Georgia Senate blocks mega tax cuts for Delta in response to Delta punishing law abiding NRA

Bingo! This is it exactly. The Georgia legislature removed nothing that Delta was entitled to.

And if we switched parties, you'd switch to that Delta deserved it for being political. I would still oppose special tax breaks for big companies

And you assume I care about the political parties involved because?....

I don't care what party is being overly intrusive here. Democrats, Republicans, it doesn't matter; politicians will use government in ways they shouldn't regardless of political affiliation. I also don't care that it involves the NRA, nor Delta; it's the intrusive nature of the actions that bother me, not which companies or organizations are involved.

Whatever Delta may deserve, it should not be meted out by government in this instance.

Only a leftist would care that a big corporation lost a special tax break other companies don't get because they decided to be political and attack the NRA.

Delta was getting a benefit from the people of Georgia. All of them, not just the leftists. Staying out of politics would have been a smart thing to do.

I'm glad they didn't. I oppose special tax breaks and I'm glad they lost it

It isn't about Delta losing a tax break. I have no problem with Delta losing the tax break. It is the way the government went about it, using a tax break as a lever to try to get one private corporation to continue giving a discount to a private organization. Cagle pretty specifically said that he would kill any legislation that gave Delta a fuel tax break unless they returned to giving the NRA discounts for their convention.

You are insisting the issue is Delta getting a tax break. It is not. It is about representatives using the power of government to try to force a private company to give a discount to a particular organization. I would be happier without so many tax breaks, with a simplified tax system that does not try to social engineer the way ours does.

I agree, but what goes around comes around.

What did DumBama threaten businesses with if they didn't provide employer sponsored healthcare coverage to their employees? Not only healthcare, but with his vote buying riders like birth control?

But that wasn't enough. He also raped taxpayers of their income tax return if THEY didn't have coverage; as if they didn't have enough financial problems as it was.

The liberals sure didn't mind that. In fact, they reelected him afterward. Now they are coming to the aid of Delta because using tax brakes is immoral, unconstitutional and over powering.

The thing with leftists is that Montrovant wrote that all up as if he's reasonable and balanced and this is a serious issue to him. Pogo and dblack thank him for imparting such an eloquent justification for how the GA legislature was wrong.

And yet if we switched parties, the three of them would all switch sides. The argument meant nothing to any of them. It was just a homework assignment in a rhetoric class.

That's why you can't get anywhere debating them. You can destroy their argument, like you did. But tomorrow they're going to argue whatever position benefits the Democrat party too.

And they keep blowing off the point that it's foolish for big corporations to get so directly involved in politics. Again if we switched sides, they would suddenly get it

Well the sides were switched many times. It's just they won't acknowledge it. Instead, they say "this is different." In what way? Either politicians are using their authority to tax people into submission or they're not. The Democrats just about invited citizen control via taxation.
The law was written to benefit Delta and it disproportionately does. What you have there is a distinction without a difference. Everyone knows the law was written for Delta.

And how are fuel taxes treated for non-airline industries? Like airlines? Or not ...

Delta employs 33,000 people in Atlanta. Any of a dozen other city airports would love to be the Delta hub. And offer them the same if not larger fuel tax savings.

If Atlanta wants to throw away 33,000 jobs because 13 NRA folks don't get a flight discount, let them. .
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And you assume I care about the political parties involved because?....

I don't care what party is being overly intrusive here. Democrats, Republicans, it doesn't matter; politicians will use government in ways they shouldn't regardless of political affiliation. I also don't care that it involves the NRA, nor Delta; it's the intrusive nature of the actions that bother me, not which companies or organizations are involved.

Whatever Delta may deserve, it should not be meted out by government in this instance.

Only a leftist would care that a big corporation lost a special tax break other companies don't get because they decided to be political and attack the NRA.

Delta was getting a benefit from the people of Georgia. All of them, not just the leftists. Staying out of politics would have been a smart thing to do.

