Georgia Senate blocks mega tax cuts for Delta in response to Delta punishing law abiding NRA

As I said, the actions are not the same, but the motivation of the government is the same. In the case of Ga, they went after a business because that business did not meet their political expectations. That should be a problem for everyone, but it is not for some reason.

Wrong. If Delta never had that offer for the NRA in the first place, there wouldn't be a problem because it would not be an issue. However since Delta took away those discounts because of Democrat pressure, they took a political stance. They sided with the Democrats over the Republicans.

It is not just the Dems that do that, both parties do that. It was the Repubs that forced states to adopt 21 as the legal drinking age by threatening to take away federal highway funds.

The Republicans did that? That law was passed in 1984. The Republicans didn't get leadership of Congress until 94.

That's where leftists always trip themselves up. They don't believe that when you support leftist causes, you are being political. You are only being "political" when you support non-leftist causes.

And of course no one believes anything but them. They are independent thinkers who through self reflection and independent thought all arrived at the same position for every issue for the same talking points. We know we are wrong. We just are greedy, bible thumping, gun hugging racists who love corporations and hate the poor, so we won't admit the great leftist truth that they are right on every issue even though we actually know they are
The Georgia legislature broke the Law.... their own constitution and the constitution of the United States, by making a law to harm a private business for the business's own first amendment right of free speech.....

Delta harmed no one by removing a discount that they chose to give in the first place....

And the government of Georgia, decided to use the government to Punish this private business for their own statement...... in this case the statement of wanting to stay neutral in this nation wide debate and not favor one side over the other.

The government used their power to infringe on Delta's constitutional right to fee speech, PERIOD.

Delta will win in a law suit, if there ever is one....
The Georgia legislature broke the Law.... their own constitution and the constitution of the United States, by making a law to harm a private business for the business's own first amendment right of free speech.....

Delta harmed no one by removing a discount that they chose to give in the first place....

And the government of Georgia, decided to use the government to Punish this private business for their own statement...... in this case the statement of wanting to stay neutral in this nation wide debate and not favor one side over the other.

The government used their power to infringe on Delta's constitutional right to fee speech, PERIOD.

Delta will win in a law suit, if there ever is one....
I think they just filed one.
The Georgia legislature broke the Law.... their own constitution and the constitution of the United States, by making a law to harm a private business for the business's own first amendment right of free speech.....

Delta harmed no one by removing a discount that they chose to give in the first place....

And the government of Georgia, decided to use the government to Punish this private business for their own statement...... in this case the statement of wanting to stay neutral in this nation wide debate and not favor one side over the other.

The government used their power to infringe on Delta's constitutional right to fee speech, PERIOD.

Delta will win in a law suit, if there ever is one....

They didn't make any law. They just decided not to give a tax break which is perfectly within their rights to do. It's not unconstitutional either.
The Georgia legislature broke the Law.... their own constitution and the constitution of the United States, by making a law to harm a private business for the business's own first amendment right of free speech.....

Delta harmed no one by removing a discount that they chose to give in the first place....

And the government of Georgia, decided to use the government to Punish this private business for their own statement...... in this case the statement of wanting to stay neutral in this nation wide debate and not favor one side over the other.

The government used their power to infringe on Delta's constitutional right to fee speech, PERIOD.

Delta will win in a law suit, if there ever is one....
I think they just filed one.

So now you want a rich corporation to get a tax cut? Seriously?

And it's infringing on their free speech to not give a corporation a special tax break?

My Gawd you are a partisan hack. Not a chance in hell if we switched parties on this you'd say that
The Georgia legislature broke the Law.... their own constitution and the constitution of the United States, by making a law to harm a private business for the business's own first amendment right of free speech.....

Delta harmed no one by removing a discount that they chose to give in the first place....

And the government of Georgia, decided to use the government to Punish this private business for their own statement...... in this case the statement of wanting to stay neutral in this nation wide debate and not favor one side over the other.

The government used their power to infringe on Delta's constitutional right to fee speech, PERIOD.

Delta will win in a law suit, if there ever is one....

They didn't make any law. They just decided not to give a tax break which is perfectly within their rights to do. It's not unconstitutional either.

It's just classic that now the leftists are all demanding a special tax break for a rich corporation and claiming it's "Unconstitutional" to not give them one.

This is exactly why I always point out they have no actual beliefs in anything other than their desire for ubiquitous government. They are entirely transactional, which is why their arguments always contradict each other. They defend everything that provides a leftist authoritarian result
The Georgia legislature broke the Law.... their own constitution and the constitution of the United States, by making a law to harm a private business for the business's own first amendment right of free speech.....

Give a rich corporation a special tax break or you're violating their freedom of speech!!!!

You're a complete and utter joke of a human being
The Georgia legislature broke the Law.... their own constitution and the constitution of the United States, by making a law to harm a private business for the business's own first amendment right of free speech.....

Delta harmed no one by removing a discount that they chose to give in the first place....

