Georgia Senate blocks mega tax cuts for Delta in response to Delta punishing law abiding NRA

It has EVERYTHING to do with it.

How so?

Did the image not show up on your end?

Lemme read it to you verbatim: "“I will kill any tax legislation that benefits @Delta unless the company changes its position and fully reinstates its relationship with @NRA,” That's from the Georgia Lieutenant Dipshit Governor.

More here:

>> As Charles Cooke of National Review wrote, “This is a bad idea. Delta and the NRA are both private organizations; the state should not be taking sides on the basis of elected officials’ opinions about their private arrangements. This is viewpoint discrimination.” <<​

THAT is how so. And you damn well know it.

National Review --- I forget, is that a Marxist publication?

>> Imagine that the political actors were reversed, that an airline based in California came under pressure from pro-life activists for offering a discount to NARAL Pro-Choice America—and say that, after considering the matter, it withdrew the discount, declaring that it had customers and employees with diverse views and wanted to stay neutral on abortion.

If California’s Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom then declared, “Corporations cannot attack progressives and expect us not to fight back,” and subsequently tweaked a tax bill Democrats previously supported in a manner that cost the airline tens of millions of dollars, making good on a specific threat to do so unless the airline continued to associate with NARAL, I suspect conservatives would object—and they’d be right to do so.

Cagle is guilty of equivalent transgressions. By his own admission, he sought to punish a business for declining to associate with a political organization, and he did so by changing his position on a tax bill. He abused his power and decided policy based on factors other than the public interest, in order to help the NRA. It’s a disturbing precedent—and if he’s rewarded for it politically, others may follow his lead. <<​

Oh yeah, Lieutenant KlownKagle just happens to be running for Governor. What a shocker, right? Never expected this sort of grandstand pandering to be connected to an election. Gosh whiz Wally, it must be some weirdo coincidence. :eusa_angel:

Over in the next state there's a guy named Roy Moore screaming "NOO! YOU IDIOT!"

Once AGAIN --- company policy is the privilege of the company. In this case they chose to not-offer a promotional fare. Exactly why a company takes or declines to take an action ---- IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. *NOR* do you get to sit in judgment in some imaginary court deciding what that company's motives are, nor does the sleazeball politician.

You can't FORCE a company you're not part of to offer a promotional fare just because you want to take a hissyfit.

Oh and notice how this klown characterizes his hissyfit: "attack conservatives". Same verb I challenged the last poster on as to where the "attack" is. He ran away. Presumably not getting your way with a promotional fare you probably weren't even aware of, constitutes an "attack". Please.

Sure it's my business. If a company takes a political position against mine, I want to know so I don't do business with them. Nobody is forcing this company to do anything. They are still holding strong on their discount elimination. And please, don't mix my comments with anybody else here. That's your war--not mine.

Ah but it IS yours. You're still sitting on this disingenuous bullshit rock where a company is REQUIRED to slip you a few perks or else the gummint gonna penalize them. And the fascist fellow traveller whose knob you're slobbing took the same position --- that NOT taking a position is taking a position. That's fucking bullshit and you damn well know that too.

I'm not familiar with "Commie Care" so I don't have a name for it.

Oh, that's right, you're a liberal so you can't figure it out yourself. Well allow me to help: The Unaffordable Care Act. Is that better????

I am indeed a Liberal, and that's why I don't believe in this jackboot government shit dictating to an outside corporations what it can do with its own promotions. You on the other hand are a fascist which is why you think that's perfectly OK, because Authoritarianism über Alles. And that's the difference between where I sit and that dishonest rock you're on.

I've always been against the ACA. I was against it when it was Romneycare. I was living in that area when it first came out. I'm against it on the principle that you can't force somebody to buy something they may not want to buy. What the fuck that has to do with Delta Airlines is beyond my comprehension.

I don't even LIKE Delta. They're at the very bottom of my preferred airline list. My clients are under standing orders of "anybody but Delta". But that pales in comparison to my contempt for fascist authoritarian assholes trying to dictate other people's business.
And you assume I care about the political parties involved because?....

I don't care what party is being overly intrusive here. Democrats, Republicans, it doesn't matter; politicians will use government in ways they shouldn't regardless of political affiliation. I also don't care that it involves the NRA, nor Delta; it's the intrusive nature of the actions that bother me, not which companies or organizations are involved.

