Georgia Senate blocks mega tax cuts for Delta in response to Delta punishing law abiding NRA

Delta isn't going anywhere. Perhaps they could threaten to outsource some functions out of state but I haven't read anything to that affect. The question I have seen poised in magazines such as Fortune is whether Georgia just shot itself in the foot with regard to Atlanta's bid for Amazon HQ2?
I have never once in this thread said anything about being "against the NRA." If you consider me to be a leftist or a Democrat because of my opposition to the NRA, then you are simply making things up and applying them to me.

Kaz is just flinging shit against the wall. He's embarrassed because his "side" has been called out on blatant hypocrisy. The whining about "leftists" is just a diversion. No point in taking it seriously.
Delta isn't going anywhere. Perhaps they could threaten to outsource some functions out of state but I haven't read anything to that affect. The question I have seen poised in magazines such as Fortune is whether Georgia just shot itself in the foot with regard to Atlanta's bid for Amazon HQ2?

Of course they are not going anywhere.

You are on the board of Delta. Your job is to keep prices down, make investors happy, and make your company competitive.

So what's cheaper, giving the NRA their stupid discounts back, or spending tens of millions of dollars moving your operation to another city or state?

Well if you decide on the latter, then expect your investors to sell their stock as fast as somebody will buy them.
Atlanta was never in the running for Amazon HQ2 because of the "no gay no way" rule. Amazon is also selling an unsustainable PE growth rate with a ridiculously low potential profit margin. When it loses 100+T in market value and the rest of the FANG stocks as well that will be the best buying opportunity ever. WalMart, Berkshire and several other companies have the available 10 T to takeover and Bezos no longer has either the money or the shares to interfere with it.
Delta isn't going anywhere. Perhaps they could threaten to outsource some functions out of state but I haven't read anything to that affect. The question I have seen poised in magazines such as Fortune is whether Georgia just shot itself in the foot with regard to Atlanta's bid for Amazon HQ2?

Of course they are not going anywhere.

You are on the board of Delta. Your job is to keep prices down, make investors happy, and make your company competitive.

So what's cheaper, giving the NRA their stupid discounts back, or spending tens of millions of dollars moving your operation to another city or state?

Well if you decide on the latter, then expect your investors to sell their stock as fast as somebody will buy them.

They choose to tell the Ga Senate to fuck off, they will not be forced to give another private entity a discount no matter how hard statist like you want them to.

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Delta isn't going anywhere. Perhaps they could threaten to outsource some functions out of state but I haven't read anything to that affect. The question I have seen poised in magazines such as Fortune is whether Georgia just shot itself in the foot with regard to Atlanta's bid for Amazon HQ2?

Of course they are not going anywhere.

You are on the board of Delta. Your job is to keep prices down, make investors happy, and make your company competitive.

So what's cheaper, giving the NRA their stupid discounts back, or spending tens of millions of dollars moving your operation to another city or state?

Well if you decide on the latter, then expect your investors to sell their stock as fast as somebody will buy them.

They choose to tell the Ga Senate to fuck off, they will not be forced to give another private entity a discount no matter how hard statist like you want them to.

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Oh, and you think that's smart business? Good thing you aren't in charge of any businesses.

Delta has to weigh their options: would it do more harm by giving into GA and giving back the NRA discounts, or will it do more harm to the company to fight them and lose the discounts?

In my opinion, the liberals got what they wanted. Now it's time for them to take their ball and go home even if Delta gives in. They can't complain too much because Delta can honestly say they tried. But even if the liberal media attacks them for giving in, it will be short lived and quickly forgotten.

Delta's best bet is let this ride out for a week or two, then quietly reinstitute the discounts when nobody is looking and get their tax break.

That would be a smart business move.
So what happens when Delta takes the offer of New York or Virginia (or others) to move their headquarters there, instead?

There will be 30,000+ citizens of the State of Georgia without jobs, from what I've heard on television news in recent days.

We'll see what Billy-Bob and Bobbi-Jo have to say about that when they can't make their mortgage payments or pay their utility or grocery bills.

I'm sure they'll be glad that their brave State Senators threw them under the bus because their Senators are in thrall to the insidious NRA.

Delta announced yesterday they had no plans to leave Atlanta.
More fool them... they succumbed to the Georgia State Senate bullying?

It would cost billions of dollars and take years to move everything to a different airport. By the time the move was complete Delta would have joined TWA in the ash heap of history.
Nobody said anything about surrendering gates nor moving rolling stock...

The talk was about moving the Corporate Headquarters for Delta...

The Corporate Headquarters is irrelevant. The fuel is bought and needed where the planes are. You pay gasoline taxes based upon where you buy it, not based upon where your car is registered. As a Trucker, we filled up in Arizona before crossing into California, and it was a serious no no to buy fuel in California unless you were in danger of running out, a slightly bigger no no. The reason, the taxes were lower in Arizona, than in California.

Move the Corporate Headquartrs, and it won’t matter, because the planes will still be fueling up in Atlanta, and they’ll still be paying more in taxes.
Oh, and you think that's smart business? Good thing you aren't in charge of any businesses.

