Georgia Senate blocks mega tax cuts for Delta in response to Delta punishing law abiding NRA

That's a lie. I've said at least a dozen times I'm against all special tax breaks. You're still just making up your shit as you go.

I'm a libertarian, so I'm against high taxes. But I don't like special tax breaks because that is government picking market winners. I want a level paying field. And special tax breaks always benefit big companies over small ones because big companies line the pockets of politicians in both parties.

That's why Obama, Slick, Slick's ho all headed straight to Wall Street to give speeches for hundreds of K a pop when they left office. It's corporate America's way of letting the existing politicians know what's waiting for them if they vote the right way now

And you have never once said you are against the government trying to force one private entity to give a financial discount to another private entity. Why are you ok with that happening?

Of course not and I never said anything so ridiculous. You're so stupid. Delta attacked the NRA and I'm for removing the special tax break. If Delta did not attack the NRA I'm for removing the special tax break.

Geezing Gator: Aha! You are for government "trying to force one private entity to give a financial discount to another private entity!"

You have no idea what a libertarian is. We may not all agree on every issue, but you should at least learn the basics
Of course not and I never said anything so ridiculous. You're so stupid. Delta attacked the NRA and I'm for removing the special tax break. If Delta did not attack the NRA I'm for removing the special tax break.

Geezing Gator: Aha! You are for government "trying to force one private entity to give a financial discount to another private entity!"

You have no idea what a libertarian is. We may not all agree on every issue, but you should at least learn the basics

Even with all this dancing, you still have not explained why you are ok with government trying to force one private entity to give a financial discount to another private entity.

That is what happened in Ga and you have never once said you were against it. Why is that?

You are about as much a libertarian as my dog.
What is the Democrat position on this issue? I haven't tried to find out, but perhaps you have

The Democrat party is they are against the NRA. It's a direct threat to leftist authoritarian government. They don't care about shooters killing random people. They care about honest citizens united together to not be subjugated by an illegitimate government that no longer follows in any way the document that defines it's limits, the Constitution. I no longer consent to be governed by the Federal government. I realize most people still do

You may not realize this, but it is possible to agree with the position of a political party on one issue without being a member of, or even normally agreeing with, that political party

I directly addressed this point in the post you responded to. If you don't like my answer, say why you don't like it. Don't just ignore my answer and repeat your claim
It isn't about Delta losing a tax break. I have no problem with Delta losing the tax break. It is the way the government went about it, using a tax break as a lever to try to get one private corporation to continue giving a discount to a private organization. Cagle pretty specifically said that he would kill any legislation that gave Delta a fuel tax break unless they returned to giving the NRA discounts for their convention.

You are insisting the issue is Delta getting a tax break. It is not. It is about representatives using the power of government to try to force a private company to give a discount to a particular organization. I would be happier without so many tax breaks, with a simplified tax system that does not try to social engineer the way ours does.

I agree, but what goes around comes around.

What did DumBama threaten businesses with if they didn't provide employer sponsored healthcare coverage to their employees? Not only healthcare, but with his vote buying riders like birth control?

But that wasn't enough. He also raped taxpayers of their income tax return if THEY didn't have coverage; as if they didn't have enough financial problems as it was.

The liberals sure didn't mind that. In fact, they reelected him afterward. Now they are coming to the aid of Delta because using tax brakes is immoral, unconstitutional and over powering.

The thing with leftists is that Montrovant wrote that all up as if he's reasonable and balanced and this is a serious issue to him. Pogo and dblack thank him for imparting such an eloquent justification for how the GA legislature was wrong.

And yet if we switched parties, the three of them would all switch sides. The argument meant nothing to any of them. It was just a homework assignment in a rhetoric class.

That's why you can't get anywhere debating them. You can destroy their argument, like you did. But tomorrow they're going to argue whatever position benefits the Democrat party too.

