Georgia Senate blocks mega tax cuts for Delta in response to Delta punishing law abiding NRA

You are so fucked up. You're arguing that legislatures giving and removing special tax breaks for big corporations is "government interfering in the private transactions of two private entities and taking the side of one over the other."

You're going to snap your spine with those contortions. :lame2::lame2::lame2:

No snowflake, I am arguing that a LtGov and Senators telling a private entity that if they do not give a financial discount to a different private entity they will be punished is the government interfering in the private transactions of two private entities and taking the side of one over the other.

Do try and keep up.
You are so fucked up. You're arguing that legislatures giving and removing special tax breaks for big corporations is "government interfering in the private transactions of two private entities and taking the side of one over the other."

You're going to snap your spine with those contortions. :lame2::lame2::lame2:

No snowflake, I am arguing that a LtGov and Senators telling a private entity that if they do not give a financial discount to a different private entity they will be punished is the government interfering in the private transactions of two private entities and taking the side of one over the other.

Do try and keep up.

What does "snowflake" have to do with anything? You suck at insults. Did I hewt wour widdle feewings and wou're lwashing bwack?

Positive rights are completely different than negative rights. It's not "punishment" to remove a perk. If they were removing actual rights of Delta, that would be an entirely different thing.

When Delta is getting a perk not given to other companies from the people of Georgia, they should stay out of politics. And if we were talking about a company that punished the left instead of the right, you'd suddenly get that.
You are so fucked up. You're arguing that legislatures giving and removing special tax breaks for big corporations is "government interfering in the private transactions of two private entities and taking the side of one over the other."

You're going to snap your spine with those contortions. :lame2::lame2::lame2:

No snowflake, I am arguing that a LtGov and Senators telling a private entity that if they do not give a financial discount to a different private entity they will be punished is the government interfering in the private transactions of two private entities and taking the side of one over the other.

Do try and keep up.

What does "snowflake" have to do with anything? You suck at insults. Did I hewt wour widdle feewings and wou're lwashing bwack?

Positive rights are completely different than negative rights. It's not "punishment" to remove a perk. If they were removing actual rights of Delta, that would be an entirely different thing.

When Delta is getting a perk not given to other companies from the people of Georgia, they should stay out of politics. And if we were talking about a company that punished the left instead of the right, you'd suddenly get that.
Someone is still upset, I see.
What does "snowflake" have to do with anything? You suck at insults. Did I hewt wour widdle feewings and wou're lwashing bwack?

Positive rights are completely different than negative rights. It's not "punishment" to remove a perk. If they were removing actual rights of Delta, that would be an entirely different thing.

When Delta is getting a perk not given to other companies from the people of Georgia, they should stay out of politics. And if we were talking about a company that punished the left instead of the right, you'd suddenly get that.

How ever you wish to word it, the bottom line is that the government told one private entity they had to give financial discounts to a different private entity or they would face consequences..and you are cool with them doing so. That is why you are much further left than I am.

Also, Delta was not the only company getting the "perk" you are wrong yet again. I will give you credit, you are at least consistent at being wrong.

And no, I do not base my values on left and right like you seem to. I am against it for one and all.

If you want to know my views on the government telling a private business to do anything at all, read this thread and you will find out just how wrong you are.

Gay wedding cakes at Muslim bakeries.
You are so fucked up. You're arguing that legislatures giving and removing special tax breaks for big corporations is "government interfering in the private transactions of two private entities and taking the side of one over the other."

You're going to snap your spine with those contortions. :lame2::lame2::lame2:

No snowflake, I am arguing that a LtGov and Senators telling a private entity that if they do not give a financial discount to a different private entity they will be punished is the government interfering in the private transactions of two private entities and taking the side of one over the other.

Do try and keep up.

What does "snowflake" have to do with anything? You suck at insults. Did I hewt wour widdle feewings and wou're lwashing bwack?

Positive rights are completely different than negative rights. It's not "punishment" to remove a perk. If they were removing actual rights of Delta, that would be an entirely different thing.

When Delta is getting a perk not given to other companies from the people of Georgia, they should stay out of politics. And if we were talking about a company that punished the left instead of the right, you'd suddenly get that.
Someone is still upset, I see.

The little statist does not like getting called out.
the Georgia government decide to REMOVE/Strip THIS TAX reduction from the existing bill for the SOLE PURPOSE of punishing Delta's free speech of not showing support for one side or the other on this nationwide heated issue.....

Congress SHALL MAKE NO LAW ; abridging the freedom of speech.....

