German Jews distance from Israel


Silver Member
Aug 9, 2005
3rd German State Television, 3sat

AIPAC of Germany is 'Zentralrat der Juden'.
It's head says, that ultra-orthodox and ultra-nationalist forces gain ground in Israel. He warns, that Israel must not be left to Fanatics and Fundamentalists.
He also says, that the Officials who sent soldiers on the Flottila must be brought to justice.
He also calls for Jews to refrain from the 'Holocaust-Bonus' and apologizes for some Jews not criticizing the Israelian Government because Israel is for those people a substitution identity.

Zentralrat grenzt sich von Israels Politik ab - News vom Montag, 05.07.2010
It's ze Bad Germans.
Probably the German Jews are Anti-Semites.
Schlomo enters class-room.
The teacher says: "If you want to become a real German, we'll have to give you a new Name. From now on, we will call you Fritz."

Back at home, Fritz tells his father: "Father, I've become a real German and from now on you call me Fritz."
The father slaps his hands into the face of his son.

The next day in school, the teacher asks: "Fritz, what happened to your face?"
Fritz: "Less then 24 hours passed, and I've already problems with the Jews".
Michel Friedman was President of European Jews and Vice-President of German AIPAC.
Michel Friedman

He got busted by the Police being in a forced-prostitution and Cocaine scandal.
He called himself Paolo to hide his real name when dealing with Prostitutes.
Are you going to make kebabs now? I am hungry. :lol:

I've studied electro-technology on a Higher School (Bachelor), which is on 11th place of CHE-Rankings of German Universities and Higher Schools.

What have you achieved?
Are you going to make kebabs now? I am hungry. :lol:

I've studied electro-technology on a Higher School (Bachelor), which is on 11th place of CHE-Rankings of German Universities and Higher Schools.

What have you achieved?

You could have a PHD doesn't matter hate makes you stupid.
Yep, there are plenty of Turks here who would sell Kebabs, even though I told them I was part Armenian on my mothers side. He lives the hate, and despite his 'PHD' they earn more money without it by not being racist bigots. :lol:

PS: He's a useless Turk if he can't even make a kebab. ;)
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You could have a PHD doesn't matter hate makes you stupid.

I don't hate Jews. Michel Friedman was/is one of greatest friends of Muslims in Germany, why would I hate them?

Jews in Europe mostly know their place, they aren't radicalized by US Armageddonists.

Look at Statements from German AIPAC.
They have not undergone an Axis Shift into radicalism like Jews elsewhere, what's going on in USA I did not really figured out: If the Armageddonists suck Jewish ..., or Jews suck Armageddonists, but their is definately some unkosher sucking going on between both endtime fundamentalists.
Hierarchy? Who will determine that hierarchy muslims?

It's being determined by society.
Jew doesn't sell in TV if it is not connected to Third-Reich subject.
In USA, it is totally different.

Also, not being pro-Israel will cost you your political career in USA.
Even if you are Christian politician.

That's what I mean, when I say, that Jews are lower then Christians in the Hierarchy of Europe.
It's not about the Jew in most capitals of Europe. Unlike in US system.
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