And they keep blowing off the point that it's foolish for big corporations to get so directly involved in politics. Again if we switched sides, they would suddenly get it

You talk about not being able to debate with me, yet you are the one who can't get past the assumption that I am a "leftist" and would not feel the same way if a different organization were involved. The problem seems to be your inability to accept that some people are not on one of two political 'sides'.

I mean, dblack? I obviously haven't read nearly all of his posts, but he has always struck me as someone with a libertarian sort of political leaning.

You're arguing the straight down the line leftist view. Positive rights = negative rights and there's nothing stupid about companies jumping in with both feet into a hot political issue. It's not your conclusions, it's that you see nothing but the leftist view.

On dblack, he does that. When you talk philosophy, he is a libertarian. When you talk positions, he's a leftist.

I don't know how he reconciles claiming he is for individual liberty but he's sympathetic to leftist authoritarianism. And I didn't randomly pull him in. He was clicking positive on the leftist views here. How does a libertarian not support gun rights? It's not possible.

Gun rights are about authoritarian leftist government, and no one knows that better than leftists

This issue is not about gun rights. Is that what you think I have been arguing? That I am opposed to gun rights?

That comment was about dblack if you read more closely. But that is the point I made. You're not just agreeing with the leftist position, but you're doing nothing but agreeing with their arguments. If your view is not theirs, it's reasonable to say you agree with their position but not all their views. But if you won't agree with anything but leftist views, why would anyone think you're not a leftist?

For example, I am very pro-military, but I'm against the wars in the middle east (unlike Republicans). So I root for the troops even when they're there (unlike leftists) and blame the politicians for sending them.

Another example. I'm pro-choice, but against Rowe v. Wade because it's made up Constitutional law.

Of course partisans on both sides think I belong to the other side, but if you read my positions they aren't one side or the other. You blow off every point not left and and are arguing nothing but left positions. That's the difference. Sure I can see not Republican and not leftists, but you have to argue that and you're not.

BTW, leftists all the time say they're not leftist
Even with all this dancing, you still have not explained why you are ok with government trying to force one private entity to give a financial discount to another private entity

That's because I don't need to explain positions that you made up.

I've said that tax break should be repealed regardless of Delta and the NRA. Or better yet, keep it and extend it to everyone

That is what happened in Ga and you have never once said you were against it. Why is that?

You're a liar. I've continually said government should not have any laws that tilt the field in any direction.

You are about as much a libertarian as my dog.

Yes, clearly my positions that you made up are not libertarian. Gotcha
What is the Democrat position on this issue? I haven't tried to find out, but perhaps you have

The Democrat party is they are against the NRA. It's a direct threat to leftist authoritarian government. They don't care about shooters killing random people. They care about honest citizens united together to not be subjugated by an illegitimate government that no longer follows in any way the document that defines it's limits, the Constitution. I no longer consent to be governed by the Federal government. I realize most people still do

You may not realize this, but it is possible to agree with the position of a political party on one issue without being a member of, or even normally agreeing with, that political party

I directly addressed this point in the post you responded to. If you don't like my answer, say why you don't like it. Don't just ignore my answer and repeat your claim

I have never once in this thread said anything about being "against the NRA." If you consider me to be a leftist or a Democrat because of my opposition to the NRA, then you are simply making things up and applying them to me. I have, in fact, pretty clearly pointed out that I don't think the NRA had anything to do with the recent school shooting in Florida, and that I think people just see the NRA as an easy target for their fear.

I don't know what you mean that you addressed my point. You certainly mentioned that you are neither Republican nor Democrat, but you continue to assume I am. Based on your comments here, that assumption seems to be based on a completely made up opposition from me against the NRA.
I agree, but what goes around comes around.

What did DumBama threaten businesses with if they didn't provide employer sponsored healthcare coverage to their employees? Not only healthcare, but with his vote buying riders like birth control?

But that wasn't enough. He also raped taxpayers of their income tax return if THEY didn't have coverage; as if they didn't have enough financial problems as it was.

The liberals sure didn't mind that. In fact, they reelected him afterward. Now they are coming to the aid of Delta because using tax brakes is immoral, unconstitutional and over powering.