So how are they abridging their freedom of speech? Nobody stopped Delta from doing anything. Did Delta freely remove those discounts or did they not? Did any government official try to stop them????
the Georgia government decide to REMOVE/Strip THIS TAX reduction from the existing bill for the SOLE PURPOSE of punishing Delta's free speech of not showing support for one side or the other on this nationwide heated issue.....

Congress SHALL MAKE NO LAW ; abridging the freedom of speech.....

So how are they abridging their freedom of speech? Nobody stopped Delta from doing anything. Did Delta freely remove those discounts or did they not? Did any government official try to stop them????

Yes government officials tried to stop them, even said so in an official statement

Sent from my iPhone using
the Georgia government decide to REMOVE/Strip THIS TAX reduction from the existing bill for the SOLE PURPOSE of punishing Delta's free speech of not showing support for one side or the other on this nationwide heated issue.....

Congress SHALL MAKE NO LAW ; abridging the freedom of speech.....

So how are they abridging their freedom of speech? Nobody stopped Delta from doing anything. Did Delta freely remove those discounts or did they not? Did any government official try to stop them????
Ironically, if the Georgia politicians had kept their MOUTHS shut and voted to get rid of the tax breaks, no one would have any complaints....but they made their intent crystal clear. They're stupid that way.
You are so fucked up. You're arguing that legislatures giving and removing special tax breaks for big corporations is "government interfering in the private transactions of two private entities and taking the side of one over the other."

You're going to snap your spine with those contortions. :lame2::lame2::lame2:

No snowflake, I am arguing that a LtGov and Senators telling a private entity that if they do not give a financial discount to a different private entity they will be punished is the government interfering in the private transactions of two private entities and taking the side of one over the other.

Do try and keep up.

What does "snowflake" have to do with anything? You suck at insults. Did I hewt wour widdle feewings and wou're lwashing bwack?

Positive rights are completely different than negative rights. It's not "punishment" to remove a perk. If they were removing actual rights of Delta, that would be an entirely different thing.

When Delta is getting a perk not given to other companies from the people of Georgia, they should stay out of politics. And if we were talking about a company that punished the left instead of the right, you'd suddenly get that.
Someone is still upset, I see.

Whoa, a blast of anger. Geez, calm down. This is just an internet discussion, why is that worth losing it like that? Just hold a paper bag in front of you and breathe. In ... out ... in ... out ...

I don't get why that's fun to you morons
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What does "snowflake" have to do with anything? You suck at insults. Did I hewt wour widdle feewings and wou're lwashing bwack?

Positive rights are completely different than negative rights. It's not "punishment" to remove a perk. If they were removing actual rights of Delta, that would be an entirely different thing.

When Delta is getting a perk not given to other companies from the people of Georgia, they should stay out of politics. And if we were talking about a company that punished the left instead of the right, you'd suddenly get that.

How ever you wish to word it, the bottom line is that the government told one private entity they had to give financial discounts to a different private entity or they would face consequences..and you are cool with them doing so. That is why you are much further left than I am.

Also, Delta was not the only company getting the "perk" you are wrong yet again. I will give you credit, you are at least consistent at being wrong.

And no, I do not base my values on left and right like you seem to. I am against it for one and all.

If you want to know my views on the government telling a private business to do anything at all, read this thread and you will find out just how wrong you are.

Gay wedding cakes at Muslim bakeries.

Positive rights aren't real rights. If government were singling them out for actual punishment, then that would be an argument. But taking away their perks?

And you like to ignore that Delta made the choice to enter politics when they were getting a tax break from the people of Georgia.

Choices have consequences no matter how much you want to pretend they don't.

It's hilarious all the leftists screaming that a big corporation should be getting a special tax break! You people really need to listen to yourselves and all the crap you spew
You are so fucked up. You're arguing that legislatures giving and removing special tax breaks for big corporations is "government interfering in the private transactions of two private entities and taking the side of one over the other."

You're going to snap your spine with those contortions. :lame2::lame2::lame2:

No snowflake, I am arguing that a LtGov and Senators telling a private entity that if they do not give a financial discount to a different private entity they will be punished is the government interfering in the private transactions of two private entities and taking the side of one over the other.

Do try and keep up.

What does "snowflake" have to do with anything? You suck at insults. Did I hewt wour widdle feewings and wou're lwashing bwack?

Positive rights are completely different than negative rights. It's not "punishment" to remove a perk. If they were removing actual rights of Delta, that would be an entirely different thing.

When Delta is getting a perk not given to other companies from the people of Georgia, they should stay out of politics. And if we were talking about a company that punished the left instead of the right, you'd suddenly get that.
Someone is still upset, I see.

