Georgia why isn't Stacey Abrams in prison?

The indictment is NOT a statement of fact. Do you understand that?

It is a list of allegations. Until people return to their American roots and understand that legal challenges are accusations, not convictions, and are not to be taken as fact, no such real conversation can be had.

The facts are that Trump, exercising his First Amendment rights, questioned the election and the very questionable actions of election officials.

Now, questionable actions of election officials are also an allegation. Still, we will never know if they rise to facts because the courts decided to ignore the petitions and did so not out of any fundamental legal theory.

Of course, I am not a Trump supporter or defending Trump.

I am speaking up in opposition to the left's move to prosecute political enemies and turn the United States into a Banana Republic.

So, the conversation ends here unless and until you agree that allegations and accusations are NOT facts.

No one ever said that allegations and accusations are facts. And yet the right wingers are certain their allegations and accusations against the Biden's are facts, despite the absolute dearth of evidence. Now you're saying that allegations are not facts, despite literally terrabytes of documents and interview transcripts, hundreds of witnesses, and multiple grand juries saying that evidence of crimes has been presented.

Compare this to Trump's attempts to prosecute his "enemies". The grand jury met 3 times on the Andrew McCabe case Bill Barr tried to prosecute and refused to indict. John Durham charged two Democrats with lying to the FBI and the juries tossed both cases in less time than it took to order in lunch. Both judges in these cases said the charges should never have been brought.

An indictment is a statement of what the government is prepared to prove, and has direct evidence of.

The facts are that these charges have NOTHING to do with the First Amendment whatsoever. Trump wasn't arrested for questioning the results of the election. Trump was arrested for attempting to overthrow the duly elected government of the United States of America. There were no "questionable actions by American officials", other than Donald Trump.

Trump lost the election, which his staff and advisors told him repeatedly. Trump refused to accept the fact that he had lost because he knew he would be facing criminal charges. He knows what he did. So Trump continued to promote the lie of a "stolen election" - something he had threatened throughout the campaign.

What's most laughable is that you say you're not a Trump supporter, and yet you believe every lie he's been telling. If you oppose prosecuting your political enemies, what did you think of the Durham Investigation? The 25+ investigations of Hillary Clinton and the never ending chants - started by Donald Trump, of "LOCK HER UP". Did you find these allegations unwarranted???

So please, bitch, don't spout Donald Trump's lies and talking points and then say you're not a Trump supporter. Actions speak louder than words.
Her dentist and dietician should be in prison.
The charity has given Hillary a life of royalty pleasure. In a true Republic she would be a footnote. And she would still have lived a good life.

Bitter much????

The Charity save the lives of millions of men, women and children in the Third World. It has achieved 5 star ratings the world over, and praise from both the governments where they work and the NGO's they work with.

Trump's Foundation was shut down because of illegal fundraising and misappropriation of funds raised for Trump's personal and business uses. Not only was the charity shut down, but Trump was barred from being an officer or director of any registered charity in the state of New York. Ivanka, Eric and Don Jr. were required to complete a training program, before they are allowed to sit on any charitable boards.
The simplest thing about that behemoth is she has never missed a meal in her life. And she never struggled. Really struggled. She sailed through as the real privileged. Stupid men let this shit happen. And African American men want white women.

So fucking what???? That has to be the stupidest post you could have made. Who fucking cares if she is overweight, other than a racist, misogynist piece of shit like yourself???? And she's never struggled. What kind of stupid comment is that?????

Donald Trump is fatter than Stacey Abrahms, and you're not making disparaging comments about HIM. Trump's father was a real billionaire who earned his money. Dumb Donald was a trust fund kid who went to private prep schools, had his father buy his way into Wharton, and has lead a wanton playboy life of parties, women, and debauchery, and you think he's swell. Now he shits on a golden toilet, flies around in a private 757, and you fools give him money.

Misogyny, racism and insults. The Trump Cult trifecta.
No one ever said that allegations and accusations are facts. And yet the right wingers are certain their allegations and accusations against the Biden's are facts, despite the absolute dearth of evidence. Now you're saying that allegations are not facts, despite literally terrabytes of documents and interview transcripts, hundreds of witnesses, and multiple grand juries saying that evidence of crimes has been presented.

Compare this to Trump's attempts to prosecute his "enemies". The grand jury met 3 times on the Andrew McCabe case Bill Barr tried to prosecute and refused to indict. John Durham charged two Democrats with lying to the FBI and the juries tossed both cases in less time than it took to order in lunch. Both judges in these cases said the charges should never have been brought.

An indictment is a statement of what the government is prepared to prove, and has direct evidence of.

The facts are that these charges have NOTHING to do with the First Amendment whatsoever. Trump wasn't arrested for questioning the results of the election. Trump was arrested for attempting to overthrow the duly elected government of the United States of America. There were no "questionable actions by American officials", other than Donald Trump.

