"German Media lies about events in SE Ukraine", say German Parliamentarians after visiting Donbass

What ever the Left party does in Ukraine, let´s not forget, it is a tool of western imperialism that cannot be trusted. The higher their ranks within the party, the lower burns their flame of ideology. Some are completely rotten. They invented automates with sets of cutlery for heroin junkies while they demand better conditions for foreigners. They also are the Wests dirty little helper in Syria, calling for a no fly zone, establishing connections to Germany for the terrorists, etc.

Wie die Linkspartei den Krieg in Syrien unterstützt - World Socialist Web Site

Of course, this one is located directly next to the day nursery:

You will find this one between the pediatric clinic and McDonalds:

That's awful!
What are the 5 biggest differences between Nazis and Commies?
Yes, Russian propaganda is very useful when searching for the truth of Russia's crimes.

Dear Americans
You forgot that your country is founded on genocide of indigenous people of America?
Not on a simple gain and on total destruction of the whole nation.

You didn't forget that for the purposes you bombed with the help the nuclear weapon the peace cities?

You forgot about the crimes in Vietnam?
My Lai Massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Or in Iraq and Afghanistan?
"If Russian troops really were present in Donbass, they would reach Kiev in 3 days". After Oct 7 it became obvious (for those who have some brains), it would be done much quicker than in 3 days.

They would need the order to do such things. But Russia (and what is more important –Russian elite) is heavily dependent on the West. And that is why the Russian troops are now present at neither Kiev nor Kharkov nor Odessa, for example. I remember the offensive against Mariupol in the first days of the September of 2014 and very few people had doubts that the city would be in the rebels’ hands soon. But the offensive was halted in a couple of days and the rebels and so-called “otpuskniki” stopped halfway and the first Minsk agreements were signed. Very interesting coincidence, isn’t it? (It is a rhetorical question).
You to all Americans at forum made blow-job?
Yes, Russian propaganda is very useful when searching for the truth of Russia's crimes.

Dear Americans
You forgot that your country is founded on genocide of indigenous people of America?
Not on a simple gain and on total destruction of the whole nation.

You didn't forget that for the purposes you bombed with the help the nuclear weapon the peace cities?

You forgot about the crimes in Vietnam?
My Lai Massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Or in Iraq and Afghanistan?

Wait, America is not perfect?
Oh, in that case, Putin can invade Ukraine.

Just kidding, you silly a-hole.
This is just to complete my previous post #20.

On Nov,12 2015 German TV channel Deutsche Welle has interviewed Poroshenko, who has had a hard time answering a lot of uncomfortable questions about ceasefire, corruption, TV channel and the chocolate factory he promised to sell but still owns, “pocket armies”, Right Sector and oligarchs he promised to get rid of but they all still exist and so on.

Poroshenko was trying to throw so much BS, I couldn’t help laughing at each answer of his.

(Min. 9 of the video): Journalist to Poroshenko: Have you ever considered the possibility that Europe needs Russia more than it needs you? It needs Russia for an agreement with Iran, it needs Russia to get an agreement on Syria, it needs Russia to combat ISIS. May be it needs Russia more than it needs Ukraine? Do you consider the possibility that they care more about offending Russia than pleasing you?

(Min. 10.47): Minsk agreements.
Journalist to Poroshenko: We’ve seen shelling, OSCE has been reporting a number of cease violations:
- you’re missing the deadlines.
- why are your Grads rocket launching still in territory where they should not to be now in November as cited by OSCE 2 days ago?

Why are your Grads missals launching in the place they shouldn’t be? OSCE is reporting it.

So, the report is wrong? You say it’s wrong.

So, they got it wrong?

But you and OSCE can’t both be right.

So, you have a different interpretation of this from OSCE?

People, have fun watching it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Poroshenko interview causes stir online | World | DW.COM | 13.11.2015
Last edited:
"If Russian troops really were present in Donbass, they would reach Kiev in 3 days". After Oct 7 it became obvious (for those who have some brains), it would be done much quicker than in 3 days.