The thing with leftists is that Montrovant wrote that all up as if he's reasonable and balanced and this is a serious issue to him. Pogo and dblack thank him for imparting such an eloquent justification for how the GA legislature was wrong.

And yet if we switched parties, the three of them would all switch sides. The argument meant nothing to any of them. It was just a homework assignment in a rhetoric class.

That's why you can't get anywhere debating them. You can destroy their argument, like you did. But tomorrow they're going to argue whatever position benefits the Democrat party too.

And they keep blowing off the point that it's foolish for big corporations to get so directly involved in politics. Again if we switched sides, they would suddenly get it

You talk about not being able to debate with me, yet you are the one who can't get past the assumption that I am a "leftist" and would not feel the same way if a different organization were involved. The problem seems to be your inability to accept that some people are not on one of two political 'sides'.

I mean, dblack? I obviously haven't read nearly all of his posts, but he has always struck me as someone with a libertarian sort of political leaning.

You're arguing the straight down the line leftist view. Positive rights = negative rights and there's nothing stupid about companies jumping in with both feet into a hot political issue. It's not your conclusions, it's that you see nothing but the leftist view.

On dblack, he does that. When you talk philosophy, he is a libertarian. When you talk positions, he's a leftist.

I don't know how he reconciles claiming he is for individual liberty but he's sympathetic to leftist authoritarianism. And I didn't randomly pull him in. He was clicking positive on the leftist views here. How does a libertarian not support gun rights? It's not possible.

Gun rights are about authoritarian leftist government, and no one knows that better than leftists

This issue is not about gun rights. Is that what you think I have been arguing? That I am opposed to gun rights?

That comment was about dblack if you read more closely. But that is the point I made. You're not just agreeing with the leftist position, but you're doing nothing but agreeing with their arguments. If your view is not theirs, it's reasonable to say you agree with their position but not all their views. But if you won't agree with anything but leftist views, why would anyone think you're not a leftist?

For example, I am very pro-military, but I'm against the wars in the middle east (unlike Republicans). So I root for the troops even when they're there (unlike leftists) and blame the politicians for sending them.

Another example. I'm pro-choice, but against Rowe v. Wade because it's made up Constitutional law.

Of course partisans on both sides think I belong to the other side, but if you read my positions they aren't one side or the other. You blow off every point not left and and are arguing nothing but left positions. That's the difference. Sure I can see not Republican and not leftists, but you have to argue that and you're not.

BTW, leftists all the time say they're not leftist

You have indicated that opposition to the NRA is the leftist position you think I am agreeing with. I have not once agreed with that.

I have not agreed with the tax break that was proposed for airline fuel in GA. I have stated, on multiple occasions, that I am fine with the government not giving that tax break. My problem is with the use of the tax break as a level to pressure Delta into reinstating the discount for the NRA convention.

You seem to have a fairly reasonable opinion about the military, and one I think I mostly would agree with. I am less sure about Roe, but I think I can at least see your point of view, even if I were to not agree with you. I have been labeled a conservative/Republican and a leftist/Democrat numerous times on this site. Posters here often seem incapable of looking at others as anything but part of one of two 'sides.' You appear to be doing the same thing, based on a fictional rationale.
So what happens when Delta takes the offer of New York or Virginia (or others) to move their headquarters there, instead?

There will be 30,000+ citizens of the State of Georgia without jobs, from what I've heard on television news in recent days.

We'll see what Billy-Bob and Bobbi-Jo have to say about that when they can't make their mortgage payments or pay their utility or grocery bills.

I'm sure they'll be glad that their brave State Senators threw them under the bus because their Senators are in thrall to the insidious NRA.

Delta announced yesterday they had no plans to leave Atlanta.
More fool them... they succumbed to the Georgia State Senate bullying?
So what happens when Delta takes the offer of New York or Virginia (or others) to move their headquarters there, instead?

There will be 30,000+ citizens of the State of Georgia without jobs, from what I've heard on television news in recent days.