The little statist does not like getting called out.

Right, I'm a statist who doesn't think big corporations should get special tax breaks because it's bad for small businesses. Did you come up with that argument yourself or did you get a third grader to help you?
the Georgia government decide to REMOVE/Strip THIS TAX reduction from the existing bill for the SOLE PURPOSE of punishing Delta's free speech of not showing support for one side or the other on this nationwide heated issue.....

Congress SHALL MAKE NO LAW ; abridging the freedom of speech.....

So how are they abridging their freedom of speech? Nobody stopped Delta from doing anything. Did Delta freely remove those discounts or did they not? Did any government official try to stop them????
Ironically, if the Georgia politicians had kept their MOUTHS shut and voted to get rid of the tax breaks, no one would have any complaints....but they made their intent crystal clear. They're stupid that way.

I disagree. I think it's Delta and like that wanted to make the splash. Of course the MSM helped them along the way.
the Georgia government decide to REMOVE/Strip THIS TAX reduction from the existing bill for the SOLE PURPOSE of punishing Delta's free speech of not showing support for one side or the other on this nationwide heated issue.....

Congress SHALL MAKE NO LAW ; abridging the freedom of speech.....

So how are they abridging their freedom of speech? Nobody stopped Delta from doing anything. Did Delta freely remove those discounts or did they not? Did any government official try to stop them????

Yes government officials tried to stop them, even said so in an official statement

Sent from my iPhone using

So how did they try to stop them? What could politicians possibly do and why didn't they do it?
What does "snowflake" have to do with anything? You suck at insults. Did I hewt wour widdle feewings and wou're lwashing bwack?

Positive rights are completely different than negative rights. It's not "punishment" to remove a perk. If they were removing actual rights of Delta, that would be an entirely different thing.

When Delta is getting a perk not given to other companies from the people of Georgia, they should stay out of politics. And if we were talking about a company that punished the left instead of the right, you'd suddenly get that.

How ever you wish to word it, the bottom line is that the government told one private entity they had to give financial discounts to a different private entity or they would face consequences..and you are cool with them doing so. That is why you are much further left than I am.

Also, Delta was not the only company getting the "perk" you are wrong yet again. I will give you credit, you are at least consistent at being wrong.

And no, I do not base my values on left and right like you seem to. I am against it for one and all.

If you want to know my views on the government telling a private business to do anything at all, read this thread and you will find out just how wrong you are.

Gay wedding cakes at Muslim bakeries.

Positive rights aren't real rights. If government were singling them out for actual punishment, then that would be an argument. But taking away their perks?

And you like to ignore that Delta made the choice to enter politics when they were getting a tax break from the people of Georgia.

Choices have consequences no matter how much you want to pretend they don't.

It's hilarious all the leftists screaming that a big corporation should be getting a special tax break! You people really need to listen to yourselves and all the crap you spew

Of course choices have consequences, but should those consequences involve the government using its power to very specifically pressure one company to provide a discount to a private organization?

Neither Delta nor any other airline is due a tax break for fuel. The Georgia government was under no obligation to pass legislation with the tax break in it. My problem is with members of the Georgia government making a tax break contingent upon a private company giving a discount to a private organization. That's government getting too intimately involved in private business affairs, IMO.

If the Georgia legislature had simply not provided the tax break, I wouldn't have cared. It was the statements made indicating the tax break was only being withheld because of Delta discontinuing a discount, and indicating the tax break could be reinstated if Delta reinstated that discount, I find problematic.
Neither Delta nor any other airline is due a tax break for fuel

Bingo! This is it exactly. The Georgia legislature removed nothing that Delta was entitled to.

And if we switched parties, you'd switch to that Delta deserved it for being political. I would still oppose special tax breaks for big companies
the Georgia government decide to REMOVE/Strip THIS TAX reduction from the existing bill for the SOLE PURPOSE of punishing Delta's free speech of not showing support for one side or the other on this nationwide heated issue.....

Congress SHALL MAKE NO LAW ; abridging the freedom of speech.....

So how are they abridging their freedom of speech? Nobody stopped Delta from doing anything. Did Delta freely remove those discounts or did they not? Did any government official try to stop them????

Yes government officials tried to stop them, even said so in an official statement

Sent from my iPhone using

So how did they try to stop them? What could politicians possibly do and why didn't they do it?

Here is a quote for you...but you are just a partisan zealot and will dismiss it out of hand.

“I will kill any tax legislation that benefits @Delta unless the company changes its position and fully reinstates its relationship with @NRA

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