Georgia why isn't Stacey Abrams in prison?

False. Trump was asking state legislatures to take away the chosen electors and appoint new ones.
That’s taking the election away.

That is simply a lie.
While the constitution says it is the state legislatures who appoint electors, all states in the union have passed laws officially giving that authority to the parties instead.
So it is literally impossible for the scheme to have existed where someone was "asking state legislatures to take away the chosen electors and appoint new ones".
That cannot be done and no one tried to do it.
Anyone claiming that happened is simply lying.
The polls said Trump was going to win, and the early results also looked like it.
The polls showed Biden winning. Early results are not relevant.
It is just late at night the count went against Trump, and that IS suspicious.
It’s not. In fact, it was known well before the election that late counted votes would swing largely to Biden. The term they came up with was red mirage.

It’s only suspicious to people who don’t understand the process.
Every accusation is a confession with you clowns.

The "liars" are all of the people who told YOU the election was stolen. That's why they paid out three quarters of a billion dollars in libel and slander claims - because they ADMITTED they lied to you about EVERYTHING to do with the election.

So please, bitch, drop the stupid act. You're not fooling anyone.

While I do not personally believe the election was stolen, it is not at all unreasonable to believe it was, given the polls and early responses in Trump's favor.
But clearly trying to charge civil libel or criminal charges over a dispute on election results, is totally and completely illegal.
Trump is correct he is being illegally abused.
The polls showed Biden winning. Early results are not relevant.

It’s not. In fact, it was known well before the election that late counted votes would swing largely to Biden. The term they came up with was red mirage.

It’s only suspicious to people who don’t understand the process.

That totally does not at all matter.
It is not illegal to be suspicious of the results, and they have a right to more investigation than was allowed.
In particular, networked computers should never be allowed as voting machines, and mail in ballots likely should have to be notarized.
Elections have been getting worse and worse in the US.
We should to them much better. your argument about Pelosi supposedly blocking National Guard is down to arguing that Trump was not blocking National Guard.

Concession accepted. :slap:

And I didn't make that claim dumbass, I don't know that.

But it also wasn't Trump who called National Guard in while his Trumptards were sacking the Congress. WHICH IS WHY HE WAS IMPEACHED.
Maybe this will help you with your ignorance
Maybe this will help you with your ignorance
Did it help you with your ignorance?

If so, maybe now you could put togather a coherent argument what the fuck makes you think that Pelosi is in charge of National Guard.
I see no coherent argument from you still.
Because I don’t have the opportunity to do so at this time.

Do you know or not?

Or are you afraid to answer some pretty simple but crucial questions?
Well maybe you should wait and watch the video instead of asking me to do your home work
Well maybe you should wait and watch the video instead of asking me to do your home work

The answer is he doesn’t say.

It is a fact that he has no firsthand knowledge of Pelosi denying national guard on January 6th.

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