Since every airline is paying more for jet fuel in Ga, I do not see how it harms them at all.

Delta has to weigh their options: would it do more harm by giving into GA and giving back the NRA discounts, or will it do more harm to the company to fight them and lose the discounts?

In my opinion, the liberals got what they wanted. Now it's time for them to take their ball and go home even if Delta gives in. They can't complain too much because Delta can honestly say they tried. But even if the liberal media attacks them for giving in, it will be short lived and quickly forgotten.

I think it is funny as hell the guy who is supporting the government telling on private entity they have to give a discount to another private entity, is calling other people liberal. Being that you are a statist, seems you are further left than the liberals.

Delta's best bet is let this ride out for a week or two, then quietly reinstitute the discounts when nobody is looking and get their tax break.

That would be a smart business move.

I am sure you would, you seem to also support the government getting what they want. Do you think the smart business decision for the baker in Colorado would have been to quietly bake the cake and do what the government wanted them to do?
The arrangements are for EVENTS. There is no corporate arrangement in place for the NRA.

This is correct, as Delta has ended it and asked the NRA to remove them from the NRA website and promotional material.

BTW, only 13 NRA members used it.

Which shows you how stupid the statist policies you support are. The statist in the Ga Senate attacked a company the employs 30,000 people in their state to preserve the discount for 13 people nationwide. That is how stupid liberal policies you support are.

Google is your friend. That is if you don't want to look stupid.

This from the guy that lied about who Delta gave discounts to.

Then again you're a leftist. Not looking stupid isn't an objective for you

Nothing cuter than a liberal statist calling me leftist!

Being a statist tends to mean in favor of big, centralized, federal government....States and local governments are different. They are more answerable to the people.

It is just as applicable on a state level when the state tries to interfere with the interactions between two private entities, trying to force one to give financial discounts to the other. That sounds like substantial centralized control to me.

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Maybe so, but at least the people of that state elect those politicians. It's not like someone in New York or Cali force feeding someone in Montana their liberal bullshit...Delta is free to move to another state if they like.... it certainly wont be a liberal state

I understand what you are saying, but can you think of a more appropriate term for people that support the government when they try to interfere with the interactions between two private entities, trying to force one to give financial discounts to the other.

I guess we could call them socialist or communist, but that seemed a bit over the top.
So what happens when Delta takes the offer of New York or Virginia (or others) to move their headquarters there, instead?

There will be 30,000+ citizens of the State of Georgia without jobs, from what I've heard on television news in recent days.

We'll see what Billy-Bob and Bobbi-Jo have to say about that when they can't make their mortgage payments or pay their utility or grocery bills.

I'm sure they'll be glad that their brave State Senators threw them under the bus because their Senators are in thrall to the insidious NRA.

Delta announced yesterday they had no plans to leave Atlanta.
More fool them... they succumbed to the Georgia State Senate bullying?

It would cost billions of dollars and take years to move everything to a different airport. By the time the move was complete Delta would have joined TWA in the ash heap of history.
Nobody said anything about surrendering gates nor moving rolling stock...

The talk was about moving the Corporate Headquarters for Delta...

The Corporate Headquarters is irrelevant. The fuel is bought and needed where the planes are. You pay gasoline taxes based upon where you buy it, not based upon where your car is registered. As a Trucker, we filled up in Arizona before crossing into California, and it was a serious no no to buy fuel in California unless you were in danger of running out, a slightly bigger no no. The reason, the taxes were lower in Arizona, than in California.

Move the Corporate Headquartrs, and it won’t matter, because the planes will still be fueling up in Atlanta, and they’ll still be paying more in taxes.

The fuel tax break was for every airline, so every airline will raise their fares for flights in and out of Atlanta.
I think it is funny as hell the guy who is supporting the government telling on private entity they have to give a discount to another private entity, is calling other people liberal. Being that you are a statist, seems you are further left than the liberals.

I never said I supported it, but it goes on all the time. Now it's the leftists who are complaining when it's their party that constantly does the same thing. When they control businesses via taxation it's fine and dandy. When a Republican does the same thing, now be concerned about government interference with business.

I am sure you would, you seem to also support the government getting what they want. Do you think the smart business decision for the baker in Colorado would have been to quietly bake the cake and do what the government wanted them to do?

It would have been better for his business, but then he would have to go against the creed of his religion. Apples and oranges really. Delta caved because of political pressure. They actually started this themselves.
I never said I supported it, but it goes on all the time. Now it's the leftists who are complaining when it's their party that constantly does the same thing. When they control businesses via taxation it's fine and dandy. When a Republican does the same thing, now be concerned about government interference with business.

You never said it was wrong either and you said that Delta should cave. But you are right, the left/Dems do this sort of stuff all the time as it is a "left" thing to do. But now the right is joining and those on the right are cheering it happening. What that does is move the country to the left twice as fast than it it were just the left doing this sort of thing.

Let's be honest, you are only against what Delta did because they did it to the NRA. Had they done it to the BLM you would be fine with the standing up to the Govt.

It would have been better for his business, but then he would have to go against the creed of his religion. Apples and oranges really. Delta caved because of political pressure. They actually started this themselves.

