German official blasts Trump’s ‘outrageous’ demand for NATO funds

NATO is obsolete. The EU is able to defend itself . The U.S. has no dog in that fight. It did not have in WWI and WWII either.

WWII is debatable, imo. But yes, the EU is certainly able to defend themselves now.
The topic is that Germany is spending 1.2 percent on their military instead of their MINIMAL Nato obligation of 2 percent.
Why don't you keep pretending no other navies patrol the sea lanes?
NOTHING in my point hinted that NATO had been dissolved, but only that it was not giving US the same benefit as it did during the Cold War.
In which case it is still the outer rim of the US defence system. Or are you saying the US is involved in NATO from altruism? You probably would. Your usual ignorant load.
That you felt a need to lie about what I said, demonstrates that you KNOW that that is TRUE, and you are desperate to avoid admitting it.
A question is a lie? No need to be so defensive, we realise your argument will not stand.
For you to dodge what is ACTUALLY being discussed in order to put forth a STRAWMAN, demonstrates that you KNOW that your position is the WRONG position.
Other navies reciprocate. You denied that.
imo, because you are an Anti-American, who is HAPPY to see other nations advance their interests at the expense of America and Americans.
Well it's true I hoped Trump would be elected. Best election evah!
Ignorant rightard, here's some info you weren't able to find for yourself.

In addition to taking part in current NATO activities the German Navy deploys routinely at the Baltic Sea and is taking part in many international operations, including peacekeeping operations, security and counter piracy activities, as far as Africa and the Indian Ocean.
The German Navy – The Way Forward? | Defense Update:
The topic is that Germany is spending 1.2 percent on their military instead of their MINIMAL Nato obligation of 2 percent.
Why don't you keep pretending no other navies patrol the sea lanes?

Why do you keep lying about what I am saying?

Does it not strike you as odd that you are the one that has to lie in order to defend his position?

Do you understand the ramifications of that fact?
The real reason the US put so much force into Germany is that it didn't want Germany to develop its own nuclear deterrent.
For you to dodge what is ACTUALLY being discussed in order to put forth a STRAWMAN, demonstrates that you KNOW that your position is the WRONG position.
Other navies reciprocate. You denied that.

I'm sure with their massive 1.2 % of gdp spending that the Germany Navy is a real powerhouse that keeps the sea lanes open though sheer TERROR.

I forget, do they have twice as many air craft carriers than US, or was it three times as many?
Ignorant rightard, here's some info you weren't able to find for yourself.

In addition to taking part in current NATO activities the German Navy deploys routinely at the Baltic Sea and is taking part in many international operations, including peacekeeping operations, security and counter piracy activities, as far as Africa and the Indian Ocean.
The German Navy – The Way Forward? | Defense Update:

Still pushing your strawman that I claimed that they do absolutely nothing.

I am not responsible for the Voices in Your Head.
The real reason the US put so much force into Germany is that it didn't want Germany to develop its own nuclear deterrent.

i'm sure that was part of it, during the Cold War.

And how does that support your position?
I'm sure with their massive 1.2 % of gdp spending that the Germany Navy is a real powerhouse that keeps the sea lanes open though sheer TERROR.
So your statement the US Navy received no reciprocation in keeping sea lanes was complete bullshit? Why, yes it was.
Why do you keep lying about what I am saying?
That's your only defence when your bullshit is called, isn't it? Makes you look like the pussy you are.

I am not going to address your strawman as though it was my argument.

Calling me a pussy is not going to make me do that either.

Have you asked yourself why you are the one that has to use strawmen in this debate?

Or are you afraid to consider the answer to that question?
Have you asked yourself why you are the one that has to use strawmen in this debate?
Your other defence when your lying bullshit is called out. You don't even know what 'strawman' means, you just desperately wave the term about.
I'm sure with their massive 1.2 % of gdp spending that the Germany Navy is a real powerhouse that keeps the sea lanes open though sheer TERROR.
So your statement the US Navy received no reciprocation in keeping sea lanes was complete bullshit? Why, yes it was.

I challenge you to show where I claimed that the US Navy received NO RECIPROCATION, in keeping sea lanes open.
Still pushing your strawman that I claimed that they do absolutely nothing.
Yeah, right.
They are accepting our protection and our keeping the sea lanes free, for them, without any reciprocity.
The usual Correll bullshit.

Wow. You are correct, I overstated the case there. And I forgot I said that.

My position is that Germany accepts our protection and our keeping the sea lanes free for them, without proportionate reciprocity.

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