Georgia Senate blocks mega tax cuts for Delta in response to Delta punishing law abiding NRA

I just hope democrats keep up the good's good for NRA enrollment and gun show crowds are way up in Florida.
Just heard about this. Will find a link. Kudos to the Senators for hitting back at the NRA. Why should gun owners in Georgia who pay taxes have to support Delta financially?

If Delta doesn't want or need the business of 5 million NRA members why do they even need a tax break?

Delta’s tax break may not take flight after Georgia Senate blocks it
So its a good thing the state govt attacks businesses like this?

Ask cake bakers in Oregon and Colorado

OH SNAP poor libs they hate it when we punch them in the face with their own hypocrisy.

So, do you agree with what happened to those bakers?

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Are you insane, a $130,000 fine for not baking a damn cake lib get real. :eusa_hand:

But you are ok with this, does that not make you just as hypocritical as the people you are railing against?

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Over 30% of citizens in Georgia are gun owners. And they pay taxes. Why would any of them want their tax dollars going to Delta after they pulled this stunt of punishing THEM when neither they or the NRA had anything to do with the school shooting?

So you do not give a fuck about the other 70% that pay taxes?

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I'm certain that if you polled Georgians that the majority believe in the 2nd Amendment even if they aren't gun owners. And you are the one with the insane notion that I don't give a fuck about the rest of them.

That's flat out nuts. Don't put words in my mouth.

Here is your problem, you are equating supporting the NRA with supporting the 2nd. They are not one in the same. A person can be an avid gun owner and former automatic weapons instructor and still think the NRA is just one more useless organization

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Conservatives never fail to be the whiniest fucks on the face of the earth.

Why exactly are NRA members entitled to a discount in airfare, anyway?

Because the NRA spent $31 million defeating Hillary, we owe NRA members big time.


Each and every day, you guys prove what children you are.

The world doesn't owe you, or the NRA a damn thing. It's time to grow up.

Meh, we won didn't we. Why don't you people sit in the back and don't do a lot of talking while we clean up Obama's mess. Elections have consequences. Any of this sounding familiar?


Yep. Sounds just like the deluded ramblings of a moron who can't follow the conversation.

With our side winning back the House, Senate, White House, and SCOTUS nominations is there really any need for a survey? The American people have spoken, our path is clear, the path Dem's proposed was rejected.

Hey, fuckwit. Pay attention.

This thread is about the Georgia government throwing a tantrum about Delta stopping discounts for NRA members.

Not whatever reflexive blather you're spouting.
So you do not give a fuck about the other 70% that pay taxes?

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You are sorely mistaken in your assumption that all people who do not own guns do not support the 2nd Amendment.

i support the second amendment

it doesn't require supporting the hack fuckwits at the nra
You're a liar. You're a traitor to the US and a foul human being.

So no, you don't support the 2nd. You don't have that much decency. You don't have any decency at all.

The NRA is an organization and it is not the 2nd amendment as some of you nut jobs do.

The NRA crushed you, Hillary, and the Dem party in 2016. There's a reason Dem's fear the NRA and by that I mean millions of gun owners who contribute millions of dollars to the NRA.

The country is full of sheep giving their money to all sorts of con artist

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Conservatives never fail to be the whiniest fucks on the face of the earth.

Why exactly are NRA members entitled to a discount in airfare, anyway?

Because the NRA spent $31 million defeating Hillary, we owe NRA members big time.


Each and every day, you guys prove what children you are.

The world doesn't owe you, or the NRA a damn thing. It's time to grow up.

Meh, we won didn't we. Why don't you people sit in the back and don't do a lot of talking while we clean up Obama's mess. Elections have consequences. Any of this sounding familiar?
LOL. No stupid, you only think you won, because that is what you are told to think.
I wonder how much tax
Lets get down to brass tacks, the left doesn't have the votes or support of the American people to amend the Constitution which would be the legal path to gun control. So instead they pass unconstitutional gun laws, spew lies and propaganda in the liberal media, and attack groups like the NRA. Pathetic.
There's nothing close to unconstitutional in the Fla legislation proposed by Scott or the gop legislature that the NRA opposes.