I'm glad they didn't. I oppose special tax breaks and I'm glad they lost it

It isn't about Delta losing a tax break. I have no problem with Delta losing the tax break. It is the way the government went about it, using a tax break as a lever to try to get one private corporation to continue giving a discount to a private organization. Cagle pretty specifically said that he would kill any legislation that gave Delta a fuel tax break unless they returned to giving the NRA discounts for their convention.

You are insisting the issue is Delta getting a tax break. It is not. It is about representatives using the power of government to try to force a private company to give a discount to a particular organization. I would be happier without so many tax breaks, with a simplified tax system that does not try to social engineer the way ours does.

I agree, but what goes around comes around.

What did DumBama threaten businesses with if they didn't provide employer sponsored healthcare coverage to their employees? Not only healthcare, but with his vote buying riders like birth control?

But that wasn't enough. He also raped taxpayers of their income tax return if THEY didn't have coverage; as if they didn't have enough financial problems as it was.

The liberals sure didn't mind that. In fact, they reelected him afterward. Now they are coming to the aid of Delta because using tax brakes is immoral, unconstitutional and over powering.

I am not a fan of the ACA. However, there is an important difference involved; namely, that the ACA did not target an individual business and use the power of government to get that business to give a discount, or other special consideration, to any individual organization. While I opposed the mandate from the beginning, I think it is a different issue. Both are a misuse of government power IMO, however.

You are so full of shit. They removed a tax cut targeting a certain business. They did not target a certain business. Delta for that is now treated like everyone else. They are not targeted.

And if it was the ACLU, you'd suddenly get that

There you go again, bringing up an example I've already used. See post #888. If the GA government targeted any organization in this way, regardless of political affiliation or lack thereof, I would consider them wrong. You may believe that everyone sees the world through a particular partisan lens, but it isn't true.

Yes, the GA government removed a tax cut. That tax cut did not only affect Delta. The Lt. Governor specifically pointed to Delta's actions as the reason for his opposition to the tax break, and indicated that if Delta renewed the discount, he would pass the tax break.
When Delta is getting a perk not given to other companies from the people of Georgia, they should stay out of politics.

Don't know if there's a "perk not given to other companies" or not, but "staying out of politics" was exactly what Delta was trying to do. And some wackoff legislator was trying to coerce them into staying IN it.

No, staying out of politics would mean not making any changes because of politics. But they did, so they did get involved with politics. They chose a side.

Couldn't they be said to have chosen a side by giving the NRA members a discount in the first place?

I don't think the NRA was as political of an issue as it is now that the Democrats dragged them into it somehow. They have over 5 million members and even more supporters. The NRA had nothing to do with the school shooting.

I don't think it's only Democrats that have issues with the NRA, but I agree, they are in no way responsible for the Florida school shooting. Mass shootings, particularly school shootings, bring out very emotional and sometimes irrational responses. I understand even when I don't agree. Parents become afraid for their children, and want something to change so that these types of shootings are less likely. School employees become afraid for themselves and the students they are responsible for. People look for a target, and the NRA is an easy one.

I'm afraid for my children when I see government failing to follow up on someone making explicit threats and then four armed deputies sitting outside while children are being murdered.

It's critical that we allow administrators and teachers with CCs to carry so my kids don't get slaughtered. Government proved yet again in spades that we cannot trust them with our safety.

Government's job is to show up when it's over, draw lines around the bodies and make a few inquiries to see if they can figure out who did it. It's our job to protect ourselves, and government must be stopped from preventing us from doing that
Well the sides were switched many times. It's just they won't acknowledge it. Instead, they say "this is different." In what way? Either politicians are using their authority to tax people into submission or they're not. The Democrats just about invited citizen control via taxation.

Nothing wrong with tax breaks when they're meted out evenly and without discrimination. Government can chose what they want subsidized, like when you could write off twice the cost of oil exploration. As long as they did so for both exxon and the ma and pa well diggers.
Don't know if there's a "perk not given to other companies" or not, but "staying out of politics" was exactly what Delta was trying to do. And some wackoff legislator was trying to coerce them into staying IN it.

