Georgia Senate blocks mega tax cuts for Delta in response to Delta punishing law abiding NRA

"staying out of politics" was exactly what Delta was trying to do

Delta was trying to stay out of politics by ending an agreement that was used by 13 people to attack the NRA?

Leftists just get weirder and weirder ... and weirder ...

Again, I don't know anything about "13 people" nor could they possibly be relevant here but Delta was trying to stay out of politics by refraining from bestowing special treatment on a SIG that is in the political hot seat.

Your position is apparently that a private business must be forced, by government, to run a promotional discount on its own prices, according to the whim of a state legislator. That's why you're being called a "statist" right now. And rightly so. What Delta or any other business does with their own price schedules should be up to them, not some wackball state legislator looking for a grandstand to milk future votes from.

Strawman. That's your delusion, not my position.

And what was unclear about 13 people? I clearly said where the 13 people was in my post. How did you possibly not understand that?

Seeing as how you give no clue who the fuck these random "13 people" are or what they did or said, gosh whiz Wally how could I possibly not get that?

And attacking the NRA is not political, you're just another leftist hack.

Once AGAIN ---- where is this "attack"?

My advice to Delta would have been to stay out of it. They didn't need to take any position. I'm glad they didn't.

Indeed they didn't. Just told you that. They took pains to avoid the appearance of taking a position. And as somebody else posted earlier, they've done it before too.

I don't think any company should get a special tax break. It's just fascism. I want the tax eliminated for everyone or no one. Skewing the market in favor of big corporations is anti-capitalist

And a legislator holding a company hostage if it doesn't meet his wacko political demands is ---- what?

I'll give you a hint. Seven letters, starts with F.
Just heard about this. Will find a link. Kudos to the Senators for hitting back at the NRA. Why should gun owners in Georgia who pay taxes have to support Delta financially?

If Delta doesn't want or need the business of 5 million NRA members why do they even need a tax break?

Delta’s tax break may not take flight after Georgia Senate blocks it

is it the job of the Georgia Senate to shill for the NRA?

Huh... Guess I'm getting old. But I do recall a day when Republicans spoke out against government strong-arming business like this. The times they are a changin'.
Neither Delta nor any other airline is due a tax break for fuel

Bingo! This is it exactly. The Georgia legislature removed nothing that Delta was entitled to.

And if we switched parties, you'd switch to that Delta deserved it for being political. I would still oppose special tax breaks for big companies

And you assume I care about the political parties involved because?....

I don't care what party is being overly intrusive here. Democrats, Republicans, it doesn't matter; politicians will use government in ways they shouldn't regardless of political affiliation. I also don't care that it involves the NRA, nor Delta; it's the intrusive nature of the actions that bother me, not which companies or organizations are involved.

Whatever Delta may deserve, it should not be meted out by government in this instance.

Only a leftist would care that a big corporation lost a special tax break other companies don't get because they decided to be political and attack the NRA.

Delta was getting a benefit from the people of Georgia. All of them, not just the leftists. Staying out of politics would have been a smart thing to do.

I'm glad they didn't. I oppose special tax breaks and I'm glad they lost it

It isn't about Delta losing a tax break. I have no problem with Delta losing the tax break. It is the way the government went about it, using a tax break as a lever to try to get one private corporation to continue giving a discount to a private organization. Cagle pretty specifically said that he would kill any legislation that gave Delta a fuel tax break unless they returned to giving the NRA discounts for their convention.

You are insisting the issue is Delta getting a tax break. It is not. It is about representatives using the power of government to try to force a private company to give a discount to a particular organization. I would be happier without so many tax breaks, with a simplified tax system that does not try to social engineer the way ours does.
Neither Delta nor any other airline is due a tax break for fuel

Bingo! This is it exactly. The Georgia legislature removed nothing that Delta was entitled to.

And if we switched parties, you'd switch to that Delta deserved it for being political. I would still oppose special tax breaks for big companies

And you assume I care about the political parties involved because?....

I don't care what party is being overly intrusive here. Democrats, Republicans, it doesn't matter; politicians will use government in ways they shouldn't regardless of political affiliation. I also don't care that it involves the NRA, nor Delta; it's the intrusive nature of the actions that bother me, not which companies or organizations are involved.