They would need the order to do such things. But Russia (and what is more important –Russian elite) is heavily dependent on the West. And that is why the Russian troops are now present at neither Kiev nor Kharkov nor Odessa, for example. I remember the offensive against Mariupol in the first days of the September of 2014 and very few people had doubts that the city would be in the rebels’ hands soon. But the offensive was halted in a couple of days and the rebels and so-called “otpuskniki” stopped halfway and the first Minsk agreements were signed. Very interesting coincidence, isn’t it? (It is a rhetorical question).
You to all Americans at forum made blow-job?

Hey, dummy, you don’t need to show your stupidity over and over again. You have done enough for that.
This is just to complete my previous post #20.

On Nov,12 2015 German TV channel Deutsche Welle has interviewed Poroshenko, who has had a hard time answering a lot of uncomfortable questions about ceasefire, corruption, TV channel and the chocolate factory he promised to sell but still owns, “pocket armies”, Right Sector and oligarchs he promised to get rid of but they all still exist and so on.

Poroshenko was trying to throw so much BS, I couldn’t help laughing at each answer of his.

(Min. 9 of the video): Journalist to Poroshenko: Have you ever considered the possibility that Europe needs Russia more than it needs you? It needs Russia for an agreement with Iran, it needs Russia to get an agreement on Syria, it needs Russia to combat ISIS. May be it needs Russia more than it needs Ukraine? Do you consider the possibility that they care more about offending Russia than pleasing you?

(Min. 10.47): Minsk agreements.
Journalist to Poroshenko: We’ve seen shelling, OSCE has been reporting a number of cease violations:
- you’re missing the deadlines.
- why are your Grads rocket launching still in territory where they should not to be now in November as cited by OSCE 2 days ago?

Why are your Grads missals launching in the place they shouldn’t be? OSCE is reporting it.

So, the report is wrong? You say it’s wrong.

So, they got it wrong?

But you and OSCE can’t both be right.

So, you have a different interpretation of this from OSCE?

People, have fun watching it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Poroshenko interview causes stir online | World | DW.COM | 13.11.2015

Why will no Russian answer my question?
What are the 5 biggest differences between Nazis and Commies?

Maybe when you sober up you can tell me?
"If Russian troops really were present in Donbass, they would reach Kiev in 3 days". After Oct 7 it became obvious (for those who have some brains), it would be done much quicker than in 3 days.

They would need the order to do such things. But Russia (and what is more important –Russian elite) is heavily dependent on the West. And that is why the Russian troops are now present at neither Kiev nor Kharkov nor Odessa, for example. I remember the offensive against Mariupol in the first days of the September of 2014 and very few people had doubts that the city would be in the rebels’ hands soon. But the offensive was halted in a couple of days and the rebels and so-called “otpuskniki” stopped halfway and the first Minsk agreements were signed. Very interesting coincidence, isn’t it? (It is a rhetorical question).
You to all Americans at forum made blow-job?
Hey, dummy, you don’t need to show your stupidity over and over again. You have done enough for that.
Dude. You have something on your cheek=))
Wipe your mouth. And spit ... before talking.
Can't you see how pathetic look of your kowtowing to the Americans on this forum?=)))
Why will no Russian answer my question?
What are the 5 biggest differences between Nazis and Commies?
Maybe when you sober up you can tell me?
Because this question is stupid.
It is 2 completely different things. The communists fought against the ideology. The Nazis destroyed the nations.
Russian suffered (from Communists) more than any other.
And I think that the organizers of the 1917 revolution - the criminals.
Dont tell me about the Communists, okay? You saw the Communists only in comics.
Just as the Nazis.
Why will no Russian answer my question?
What are the 5 biggest differences between Nazis and Commies?
Maybe when you sober up you can tell me?
Because this question is stupid.
It is 2 completely different things. The communists fought against the ideology. The Nazis destroyed the nations.
Russian suffered (from Communists) more than any other.
And I think that the organizers of the 1917 revolution - the criminals.
Dont tell me about the Communists, okay? You saw the Communists only in comics.
Just as the Nazis.