Whatever Delta may deserve, it should not be meted out by government in this instance.

Only a leftist would care that a big corporation lost a special tax break other companies don't get because they decided to be political and attack the NRA.

Delta was getting a benefit from the people of Georgia. All of them, not just the leftists. Staying out of politics would have been a smart thing to do.

I'm glad they didn't. I oppose special tax breaks and I'm glad they lost it

Why do you keep lying about no one else getting the tax cut?

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You didn't know it's a special tax break? Seriously? Haven't you read any of the articles on the thread you keep posting in?

No, what I did was read the actual bill itself and find out it was for all airlines purchasing jet fuel in Georgia.

Perhaps next time you might choose to educate yourself and not rely on the left wing media.

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That must be why he ranned away.

Facts have a way of doing that to people
As disgusting as it is to see, this should at least make it abundantly clear why they create such tax incentives in the first place. It's not to "create jobs", or whatever public good they may claim. Tax incentives given by Congress can be taken away if taxpayers don't do as they're told. It's essentially extortion. It's a racket, and it's how our government works.
When Delta is getting a perk not given to other companies from the people of Georgia, they should stay out of politics.

Don't know if there's a "perk not given to other companies" or not, but "staying out of politics" was exactly what Delta was trying to do. And some wackoff legislator was trying to coerce them into staying IN it.

No, staying out of politics would mean not making any changes because of politics. But they did, so they did get involved with politics. They chose a side.

Couldn't they be said to have chosen a side by giving the NRA members a discount in the first place?
When Delta is getting a perk not given to other companies from the people of Georgia, they should stay out of politics.

Don't know if there's a "perk not given to other companies" or not, but "staying out of politics" was exactly what Delta was trying to do. And some wackoff legislator was trying to coerce them into staying IN it.

No, staying out of politics would mean not making any changes because of politics. But they did, so they did get involved with politics. They chose a side.

Couldn't they be said to have chosen a side by giving the NRA members a discount in the first place?

I don't think the NRA was as political of an issue as it is now that the Democrats dragged them into it somehow. They have over 5 million members and even more supporters. The NRA had nothing to do with the school shooting.
As disgusting as it is to see, this should at least make it abundantly clear why they create such tax incentives in the first place. It's not to "create jobs", or whatever public good they may claim. Tax incentives given by Congress can be taken away if taxpayers don't do as they're told. It's essentially extortion. It's a racket, and it's how our government works.

Yes it is, but it's been going on for a long time now. Commie Care fined businesses for not providing healthcare coverage to their employees. They kept income tax refund checks from people that couldn't afford insurance.

How is this any different other than they are taking a tax break away instead of imposing fines?
THAT is how so. And you damn well know it.

No, I don't know it. What does that have to do with what they charge customers? You keep posting the same thing over and over again without answering the question.

Ah but it IS yours. You're still sitting on this disingenuous bullshit rock where a company is REQUIRED to slip you a few perks or else the gummint gonna penalize them. And the fascist fellow traveller whose knob you're slobbing took the same position --- that NOT taking a position is taking a position. That's fucking bullshit and you damn well know that too.

When did I ever use the word "attack" in this discussion? Address my post--not anybody else's.

And you don't think Democrats do the same? A pack of cigarettes cost about 50 cents to manufacture. They sell for over six dollars a pack--eleven or twelve in places like New York. Now gee, what would make them cost so much?

It's the federal and state governments trying to control industry and consumers alike. They are going to tax you to death if you don't comply with their desires. In fact, I bet you didn't know that through targeted taxation, DumBama closed down most of the roll-your-own cigarette shops all across the country. Small businesses that he put out of business because they were doing something against the Democrat agenda.

I've always been against the ACA. I was against it when it was Romneycare. I was living in that area when it first came out. I'm against it on the principle that you can't force somebody to buy something they may not want to buy. What the fuck that has to do with Delta Airlines is beyond my comprehension.

It's still government taxing people into submission. They are both the same.
How is this any different other than they are taking a tax break away instead of imposing fines?

It's not, really. It might be a bit more overt, as the government goons in question are very deliberately targeting one company, rather than a class of businesses or people. But it's still the same government bullying.

I agree, but what goes around comes around.

