Georgia signs "guns everywhere" into law

With the "guns everywhere" policy, criminals in Georgia are going to find guns shoved up their asses.
And given lead enemas...NICE thing about this is it IS a deterrent...because the criminals won't find "Gun Free ZONE" Signs everywhere OR a citizen having one on his neck...they won't KNOW what blowback they will face...which is a good thing.

LIBERTY takes a WIN in Georgia.
Or the criminals will just buy bigger guns which will justify an even greater "defense" budget, because it's all a very profitable cycle for those of a specific economic status.
Georgia will now serve as an interesting petri dish. Let's see if gun violence increases or decreases with this new legislation.

I'd lay a $1000 down that it will decrease dramatically. Statistics prove time and again that more gun control leads to higher crime.

I would agree with that ( in certain circles) but that statement is not topic based. Perhaps you all should read more and type less.
You don't get to claim just because ABC said it it is true. You keep telling everyone else to back up their claims, to think and to provide evidence.

So now provide us with the EVIDENCE that Georgia passed a law that requires every household to own a firearm. Evidence like linking us to the law or bill that says any such thing.

The poster is, typically, confused. Some town north of Atlanta about 30 years ago passed an ordninance requiring householders to maintain a weapon and ammo. There were exemptions for conscience and things like that. THey certainly didnt enforce the law in any meaningful way. But as a result crme there was lower than any of the towns around it.
That is what the idiot means by Georgia forcing people. He is totally confused.

"Some town"

Is that "some town" ELLIJAY, Ga? It's north of Atlanta, as you stated.

I'm curious why you support my fact and then try to tear it down with statistics of gun ownership.

I didn't say gun ownership was a bad thing. I simply stated that forcing citizens to carry was dictatorship and not freedom.

Forcing citizens to carry is not freedom.

The less government there is the more freedom people have. You wish for there to be MORE government, ergo you are a statist and desire less freedom for the people.
Don't take our guns but don't force us to have guns is my perspective. Why would you force someone to have a gun that isn't comfortable using one?

A TYRANT would force you to own a weapon if you didn't want one.

I personally don't think anyone should be without one but why force someone to have one?

(P.S. no one ever even came close to stating they were going to take our guns. The NRA said it to drive up sales. If the Fed actually decided to stand against certain weapons it would most likely be grandfather claused in. But the sheeple bite and went crazy and now my deer hunting bullets are $1 PER SHOT/BULLET.....stop being stupid and start reading please. It costs me a small fortune to sight in my deer rifle.)

Why would you force someone to have health insurance who isn't comfortable carrying it? Why would you force someone to pay for someone else's food if they aren't comfortable paying for it?

It's so ironic to hear a liberal complain about being forced to do something


Why force someone to have health insurance. No one wants that burden.

Why force someone to share food. That is counter productive to everything I'm teaching my toddlers.

The Bible is so overrated, (R)ight?
The poster is, typically, confused. Some town north of Atlanta about 30 years ago passed an ordninance requiring householders to maintain a weapon and ammo. There were exemptions for conscience and things like that. THey certainly didnt enforce the law in any meaningful way. But as a result crme there was lower than any of the towns around it.
That is what the idiot means by Georgia forcing people. He is totally confused.

"Some town"

Is that "some town" ELLIJAY, Ga? It's north of Atlanta, as you stated.

I'm curious why you support my fact and then try to tear it down with statistics of gun ownership.

I didn't say gun ownership was a bad thing. I simply stated that forcing citizens to carry was dictatorship and not freedom.

Forcing citizens to carry is not freedom.

The less government there is the more freedom people have. You wish for there to be MORE government, ergo you are a statist and desire less freedom for the people.

You failed to read the post, links and thread. Ergo, you are an uneducated American.
"Some town"

Is that "some town" ELLIJAY, Ga? It's north of Atlanta, as you stated.

I'm curious why you support my fact and then try to tear it down with statistics of gun ownership.

I didn't say gun ownership was a bad thing. I simply stated that forcing citizens to carry was dictatorship and not freedom.

Forcing citizens to carry is not freedom.

The less government there is the more freedom people have. You wish for there to be MORE government, ergo you are a statist and desire less freedom for the people.

You failed to read the post, links and thread. Ergo, you are an uneducated American.

Wrong kiddo, I read the whole thread, and my description of you is factual.
Georgia will now serve as an interesting petri dish. Let's see if gun violence increases or decreases with this new legislation.

Whether or not gun violence increases or decreases in the state has no bearing on the legitimacy of the measure; indeed, should gun violence increase, that would not be justification for repealing the law.
The land-grabs out West are turning people's minds against liberals, don't you know.

Terrible timing what what?
Indeed. And ARMED people standing against Federal tyrants...The Second Amendment works as designed.