Whatever Delta may deserve, it should not be meted out by government in this instance.

Only a leftist would care that a big corporation lost a special tax break other companies don't get because they decided to be political and attack the NRA.

Delta was getting a benefit from the people of Georgia. All of them, not just the leftists. Staying out of politics would have been a smart thing to do.

I'm glad they didn't. I oppose special tax breaks and I'm glad they lost it

It isn't about Delta losing a tax break. I have no problem with Delta losing the tax break. It is the way the government went about it, using a tax break as a lever to try to get one private corporation to continue giving a discount to a private organization. Cagle pretty specifically said that he would kill any legislation that gave Delta a fuel tax break unless they returned to giving the NRA discounts for their convention.

You are insisting the issue is Delta getting a tax break. It is not. It is about representatives using the power of government to try to force a private company to give a discount to a particular organization. I would be happier without so many tax breaks, with a simplified tax system that does not try to social engineer the way ours does.

I agree, but what goes around comes around.

What did DumBama threaten businesses with if they didn't provide employer sponsored healthcare coverage to their employees? Not only healthcare, but with his vote buying riders like birth control?

But that wasn't enough. He also raped taxpayers of their income tax return if THEY didn't have coverage; as if they didn't have enough financial problems as it was.

The liberals sure didn't mind that. In fact, they reelected him afterward. Now they are coming to the aid of Delta because using tax brakes is immoral, unconstitutional and over powering.
Neither Delta nor any other airline is due a tax break for fuel

Bingo! This is it exactly. The Georgia legislature removed nothing that Delta was entitled to.

And if we switched parties, you'd switch to that Delta deserved it for being political. I would still oppose special tax breaks for big companies

And you assume I care about the political parties involved because?....

I don't care what party is being overly intrusive here. Democrats, Republicans, it doesn't matter; politicians will use government in ways they shouldn't regardless of political affiliation. I also don't care that it involves the NRA, nor Delta; it's the intrusive nature of the actions that bother me, not which companies or organizations are involved.

Whatever Delta may deserve, it should not be meted out by government in this instance.

Only a leftist would care that a big corporation lost a special tax break other companies don't get because they decided to be political and attack the NRA.

Delta was getting a benefit from the people of Georgia. All of them, not just the leftists. Staying out of politics would have been a smart thing to do.

I'm glad they didn't. I oppose special tax breaks and I'm glad they lost it

It isn't about Delta losing a tax break. I have no problem with Delta losing the tax break. It is the way the government went about it, using a tax break as a lever to try to get one private corporation to continue giving a discount to a private organization. Cagle pretty specifically said that he would kill any legislation that gave Delta a fuel tax break unless they returned to giving the NRA discounts for their convention.

You are insisting the issue is Delta getting a tax break. It is not. It is about representatives using the power of government to try to force a private company to give a discount to a particular organization. I would be happier without so many tax breaks, with a simplified tax system that does not try to social engineer the way ours does.

I agree, but what goes around comes around.

What did DumBama threaten businesses with if they didn't provide employer sponsored healthcare coverage to their employees? Not only healthcare, but with his vote buying riders like birth control?

But that wasn't enough. He also raped taxpayers of their income tax return if THEY didn't have coverage; as if they didn't have enough financial problems as it was.

The liberals sure didn't mind that. In fact, they reelected him afterward. Now they are coming to the aid of Delta because using tax brakes is immoral, unconstitutional and over powering.

I am not a fan of the ACA. However, there is an important difference involved; namely, that the ACA did not target an individual business and use the power of government to get that business to give a discount, or other special consideration, to any individual organization. While I opposed the mandate from the beginning, I think it is a different issue. Both are a misuse of government power IMO, however.
When Delta is getting a perk not given to other companies from the people of Georgia, they should stay out of politics.

Don't know if there's a "perk not given to other companies" or not, but "staying out of politics" was exactly what Delta was trying to do. And some wackoff legislator was trying to coerce them into staying IN it.

No, staying out of politics would mean not making any changes because of politics. But they did, so they did get involved with politics. They chose a side.
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the Georgia government decide to REMOVE/Strip THIS TAX reduction from the existing bill for the SOLE PURPOSE of punishing Delta's free speech of not showing support for one side or the other on this nationwide heated issue.....

