Georgia why isn't Stacey Abrams in prison?

Really? So we should turn all those monsters loose who threatens shopkeepers vaguely? Nice business you have here. It would be a shame if something happened to it.
Irrelevant she questioned the election
So what? We have election laws and procedures for questioning elections results. It happens all the time in free elections. The difference that the New-GOP wants to ignore when a candidate loses all the legal challenges, They start riots and continue to try and subvert the election results.
That's your problem numbnuts you have pee wee league game playing against a big leaguer. And you believe you're smart.
You're seriously an adult typing this? My God.

Hahahahaha! You are a minor leaguer in shit talking and repeating what you "think" is trigger words!
And now, another poster has recognized your drooling ignorance!
You on dispatch today, Deputy Dawg?
I almost feel guilty, we were taught not to pick on the mentally challenged.
Pelosi refused to have the national guard to protect the capitol

In the 1980’s Conservatives mocked Liberals who said you should lock up your car to keep a good boy from going bad. Conservatives said that good boys didn’t steal.

So now the argument is that Pelosi is to blame because she didn’t take precautions to keep good law abiding patriotic Americans from going bad?

Irrelevant? Curious. Why did you snip the entire reply? Because you knew it utterly destroyed your assertion. That means you know you are lying and you don’t care how dishonest you become so long as you get the enemy.

An old saying from my youth. Be careful of what you hate, because you become that which you hate.

You hate the extreme left and to stop them you have come extreme. You hate the lying left and rather than admit some of those who believe as you do did wrong you are willing to lie.

Hatred doesn’t make you strong. Hatred doesn’t make you powerful. It doesn’t give you resolve. It makes you weak. It makes you even worse than those you hate.
Irrelevant? Curious. Why did you snip the entire reply? Because you knew it utterly destroyed your assertion. That means you know you are lying and you don’t care how dishonest you become so long as you get the enemy.

An old saying from my youth. Be careful of what you hate, because you become that which you hate.

You hate the extreme left and to stop them you have come extreme.
Irrelevant bull shit disinformation about the 80s.
Pelosi refused to have the national guard to protect the capitol
Speaker of the House does not direct the National Guard, when are you going to stop being a bullshit spreading dupe?


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