It is 2 completely different things

Obviously. Nazis, bad. Commies, groovy!

The communists fought against the ideology.

Yeah, that was awesome. Allow me to rephrase.
What are the 5 biggest differences between Nazi ideology and Communist ideology?
Dude. You have something on your cheek=))
Wipe your mouth. And spit ... before talking.
Can't you see how pathetic look of your kowtowing to the Americans on this forum?=)))

Wow, I haven’t even guessed that brainless people have such wild imagination. Don’t worry, dummy, everyone here is used to your ravings.
This is just to complete my previous post #20.

On Nov,12 2015 German TV channel Deutsche Welle has interviewed Poroshenko, who has had a hard time answering a lot of uncomfortable questions about ceasefire, corruption, TV channel and the chocolate factory he promised to sell but still owns, “pocket armies”, Right Sector and oligarchs he promised to get rid of but they all still exist and so on.

Poroshenko was trying to throw so much BS, I couldn’t help laughing at each answer of his.

(Min. 9 of the video): Journalist to Poroshenko: Have you ever considered the possibility that Europe needs Russia more than it needs you? It needs Russia for an agreement with Iran, it needs Russia to get an agreement on Syria, it needs Russia to combat ISIS. May be it needs Russia more than it needs Ukraine? Do you consider the possibility that they care more about offending Russia than pleasing you?

(Min. 10.47): Minsk agreements.
Journalist to Poroshenko: We’ve seen shelling, OSCE has been reporting a number of cease violations:
- you’re missing the deadlines.
- why are your Grads rocket launching still in territory where they should not to be now in November as cited by OSCE 2 days ago?

Why are your Grads missals launching in the place they shouldn’t be? OSCE is reporting it.

So, the report is wrong? You say it’s wrong.

So, they got it wrong?

But you and OSCE can’t both be right.

So, you have a different interpretation of this from OSCE?

People, have fun watching it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Poroshenko interview causes stir online | World | DW.COM | 13.11.2015

Why will no Russian answer my question?
What are the 5 biggest differences between Nazis and Commies?

Maybe when you sober up you can tell me?
The main difference is that commies are killing their own people when nazis do it to other nations. Other things are equal.

So, now question to you: who was the main victim of commies? The name of the country i mean.
This is just to complete my previous post #20.

On Nov,12 2015 German TV channel Deutsche Welle has interviewed Poroshenko, who has had a hard time answering a lot of uncomfortable questions about ceasefire, corruption, TV channel and the chocolate factory he promised to sell but still owns, “pocket armies”, Right Sector and oligarchs he promised to get rid of but they all still exist and so on.

Poroshenko was trying to throw so much BS, I couldn’t help laughing at each answer of his.

(Min. 9 of the video): Journalist to Poroshenko: Have you ever considered the possibility that Europe needs Russia more than it needs you? It needs Russia for an agreement with Iran, it needs Russia to get an agreement on Syria, it needs Russia to combat ISIS. May be it needs Russia more than it needs Ukraine? Do you consider the possibility that they care more about offending Russia than pleasing you?

(Min. 10.47): Minsk agreements.
Journalist to Poroshenko: We’ve seen shelling, OSCE has been reporting a number of cease violations:
- you’re missing the deadlines.
- why are your Grads rocket launching still in territory where they should not to be now in November as cited by OSCE 2 days ago?

Why are your Grads missals launching in the place they shouldn’t be? OSCE is reporting it.

So, the report is wrong? You say it’s wrong.

So, they got it wrong?

But you and OSCE can’t both be right.

So, you have a different interpretation of this from OSCE?

People, have fun watching it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Poroshenko interview causes stir online | World | DW.COM | 13.11.2015

Why will no Russian answer my question?
What are the 5 biggest differences between Nazis and Commies?

Maybe when you sober up you can tell me?
The main difference is that commies are killing their own people when nazis do it to other nations. Other things are equal.

So, now question to you: who was the main victim of commies? The name of the country i mean.

The main difference is that commies are killing their own people when nazis do it to other nations.