What's funny is I don't think anyone knew Delta gave NRA members discounts before, and GA proposes penalizing a major employer in favor of the NRA that doesn't employ anyone but Wayne LePew and that batshit crazy MILF. LOL

Justice Ginsberg??? Yeah I didn't think so :anj_stfu:
Thanks for identifying what in the Fla proposed leg is unconstitutional, asshat.
Because the NRA spent $31 million defeating Hillary, we owe NRA members big time.


Each and every day, you guys prove what children you are.

The world doesn't owe you, or the NRA a damn thing. It's time to grow up.

Meh, we won didn't we. Why don't you people sit in the back and don't do a lot of talking while we clean up Obama's mess. Elections have consequences. Any of this sounding familiar?


Yep. Sounds just like the deluded ramblings of a moron who can't follow the conversation.

With our side winning back the House, Senate, White House, and SCOTUS nominations is there really any need for a survey? The American people have spoken, our path is clear, the path Dem's proposed was rejected.

Hey, fuckwit. Pay attention.

This thread is about the Georgia government throwing a tantrum about Delta stopping discounts for NRA members.

Not whatever reflexive blather you're spouting.

Recent election results should have been a clue to Delta not to try an appease the losers of the elections. That their world hub is in GA HELLO.
"It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye"

"An eye for the eye makes the whole world blind"

"What's good for the goose is good for the gander"

This is going to be an interesting time in politics, I'm guessing this will create a consolidation of NRA supporters to counter boycott these companies who are targeting the NRA. If conservatives can stop watching NFL football, they can give up on anything.

Georgia's lieutenant gov blasts Delta for cutting ties with NRA; warns he will block legislation favoring airline

Georgia’s lieutenant governor warned Delta Monday that he will block any tax legislation that would benefit the airline unless it reverses its decision to sever ties with the National Rifle Association, warning that corporations cannot “attack conservatives” without consequences.

Delta, the Atlanta-based airline, and state lawmakers have weighed reinstating this year a once lucrative fuel tax break that has since expired.

But Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle, who is a Republican gubernatorial candidate, blasted the airline’s decision to end the relationship with the NRA in the wake of the Parkland, Fla. high school shooting earlier this month, and threatened to block the bill.

“I will kill any tax legislation that benefits @Delta unless the company changes its position and fully reinstates its relationship with the @NRA,” Cagle, who heads the Georgia State Senate, tweeted Monday. “Corporations cannot attack conservatives and expect us not to fight back.
You are sorely mistaken in your assumption that all people who do not own guns do not support the 2nd Amendment.

i support the second amendment

it doesn't require supporting the hack fuckwits at the nra
You're a liar. You're a traitor to the US and a foul human being.

So no, you don't support the 2nd. You don't have that much decency. You don't have any decency at all.

The NRA is an organization and it is not the 2nd amendment as some of you nut jobs do.

The NRA crushed you, Hillary, and the Dem party in 2016. There's a reason Dem's fear the NRA and by that I mean millions of gun owners who contribute millions of dollars to the NRA.

The country is full of sheep giving their money to all sorts of con artist

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No just California, New York, and other Dem infested states.

Conservatives never fail to be the whiniest fucks on the face of the earth.

Why exactly are NRA members entitled to a discount in airfare, anyway?

Because the NRA spent $31 million defeating Hillary, we owe NRA members big time.


Each and every day, you guys prove what children you are.

The world doesn't owe you, or the NRA a damn thing. It's time to grow up.

Meh, we won didn't we. Why don't you people sit in the back and don't do a lot of talking while we clean up Obama's mess. Elections have consequences. Any of this sounding familiar?
LOL. No stupid, you only think you won, because that is what you are told to think.

The historic tax reform bill passed, hundreds of liberal regulations scrapped, Obamacare gutted, that's only 1 year into a 4 year term.

Each and every day, you guys prove what children you are.

The world doesn't owe you, or the NRA a damn thing. It's time to grow up.

Meh, we won didn't we. Why don't you people sit in the back and don't do a lot of talking while we clean up Obama's mess. Elections have consequences. Any of this sounding familiar?


Yep. Sounds just like the deluded ramblings of a moron who can't follow the conversation.

With our side winning back the House, Senate, White House, and SCOTUS nominations is there really any need for a survey? The American people have spoken, our path is clear, the path Dem's proposed was rejected.

Hey, fuckwit. Pay attention.