Only if we keep pushing it around.
When Delta is getting a perk not given to other companies from the people of Georgia, they should stay out of politics.

Don't know if there's a "perk not given to other companies" or not, but "staying out of politics" was exactly what Delta was trying to do. And some wackoff legislator was trying to coerce them into staying IN it.

No, staying out of politics would mean not making any changes because of politics. But they did, so they did get involved with politics. They chose a side.

Couldn't they be said to have chosen a side by giving the NRA members a discount in the first place?

I don't think the NRA was as political of an issue as it is now that the Democrats dragged them into it somehow. They have over 5 million members and even more supporters. The NRA had nothing to do with the school shooting.

I don't think it's only Democrats that have issues with the NRA, but I agree, they are in no way responsible for the Florida school shooting. Mass shootings, particularly school shootings, bring out very emotional and sometimes irrational responses. I understand even when I don't agree. Parents become afraid for their children, and want something to change so that these types of shootings are less likely. School employees become afraid for themselves and the students they are responsible for. People look for a target, and the NRA is an easy one.
When Delta is getting a perk not given to other companies from the people of Georgia, they should stay out of politics.

Don't know if there's a "perk not given to other companies" or not, but "staying out of politics" was exactly what Delta was trying to do. And some wackoff legislator was trying to coerce them into staying IN it.

No, staying out of politics would mean not making any changes because of politics. But they did, so they did get involved with politics. They chose a side.

Couldn't they be said to have chosen a side by giving the NRA members a discount in the first place?

I don't think the NRA was as political of an issue as it is now that the Democrats dragged them into it somehow. They have over 5 million members and even more supporters. The NRA had nothing to do with the school shooting.

I don't think it's only Democrats that have issues with the NRA, but I agree, they are in no way responsible for the Florida school shooting. Mass shootings, particularly school shootings, bring out very emotional and sometimes irrational responses. I understand even when I don't agree. Parents become afraid for their children, and want something to change so that these types of shootings are less likely. School employees become afraid for themselves and the students they are responsible for. People look for a target, and the NRA is an easy one.

I appreciate your honesty. But that is the point; Democrats made the NRA a political issue, and Delta responded (caved) to that political issue. In other words, if Delta removed those perks before the shooting, I wouldn't have any problem with it. I wouldn't have any problem with the tax break either.
Don't know if there's a "perk not given to other companies" or not, but "staying out of politics" was exactly what Delta was trying to do. And some wackoff legislator was trying to coerce them into staying IN it.

No, staying out of politics would mean not making any changes because of politics. But they did, so they did get involved with politics. They chose a side.

Couldn't they be said to have chosen a side by giving the NRA members a discount in the first place?

I don't think the NRA was as political of an issue as it is now that the Democrats dragged them into it somehow. They have over 5 million members and even more supporters. The NRA had nothing to do with the school shooting.

I don't think it's only Democrats that have issues with the NRA, but I agree, they are in no way responsible for the Florida school shooting. Mass shootings, particularly school shootings, bring out very emotional and sometimes irrational responses. I understand even when I don't agree. Parents become afraid for their children, and want something to change so that these types of shootings are less likely. School employees become afraid for themselves and the students they are responsible for. People look for a target, and the NRA is an easy one.

I appreciate your honesty. But that is the point; Democrats made the NRA a political issue, and Delta responded (caved) to that political issue. In other words, if Delta removed those perks before the shooting, I wouldn't have any problem with it. I wouldn't have any problem with the tax break either.

Delta may have caved, or they may really have hoped to try to look neutral. To me, that is unimportant to this issue. They can do what they want as far as giving discounts is concerned, and any repercussions should be in the realm of private citizens and organizations. I oppose government applying pressure to attempt to get Delta to maintain discounts for the NRA.
Delta may have caved, or they may really have hoped to try to look neutral. To me, that is unimportant to this issue. They can do what they want as far as giving discounts is concerned, and any repercussions should be in the realm of private citizens and organizations. I oppose government applying pressure to attempt to get Delta to maintain discounts for the NRA.

This is the point that none of the so called conservatives on here will touch with a 10 foot pole, why they are cheering for the government to interfere in the private transactions between two private entities.
Delta may have caved, or they may really have hoped to try to look neutral. To me, that is unimportant to this issue. They can do what they want as far as giving discounts is concerned, and any repercussions should be in the realm of private citizens and organizations. I oppose government applying pressure to attempt to get Delta to maintain discounts for the NRA.