So they're both evil. I'm pretty sure Russian commies killed more people, all over Europe, than Ukrainian Nazis.
This is just to complete my previous post #20.

On Nov,12 2015 German TV channel Deutsche Welle has interviewed Poroshenko, who has had a hard time answering a lot of uncomfortable questions about ceasefire, corruption, TV channel and the chocolate factory he promised to sell but still owns, “pocket armies”, Right Sector and oligarchs he promised to get rid of but they all still exist and so on.

Poroshenko was trying to throw so much BS, I couldn’t help laughing at each answer of his.

(Min. 9 of the video): Journalist to Poroshenko: Have you ever considered the possibility that Europe needs Russia more than it needs you? It needs Russia for an agreement with Iran, it needs Russia to get an agreement on Syria, it needs Russia to combat ISIS. May be it needs Russia more than it needs Ukraine? Do you consider the possibility that they care more about offending Russia than pleasing you?

(Min. 10.47): Minsk agreements.
Journalist to Poroshenko: We’ve seen shelling, OSCE has been reporting a number of cease violations:
- you’re missing the deadlines.
- why are your Grads rocket launching still in territory where they should not to be now in November as cited by OSCE 2 days ago?

Why are your Grads missals launching in the place they shouldn’t be? OSCE is reporting it.

So, the report is wrong? You say it’s wrong.

So, they got it wrong?

But you and OSCE can’t both be right.

So, you have a different interpretation of this from OSCE?

People, have fun watching it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Poroshenko interview causes stir online | World | DW.COM | 13.11.2015

Why will no Russian answer my question?
What are the 5 biggest differences between Nazis and Commies?

Maybe when you sober up you can tell me?
The main difference is that commies are killing their own people when nazis do it to other nations. Other things are equal.

So, now question to you: who was the main victim of commies? The name of the country i mean.

The main difference is that commies are killing their own people when nazis do it to other nations.

So they're both evil. I'm pretty sure Russian commies killed more people, all over Europe, than Ukrainian Nazis.
So, i'm glad that you agree that Ukranian Nazis is evil, that should be eliminated. The second question is what the matter here about communists?

So, will the americans answer, who was the main victim of communists? Which country suffered the most? M?
This is just to complete my previous post #20.

On Nov,12 2015 German TV channel Deutsche Welle has interviewed Poroshenko, who has had a hard time answering a lot of uncomfortable questions about ceasefire, corruption, TV channel and the chocolate factory he promised to sell but still owns, “pocket armies”, Right Sector and oligarchs he promised to get rid of but they all still exist and so on.

Poroshenko was trying to throw so much BS, I couldn’t help laughing at each answer of his.

(Min. 9 of the video): Journalist to Poroshenko: Have you ever considered the possibility that Europe needs Russia more than it needs you? It needs Russia for an agreement with Iran, it needs Russia to get an agreement on Syria, it needs Russia to combat ISIS. May be it needs Russia more than it needs Ukraine? Do you consider the possibility that they care more about offending Russia than pleasing you?

(Min. 10.47): Minsk agreements.
Journalist to Poroshenko: We’ve seen shelling, OSCE has been reporting a number of cease violations:
- you’re missing the deadlines.
- why are your Grads rocket launching still in territory where they should not to be now in November as cited by OSCE 2 days ago?

Why are your Grads missals launching in the place they shouldn’t be? OSCE is reporting it.

So, the report is wrong? You say it’s wrong.

So, they got it wrong?

But you and OSCE can’t both be right.

So, you have a different interpretation of this from OSCE?

People, have fun watching it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Poroshenko interview causes stir online | World | DW.COM | 13.11.2015

Why will no Russian answer my question?
What are the 5 biggest differences between Nazis and Commies?

Maybe when you sober up you can tell me?
The main difference is that commies are killing their own people when nazis do it to other nations. Other things are equal.

So, now question to you: who was the main victim of commies? The name of the country i mean.

The main difference is that commies are killing their own people when nazis do it to other nations.