Congress SHALL MAKE NO LAW ; abridging the freedom of speech.....

So how are they abridging their freedom of speech? Nobody stopped Delta from doing anything. Did Delta freely remove those discounts or did they not? Did any government official try to stop them????

Yes government officials tried to stop them, even said so in an official statement

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So how did they try to stop them? What could politicians possibly do and why didn't they do it?

Here is a quote for you...but you are just a partisan zealot and will dismiss it out of hand.

“I will kill any tax legislation that benefits @Delta unless the company changes its position and fully reinstates its relationship with @NRA

Is there a point to this? It doesn't refute what I said.
Bingo! This is it exactly. The Georgia legislature removed nothing that Delta was entitled to.

And if we switched parties, you'd switch to that Delta deserved it for being political. I would still oppose special tax breaks for big companies

And you assume I care about the political parties involved because?....

I don't care what party is being overly intrusive here. Democrats, Republicans, it doesn't matter; politicians will use government in ways they shouldn't regardless of political affiliation. I also don't care that it involves the NRA, nor Delta; it's the intrusive nature of the actions that bother me, not which companies or organizations are involved.

Whatever Delta may deserve, it should not be meted out by government in this instance.

Only a leftist would care that a big corporation lost a special tax break other companies don't get because they decided to be political and attack the NRA.

Delta was getting a benefit from the people of Georgia. All of them, not just the leftists. Staying out of politics would have been a smart thing to do.

I'm glad they didn't. I oppose special tax breaks and I'm glad they lost it

It isn't about Delta losing a tax break. I have no problem with Delta losing the tax break. It is the way the government went about it, using a tax break as a lever to try to get one private corporation to continue giving a discount to a private organization. Cagle pretty specifically said that he would kill any legislation that gave Delta a fuel tax break unless they returned to giving the NRA discounts for their convention.

You are insisting the issue is Delta getting a tax break. It is not. It is about representatives using the power of government to try to force a private company to give a discount to a particular organization. I would be happier without so many tax breaks, with a simplified tax system that does not try to social engineer the way ours does.

I agree, but what goes around comes around.

What did DumBama threaten businesses with if they didn't provide employer sponsored healthcare coverage to their employees? Not only healthcare, but with his vote buying riders like birth control?

But that wasn't enough. He also raped taxpayers of their income tax return if THEY didn't have coverage; as if they didn't have enough financial problems as it was.

The liberals sure didn't mind that. In fact, they reelected him afterward. Now they are coming to the aid of Delta because using tax brakes is immoral, unconstitutional and over powering.

I am not a fan of the ACA. However, there is an important difference involved; namely, that the ACA did not target an individual business and use the power of government to get that business to give a discount, or other special consideration, to any individual organization. While I opposed the mandate from the beginning, I think it is a different issue. Both are a misuse of government power IMO, however.

The other difference is the Democrats simply did not remove a government benefit, they down right fined the companies.

I think that's a hell of a lot worse than removing a benefit.
So what happens when Delta takes the offer of New York or Virginia (or others) to move their headquarters there, instead?

There will be 30,000+ citizens of the State of Georgia without jobs, from what I've heard on television news in recent days.

We'll see what Billy-Bob and Bobbi-Jo have to say about that when they can't make their mortgage payments or pay their utility or grocery bills.

I'm sure they'll be glad that their brave State Senators threw them under the bus because their Senators are in thrall to the insidious NRA.
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When Delta is getting a perk not given to other companies from the people of Georgia, they should stay out of politics.

Don't know if there's a "perk not given to other companies" or not, but "staying out of politics" was exactly what Delta was trying to do. And some wackoff legislator was trying to coerce them into staying IN it.

No, staying out of politics would mean not making any changes because of politics. But they did, so they did get involved with politics. They chose a side.

Charging a customer a standard price is not "choosing a side".

Charging the customer extra based on their politics --- THAT would be "choosing a side". But that isn't what they did. Is it.

On the other hand throwing a hissyfit in the state legislature about 'if company X doesn't run its own business so as to give preferential treatment for my chosen entity Y I'll block their tax break' --- is not only "choosing a side", it's fucking fascism.

