Georgia Senate blocks mega tax cuts for Delta in response to Delta punishing law abiding NRA

GG has been hit in the head by a dozen too many golf balls.

Georgia just didn't give them a renewal of a tax break that had expired. Don't bite the hand that feeds you.

GG needs to go wash his balls.

It is the reason they did not give it to them that is the issue for me.

and I thought you were going to come wash my balls again, you did such a fineee job last time!

I thought you guys were against tax breaks for large corporations?

As a libertarian I am against all tax breaks to include being married, having children or owning a house.

But even more than I am against tax breaks I am against the government interfering in the legal interaction of two private entities and trying to force a business decision be reversed by one of the entities in favor of the other.

Why are you ok with such a thing? Do you consider yourself a statist, because only a statist would approve of such an action by the government.
Personally, I think it stupid... Delta is the largest employer in the state of Georgia employing roughly 30,000 people. Chasing them off (I doubt they're going to leave) would be disastrous.

I agree, I do not think they will leave, mostly because they will just pass on the cost to the people who buy their tickets.
Personally, I think it stupid... Delta is the largest employer in the state of Georgia employing roughly 30,000 people. Chasing them off (I doubt they're going to leave) would be disastrous.

I agree, I do not think they will leave, mostly because they will just pass on the cost to the people who buy their tickets.

Oh well. I'm a Southwest guy; I haven't flown delta in years.
You don't "steer clear" by making a public announcement to distance yourself from the NRA. They played politics, the government of Georgia did too. Delta paid 40 mil plus lost future ticket sales. FACT

And to the extent that's a cause-and-effect, it's fascism. But thanks for putting a number on it.

Really? Please enlighten the board as to your reasoning why Delta is ENTITLED to a special tax break at the expense of Georgia taxpayers?

Oh I don't need to. Actually you and your fellow fascists need to essplain where the government gets off telling a private company how it can run its own promotions on its own product.

I'll tell ya right up front, there's no answer for that. Well, not in English anyway.

Georgia didn't tell Delta how to run their business, they simply voted not to agree with it. About 40-50 million....POOF!

You have no clue how the world works, child. This idea that "it costs Delta 40 million" is naught more than Gullible's Travels.

And again --- the whole point here is that IT AIN'T THE GOVERNMENT'S PLACE to either "agree" or "disagree" with a perfectly legal business decision. You have to be Liberal to grok that. Don't strain yourself.

Dude I am well aware how the world works.It's you that struggles. Delta fucked up, too bad so sad.

Now run along and spew your gibberish to someone that buys into left loonism. Freaking troll, you are laughed at on when the home schooled kid pawned your stupid ass
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Personally, I think it stupid... Delta is the largest employer in the state of Georgia employing roughly 30,000 people. Chasing them off (I doubt they're going to leave) would be disastrous.

I agree, I do not think they will leave, mostly because they will just pass on the cost to the people who buy their tickets.

Oh well. I'm a Southwest guy; I haven't flown delta in years.

Does Southwest fly in and out of Atlanta? If so then they are also getting hit by the same thing that Delta is, so look for their fees to go up as well.

I am a "whoever gives me the best deal" guy.
Damn, Georgia did it too. LOL

Georgia Republicans honor their threat, pass bill punishing Delta for cutting ties with NRA

In a show of political strength, Georgia lawmakers on Thursday overwhelmingly approved a bill that was stripped of an earlier provision granting Delta Air Lines a lucrative tax break.

By passing the bill, lawmakers carried out the threat that Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle, R, made to Atlanta-based Delta earlier this week: if the airline did not restore discounted fares to members of the National Rifle Association, Republicans would strike down a $50 million sales-tax exemption on jet fuel from its larger tax-cut package. Delta, which is one of the state's largest employers, would have been the primary beneficiary of the exemption.

Georgia Republicans honor their threat, pass bill punishing Delta for cutting ties with NRA
This was likely to be done anyway as they are old breaks all airlines got they were going to end anyway.

