Georgia Tech student falsely accused of terrorism, wished death by acusers.


Gold Member
Nov 2, 2013

Saamer Akhshabi has been the target of a nationwide smear campaign by people who made the erroneous assumption that he was a terrorist who was badly burned while supposedly handling an explosive device.

Here is an article on the subsequent investigation by homeland security, who found that terrorism was not at play here.

Officials: No sign of terrorism in fire at Ga. Tech student’s apt.

Carla Caldwell, Morning Edition Editor

Officials investigating an explosion at a Georgia Tech graduate student’s apartment that burned him on 90 percent of his body say there is no evidence of criminal intent, reports Atlanta Business Chronicle broadcast partner WXIA-TV.

The fire occurred Tuesday night at the Midtown apartment of Saamer Akhshabi of Iran. The FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force, along with the Atlanta Police Department and Atlanta Fire-Rescue are investigating. Homeland Security was also notified of the explosion.
Atlanta police said while inside the apartment, firefighters noticed what appeared to be a Molotov cocktail along with several other plastic bottles filled with liquid, the station reports.

APD said in a statement: "After a search warrant was secured, SWAT cleared the apartment...and examined the liquid which was identified as gasoline and kerosene."
But officials close to the investigation told WXIA on Wednesday that the device that caught fire may not have been a Molotov cocktail and that one of the bottles may have ignited accidentally.

Officials: No sign of terrorism in fire at Ga. Tech student?s apt. - Atlanta Business Chronicle

Even after he was found to not be involved in terrorism, wishes of death and shameful celebrations of the man's serious injuries are found with appalling frequency over the Internet.

Here are a few very sick examples:

If I had a foreign student pyromaniac son,...

Obamacare is being so awesome on 90% body burns. ululululululululu

May be he might be considered non sustainable and a Death Panel will opt to Pull The Plug on this guy.

No Eric Holder Will Conclude This Was An Attempted Act Of Workplace Violence. He Will Recommend That The Perp Be Deported Back To Iran, After Receiving World Class Medical Treatment On The Tax Payers Dime.

Oh he burnt himself.
Over 90% of his body. With an incendiary device?
The next time I throw myself into my wood stove, would that be considered an incendiary device too? Wait . I know now.
Im going to take my wood stove. Get is as hot as I can and then put it next to a marathon. Yea that will teach them.

90% burns? Good thing he's got Owebamacare coverage or he'd be toast.

Didn't one of the Iranian Generals say that they had cells inside this country and that they would attack us?

WTF is this guy doing going to school here and How in The F did he get in here.

90%...excellent..lots of surface area over which to be in excruciating pain. He'll be begging for someone to finish him off.

The horrific comments seem to have no end.

Thousands of misinformed people laughing over this man seriously injuring himself and NO ONE seeming to offer an apology.

Shocking and devoid of humanity.

Still waiting on word as to what really happened.

A "friend" has indicated that it was a possible suicide attempt, but this has not been substantiated.

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That is so sad :( People are so sick!
Once people found out that Saamer was from Iran, he HAD to be a terrorist. No other fact was more important.

Oh, he was an Obama supporter, evidently - that possibly played into it too.

Of course, I really can't see into someone else's heart....

I weep for America - this is what we have become; so blinded by our own hatred, that we are willing to completely destroy a man who is fighting for his life.

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I just wonder why the hell he had GASOLINE AND KEROSENE in his apartment!

You mean why would he have the fuel for a space heater in the middle of an unprecedented cold snap in the south where streets were crippled with a whopping 2 inches of snow?
When was the last time you saw a GASOLINE-BURNING space heater?! (Then again...maybe he was as stupid as you and burned gas in a K1 heater...)
If people are jumping the gun on this, they have learned the lesson well from the Liberals and gun grabbers.

After all, no one jumps the "gun" faster than a gun grabber after a shooting.
If people are jumping the gun on this, they have learned the lesson well from the Liberals and gun grabbers.

After all, no one jumps the "gun" faster than a gun grabber after a shooting.

See! ... It's the LIBERALS fault!

ZERO accountability.
When was the last time you saw a GASOLINE-BURNING space heater?! (Then again...maybe he was as stupid as you and burned gas in a K1 heater...)

Another jump to a conclusion. "SOMEONE" said it was a space heater - just run with it!

I just wonder why the hell he had GASOLINE AND KEROSENE in his apartment!

He was a college student.

So was the Boston Marathon bomber.

Bombing suspect attended UMass Dartmouth, prompting school closure; college friend shocked by charge he is Boston Marathon bomber - Metro - The Boston Globe

The only difference is THIS one managed to weasel out of the charges. And likely because he is going to die and they don't want to waste the money to investigate him. But you can bet your last cyber dollar that authorities are looking at all his friends and family.

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