And the government of Georgia, decided to use the government to Punish this private business for their own statement...... in this case the statement of wanting to stay neutral in this nation wide debate and not favor one side over the other.

The government used their power to infringe on Delta's constitutional right to fee speech, PERIOD.

Delta will win in a law suit, if there ever is one....
I think they just filed one.

So now you want a rich corporation to get a tax cut? Seriously?

And it's infringing on their free speech to not give a corporation a special tax break?

My Gawd you are a partisan hack. Not a chance in hell if we switched parties on this you'd say that
I could care less if they get a tax break or not...

That's not the point....if Georgia wanted to take the tax cut away for other reasons, like they can't afford to give it any more or a number of legit reasons that is for the benefit of their own citizens....that's fine and dandy.

but they chose to continue to give the tax break t Delta and it was in the Bill they were ready to pass....

the Georgia government decide to REMOVE/Strip THIS TAX reduction from the existing bill for the SOLE PURPOSE of punishing Delta's free speech of not showing support for one side or the other on this nationwide heated issue.....

The government of Georgia broke the constitution...

Congress SHALL MAKE NO LAW ; abridging the freedom of speech.....

They announced to the world, they were making a law to HARM Delta for their freedom of speech, and they did this for their own NRA lobbying group that funds their own political campaigns.....

The Georgia legislature broke the Law.... their own constitution and the constitution of the United States, by making a law to harm a private business for the business's own first amendment right of free speech.....

Delta harmed no one by removing a discount that they chose to give in the first place....

And the government of Georgia, decided to use the government to Punish this private business for their own statement...... in this case the statement of wanting to stay neutral in this nation wide debate and not favor one side over the other.

The government used their power to infringe on Delta's constitutional right to fee speech, PERIOD.

Delta will win in a law suit, if there ever is one....
I think they just filed one.

So now you want a rich corporation to get a tax cut? Seriously?

And it's infringing on their free speech to not give a corporation a special tax break?

My Gawd you are a partisan hack. Not a chance in hell if we switched parties on this you'd say that
My my.....who pissed in your corn flakes this morning?
The Georgia legislature broke the Law.... their own constitution and the constitution of the United States, by making a law to harm a private business for the business's own first amendment right of free speech.....

Delta harmed no one by removing a discount that they chose to give in the first place....

And the government of Georgia, decided to use the government to Punish this private business for their own statement...... in this case the statement of wanting to stay neutral in this nation wide debate and not favor one side over the other.

The government used their power to infringe on Delta's constitutional right to fee speech, PERIOD.

Delta will win in a law suit, if there ever is one....
I think they just filed one.

So now you want a rich corporation to get a tax cut? Seriously?

And it's infringing on their free speech to not give a corporation a special tax break?

My Gawd you are a partisan hack. Not a chance in hell if we switched parties on this you'd say that
I could care less if they get a tax break or not...

Um ... read your post. Obviously you do

That's not the point....if Georgia wanted to take the tax cut away for other reasons, like they can't afford to give it any more or a number of legit reasons that is for the benefit of their own citizens....that's fine and dandy.

but they chose to continue to give the tax break t Delta and it was in the Bill they were ready to pass....

the Georgia government decide to REMOVE/Strip THIS TAX reduction from the existing bill for the SOLE PURPOSE of punishing Delta's free speech of not showing support for one side or the other on this nationwide heated issue.....

The government of Georgia broke the constitution...

Congress SHALL MAKE NO LAW ; abridging the freedom of speech.....

They announced to the world, they were making a law to HARM Delta for their freedom of speech, and they did this for their own NRA lobbying group that funds their own political campaigns.....


Care4AllLeftists: Delta harmed no one by removing a discount that they chose to give in the first place....

According to you, this is OK.

However, let's replace delta with the Georgia legislature and discount with tax break

Delta The Georgia Legislature harmed no one by removing a discount tax break that they chose to give in the first place....

You're such a hypocrite!

I don't like special tax breaks for specific businesses. I never like that.

For you, it's about party. Switch parties, you flip positions
The Georgia legislature broke the Law.... their own constitution and the constitution of the United States, by making a law to harm a private business for the business's own first amendment right of free speech.....

Delta harmed no one by removing a discount that they chose to give in the first place....

And the government of Georgia, decided to use the government to Punish this private business for their own statement...... in this case the statement of wanting to stay neutral in this nation wide debate and not favor one side over the other.

The government used their power to infringe on Delta's constitutional right to fee speech, PERIOD.

Delta will win in a law suit, if there ever is one....
I think they just filed one.

So now you want a rich corporation to get a tax cut? Seriously?

And it's infringing on their free speech to not give a corporation a special tax break?

My Gawd you are a partisan hack. Not a chance in hell if we switched parties on this you'd say that
My my.....who pissed in your corn flakes this morning?