But the offer is still open to prove any of us wrong. And the way you do that is show is any legitimate avenue the state legislature of Georgia, or anywhere else, has the legitimate right to tell a commercial company when and how to run its own promotions.

Rotsa ruck.
Charging a customer a standard price is not "choosing a side".

It has nothing to do with what they charge their customers.

Charging the customer extra based on their politics --- THAT would be "choosing a side". But that isn't what they did. Is it.

What they did is change a policy under political pressure. That is choosing a side, also known as caving.

On the other hand throwing a hissyfit in the state legislature about 'if company X doesn't run its own business so as to give preferential treatment for my chosen entity Y I'll block their tax break' --- is not only "choosing a side", it's fucking fascism.

If that's fascism, what did you call Commie Care after it was passed?
So what happens when Delta takes the offer of New York or Virginia (or others) to move their headquarters there, instead?

There will be 30,000+ citizens of the State of Georgia without jobs, from what I've heard on television news in recent days.

We'll see what Billy-Bob and Bobbi-Jo have to say about that when they can't make their mortgage payments or pay their utility or grocery bills.

I'm sure they'll be glad that their brave State Senators threw them under the bus because their Senators are in thrall to the insidious NRA.

Delta announced yesterday they had no plans to leave Atlanta.
Neither Delta nor any other airline is due a tax break for fuel

Bingo! This is it exactly. The Georgia legislature removed nothing that Delta was entitled to.

And if we switched parties, you'd switch to that Delta deserved it for being political. I would still oppose special tax breaks for big companies

And you assume I care about the political parties involved because?....

I don't care what party is being overly intrusive here. Democrats, Republicans, it doesn't matter; politicians will use government in ways they shouldn't regardless of political affiliation. I also don't care that it involves the NRA, nor Delta; it's the intrusive nature of the actions that bother me, not which companies or organizations are involved.

Whatever Delta may deserve, it should not be meted out by government in this instance.

Only a leftist would care that a big corporation lost a special tax break other companies don't get because they decided to be political and attack the NRA.

Delta was getting a benefit from the people of Georgia. All of them, not just the leftists. Staying out of politics would have been a smart thing to do.

I'm glad they didn't. I oppose special tax breaks and I'm glad they lost it

Why do you keep lying about no one else getting the tax cut?

Sent from my iPhone using

You didn't know it's a special tax break? Seriously? Haven't you read any of the articles on the thread you keep posting in?

No, what I did was read the actual bill itself and find out it was for all airlines purchasing jet fuel in Georgia.

Perhaps next time you might choose to educate yourself and not rely on the left wing media.

Sent from my iPhone using
Neither Delta nor any other airline is due a tax break for fuel

Bingo! This is it exactly. The Georgia legislature removed nothing that Delta was entitled to.

And if we switched parties, you'd switch to that Delta deserved it for being political. I would still oppose special tax breaks for big companies

And you assume I care about the political parties involved because?....

I don't care what party is being overly intrusive here. Democrats, Republicans, it doesn't matter; politicians will use government in ways they shouldn't regardless of political affiliation. I also don't care that it involves the NRA, nor Delta; it's the intrusive nature of the actions that bother me, not which companies or organizations are involved.

Whatever Delta may deserve, it should not be meted out by government in this instance.
Amazon tells Georgia FU we won't be moving there Good work Georgia idiots

Where do you get that Amazon was ever going to pick Georgia?
they were on the list of maybes
Neither Delta nor any other airline is due a tax break for fuel

Bingo! This is it exactly. The Georgia legislature removed nothing that Delta was entitled to.

And if we switched parties, you'd switch to that Delta deserved it for being political. I would still oppose special tax breaks for big companies

And you assume I care about the political parties involved because?....

I don't care what party is being overly intrusive here. Democrats, Republicans, it doesn't matter; politicians will use government in ways they shouldn't regardless of political affiliation. I also don't care that it involves the NRA, nor Delta; it's the intrusive nature of the actions that bother me, not which companies or organizations are involved.

Whatever Delta may deserve, it should not be meted out by government in this instance.

Only a leftist would care that a big corporation lost a special tax break other companies don't get because they decided to be political and attack the NRA.

Delta was getting a benefit from the people of Georgia. All of them, not just the leftists. Staying out of politics would have been a smart thing to do.