This is the point that none of the so called conservatives on here will touch with a 10 foot pole, why they are cheering for the government to interfere in the private transactions between two private entities.

Weird, idn't it? I'm starting to think they just don't wanna talk about it.
THAT is how so. And you damn well know it.

No, I don't know it. What does that have to do with what they charge customers? You keep posting the same thing over and over again without answering the question.

I have now posted Lieutenant Dipshit's tweet, and when you ignored it, wrote it out longhand. I'm not about to sit here and enable "let's play stupid".

Ah but it IS yours. You're still sitting on this disingenuous bullshit rock where a company is REQUIRED to slip you a few perks or else the gummint gonna penalize them. And the fascist fellow traveller whose knob you're slobbing took the same position --- that NOT taking a position is taking a position. That's fucking bullshit and you damn well know that too.

When did I ever use the word "attack" in this discussion? Address my post--not anybody else's.

Where do you see "attack" in that quote?

That term was used by Lieutenant Dipshit whose water you're carrying. But good to know you agree he's full of shit, that's a start at least.

And you don't think Democrats do the same?

Where did I bring up "political parties"? Hm?
You seem desperate to change the subject. I didn't even look up Lieutenant Dipshit's political party. It's irrelevant to anything.

A pack of cigarettes cost about 50 cents to manufacture. They sell for over six dollars a pack--eleven or twelve in places like New York. Now gee, what would make them cost so much?

Why would I give a fuck? I gave up that filthy shit decades ago.
Here's what they cost me: $0.00.

It's the federal and state governments trying to control industry and consumers alike. They are going to tax you to death if you don't comply with their desires. In fact, I bet you didn't know that through targeted taxation, DumBama closed down most of the roll-your-own cigarette shops all across the country. Small businesses that he put out of business because they were doing something against the Democrat agenda.

Once again, desperate reach to try to morph the topic into "political parties" and "cigarettes". Never heard of a "roll your own cigarette shop" even though I used to do just that. No idea where you're going with this or what the fuck it's got to do with a Georgia Lieutenant Dipshit trying to coerce a company to align with him politically for special favors. If you could just y'know, go ahead and trot out examples (even one) of a cigarette buyer who gets taxed more or less depending on his political position, that'd be great.

I've always been against the ACA. I was against it when it was Romneycare. I was living in that area when it first came out. I'm against it on the principle that you can't force somebody to buy something they may not want to buy. What the fuck that has to do with Delta Airlines is beyond my comprehension.

It's still government taxing people into submission. They are both the same.

Taxing people on a commodity; taxing a business more or less based on whether or not that business slobs your political knob? YUGE difference. But do illustrate for the class these cases of "O'bama" or "political parties" or whatever cockamamie deflection you want to bring up next, threatening to tax people based on whether or not they give a cut-rate fare to some political SIG. I won't bother to wait for an answer.
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Delta may have caved, or they may really have hoped to try to look neutral. To me, that is unimportant to this issue. They can do what they want as far as giving discounts is concerned, and any repercussions should be in the realm of private citizens and organizations. I oppose government applying pressure to attempt to get Delta to maintain discounts for the NRA.

This is the point that none of the so called conservatives on here will touch with a 10 foot pole, why they are cheering for the government to interfere in the private transactions between two private entities.

Weird, idn't it? I'm starting to think they just don't wanna talk about it.

Zackly. They're trying to shift to "political parties" and "cigarettes" and anything they can think of. Government coercion ain't rocket surgery. It's so simple it literally fit on a tweet. But gods forbid they could address the issue with a shred of honesty.
Democrats made the NRA a political issue,

Not sure what channel you've been watching but when I heard "NRA" it was brought up, repeatedly, by the high school students who survived the shooting. Where do you get "Democrats" --- or any political party --- out of that?
Where do you see "attack" in that quote?

That term was used by Lieutenant Dipshit whose water you're carrying. But good to know you agree he's full of shit, that's a start at least.

There you go again, putting words in my mouth. How very typical liberal of you.

Where did I bring up "political parties"? Hm?
You seem desperate to change the subject. I didn't even look up Lieutenant Dipshit's political party. It's irrelevant to anything.