Other links say, "A small town in north Georgia unanimously passed an ordinance that requires every household to own a gun and ammunition."

Who is the tyrant here?

Of course you all checked out other links....................(R)ight?
Georgia Town's New Law Says You Must Have a Gun - ABC News

A ridiculous ‘ordinance,’ and completely unenforceable – an example of mere political posturing.
How refreshing!!! Maybe I'll move there instead of being here: The Peoples Republic of Newyorkistan!!

Go Georgia.......winning!!:clap2::clap2::clap2::2up:

Meanwhile, the Constitution hating far left assholes should move to colonize the moon and they can test out all the makey-uppey public policy shit they want!! Im on board for funding the effort in some way too!!! They can take their wiffle ball bat arsenals and Nurf Gun home defense systems up there and have at it!!! HAPPY NOW!!!
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Don't take our guns but don't force us to have guns is my perspective. Why would you force someone to have a gun that isn't comfortable using one?

A TYRANT would force you to own a weapon if you didn't want one.

I personally don't think anyone should be without one but why force someone to have one?

(P.S. no one ever even came close to stating they were going to take our guns. The NRA said it to drive up sales. If the Fed actually decided to stand against certain weapons it would most likely be grandfather claused in. But the sheeple bite and went crazy and now my deer hunting bullets are $1 PER SHOT/BULLET.....stop being stupid and start reading please. It costs me a small fortune to sight in my deer rifle.)

Why would you force someone to have health insurance who isn't comfortable carrying it? Why would you force someone to pay for someone else's food if they aren't comfortable paying for it?

It's so ironic to hear a liberal complain about being forced to do something


Why force someone to have health insurance. No one wants that burden.

Why force someone to share food. That is counter productive to everything I'm teaching my toddlers.

The Bible is so overrated, (R)ight?

Uh-oh! Someone couldn't answer the question. Would you like to call a friend? Try again...

As to your absolute absurdity regarding the bible, please tell me where it states in the bible that government shall STEAL from someone and redistribute it to someone else?

I'll wait while you look up the exact passage....
Indeed. And ARMED people standing against Federal tyrants...The Second Amendment works as designed.

Other links say, "A small town in north Georgia unanimously passed an ordinance that requires every household to own a gun and ammunition."

Who is the tyrant here?

Of course you all checked out other links....................(R)ight?
Georgia Town's New Law Says You Must Have a Gun - ABC News

A ridiculous ‘ordinance,’ and completely unenforceable – an example of mere political posturing.

Exactly like every law the Dumbocrats have ever passed!
You don't get to claim just because ABC said it it is true. You keep telling everyone else to back up their claims, to think and to provide evidence.

So now provide us with the EVIDENCE that Georgia passed a law that requires every household to own a firearm. Evidence like linking us to the law or bill that says any such thing.

The poster is, typically, confused. Some town north of Atlanta about 30 years ago passed an ordninance requiring householders to maintain a weapon and ammo. There were exemptions for conscience and things like that. THey certainly didnt enforce the law in any meaningful way. But as a result crme there was lower than any of the towns around it.
That is what the idiot means by Georgia forcing people. He is totally confused.

"Some town"

Is that "some town" ELLIJAY, Ga? It's north of Atlanta, as you stated.

I'm curious why you support my fact and then try to tear it down with statistics of gun ownership.

I didn't say gun ownership was a bad thing. I simply stated that forcing citizens to carry was dictatorship and not freedom.

Forcing citizens to carry is not freedom.

OK so you really are stupid. And an arrogant prick.
I posted the name, Kennesaw, above. There was no provision to force anyone to carry anything. You're just too stupid to read posts.
The poster is, typically, confused. Some town north of Atlanta about 30 years ago passed an ordninance requiring householders to maintain a weapon and ammo. There were exemptions for conscience and things like that. THey certainly didnt enforce the law in any meaningful way. But as a result crme there was lower than any of the towns around it.
That is what the idiot means by Georgia forcing people. He is totally confused.

"Some town"

Is that "some town" ELLIJAY, Ga? It's north of Atlanta, as you stated.

I'm curious why you support my fact and then try to tear it down with statistics of gun ownership.

I didn't say gun ownership was a bad thing. I simply stated that forcing citizens to carry was dictatorship and not freedom.

Forcing citizens to carry is not freedom.

OK so you really are stupid. And an arrogant prick.
I posted the name, Kennesaw, above. There was no provision to force anyone to carry anything. You're just too stupid to read posts.

Kennesaw did have the law prior to Deal becoming Governor of Ga. The Rabbi is right. There was never any provision that people must carry a handgun. That is silly! Who would do that? Still Kennesaw's crime rates prove one thing. The law works.

