Georgia Senate blocks mega tax cuts for Delta in response to Delta punishing law abiding NRA

In the sense that Georgia's a state with a lot of gun enthusiasts.

I don't give a shit if 122% of the state are "gun enthusiasts". It's not the government's domain to run a private corporation.

And they aren't, so stop exaggerating.

They have every right to say, "This is what we expect from companies who wish to negotiate tax breaks with us." And Delta has every right to say, "We don't want to do that." So everyone's perfectly in control of their own sphere of influence.

The "this is what we expect" part CANNOT involve mandatory discounts for political special interest groups, just because that SIG owns (or thinks it owns) that legislature. That's just blatant corruption.

Where the hell does THAT end?

Yeah -- exactly.
again, all they had to do was just say they were ending the practice of discounting tickets and all would have been hunky dorey. But they made a statement that NRA members are bad passengers and because they are will pay more than many other passengers. they shot their own foot.

Ending the NRA discount means they are saying NRA members are bad passengers?

Basically comes out to saying that their business is not particularly desired.
Quite interesting, not more than a few weeks ago many were pissing and moaning about companies getting Corporate Welfare. Now those same folks are pissing and moaning that Delta may get a pullback on some of that Corporate Welfare.

There are bigger issues than corporate welfare. One of those is when the government tries to force one private entity to provide a tribute to another private entity in the way of a discount.

More important than corporate welfare is the fact the government interfered in the transition between two private entities, neither of which were doing anything illegal or unethical. Would you support the state of NY trying to force people to give discounts to BLM or PP? I think none of us would, but it is no different than what Ga did.
like taking the guns of law abiding citizens?

Yes, like that.
In the sense that Georgia's a state with a lot of gun enthusiasts.

I don't give a shit if 122% of the state are "gun enthusiasts". It's not the government's domain to run a private corporation.

And they aren't, so stop exaggerating.

They have every right to say, "This is what we expect from companies who wish to negotiate tax breaks with us." And Delta has every right to say, "We don't want to do that." So everyone's perfectly in control of their own sphere of influence.

The "this is what we expect" part CANNOT involve mandatory discounts for political special interest groups, just because that SIG owns (or thinks it owns) that legislature. That's just blatant corruption.

Where the hell does THAT end?

Yeah -- exactly.
again, all they had to do was just say they were ending the practice of discounting tickets and all would have been hunky dorey. But they made a statement that NRA members are bad passengers and because they are will pay more than many other passengers. they shot their own foot.

Ending the NRA discount means they are saying NRA members are bad passengers?

Which of course would mean that every single person that did not get a discount to start with was also a bad passenger.

And the NRA members were bad passengers every week of the year but one, and then they were only good if they were flying to the right city.
Quite interesting, not more than a few weeks ago many were pissing and moaning about companies getting Corporate Welfare. Now those same folks are pissing and moaning that Delta may get a pullback on some of that Corporate Welfare.

There are bigger issues than corporate welfare. One of those is when the government tries to force one private entity to provide a tribute to another private entity in the way of a discount.

More important than corporate welfare is the fact the government interfered in the transition between two private entities, neither of which were doing anything illegal or unethical. Would you support the state of NY trying to force people to give discounts to BLM or PP? I think none of us would, but it is no different than what Ga did.
how is the state of georgia forcing Delta to do anything?
Quite interesting, not more than a few weeks ago many were pissing and moaning about companies getting Corporate Welfare. Now those same folks are pissing and moaning that Delta may get a pullback on some of that Corporate Welfare.

There are bigger issues than corporate welfare. One of those is when the government tries to force one private entity to provide a tribute to another private entity in the way of a discount.

More important than corporate welfare is the fact the government interfered in the transition between two private entities, neither of which were doing anything illegal or unethical. Would you support the state of NY trying to force people to give discounts to BLM or PP? I think none of us would, but it is no different than what Ga did.

Bigger issues...bigger than Armageddon a few weeks ago?

There is armageddon every day on this forum. For me personally, government interference is at the top of my armageddon list.

So which would be government interference, giving Delta a tax break or not giving them a tax break?
I don't give a shit if 122% of the state are "gun enthusiasts". It's not the government's domain to run a private corporation.

And they aren't, so stop exaggerating.

They have every right to say, "This is what we expect from companies who wish to negotiate tax breaks with us." And Delta has every right to say, "We don't want to do that." So everyone's perfectly in control of their own sphere of influence.

The "this is what we expect" part CANNOT involve mandatory discounts for political special interest groups, just because that SIG owns (or thinks it owns) that legislature. That's just blatant corruption.

Where the hell does THAT end?

Yeah -- exactly.
again, all they had to do was just say they were ending the practice of discounting tickets and all would have been hunky dorey. But they made a statement that NRA members are bad passengers and because they are will pay more than many other passengers. they shot their own foot.

Ending the NRA discount means they are saying NRA members are bad passengers?

Basically comes out to saying that their business is not particularly desired.

So, what you are saying is that any company that does not give you a discount does not particularly desire your business.

Keeping in mind the discount was for only one week a year, so really what you are saying is that the other 51 weeks a year their business was not particularly desired by Delta
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So which would be government interference, giving Delta a tax break or not giving them a tax break?

Neither is interference on their own. When the tax break is tied to them giving a financial discount to a different private entity, then you have interference with specific company business decisions.