Because this is a political subject? This NRA thing is definitely right vs left.

Why would I give a fuck? I gave up that filthy shit decades ago.
Here's what they cost me: $0.00.

Ah, I see, so as long as it doesn't affect you, you're okay with government trying to control industry to their liking provided it's your side that has the control.

Once again, desperate reach to try to morph the topic into "political parties" and "cigarettes". Never heard of a "roll your own cigarette shop" even though I used to do just that. No idea where you're going with this or what the fuck it's got to do with a Georgia Lieutenant Dipshit trying to coerce a company to align with him politically for special favors. If you could just y'know, go ahead and trot out examples (even one) of a cigarette buyer who gets taxed more or less depending on his political position, that'd be great.

Tobacco products are political; has been for many years. They are the enemy of the Democrat party. Just like oil, gun manufacturers, fracking and other commonly used energy.

Taxing people on a commodity; taxing a business more or less based on whether or not that business slobs your political knob? YUGE difference. But do illustrate for the class these cases of "O'bama" or "political parties" or whatever cockamamie deflection you want to bring up next, threatening to tax people based on whether or not they give a cut-rate fare to some political SIG. I won't bother to wait for an answer.

I guess I have to spell it out for you, but I have to inform you USMB doesn't give us the ability to write in crayons.

GA is trying to pressure a company to do things their way using taxation.

The Democrats try to force people off of tobacco products using taxation.

DumBama tried to force people into government dependency using taxation in Commie Care.

Democrats have given alternative powered vehicles subsides (tax breaks) to buy a product people would otherwise not purchase because of cost.

DumBama closed down coal fired power plants by forcing them to make unreasonable investments.

DumBama closed down cigarette shops via taxation.

It's all the same. It's government controlling what a business or individuals do via taxation or regulation. If you think government should stay out of business adventures, fine with me. I'm all for it. But stay out of all business decisions right or left.
Democrats made the NRA a political issue,

Not sure what channel you've been watching but when I heard "NRA" it was brought up, repeatedly, by the high school students who survived the shooting. Where do you get "Democrats" --- or any political party --- out of that?

It's been promoted by the MSM. The students got their cue from them. The MSM is a mouth piece for the Democrat party; one of the same people really.
"staying out of politics" was exactly what Delta was trying to do

Delta was trying to stay out of politics by ending an agreement that was used by 13 people to attack the NRA?

Leftists just get weirder and weirder ... and weirder ...

Again, I don't know anything about "13 people" nor could they possibly be relevant here but Delta was trying to stay out of politics by refraining from bestowing special treatment on a SIG that is in the political hot seat.

Your position is apparently that a private business must be forced, by government, to run a promotional discount on its own prices, according to the whim of a state legislator. That's why you're being called a "statist" right now. And rightly so. What Delta or any other business does with their own price schedules should be up to them, not some wackball state legislator looking for a grandstand to milk future votes from.

Strawman. That's your delusion, not my position.

And what was unclear about 13 people? I clearly said where the 13 people was in my post. How did you possibly not understand that?

Seeing as how you give no clue who the fuck these random "13 people" are or what they did or said, gosh whiz Wally how could I possibly not get that?

And attacking the NRA is not political, you're just another leftist hack.

Once AGAIN ---- where is this "attack"?

My advice to Delta would have been to stay out of it. They didn't need to take any position. I'm glad they didn't.

Indeed they didn't. Just told you that. They took pains to avoid the appearance of taking a position. And as somebody else posted earlier, they've done it before too.

I don't think any company should get a special tax break. It's just fascism. I want the tax eliminated for everyone or no one. Skewing the market in favor of big corporations is anti-capitalist

And a legislator holding a company hostage if it doesn't meet his wacko political demands is ---- what?

I'll give you a hint. Seven letters, starts with F.

Pogo's intellectual content. No it isn't. No it's not. No it isn't. No it's not. No it isn't.

You're a vacuous sheep
Publicly announcing they were doing it because "NRA" is attacking them.

Is not sentence.

And you don't know what a fascist is, you far closer fit the definition than I do

Hey, you're the one cheering on government coercion to influence how a company operates its own business. Now me, I don't believe government has any such right to meddle in how a business chooses its own policies. What that makes me is a "Liberal".

You're not a liberal, I am. You are a leftist. They are entirely different

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