No, staying out of politics would mean not making any changes because of politics. But they did, so they did get involved with politics. They chose a side.

Couldn't they be said to have chosen a side by giving the NRA members a discount in the first place?

I don't think the NRA was as political of an issue as it is now that the Democrats dragged them into it somehow. They have over 5 million members and even more supporters. The NRA had nothing to do with the school shooting.

I don't think it's only Democrats that have issues with the NRA, but I agree, they are in no way responsible for the Florida school shooting. Mass shootings, particularly school shootings, bring out very emotional and sometimes irrational responses. I understand even when I don't agree. Parents become afraid for their children, and want something to change so that these types of shootings are less likely. School employees become afraid for themselves and the students they are responsible for. People look for a target, and the NRA is an easy one.

I appreciate your honesty. But that is the point; Democrats made the NRA a political issue, and Delta responded (caved) to that political issue. In other words, if Delta removed those perks before the shooting, I wouldn't have any problem with it. I wouldn't have any problem with the tax break either.

I don't like targeted tax breaks. Everyone should get the break. When you target tax breaks, that's government picking marketplace winners and losers. And they ALWAYS pick big companies as winners because they are the ones who line their pockets
Bingo! This is it exactly. The Georgia legislature removed nothing that Delta was entitled to.

And if we switched parties, you'd switch to that Delta deserved it for being political. I would still oppose special tax breaks for big companies

And you assume I care about the political parties involved because?....

I don't care what party is being overly intrusive here. Democrats, Republicans, it doesn't matter; politicians will use government in ways they shouldn't regardless of political affiliation. I also don't care that it involves the NRA, nor Delta; it's the intrusive nature of the actions that bother me, not which companies or organizations are involved.

Whatever Delta may deserve, it should not be meted out by government in this instance.

Only a leftist would care that a big corporation lost a special tax break other companies don't get because they decided to be political and attack the NRA.

Delta was getting a benefit from the people of Georgia. All of them, not just the leftists. Staying out of politics would have been a smart thing to do.

I'm glad they didn't. I oppose special tax breaks and I'm glad they lost it

It isn't about Delta losing a tax break. I have no problem with Delta losing the tax break. It is the way the government went about it, using a tax break as a lever to try to get one private corporation to continue giving a discount to a private organization. Cagle pretty specifically said that he would kill any legislation that gave Delta a fuel tax break unless they returned to giving the NRA discounts for their convention.

You are insisting the issue is Delta getting a tax break. It is not. It is about representatives using the power of government to try to force a private company to give a discount to a particular organization. I would be happier without so many tax breaks, with a simplified tax system that does not try to social engineer the way ours does.

I agree, but what goes around comes around.

What did DumBama threaten businesses with if they didn't provide employer sponsored healthcare coverage to their employees? Not only healthcare, but with his vote buying riders like birth control?

But that wasn't enough. He also raped taxpayers of their income tax return if THEY didn't have coverage; as if they didn't have enough financial problems as it was.

The liberals sure didn't mind that. In fact, they reelected him afterward. Now they are coming to the aid of Delta because using tax brakes is immoral, unconstitutional and over powering.

The thing with leftists is that Montrovant wrote that all up as if he's reasonable and balanced and this is a serious issue to him. Pogo and dblack thank him for imparting such an eloquent justification for how the GA legislature was wrong.

And yet if we switched parties, the three of them would all switch sides. The argument meant nothing to any of them. It was just a homework assignment in a rhetoric class.

That's why you can't get anywhere debating them. You can destroy their argument, like you did. But tomorrow they're going to argue whatever position benefits the Democrat party too.

And they keep blowing off the point that it's foolish for big corporations to get so directly involved in politics. Again if we switched sides, they would suddenly get it

You talk about not being able to debate with me, yet you are the one who can't get past the assumption that I am a "leftist" and would not feel the same way if a different organization were involved. The problem seems to be your inability to accept that some people are not on one of two political 'sides'.

