Georgian tells Johnny Reb Symps where they can go

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Stomped and burned their little flag right in front of them lol

fromn reddit:

This guy burned and stomped on the Confederate flag today during a pro-flag rally at Stone Mountain,


30 years ago, go to a keg party and have to listen to the drunk dumbass trying to fight anyone that claimed to not be a confederate....
look at all the yokels on the right of the pic. Looks like teapub nation- types :p
They were laughing at him in his skinny jeans....white anti whites....ethnomasochism at its best.
I like how he's on the other side of the fence.
Wonder how many cops were there to make sure he didnt get his ass kicked?
so you admit the flag is some lame white pride symbol?

BTW- that guy looks like he could EASILY dispatch any one of those slack-jawed, rw faggots on the Right side of the pic lol
Ho Hum, I recall the same useful idiots on the left burning the Stars and Stripes less than forty years ago.

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