Another fact The Rabbi will enjoy about Georgia is we are very enthusiastic supporters of Israel. There are more pro Israel groups / meetings in Georgia than you can shake a stick at. If you are late to a step up to Israel meeting? You can just forget about getting a seat. It's packed to the doors early on and the best you can hope for is standing room in the back. We are a pro Israel State and Benjamin Netanyahu is like a rock star in these parts. We love him to bits! Bibi rocks.

- Jeri
"Some town"

Is that "some town" ELLIJAY, Ga? It's north of Atlanta, as you stated.

I'm curious why you support my fact and then try to tear it down with statistics of gun ownership.

I didn't say gun ownership was a bad thing. I simply stated that forcing citizens to carry was dictatorship and not freedom.

Forcing citizens to carry is not freedom.

OK so you really are stupid. And an arrogant prick.
I posted the name, Kennesaw, above. There was no provision to force anyone to carry anything. You're just too stupid to read posts.

Kennesaw did have the law prior to Deal becoming Governor of Ga. The Rabbi is right. There was never any provision that people must carry a handgun. That is silly! Who would do that? Still Kennesaw's crime rates prove one thing. The law works.

Another fact The Rabbi will enjoy about Georgia is we are very enthusiastic supporters of Israel. There are more pro Israel groups / meetings in Georgia than you can shake a stick at. If you are late to a step up to Israel meeting? You can just forget about getting a seat. It's packed to the doors early on and the best you can hope for is standing room in the back. We are a pro Israel State and Benjamin Netanyahu is like a rock star in these parts. We love him to bits! Bibi rocks.

- Jeri

My family came to Savannah in the 1880s and my father grew up there, so I'm pretty familiar with the place. I remember JB Stoner running for governor, senator, whatever through the 1970s. GA is nice. TN is nicer.
Indeed. And ARMED people standing against Federal tyrants...The Second Amendment works as designed.

Other links say, "A small town in north Georgia unanimously passed an ordinance that requires every household to own a gun and ammunition."

Who is the tyrant here?

Of course you all checked out other links....................(R)ight?
Georgia Town's New Law Says You Must Have a Gun - ABC News

A ridiculous ‘ordinance,’ and completely unenforceable – an example of mere political posturing.

It isn't, Clayton. Anyone who is opposed to guns or has a felony record can opt out. There is no forced gun ownership but the strangest thing about this article is they have written it as if this is the first town to have such and ordinance. That is not true. Kennesaw was doing this before Nathan Deal ever even thought about running for Governor of Ga. The article doesn't even mention Kennesaw. In the last paragraph he said that 95% of the town they are approving it for already own guns. I would say that is a low estimate. In my own town I do not believe there is anyone here who doesn't own a gun or a hunting rifle. It is just unheard of.

In all my years of living here no gun owner has ever used his gun in a crime that I know of. We have a very low crime rate in my town. The headlines of my newspaper is so and so's cow broke out and the neighbors helped get it. That is front page headlines folks. It doesn't get much calmer than that.

I believe the reason we don't hear of murders, rapes and break ins in my town is because we have no gun restriction laws and our judges are tough on criminals. I do remember one man who was an out of towner and commited a crime here. The judge gave him numerous life sentences and told him something I cannot repeat on a message board. In our town the judges are treated like royalty. They get doted on alot! - J.
Other links say, "A small town in north Georgia unanimously passed an ordinance that requires every household to own a gun and ammunition."

Who is the tyrant here?

Of course you all checked out other links....................(R)ight?
Georgia Town's New Law Says You Must Have a Gun - ABC News

A ridiculous ‘ordinance,’ and completely unenforceable – an example of mere political posturing.

It isn't, Clayton. Anyone who is opposed to guns or has a felony record can opt out. It is right there in black and white in the news report. Read it again.

There is no forced gun ownership but the strangest thing about this article is they have written it as if this is the first town to have such and ordinance. That is not true. Kennesaw was doing this before Nathan Deal ever even thought about running for Governor of Ga. The article doesn't even mention Kennesaw. In the last paragraph he said that 95% of the town they are approving it for already own guns. I would say that is a low estimate. In my own town I do not believe there is anyone here who doesn't own a gun or a hunting rifle. It is just unheard of.

In all my years of living here no gun owner has ever used his gun in a crime that I know of. We have a very low crime rate in my town. The headlines of my newspaper is so and so's cow broke out and the neighbors helped get it. That is front page headlines folks. It doesn't get much calmer than that.

I believe the reason we don't hear of murders, rapes and break ins in my town is because we have no gun restriction laws and our judges are tough on criminals. I do remember one man who was an out of towner and commited a crime here. The judge gave him numerous life sentences and told him something I cannot repeat on a message board. In our town the judges are treated like royalty. They get doted on alot! - J.

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