I mean, dblack? I obviously haven't read nearly all of his posts, but he has always struck me as someone with a libertarian sort of political leaning.
Yes, the GA government removed a tax cut. That tax cut did not only affect Delta. The Lt. Governor specifically pointed to Delta's actions as the reason for his opposition to the tax break, and indicated that if Delta renewed the discount, he would pass the tax break.

Run that backwards. What if the Lt Governor offered a company a tax break, say a hotel chain, or a car rental, if they gave discounts to people at the RNC convention.
I don't like targeted tax breaks. Everyone should get the break. When you target tax breaks, that's government picking marketplace winners and losers. And they ALWAYS pick big companies as winners because they are the ones who line their pockets

Actually nobody should get the break. We need to quit using taxes for social engineering.

Take away the children, college, home ownership and every other tax break.
And you assume I care about the political parties involved because?....

I don't care what party is being overly intrusive here. Democrats, Republicans, it doesn't matter; politicians will use government in ways they shouldn't regardless of political affiliation. I also don't care that it involves the NRA, nor Delta; it's the intrusive nature of the actions that bother me, not which companies or organizations are involved.

Whatever Delta may deserve, it should not be meted out by government in this instance.

Only a leftist would care that a big corporation lost a special tax break other companies don't get because they decided to be political and attack the NRA.

Delta was getting a benefit from the people of Georgia. All of them, not just the leftists. Staying out of politics would have been a smart thing to do.

I'm glad they didn't. I oppose special tax breaks and I'm glad they lost it

Why do you keep lying about no one else getting the tax cut?

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You didn't know it's a special tax break? Seriously? Haven't you read any of the articles on the thread you keep posting in?

No, what I did was read the actual bill itself and find out it was for all airlines purchasing jet fuel in Georgia.

Perhaps next time you might choose to educate yourself and not rely on the left wing media.

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The law was written to benefit Delta and it disproportionately does. What you have there is a distinction without a difference. Everyone knows the law was written for Delta.

And how are fuel taxes treated for non-airline industries? Like airlines? Or not ...
the benefits did benefit delta, but they were extended to *all* airlines and i do believe *all* airlines are losing it regardless of delta.
Government's job is to show up when it's over, draw lines around the bodies and make a few inquiries to see if they can figure out who did it. It's our job to protect ourselves, and government must be stopped from preventing us from doing that

Aren't you afraid a group of thugs will play "take the gun from the teacher"?
Only a leftist would care that a big corporation lost a special tax break other companies don't get because they decided to be political and attack the NRA.

Delta was getting a benefit from the people of Georgia. All of them, not just the leftists. Staying out of politics would have been a smart thing to do.

I'm glad they didn't. I oppose special tax breaks and I'm glad they lost it

Why do you keep lying about no one else getting the tax cut?

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You didn't know it's a special tax break? Seriously? Haven't you read any of the articles on the thread you keep posting in?

No, what I did was read the actual bill itself and find out it was for all airlines purchasing jet fuel in Georgia.

Perhaps next time you might choose to educate yourself and not rely on the left wing media.

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The law was written to benefit Delta and it disproportionately does. What you have there is a distinction without a difference. Everyone knows the law was written for Delta.

And how are fuel taxes treated for non-airline industries? Like airlines? Or not ...
the benefits did benefit delta, but they were extended to *all* airlines and i do believe *all* airlines are losing it regardless of delta.

As I said in another post, from what I read Delta would be getting about 4/5 of the benefit from the tax break, or $40 of 50 million. I would imagine it is because other airlines tend to refuel at other locations.
Why do you keep lying about no one else getting the tax cut?

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You didn't know it's a special tax break? Seriously? Haven't you read any of the articles on the thread you keep posting in?

No, what I did was read the actual bill itself and find out it was for all airlines purchasing jet fuel in Georgia.

Perhaps next time you might choose to educate yourself and not rely on the left wing media.

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The law was written to benefit Delta and it disproportionately does. What you have there is a distinction without a difference. Everyone knows the law was written for Delta.