I'm glad they didn't. I oppose special tax breaks and I'm glad they lost it
you might oppose them but that's how states lure big business
Charging a customer a standard price is not "choosing a side".

It has nothing to do with what they charge their customers.

It has EVERYTHING to do with it.


There's no way around that, Homer. It means exactly what it says --- a politician trying to throw his weight around dic-tating to a private company how it can run its business.

Charging the customer extra based on their politics --- THAT would be "choosing a side". But that isn't what they did. Is it.

What they did is change a policy under political pressure. That is choosing a side, also known as caving.

Once AGAIN --- company policy is the privilege of the company. In this case they chose to not-offer a promotional fare. Exactly why a company takes or declines to take an action ---- IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. *NOR* do you get to sit in judgment in some imaginary court deciding what that company's motives are, nor does the sleazeball politician.

You can't FORCE a company you're not part of to offer a promotional fare just because you want to take a hissyfit.

Oh and notice how this klown characterizes his hissyfit: "attack conservatives". Same verb I challenged the last poster on as to where the "attack" is. He ran away. Presumably not getting your way with a promotional fare you probably weren't even aware of, constitutes an "attack". Please.

On the other hand throwing a hissyfit in the state legislature about 'if company X doesn't run its own business so as to give preferential treatment for my chosen entity Y I'll block their tax break' --- is not only "choosing a side", it's fucking fascism.

If that's fascism, what did you call Commie Care after it was passed?

I'm not familiar with "Commie Care" so I don't have a name for it.

Principle? How about reality? How many people will have to eat the Georgia tax hike on flying? I would guess many more than 13.

THANK YOU! Not often that you leftists so willingly agree that they are without principles!
It has EVERYTHING to do with it.

How so?

Once AGAIN --- company policy is the privilege of the company. In this case they chose to not-offer a promotional fare. Exactly why a company takes or declines to take an action ---- IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. *NOR* do you get to sit in judgment in some imaginary court deciding what that company's motives are, nor does the sleazeball politician.

You can't FORCE a company you're not part of to offer a promotional fare just because you want to take a hissyfit.

Oh and notice how this klown characterizes his hissyfit: "attack conservatives". Same verb I challenged the last poster on as to where the "attack" is. He ran away. Presumably not getting your way with a promotional fare you probably weren't even aware of, constitutes an "attack". Please.

Sure it's my business. If a company takes a political position against mine, I want to know so I don't do business with them. Nobody is forcing this company to do anything. They are still holding strong on their discount elimination. And please, don't mix my comments with anybody else here. That's your war--not mine.

I'm not familiar with "Commie Care" so I don't have a name for it.

Oh, that's right, you're a liberal so you can't figure it out yourself. Well allow me to help: The Unaffordable Care Act. Is that better????
Sure it's my business. If a company takes a political position against mine, I want to know so I don't do business with them. Nobody is forcing this company to do anything. They are still holding strong on their discount elimination.

Yes, it is your business. But it is not the business of the government.
Bingo! This is it exactly. The Georgia legislature removed nothing that Delta was entitled to.

And if we switched parties, you'd switch to that Delta deserved it for being political. I would still oppose special tax breaks for big companies

And you assume I care about the political parties involved because?....

I don't care what party is being overly intrusive here. Democrats, Republicans, it doesn't matter; politicians will use government in ways they shouldn't regardless of political affiliation. I also don't care that it involves the NRA, nor Delta; it's the intrusive nature of the actions that bother me, not which companies or organizations are involved.

Whatever Delta may deserve, it should not be meted out by government in this instance.

Only a leftist would care that a big corporation lost a special tax break other companies don't get because they decided to be political and attack the NRA.

Delta was getting a benefit from the people of Georgia. All of them, not just the leftists. Staying out of politics would have been a smart thing to do.

I'm glad they didn't. I oppose special tax breaks and I'm glad they lost it

Why do you keep lying about no one else getting the tax cut?

Sent from my iPhone using

You didn't know it's a special tax break? Seriously? Haven't you read any of the articles on the thread you keep posting in?

No, what I did was read the actual bill itself and find out it was for all airlines purchasing jet fuel in Georgia.

Perhaps next time you might choose to educate yourself and not rely on the left wing media.

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That must be why he ranned away.

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