We'll see what Billy-Bob and Bobbi-Jo have to say about that when they can't make their mortgage payments or pay their utility or grocery bills.

I'm sure they'll be glad that their brave State Senators threw them under the bus because their Senators are in thrall to the insidious NRA.

Delta announced yesterday they had no plans to leave Atlanta.
More fool them... they succumbed to the Georgia State Senate bullying?

Whatever I just pointed out they said they wouldn't move.
So what happens when Delta takes the offer of New York or Virginia (or others) to move their headquarters there, instead?

There will be 30,000+ citizens of the State of Georgia without jobs, from what I've heard on television news in recent days.

We'll see what Billy-Bob and Bobbi-Jo have to say about that when they can't make their mortgage payments or pay their utility or grocery bills.

I'm sure they'll be glad that their brave State Senators threw them under the bus because their Senators are in thrall to the insidious NRA.

Delta announced yesterday they had no plans to leave Atlanta.
More fool them... they succumbed to the Georgia State Senate bullying?

Not at all. They told the Ga senate to fuck off and didn't change the position. now there is no tax break on jet fuel so every flight in and out of Atlanta no matter what airline will now cost more.
So what happens when Delta takes the offer of New York or Virginia (or others) to move their headquarters there, instead?

There will be 30,000+ citizens of the State of Georgia without jobs, from what I've heard on television news in recent days.

We'll see what Billy-Bob and Bobbi-Jo have to say about that when they can't make their mortgage payments or pay their utility or grocery bills.

I'm sure they'll be glad that their brave State Senators threw them under the bus because their Senators are in thrall to the insidious NRA.

Delta announced yesterday they had no plans to leave Atlanta.
More fool them... they succumbed to the Georgia State Senate bullying?

It would cost billions of dollars and take years to move everything to a different airport. By the time the move was complete Delta would have joined TWA in the ash heap of history.
So what happens when Delta takes the offer of New York or Virginia (or others) to move their headquarters there, instead?

There will be 30,000+ citizens of the State of Georgia without jobs, from what I've heard on television news in recent days.

We'll see what Billy-Bob and Bobbi-Jo have to say about that when they can't make their mortgage payments or pay their utility or grocery bills.

I'm sure they'll be glad that their brave State Senators threw them under the bus because their Senators are in thrall to the insidious NRA.

Delta announced yesterday they had no plans to leave Atlanta.
More fool them... they succumbed to the Georgia State Senate bullying?

It would cost billions of dollars and take years to move everything to a different airport. By the time the move was complete Delta would have joined TWA in the ash heap of history.
Nobody said anything about surrendering gates nor moving rolling stock...

The talk was about moving the Corporate Headquarters for Delta...
Yes, the GA government removed a tax cut. That tax cut did not only affect Delta. The Lt. Governor specifically pointed to Delta's actions as the reason for his opposition to the tax break, and indicated that if Delta renewed the discount, he would pass the tax break.

Run that backwards. What if the Lt Governor offered a company a tax break, say a hotel chain, or a car rental, if they gave discounts to people at the RNC convention.

That's apples and oranges. They took away a tax break because Delta threw their hat in the political ring by removing those discounts because of leftist pressure. They took a stance. That's different than saying we want you to START giving the NRA discounts or else.
Well the sides were switched many times. It's just they won't acknowledge it. Instead, they say "this is different." In what way? Either politicians are using their authority to tax people into submission or they're not. The Democrats just about invited citizen control via taxation.

Nothing wrong with tax breaks when they're meted out evenly and without discrimination. Government can chose what they want subsidized, like when you could write off twice the cost of oil exploration. As long as they did so for both exxon and the ma and pa well diggers.

Yet when Democrats do the same thing, you have no problem with it?
The arrangements are for EVENTS. There is no corporate arrangement in place for the NRA.

This is correct, as Delta has ended it and asked the NRA to remove them from the NRA website and promotional material.

BTW, only 13 NRA members used it.