And how are fuel taxes treated for non-airline industries? Like airlines? Or not ...
the benefits did benefit delta, but they were extended to *all* airlines and i do believe *all* airlines are losing it regardless of delta.

As I said in another post, from what I read Delta would be getting about 4/5 of the benefit from the tax break, or $40 of 50 million. I would imagine it is because other airlines tend to refuel at other locations.
i'm not going to imagine up some facts. if i don't know i don't know.
I’m sure it coincides with what the people of Georgia want as well. At least those who don’t live in Atlanta.

You think the people in Georgia want to pay more for plane tickets when they fly?

No moron.

Then why did you say the decision to make plane tickets more expensive was aht the people of Georgia wanted?

That’s not what I said, moron. Learn to read.
And they keep blowing off the point that it's foolish for big corporations to get so directly involved in politics. Again if we switched sides, they would suddenly get it

Just like you keep blowing off the point that it is wrong for the government trying to force one private entity to give special perks to a different private entity.

big corporations have the right to be foolish, but the government does not (or should not) have the right to force one private entity to give special perks to a different private entity.

Why does anyone need to address an argument that you made up?
Only a leftist would care that a big corporation lost a special tax break other companies don't get because they decided to be political and attack the NRA.

Delta was getting a benefit from the people of Georgia. All of them, not just the leftists. Staying out of politics would have been a smart thing to do.

I'm glad they didn't. I oppose special tax breaks and I'm glad they lost it

Why do you keep lying about no one else getting the tax cut?

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You didn't know it's a special tax break? Seriously? Haven't you read any of the articles on the thread you keep posting in?

No, what I did was read the actual bill itself and find out it was for all airlines purchasing jet fuel in Georgia.

Perhaps next time you might choose to educate yourself and not rely on the left wing media.

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The law was written to benefit Delta and it disproportionately does. What you have there is a distinction without a difference

Thank you for sort of admitting you were wrong about the law. I am sure that is the closest you will ever come. You and honesty do not seem to be very close friends.

I never said Delta's name was on the bill. Everyone but apparently you knows the law was written for Delta. LOL, you talk about honesty in a post that you lied in
You didn't know it's a special tax break? Seriously? Haven't you read any of the articles on the thread you keep posting in?

No, what I did was read the actual bill itself and find out it was for all airlines purchasing jet fuel in Georgia.

Perhaps next time you might choose to educate yourself and not rely on the left wing media.

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That must be why he ranned away.

Facts have a way of doing that to people

It was Saturday night and you and Pogo were whining I'm not responding to your posts as you write them? Seriously? Come out of your parents basement once in a while. Maybe the two of you can hook up since neither of you had anywhere to go.

And I did respond to it today, I wasn't running from shit. Everyone knew the law was written to favor Delta. That the bill didn't have the name Delta on it changes nothing

What the hell does it being Saturday night have to do with anything, are you 16 and just getting to go out for the first time? Saturday is really no different than any other night once you grow up and start being an adult.

But hey, I like the gay jokes ,that is a new level for you...well done.

You brought up emotions, gay boy, not me.

I like how you go to an I'm a teenager joke then whine about my making a gay joke as if you've somehow attained some sort of humor high ground.

And you're such a dim wit. I didn't attack you for posting on Saturday night. I attacked you for posting on Saturday night and demanding an immediate response as if the idea of going on on a Saturday is completely foreign to you.

Nothing is so obvious that it doesn't need to be explained to you. Are you Timmy's sock puppet?
You clearly are looking at this through a partisan lens, either your own or what you expect from others

LOL, you advocating Democrat's selfish interest isn't partisan, calling what you're doing partisan is partisan!

And I don't belong to or vote for either Republicans or Democrats. I have debates going on now with Patriot where I'm against Republican morality laws and JP52 where I'm against Republican trade policy. It's like I said in another post. Being leftist isn't being political or partisan. Not being leftist is being political and partisan

iness What about my posting would indicate to you that my opinion would change based on the targeted organization?