So they're both evil. I'm pretty sure Russian commies killed more people, all over Europe, than Ukrainian Nazis.
So, i'm glad that you agree that Ukranian Nazis is evil, that should be eliminated. The second question is what the matter here about communists?

So, will the americans answer, who was the main victim of communists? Which country suffered the most? M?

Yeah, Russian commies whining about a few Ukrainian Nazis is hilarious.

So, will the americans answer, who was the main victim of communists?

Eastern Europeans and Russians. We should continue to squeeze Russia's economy until Putin gets his troops out of Ukraine.
This is just to complete my previous post #20.

On Nov,12 2015 German TV channel Deutsche Welle has interviewed Poroshenko, who has had a hard time answering a lot of uncomfortable questions about ceasefire, corruption, TV channel and the chocolate factory he promised to sell but still owns, “pocket armies”, Right Sector and oligarchs he promised to get rid of but they all still exist and so on.

Poroshenko was trying to throw so much BS, I couldn’t help laughing at each answer of his.

(Min. 9 of the video): Journalist to Poroshenko: Have you ever considered the possibility that Europe needs Russia more than it needs you? It needs Russia for an agreement with Iran, it needs Russia to get an agreement on Syria, it needs Russia to combat ISIS. May be it needs Russia more than it needs Ukraine? Do you consider the possibility that they care more about offending Russia than pleasing you?

(Min. 10.47): Minsk agreements.
Journalist to Poroshenko: We’ve seen shelling, OSCE has been reporting a number of cease violations:
- you’re missing the deadlines.
- why are your Grads rocket launching still in territory where they should not to be now in November as cited by OSCE 2 days ago?

Why are your Grads missals launching in the place they shouldn’t be? OSCE is reporting it.

So, the report is wrong? You say it’s wrong.

So, they got it wrong?

But you and OSCE can’t both be right.

So, you have a different interpretation of this from OSCE?

People, have fun watching it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Poroshenko interview causes stir online | World | DW.COM | 13.11.2015

Why will no Russian answer my question?
What are the 5 biggest differences between Nazis and Commies?

Maybe when you sober up you can tell me?
The main difference is that commies are killing their own people when nazis do it to other nations. Other things are equal.

So, now question to you: who was the main victim of commies? The name of the country i mean.

The main difference is that commies are killing their own people when nazis do it to other nations.

So they're both evil. I'm pretty sure Russian commies killed more people, all over Europe, than Ukrainian Nazis.
So, i'm glad that you agree that Ukranian Nazis is evil, that should be eliminated. The second question is what the matter here about communists?

So, will the americans answer, who was the main victim of communists? Which country suffered the most? M?

Yeah, Russian commies whining about a few Ukrainian Nazis is hilarious.

So, will the americans answer, who was the main victim of communists?

Eastern Europeans and Russians. We should continue to squeeze Russia's economy until Putin gets his troops out of Ukraine.

There are no Russian troops in Ukraine.
Why will no Russian answer my question?
What are the 5 biggest differences between Nazis and Commies?

Maybe when you sober up you can tell me?
The main difference is that commies are killing their own people when nazis do it to other nations. Other things are equal.

So, now question to you: who was the main victim of commies? The name of the country i mean.

The main difference is that commies are killing their own people when nazis do it to other nations.

So they're both evil. I'm pretty sure Russian commies killed more people, all over Europe, than Ukrainian Nazis.
So, i'm glad that you agree that Ukranian Nazis is evil, that should be eliminated. The second question is what the matter here about communists?

So, will the americans answer, who was the main victim of communists? Which country suffered the most? M?

Yeah, Russian commies whining about a few Ukrainian Nazis is hilarious.

So, will the americans answer, who was the main victim of communists?

Eastern Europeans and Russians. We should continue to squeeze Russia's economy until Putin gets his troops out of Ukraine.

There are no Russian troops in Ukraine.

LOL! That's funny.
This is just to complete my previous post #20.

On Nov,12 2015 German TV channel Deutsche Welle has interviewed Poroshenko, who has had a hard time answering a lot of uncomfortable questions about ceasefire, corruption, TV channel and the chocolate factory he promised to sell but still owns, “pocket armies”, Right Sector and oligarchs he promised to get rid of but they all still exist and so on.