Trump lost the election, which his staff and advisors told him repeatedly. Trump refused to accept the fact that he had lost because he knew he would be facing criminal charges. He knows what he did. So Trump continued to promote the lie of a "stolen election" - something he had threatened throughout the campaign.

What's most laughable is that you say you're not a Trump supporter, and yet you believe every lie he's been telling. If you oppose prosecuting your political enemies, what did you think of the Durham Investigation? The 25+ investigations of Hillary Clinton and the never ending chants - started by Donald Trump, of "LOCK HER UP". Did you find these allegations unwarranted???

So please, bitch, don't spout Donald Trump's lies and talking points and then say you're not a Trump supporter. Actions speak louder than words.
If anything you wrote were true, there would be no need for a trial. They could show the evidence to the jailer and toss these people in jail.

However, since every bit of the indictments are in question, they are NOT facts but allegations. I don't know if you ever learned to discern reality from fiction, but looking at this word salad, I have to conclude you haven't.

Were you aware that the Georgia prosecutor held a fundraiser for the political opponent of one of the people she has indicted?

Shall we look at some of the indictments?

The indictment states: “On or about the 21st Day of November 2020, Mark Randall Meadows sent a text message to United States Representative Scott Perry from Pennsylvania and stated, ‘Can you send me the number for the speaker and the leader of PA Legislature. POTUS wants to chat with them.’ This was an overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy.”

Mark Meadows, in his capacity as chief of staff to Donald Trump, was seeking to obtain the phone number of some politicians in Pennsylvania. And because the reason for that request was investigating potential voter fraud, Fani Willis says Mark Meadows needs to go to prison, along with more than a dozen other Trump advisers.

One of those advisers is John Eastman. What’s his offense? He advanced the legal theory that alternative slates of electors could be seated if election fraud was found. That’s apparently criminal now. It wasn’t illegal in 1960, when JFK’s electors from Hawaii met secretly and submitted their own certificates to Washington, saying he had won the state. As POLITICO reported, “the Hawaii Democrats used virtually the same language” that Trump electors in five states “used in their effort to upend the 2020 race.”

There are more, but as you can see, the indictments are pure politics and are done to eliminate a political opponent who has a good chance of winning the next election.

I have never been a Trump supporter, but what I am is an opponent of everything your Marxist stands for.

YOU, and others like you, who fail to question the motivations of these prosecutions are abetting the destruction of our Republic.
She questioned the election results. Why hasn't she been indicted for racketeering?

One day you guys have to start responding to any issue with something other than false equivalency and bullshit. Seriously.

Ok, let’s compare and contrast. Did Stacey Abrams instruct, order, or threaten the election officials in an effort to get them to overturn the actual vote? No.

Did Stacey Abrams cause false election officials to be identified and self appointed in order to try and wrest the actual election from the true winner? No.

Did Stacey Abrams have people contact the Election Officials and promise them leniency if they would confess to stealing the vote? No.

Did Stacey Abrams try and derail the actual election certification by instructing the State Legislature Members to call a special session to declare herself as the winner? No.

Did she send out Tweets and make statements saying the election was stolen? Yes.

Sadly, that is the one thing that Trump isn’t charged with. If he was, then your but they do it too claims would be more than throwing smoke.

Lawsuit? Everyone is free to file a lawsuit. Nobody is free to create fake evidence for it.

The problem isn’t Trump’s tweets. The problem is the actions that Trump took to try and steal the election in Georgia.

And do you want to know the actual worst part of all of this? Trump’s ego got him in trouble for no reason. Even if his scheme had worked, and even if he had managed to steal the election in Georgia, he still wouldn’t have won the Presidency.

That is what is so funny. Georgia has 16 electoral votes. Biden won 306 to 232. The road is won with 270. So even if Trump had gotten his wish in Georgia, he still wouldn’t have won the election. I mean it’s one thing to commit a crime or series of crimes if you win everything, it’s another to do so when you will lose even if your scheme worked.
Republicans have lead every investigation and prosecution of Donald Trump. Every witness at both impeachments who spoke out against the criminal President, was a member of his own staff.

But keep repeating the bullshit and lies being fed to you by right wing media.
Derp from the cultist
Trump and his lawyers have the right to present evidence in his defense. If the jury hears only the prosecution's side, then either (1) Trump lacks anything to contest the charges or (2) Trump's side determines the prosecution's lack of evidence is self-evident to the jury and there's no need to present a defense.

In our justice system it'll be up to the jury to determine validity based on whatever both sides determine to present. They'll hear testimony provided by those under oath. Any conclusion at this time is mere opinion mostly based on media that panders to one side or the other for monetary gain.
Not during the indictment hearing sorry but that's how indictments are done. A ham sandwich can be indicted

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