1) You recognize no difference between passing a law that removed something from Delta that everyone gets and removing a law that was designed to help Delta

2) You don't recognize that companies being overtly political is a bad idea

The tax break in question, from what I have read, would have been for all airlines, not just Delta. So, in effect, the Georgia legislature apparently did pass a law targeted at Delta that removed a tax break all airlines get

True, but misleading. First, Delta is the totally dominant airlines in Georgia. I lived there and was in consulting and traveled all the time. All the other airlines combined are far less than Delta. It's a huge break for Delta that other airlines with other hubs on the east coast don't get.

Second, you only expanded it to "airlines." Actually, other businesses don't get that tax break, including ones that compete with airlines. Why are all the articles about this hurting Delta if it doesn't actually hurt them the most? You're just deflecting

I'm not sure why Delta would have gotten so much of the money from the tax break (supposedly $40 million of the $50 million total), but it was more than just Delta involved. Perhaps other airlines don't use Atlanta for refueling very often. :dunno: Delta cutting ties with the NRA could cost the airline $40 million

Over 75% of all flights out of Hartsfield airport are Delta

You're obviously free to assume that my opposition is due to my political leanings, or my opposition to the NRA, or whatever other explanation you care to create in your mind. Those assumptions are not based on my posts, however.

It's based on your argument where you acknowledge nothing but the Democrat position
And you assume I care about the political parties involved because?....

I don't care what party is being overly intrusive here. Democrats, Republicans, it doesn't matter; politicians will use government in ways they shouldn't regardless of political affiliation. I also don't care that it involves the NRA, nor Delta; it's the intrusive nature of the actions that bother me, not which companies or organizations are involved.

Whatever Delta may deserve, it should not be meted out by government in this instance.

Only a leftist would care that a big corporation lost a special tax break other companies don't get because they decided to be political and attack the NRA.

Delta was getting a benefit from the people of Georgia. All of them, not just the leftists. Staying out of politics would have been a smart thing to do.

I'm glad they didn't. I oppose special tax breaks and I'm glad they lost it

It isn't about Delta losing a tax break. I have no problem with Delta losing the tax break. It is the way the government went about it, using a tax break as a lever to try to get one private corporation to continue giving a discount to a private organization. Cagle pretty specifically said that he would kill any legislation that gave Delta a fuel tax break unless they returned to giving the NRA discounts for their convention.

You are insisting the issue is Delta getting a tax break. It is not. It is about representatives using the power of government to try to force a private company to give a discount to a particular organization. I would be happier without so many tax breaks, with a simplified tax system that does not try to social engineer the way ours does.

I agree, but what goes around comes around.

What did DumBama threaten businesses with if they didn't provide employer sponsored healthcare coverage to their employees? Not only healthcare, but with his vote buying riders like birth control?

But that wasn't enough. He also raped taxpayers of their income tax return if THEY didn't have coverage; as if they didn't have enough financial problems as it was.

The liberals sure didn't mind that. In fact, they reelected him afterward. Now they are coming to the aid of Delta because using tax brakes is immoral, unconstitutional and over powering.

The thing with leftists is that Montrovant wrote that all up as if he's reasonable and balanced and this is a serious issue to him. Pogo and dblack thank him for imparting such an eloquent justification for how the GA legislature was wrong.

And yet if we switched parties, the three of them would all switch sides. The argument meant nothing to any of them. It was just a homework assignment in a rhetoric class.

That's why you can't get anywhere debating them. You can destroy their argument, like you did. But tomorrow they're going to argue whatever position benefits the Democrat party too.

And they keep blowing off the point that it's foolish for big corporations to get so directly involved in politics. Again if we switched sides, they would suddenly get it

Well the sides were switched many times. It's just they won't acknowledge it. Instead, they say "this is different." In what way? Either politicians are using their authority to tax people into submission or they're not. The Democrats just about invited citizen control via taxation.

It's actually funny when you point out to a leftist a Democrat double standard and you can see the wheels in their head whirring trying to figure out the best reason they can come up with that this is different

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