This thread is about the Georgia government throwing a tantrum about Delta stopping discounts for NRA members.

Not whatever reflexive blather you're spouting.

Recent election results should have been a clue to Delta not to try an appease the losers of the elections. That their world hub is in GA HELLO.

Yep. Their hub is in GA, along with 33,000 of their employees.

What kind of tax breaks do you think another state will offer, to get those jobs?
Delta said they'd end their fair discounts for NRA members. Stupid. But JFC it's not like aliens invaded. LOL

Next week they can quietly reinstate the fare gimmies, which NRA members probably never lost cause they're AARP folks anyway, and GA can give them their tax cut.
I wonder how much tax
Lets get down to brass tacks, the left doesn't have the votes or support of the American people to amend the Constitution which would be the legal path to gun control. So instead they pass unconstitutional gun laws, spew lies and propaganda in the liberal media, and attack groups like the NRA. Pathetic.
There's nothing close to unconstitutional in the Fla legislation proposed by Scott or the gop legislature that the NRA opposes.

What's funny is I don't think anyone knew Delta gave NRA members discounts before, and GA proposes penalizing a major employer in favor of the NRA that doesn't employ anyone but Wayne LePew and that batshit crazy MILF. LOL

Justice Ginsberg??? Yeah I didn't think so :anj_stfu:
Thanks for identifying what in the Fla proposed leg is unconstitutional, asshat.

Shall not be infringed, go ahead pummel yourself upon that.
Meh, we won didn't we. Why don't you people sit in the back and don't do a lot of talking while we clean up Obama's mess. Elections have consequences. Any of this sounding familiar?


Yep. Sounds just like the deluded ramblings of a moron who can't follow the conversation.

With our side winning back the House, Senate, White House, and SCOTUS nominations is there really any need for a survey? The American people have spoken, our path is clear, the path Dem's proposed was rejected.

Hey, fuckwit. Pay attention.

This thread is about the Georgia government throwing a tantrum about Delta stopping discounts for NRA members.

Not whatever reflexive blather you're spouting.

Recent election results should have been a clue to Delta not to try an appease the losers of the elections. That their world hub is in GA HELLO.

Yep. Their hub is in GA, along with 33,000 of their employees.

What kind of tax breaks do you think another state will offer, to get those jobs?

Talk about your empty threats, go ahead tell us where Delta would relocate, the answer is nowhere.
I wonder how much tax
Lets get down to brass tacks, the left doesn't have the votes or support of the American people to amend the Constitution which would be the legal path to gun control. So instead they pass unconstitutional gun laws, spew lies and propaganda in the liberal media, and attack groups like the NRA. Pathetic.
There's nothing close to unconstitutional in the Fla legislation proposed by Scott or the gop legislature that the NRA opposes.

What's funny is I don't think anyone knew Delta gave NRA members discounts before, and GA proposes penalizing a major employer in favor of the NRA that doesn't employ anyone but Wayne LePew and that batshit crazy MILF. LOL

Justice Ginsberg??? Yeah I didn't think so :anj_stfu:
Thanks for identifying what in the Fla proposed leg is unconstitutional, asshat.

Shall not be infringed, go ahead pummel yourself upon that.
Go read up on 18thcentury English, fuckforbrains.
I wonder how much tax
Lets get down to brass tacks, the left doesn't have the votes or support of the American people to amend the Constitution which would be the legal path to gun control. So instead they pass unconstitutional gun laws, spew lies and propaganda in the liberal media, and attack groups like the NRA. Pathetic.
There's nothing close to unconstitutional in the Fla legislation proposed by Scott or the gop legislature that the NRA opposes.

What's funny is I don't think anyone knew Delta gave NRA members discounts before, and GA proposes penalizing a major employer in favor of the NRA that doesn't employ anyone but Wayne LePew and that batshit crazy MILF. LOL

Justice Ginsberg??? Yeah I didn't think so :anj_stfu:
Thanks for identifying what in the Fla proposed leg is unconstitutional, asshat.

Shall not be infringed, go ahead pummel yourself upon that.
Go read up on 18thcentury English, fuckforbrains.

Look all you people have to do to get gun control is amend the constitution, so get to work all you need is 2/3 of the House and Senate and presto instant gun control. Unless you can't muster the votes, yes maybe that's why. :itsok:

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