You first. Who pissed in yours?
Delta The Georgia Legislature harmed no one by removing a discount tax break that they chose to give in the first place....
the Georgia legislature SAID they were taking the tax break away and strip it from the bill in hand, BECAUSE Delta did not agree with the Georgia legislature's support for the NRA lobbying group that funds their own campaigns....

they did not say they were taking the tax break away for any legitimate reason, they SAID they were taking it away because Delta did not kiss their lobbying group's ass.

THEY SAID IT was because of Delta exercising their own freedom of speech....and association.

sorry kiddo, THAT is illegal...unconstitutional for them to use their power in that manner and for that reason.

If they had kept their mouths shut and not spelled it out for us.....that they were doing this for their support for the NRA and to punish Delta for not holding the same stance as themselves. then all would have been ok.

What PART of THAT, do you NOT understand?
Delta The Georgia Legislature harmed no one by removing a discount tax break that they chose to give in the first place....
the Georgia legislature SAID they were taking the tax break away and strip it from the bill in hand, BECAUSE Delta did not agree with the Georgia legislature's support for the NRA lobbying group that funds their own campaigns....

they did not say they were taking the tax break away for any legitimate reason, they SAID they were taking it away because Delta did not kiss their lobbying group's ass.

THEY SAID IT was because of Delta exercising their own freedom of speech....and association.

sorry kiddo, THAT is illegal...unconstitutional for them to use their power in that manner and for that reason.

If they had kept their mouths shut and not spelled it out for us.....that they were doing this for their support for the NRA and to punish Delta for not holding the same stance as themselves. then all would have been ok.

What PART of THAT, do you NOT understand?

Care4All: The Constitution says that big corporations are entitled to special tax breaks unless they are removed with due process of law

No, they aren't, toots.

Hey, remember how you said Gun free school zones are State and local and I showed you that the Gun Free Zone law was actually FEDERAL legislation and you wouldn't man up to admitting you were wrong?

You're a partisan leftist hack. No way in hell you'd be arguing Delta was entitled to a special tax break for any other reason other than leftist political expediency.

Special tax breaks can't be removed because it's Unconstitutional. You're unreal
Sure it's why the legislature was created for corporate spats....

I’m sure it coincides with what the people of Georgia want as well. At least those who don’t live in Atlanta.
They didn't need a tax cut from the state on top of the federal one also..

Companies think they need special breaks to exist, they don't...I ran a business for thirty years and never got a one...

I just like that the state took it away as punishment for a stupid decision.
No, the people in this country who CALL themselves liberals do that. Is North Korea a people's democratic republic because they call themselves that?

Liberals are open to listening and new ideas. Liberals are open minded. Liberals want government force to be a last option and only when absolutely required. What Democrat do you know who fits that description? Just because leftists have coopted the word doesn't mean I'm going to agree that calling themselves that makes them that. It doesn't. Their policies are not in any way liberal. They are authoritarian leftist.

So, you have a different definition of liberal than the rest of the country. That is cool for you, but makes it hard to have a discussion when everyone gets to make up their own definitions.

You have a funky view in this one then since you're arguing that you're against tax breaks and the Georgia legislature taking them away is bad because they are being "political." Leftists always contradict yourselves.

The reason that something is done is often more important than the action. I can take the action of punishing my son for skipping school and I can take the exact same action because he got an A in school. In one case the action is appropriate and in the next it is not.

As much as I dislike tax breaks I dislike the government interfering in the private transactions of two private entities and taking the side of one over the other.

And again you defend Delta who is picking a political side, which is by definition being political.

Yes, I defend the actions of the private entity that was doing what is their essential liberty to do, make a business decisions. I will defend that right all day long. This is where you and I have our biggest difference, you are ok with the government interfering in the private transactions of two private entities and taking the side of one over the other, and I am not.
Which definition of "left" are you using? How am I more "left" than you are? You have to answer the first question before the second since you're mixing up what left means

I will use the definition that is accepted in this country, not your own pet definition.

One reason you are further left than me is that you ok with the government interfering in the private transactions of two private entities and taking the side of one over the other, and I am not.

That is why you are further left than me.
No, the people in this country who CALL themselves liberals do that. Is North Korea a people's democratic republic because they call themselves that?

Liberals are open to listening and new ideas. Liberals are open minded. Liberals want government force to be a last option and only when absolutely required. What Democrat do you know who fits that description? Just because leftists have coopted the word doesn't mean I'm going to agree that calling themselves that makes them that. It doesn't. Their policies are not in any way liberal. They are authoritarian leftist.

So, you have a different definition of liberal than the rest of the country. That is cool for you, but makes it hard to have a discussion when everyone gets to make up their own definitions.

Nope, did not do that. Here you go, champ

One reason you are further left than me is that you ok with the government interfering in the private transactions of two private entities and taking the side of one over the other, and I am not.

That is why you are further left than me.

You are so fucked up. You're arguing that legislatures giving and removing special tax breaks for big corporations is "government interfering in the private transactions of two private entities and taking the side of one over the other."

You're going to snap your spine with those contortions. :lame2::lame2::lame2:

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