Poroshenko was trying to throw so much BS, I couldn’t help laughing at each answer of his.

(Min. 9 of the video): Journalist to Poroshenko: Have you ever considered the possibility that Europe needs Russia more than it needs you? It needs Russia for an agreement with Iran, it needs Russia to get an agreement on Syria, it needs Russia to combat ISIS. May be it needs Russia more than it needs Ukraine? Do you consider the possibility that they care more about offending Russia than pleasing you?

(Min. 10.47): Minsk agreements.
Journalist to Poroshenko: We’ve seen shelling, OSCE has been reporting a number of cease violations:
- you’re missing the deadlines.
- why are your Grads rocket launching still in territory where they should not to be now in November as cited by OSCE 2 days ago?

Why are your Grads missals launching in the place they shouldn’t be? OSCE is reporting it.

So, the report is wrong? You say it’s wrong.

So, they got it wrong?

But you and OSCE can’t both be right.

So, you have a different interpretation of this from OSCE?

People, have fun watching it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Poroshenko interview causes stir online | World | DW.COM | 13.11.2015

Why will no Russian answer my question?
What are the 5 biggest differences between Nazis and Commies?

Maybe when you sober up you can tell me?
The main difference is that commies are killing their own people when nazis do it to other nations. Other things are equal.

So, now question to you: who was the main victim of commies? The name of the country i mean.

The main difference is that commies are killing their own people when nazis do it to other nations.

So they're both evil. I'm pretty sure Russian commies killed more people, all over Europe, than Ukrainian Nazis.
So, i'm glad that you agree that Ukranian Nazis is evil, that should be eliminated. The second question is what the matter here about communists?

So, will the americans answer, who was the main victim of communists? Which country suffered the most? M?

Yeah, Russian commies whining about a few Ukrainian Nazis is hilarious.

So, will the americans answer, who was the main victim of communists?

Eastern Europeans and Russians. We should continue to squeeze Russia's economy until Putin gets his troops out of Ukraine.
Russia as a most suffered country from nazies and commies has the whole right to judge about both, unlike americans which have not dealt with any of them.

Doesn't matter who are whining about Ukrainian Nazis, unless they are evil which should be eliminated. Even if USA supports them as far as ISIS.
Why will no Russian answer my question?
What are the 5 biggest differences between Nazis and Commies?

Maybe when you sober up you can tell me?
The main difference is that commies are killing their own people when nazis do it to other nations. Other things are equal.

So, now question to you: who was the main victim of commies? The name of the country i mean.

The main difference is that commies are killing their own people when nazis do it to other nations.

So they're both evil. I'm pretty sure Russian commies killed more people, all over Europe, than Ukrainian Nazis.
So, i'm glad that you agree that Ukranian Nazis is evil, that should be eliminated. The second question is what the matter here about communists?

So, will the americans answer, who was the main victim of communists? Which country suffered the most? M?

Yeah, Russian commies whining about a few Ukrainian Nazis is hilarious.

So, will the americans answer, who was the main victim of communists?

Eastern Europeans and Russians. We should continue to squeeze Russia's economy until Putin gets his troops out of Ukraine.
Russia as a most suffered country from nazies and commies has the whole right to judge about both, unlike americans which have not dealt with any of them.

Doesn't matter who are whining about Ukrainian Nazis, unless they are evil which should be eliminated. Even if USA supports them as far as ISIS.

Russia as a most suffered country from nazies and commies has the whole right to judge about both

That's why, when a Commie like Putin whines about a few Nazis in Ukraine, I have to laugh.

unlike americans which have not dealt with any of them.

Except for defeating them both, you're right, tovarisch.

Doesn't matter who are whining about Ukrainian Nazis, unless they are evil which should be eliminated.

Cool, get rid of the millions of Commies in Russia, then we'll worry about a few thousand Nazis in Ukraine.
In the mean time, Pooty-poot should get his troops out of Ukraine....Georgia too.

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