Which shows you how stupid the statist policies you support are. The statist in the Ga Senate attacked a company the employs 30,000 people in their state to preserve the discount for 13 people nationwide. That is how stupid liberal policies you support are.

Google is your friend. That is if you don't want to look stupid.

This from the guy that lied about who Delta gave discounts to.

Then again you're a leftist. Not looking stupid isn't an objective for you

Nothing cuter than a liberal statist calling me leftist!

Being a statist tends to mean in favor of big, centralized, federal government....States and local governments are different. They are more answerable to the people.
The arrangements are for EVENTS. There is no corporate arrangement in place for the NRA.

This is correct, as Delta has ended it and asked the NRA to remove them from the NRA website and promotional material.

BTW, only 13 NRA members used it.

Which shows you how stupid the statist policies you support are. The statist in the Ga Senate attacked a company the employs 30,000 people in their state to preserve the discount for 13 people nationwide. That is how stupid liberal policies you support are.

Google is your friend. That is if you don't want to look stupid.

This from the guy that lied about who Delta gave discounts to.

Then again you're a leftist. Not looking stupid isn't an objective for you

Nothing cuter than a liberal statist calling me leftist!

Being a statist tends to mean in favor of big, centralized, federal government....States and local governments are different. They are more answerable to the people.

It is just as applicable on a state level when the state tries to interfere with the interactions between two private entities, trying to force one to give financial discounts to the other. That sounds like substantial centralized control to me.

Sent from my iPhone using
And yet if we switched parties, the three of them would all switch sides.

I'm not much interested in your sides. If you switched patties, but we're still spouting the same authoritarian horseshit, I'd still call you on it.

I espoused authoritarian horseshit? When did I do that?

Hearing things again?
With nearly every post. But remember, I'm a "leftist".
The arrangements are for EVENTS. There is no corporate arrangement in place for the NRA.

This is correct, as Delta has ended it and asked the NRA to remove them from the NRA website and promotional material.

BTW, only 13 NRA members used it.

Which shows you how stupid the statist policies you support are. The statist in the Ga Senate attacked a company the employs 30,000 people in their state to preserve the discount for 13 people nationwide. That is how stupid liberal policies you support are.

Google is your friend. That is if you don't want to look stupid.

This from the guy that lied about who Delta gave discounts to.

Then again you're a leftist. Not looking stupid isn't an objective for you

Nothing cuter than a liberal statist calling me leftist!

Being a statist tends to mean in favor of big, centralized, federal government....States and local governments are different. They are more answerable to the people.

It is just as applicable on a state level when the state tries to interfere with the interactions between two private entities, trying to force one to give financial discounts to the other. That sounds like substantial centralized control to me.

Sent from my iPhone using

Maybe so, but at least the people of that state elect those politicians. It's not like someone in New York or Cali force feeding someone in Montana their liberal bullshit...Delta is free to move to another state if they like.... it certainly wont be a liberal state
Being a statist tends to mean in favor of big, centralized, federal government....States and local governments are different. They are more answerable to the people.

Weak dodge. Statists are authoritarians. They like to see government calling the shots, period.
The arrangements are for EVENTS. There is no corporate arrangement in place for the NRA.

This is correct, as Delta has ended it and asked the NRA to remove them from the NRA website and promotional material.

BTW, only 13 NRA members used it.

Which shows you how stupid the statist policies you support are. The statist in the Ga Senate attacked a company the employs 30,000 people in their state to preserve the discount for 13 people nationwide. That is how stupid liberal policies you support are.

Google is your friend. That is if you don't want to look stupid.

This from the guy that lied about who Delta gave discounts to.

Then again you're a leftist. Not looking stupid isn't an objective for you

Nothing cuter than a liberal statist calling me leftist!

Being a statist tends to mean in favor of big, centralized, federal government....States and local governments are different. They are more answerable to the people.
State governments are good for the small local-yokel stuff, but as useless as a screen door on a submarine when it comes to the Big Ticket Stuff like War and Peace.

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