Georgia why isn't Stacey Abrams in prison?

Hahahahaha! You are a minor leaguer in shit talking and repeating what you "think" is trigger words!
And now, another poster has recognized your drooling ignorance!
You on dispatch today, Deputy Dawg?
Poor simp got triggered no I'm not a deputy simp. Go back to your foreign discussion board
Poor simp got triggered no I'm not a deputy simp. Go back to your foreign discussion board
The way I'm reading this you are the triggered crybaby.
You were doing deputy stuff Friday.
I will respond on any thread I want. Stop trying to order other posters around. You are not in charge of anything but your sewage pump truck!
Show us your 3% Gravy Seal Team outfit.
The way I'm reading this you are the triggered crybaby.
You were doing deputy stuff Friday.
I will respond on any thread I want. Stop trying to order other posters around. You are not in charge of anything but your sewage pump truck!
Show us your 3% Gravy Seal Team outfit.
No simp your belligerent posting of irrelevant bullshit shows you're triggered
Irrelevant she questioned the election

No moron, questioning election and seeking relief in a court of law is legal.

Illegal is to use your official position to call up state election administrators and pressure them to find you enough votes to overturn election result.

Illegal is to run a conspiracy to overturn election result swap and to disrupt election certification proceedings in Congress.
No moron, questioning election and seeking relief in a court of law is legal.

Illegal is to use your official position to call up state election administrators and pressure them to find you enough votes to overturn election result.

Illegal is to run a conspiracy to overturn election result swap and to disrupt election certification proceedings in Congress.
Yes moron she did.
Link to the part your pulling out of your ass.
"Illegal is to use your official position to call up state election administrators and pressure them to find you enough votes to overturn election result."
FYI pressure is opinionated.
Did Trump threaten to do anything to the AG of Georgia? If you can't provide a link of the specific threat then there was no pressure.

"Illegal is to run a conspiracy to overturn election result swap and to disrupt election certification proceedings in Congress."

Asking to stop to count until the irregularity in the votes were check is not illegal.
Damn you listen way to much to democrat cult news.
Asking to stop to count until the irregularity in the votes were check is not illegal.

What the hell does this have to do with "asking?"


It is only a "shakedown" if you make specific threats, of which none were made.

It is impossible for anyone to "submit false electors".
That would require kidnapping the selected electors, and trying to pass off alternates as the selected ones, when everyone already knows the outcome on election night.
That is totally and completely so impossible as to be ludicrous.

Really? So we should turn all those monsters loose who threatens shopkeepers vaguely? Nice business you have here. It would be a shame if something happened to it.

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