Did the school give him cross sex hormones?
That is a great point. Plenty of Americans owned guns decades ago but why no mass school shootings?

Some have suggested that the rise of left-wing fanaticism, antidepressants, popularization of drugs, violence in tv and video games have played a role in youngsters going on the school shooting sprees
WTF are you talking about, there has been school shootings in this country since the 60s.

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