It had already been approved in the House...regardless it's money denied Delta for a piss poor descion on their part

Not really, the money is denied to every airline so every airline will up their ticket price and the whole country will pay extra because the State of Ga thought that the 13 people using the discount were more important than the 30,000 Ga citizens that work for Delta

The whole country will also face higher ticket prices.
It has nothing to do w the nra theu were going to end these anyway. A friend of mine from GA gave me more info
Damn, Georgia did it too. LOL

Georgia Republicans honor their threat, pass bill punishing Delta for cutting ties with NRA

In a show of political strength, Georgia lawmakers on Thursday overwhelmingly approved a bill that was stripped of an earlier provision granting Delta Air Lines a lucrative tax break.

By passing the bill, lawmakers carried out the threat that Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle, R, made to Atlanta-based Delta earlier this week: if the airline did not restore discounted fares to members of the National Rifle Association, Republicans would strike down a $50 million sales-tax exemption on jet fuel from its larger tax-cut package. Delta, which is one of the state's largest employers, would have been the primary beneficiary of the exemption.

Georgia Republicans honor their threat, pass bill punishing Delta for cutting ties with NRA
This was likely to be done anyway as they are old breaks all airlines got they were going to end anyway.

It had already been approved in the House...regardless it's money denied Delta for a piss poor descion on their part

Not really, the money is denied to every airline so every airline will up their ticket price and the whole country will pay extra because the State of Ga thought that the 13 people using the discount were more important than the 30,000 Ga citizens that work for Delta

The whole country will also face higher ticket prices.
It has nothing to do w the nra theu were going to end these anyway. A friend of mine from GA gave me more info

So, what you are saying then is that the government tried to interfere with the transaction between two private entities and was not even prepared to stand up to its end of the bargain had Delta fell for their intimidation.

So, we not only have the government overstepping it bounds but we have a dishonest government also.

ETA: though I have to wonder if that is true, why did they make it through the House with less than 2 days discussion?
So which would be government interference, giving Delta a tax break or not giving them a tax break?

Neither is interference on their own. When the tax break is tied to them giving a financial discount to a different private entity, then you have interference with specific company business decisions.

Let's bump this up a notch, would you approve of the Fed Govt trying to force private companies to give discounts to BLM and PP? Would you think to yourself, "oh yeah, that is cool, that is what the Govt is supposed to be doing?"
why can't you ever agree to disagree instead of yammering on about what you think. I don't care what you think any longer on this. we are at where we are. There is nothing you can do about it except bitch and you sure are doing that. you act like a baby.
I heard them say, "If you're going to discriminate against and insult gun owners, you're not someone we want to negotiate tax breaks with." And no, I don't have a problem with that.

Uuuuhhmmm.......... HOW exactly is declining to run a promotion "discriminating against" anything? Is that not the company's decision? When did that prerogative shift to the government?

Perphaps your problem is with reading comprehension.

Or perhaps the gummint now decides who runs what promotions, for whom and when.

Get over your partisan hackitude. This is blatant corruption/abuse of power. Call it what it is and quit the charade.

Uuuuhhhhmmm, you've had this question answered for you so many times I have lost count. That you're still asking it while feigning total confusion tells me you don't want the answer; you're asking the question for it to BE the answer.

Yes exactly. That's the point. And if you had an answer for that question you could have shot it down.

No, Sparkles, the point is that you consider "I don't LIKE your answer" to mean that there's no answer. Not my problem if you refuse to acknowledge that any point of view besides yours even EXISTS, let alone could have any validity.
So which would be government interference, giving Delta a tax break or not giving them a tax break?

Neither is interference on their own. When the tax break is tied to them giving a financial discount to a different private entity, then you have interference with specific company business decisions.

Let's bump this up a notch, would you approve of the Fed Govt trying to force private companies to give discounts to BLM and PP? Would you think to yourself, "oh yeah, that is cool, that is what the Govt is supposed to be doing?"
why can't you ever agree to disagree instead of yammering on about what you think. I don't care what you think any longer on this. we are at where we are. There is nothing you can do about it except bitch and you sure are doing that. you act like a baby.

I was not even responding to you, I have already told you I am done with you on this discussion. If you are going to lie openly about what Delta said there is nothing more for use to agree to disagree on
You don't "steer clear" by making a public announcement to distance yourself from the NRA. They played politics, the government of Georgia did too. Delta paid 40 mil plus lost future ticket sales. FACT

And to the extent that's a cause-and-effect, it's fascism. But thanks for putting a number on it.