It doesn't matter why the caved, they are a private business and you should be supporting their freedom to cave if they choose to. In this story Delta is not the biggest issue, the much bigger issue is that the Ga LtGov and Senate choose to do what they did, something you would have major issues with had it been NY and they were doing because someone took away a discount for 13 Planned parenthood members.
So what happens when Delta takes the offer of New York or Virginia (or others) to move their headquarters there, instead?

There will be 30,000+ citizens of the State of Georgia without jobs, from what I've heard on television news in recent days.

We'll see what Billy-Bob and Bobbi-Jo have to say about that when they can't make their mortgage payments or pay their utility or grocery bills.

I'm sure they'll be glad that their brave State Senators threw them under the bus because their Senators are in thrall to the insidious NRA.

Delta announced yesterday they had no plans to leave Atlanta.
More fool them... they succumbed to the Georgia State Senate bullying?

It would cost billions of dollars and take years to move everything to a different airport. By the time the move was complete Delta would have joined TWA in the ash heap of history.
Nobody said anything about surrendering gates nor moving rolling stock...

The talk was about moving the Corporate Headquarters for Delta...

The Corporate Headquarters is irrelevant. The fuel is bought and needed where the planes are. You pay gasoline taxes based upon where you buy it, not based upon where your car is registered. As a Trucker, we filled up in Arizona before crossing into California, and it was a serious no no to buy fuel in California unless you were in danger of running out, a slightly bigger no no. The reason, the taxes were lower in Arizona, than in California.

Move the Corporate Headquartrs, and it won’t matter, because the planes will still be fueling up in Atlanta, and they’ll still be paying more in taxes.
Moving Corporate Headquarters would have deprived the State of Georgia of thousands of jobs, in retaliation for this arm-twisting by the State Senate.

Trouble is, since I wrote that, it has come to light (for me) that Delta will not move its headquarters, regardless of this attack by the State Senate.

They were based in the Mississippi "delta" in the 1920s and early 1930s, but moved to Atlanta in the 1930s, and have been there since.

For all intents and purposes, Atlanta is the only "home" that Corporate Headquarters has known within Living Memory, and, I'm sure, locally, they're branded that way.

Translation: it's in Delta's best interest to remain in Atlanta even though the State Senate attacked them for their severing of relations with the NRA.

An act of Corporate Heroism, followed soon thereafter by an act of Corporate Self-Interest bordering on political cowardice; but understandable, in any event.

Damned shame, that.
Delta announced yesterday they had no plans to leave Atlanta.
More fool them... they succumbed to the Georgia State Senate bullying?

It would cost billions of dollars and take years to move everything to a different airport. By the time the move was complete Delta would have joined TWA in the ash heap of history.
Nobody said anything about surrendering gates nor moving rolling stock...

The talk was about moving the Corporate Headquarters for Delta...

The Corporate Headquarters is irrelevant. The fuel is bought and needed where the planes are. You pay gasoline taxes based upon where you buy it, not based upon where your car is registered. As a Trucker, we filled up in Arizona before crossing into California, and it was a serious no no to buy fuel in California unless you were in danger of running out, a slightly bigger no no. The reason, the taxes were lower in Arizona, than in California.

Move the Corporate Headquartrs, and it won’t matter, because the planes will still be fueling up in Atlanta, and they’ll still be paying more in taxes.
Moving Corporate Headquarters would have deprived the State of Georgia of thousands of jobs, in retaliation for this arm-twisting by the State Senate.

Trouble is, since I wrote that, it has come to light (for me) that Delta will not move its headquarters, regardless of this attack by the State Senate.

They were based in the Mississippi "delta" in the 1920s and early 1930s, but moved to Atlanta in the 1930s, and have been there since.

For all intents and purposes, Atlanta is the only "home" that Corporate Headquarters has known within Living Memory, and, I'm sure, locally, they're branded that way.

Translation: it's in Delta's best interest to remain in Atlanta even though the State Senate attacked them for their severing of relations with the NRA.

An act of Corporate Heroism, followed soon thereafter by an act of Corporate Self-Interest bordering on political cowardice; but understandable, in any event.

Damned shame, that.

You are wrong on both parts. First, Delta's removal of the NRA discounts was not an act of Corporate Heroism, it was a business decision no different than the one they made last year when they pulled their funding from the play showing a violent murder of Pres Trump.

Delta has one and only on purpose and that is to make money. They are basically losing nothing by staying in Ga, every airline flying in and out of the state will pay the higher fuel tax so it is a wash, they will all just up their fares to make up for it.

There is no business reason to move their HQ and it would be grossly unfair to the people that would have to choose between staying with Delta and moving or leaving the company and staying in their homes.
Delta should leave Georgia.

Georgia should be slapped down by the Court for abusing its power.
people should be slapped down for not doing their own research on these issues.

it was going to end anyway. they just chose to make a statement on the way out.

Yes. It's the statement that's the problem. Government shouldn't be allowed to dictate the political opinions of its constituents. It's truly disgraceful that Republicans have lowered themselves to this. And that so many of them are cheering for it.

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