Let's bump this up a notch, would you approve of the Fed Govt trying to force private companies to give discounts to BLM and PP? Would you think to yourself, "oh yeah, that is cool, that is what the Govt is supposed to be doing?"
I don't give a shit if 122% of the state are "gun enthusiasts". It's not the government's domain to run a private corporation.

And they aren't, so stop exaggerating.

They have every right to say, "This is what we expect from companies who wish to negotiate tax breaks with us." And Delta has every right to say, "We don't want to do that." So everyone's perfectly in control of their own sphere of influence.

The "this is what we expect" part CANNOT involve mandatory discounts for political special interest groups, just because that SIG owns (or thinks it owns) that legislature. That's just blatant corruption.

Where the hell does THAT end?

Yeah -- exactly.
again, all they had to do was just say they were ending the practice of discounting tickets and all would have been hunky dorey. But they made a statement that NRA members are bad passengers and because they are will pay more than many other passengers. they shot their own foot.

Ending the NRA discount means they are saying NRA members are bad passengers?

Basically comes out to saying that their business is not particularly desired.

Does it come out to that only because of the particular timing of the removal? If Delta had removed that discount 6 months ago, would it have been saying anything about NRA members business not being desired?

I understand that this could be seen as a minor slight, as caving in to a vocal portion of the populace that is reacting to the Florida school shooting, or as Delta trying to insulate themselves from the entire gun control debate. Seeing the removal of what was, apparently, a once-a-year discount as meaning NRA members' business is not desired seems like quite a stretch to me. I find it unlikely that Delta no longer desires the business of NRA members. :dunno:
ok - some facts around this from another view.

the taxes in question were given to ALL airlines in Atlanta's airport during the recession to encourage them to not lay off people.
many hated that break at the time and still do.
many have been working to end this for ALL airlines, not just delta as ALL airlines got them
while the NRA act may *seem* like it's due to the protest, it's not. it's just being interpreted that way because that's what *we* do.

odds are the tax break was going to end anyway and again this has nothing to really do with it. even then, the break won't end until 2019 so who knows what will happen between now and then.

it's amazing how we all tend to live in the hype and not the reality.
I heard them say, "If you're going to discriminate against and insult gun owners, you're not someone we want to negotiate tax breaks with." And no, I don't have a problem with that.

Uuuuhhmmm.......... HOW exactly is declining to run a promotion "discriminating against" anything? Is that not the company's decision? When did that prerogative shift to the government?

Perphaps your problem is with reading comprehension.

Or perhaps the gummint now decides who runs what promotions, for whom and when.

Get over your partisan hackitude. This is blatant corruption/abuse of power. Call it what it is and quit the charade.

Uuuuhhhhmmm, you've had this question answered for you so many times I have lost count. That you're still asking it while feigning total confusion tells me you don't want the answer; you're asking the question for it to BE the answer.

Yes exactly. That's the point. And if you had an answer for that question you could have shot it down.
ok - some facts around this from another view.

the taxes in question were given to ALL airlines in Atlanta's airport during the recession to encourage them to not lay off people.
many hated that break at the time and still do.
many have been working to end this for ALL airlines, not just delta as ALL airlines got them
while the NRA act may *seem* like it's due to the protest, it's not. it's just being interpreted that way because that's what *we* do.

odds are the tax break was going to end anyway and again this has nothing to really do with it. even then, the break won't end until 2019 so who knows what will happen between now and then.

it's amazing how we all tend to live in the hype and not the reality.

Thank you for the facts. I think one of the facts you left out was that the LtGov of Ga and a few select Senators choose to make it about the NRA vs Delta. They are the ones that first tied the tax breaks to special treatment for the NRA.

Take the statement from the LtGov and Senators away and I would have been cheering for the tax break to end...but as I have stated, the Govt choosing to interfere was a much bigger part of the story for me.
Damn, Georgia did it too. LOL

Georgia Republicans honor their threat, pass bill punishing Delta for cutting ties with NRA

In a show of political strength, Georgia lawmakers on Thursday overwhelmingly approved a bill that was stripped of an earlier provision granting Delta Air Lines a lucrative tax break.

By passing the bill, lawmakers carried out the threat that Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle, R, made to Atlanta-based Delta earlier this week: if the airline did not restore discounted fares to members of the National Rifle Association, Republicans would strike down a $50 million sales-tax exemption on jet fuel from its larger tax-cut package. Delta, which is one of the state's largest employers, would have been the primary beneficiary of the exemption.

Georgia Republicans honor their threat, pass bill punishing Delta for cutting ties with NRA
40 mil in fuel tax plus scores of pissed off NRA members and other conservatives that will boycott the airline for 13 measly discounted fares. Political correctness and kowtowing to the vocal lib left came with a steep price.
So the corrupt Georgia legislature did not do this for their citizens, they made tax law against another business, for the NRA lobby group who funds their campaigns....for simply political punishment reasons?

How wonderful!


vote those swamp creatures out of there!

So the corrupt Georgia legislature did not do this for their citizens, they made tax law against another business, for the NRA lobby group who funds their campaigns....for simply political punishment reasons?

How wonderful!


vote those swamp creatures out of there!

40 mil in fuel tax plus scores of pissed off NRA members and other conservatives that will boycott the airline for 13 measly discounted fares. Political correctness and kowtowing to the vocal lib left came with a steep price.
Hey! We learned these tactics from the Demoncrats. Turn about is fair play!

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