Really? Please enlighten the board as to your reasoning why Delta is ENTITLED to a special tax break at the expense of Georgia taxpayers?

Oh I don't need to. Actually you and your fellow fascists need to essplain where the government gets off telling a private company how it can run its own promotions on its own product.

I'll tell ya right up front, there's no answer for that. Well, not in English anyway.

Lemme essplain it... the gubmint is no telling Delta what to do.

Your truly,
Ricky Ricardo

Shut up, Ethel.

Yours, Fred Mertz
As a sidenote, Pogo , Vivian Vance who played Ethel could not stand William Frawley who played Fred. So she wouldn't have shut up. I saw an interview she did and she said Frawley couldn't stay awake during rehearsals, wouldn't bother to study his lines and the cast members had to cue him because the show was live. Plus he had it written in his contract that when there was an afternoon baseball game, he didn't have to come to work that day. Just sayin'.
Damn, Georgia did it too. LOL

Georgia Republicans honor their threat, pass bill punishing Delta for cutting ties with NRA

In a show of political strength, Georgia lawmakers on Thursday overwhelmingly approved a bill that was stripped of an earlier provision granting Delta Air Lines a lucrative tax break.

By passing the bill, lawmakers carried out the threat that Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle, R, made to Atlanta-based Delta earlier this week: if the airline did not restore discounted fares to members of the National Rifle Association, Republicans would strike down a $50 million sales-tax exemption on jet fuel from its larger tax-cut package. Delta, which is one of the state's largest employers, would have been the primary beneficiary of the exemption.

Georgia Republicans honor their threat, pass bill punishing Delta for cutting ties with NRA
This was likely to be done anyway as they are old breaks all airlines got they were going to end anyway.

It had already been approved in the House...regardless it's money denied Delta for a piss poor descion on their part

Not really, the money is denied to every airline so every airline will up their ticket price and the whole country will pay extra because the State of Ga thought that the 13 people using the discount were more important than the 30,000 Ga citizens that work for Delta

The whole country will also face higher ticket prices.
It has nothing to do w the nra theu were going to end these anyway. A friend of mine from GA gave me more info

So, what you are saying then is that the government tried to interfere with the transaction between two private entities and was not even prepared to stand up to its end of the bargain had Delta fell for their intimidation.

So, we not only have the government overstepping it bounds but we have a dishonest government also.

ETA: though I have to wonder if that is true, why did they make it through the House with less than 2 days discussion?

1. it was ALL AIRLINES losing this "bonus"
2. many didn't want it anyway but yes, the Lt Gov made a Delta issue out of it
3. it won't go into effect for a year anyway *if* they stop the subsidy
4. and if it made it through then in the end it really had nothing to do with delta and ALL INVOLVED IN THIS BULLSHIT are grandstanding for bullshit reasons.

i'm not excusing the Lt Gov but i'm not excusing or forgiving anyone in this overall. it's stupid. fear driven won't get shit done waste another opportunity to work together wait for another one and let's try again fucking stupid.

let me know if that wasn't clear.
Delta Air Lines Inc. showed no signs Friday of backing away from a decision to cancel fare discounts for the National Rifle Assn., despite a retaliatory move by Georgia state leaders that deprived the airline of a significant tax break.

Atlanta-based Delta released an internal memo that Chief Executive Ed Bastian sent to employees that insists the airline's aim is to stay neutral in the gun debate roiling the country since last month's deadly mass shooting at a Florida high school.

The memo appeared roughly at the same time that Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal, a Republican, signed into law a broad tax bill that GOP lawmakers had amended to kill a proposed tax break on jet fuel. The break would have saved Delta millions of dollars.

Georgia punishes Delta for crossing the NRA; airline insists it's 'not taking sides'


I guess the GOP just owns all companies now, if they can do this kind of stuff. Man who knew you could get discounts for belonging to the NRA. Not fair to the rest of us who don't belong is it?
Suddenly liberals are all concerned about billion dollar corporations losing out on tax breaks.
More than a dozen companies stopped offering discounts, are they going after those too.

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