Germans on this board, how do you feel about this:


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
is it good or bad. How do you feel about those who carpet bombed Germany?

German court declares 95-year-old Auschwitz paramedic fit for trial

Decision reverses previous ruling that deemed Hubert Z, accused of being accessory to murder of at least 3,681 people, too frail for legal proceedings

A German appeals court has cleared the way for the trial of a 95-year-old man accused of being an accessory to the murder of at least 3,681 people at the Auschwitz-Birkenau Nazi death camp.

German court declares 95-year-old Auschwitz paramedic fit for trial
If it is possible for a whole country to make an Ass of itself, Germany is doing its best. Between its insane immigration position, the VW cheating scandal, and picking on old men in the name of "justice,"....Jesus, what are they thinking?

Carpet bombing? The purpose of war is to win. The Third Reich was evil. The way you win a war is by killing civilians.

What, exactly, is your issue?
If it is possible for a whole country to make an Ass of itself, Germany is doing its best. Between its insane immigration position, the VW cheating scandal, and picking on old men in the name of "justice,"....Jesus, what are they thinking?

Carpet bombing? The purpose of war is to win. The Third Reich was evil. The way you win a war is by killing civilians.

What, exactly, is your issue?

The Germans were just following orders, no different than the men who carpet boomed and dropped chemical bombs. How about the nuclear bomb on Japan. Are all criminals then?? How about the ones who let the German POW's starve after the war? Was only a jew life worth something in WWII. How about what Israel is doing to the Palestinians today?

This is my issue , over 65 mil died in WWII and the no. of 6 million jews is made up.
is it good or bad. How do you feel about those who carpet bombed Germany?

German court declares 95-year-old Auschwitz paramedic fit for trial

Decision reverses previous ruling that deemed Hubert Z, accused of being accessory to murder of at least 3,681 people, too frail for legal proceedings

A German appeals court has cleared the way for the trial of a 95-year-old man accused of being an accessory to the murder of at least 3,681 people at the Auschwitz-Birkenau Nazi death camp.

German court declares 95-year-old Auschwitz paramedic fit for trial

What has this to do with the allies bombing Germany during WW2, ask the British how they felt about being bombed during WW2. Then ask how they felt about having rockets fired at them constantly.

If he is fit to stand trial then he should be made to pay for his crimes
If it is possible for a whole country to make an Ass of itself, Germany is doing its best. Between its insane immigration position, the VW cheating scandal, and picking on old men in the name of "justice,"....Jesus, what are they thinking?

Carpet bombing? The purpose of war is to win. The Third Reich was evil. The way you win a war is by killing civilians.

What, exactly, is your issue?

The Germans were just following orders, no different than the men who carpet boomed and dropped chemical bombs. How about the nuclear bomb on Japan. Are all criminals then?? How about the ones who let the German POW's starve after the war? Was only a jew life worth something in WWII. How about what Israel is doing to the Palestinians today?

This is my issue , over 65 mil died in WWII and the no. of 6 million jews is made up.

There is such a concept as refusing to carry out orders that are against IHL and social mores. Only a muslim has no intelligence to see this, and it seems that you are a muslim.

Over 12 million plus are known to have been murdered in the concentration camps and only a muslim holocaust denier would deny this. What are the Israeli's doing to the Palestinians today then, and I want facts based on real evidence not your usual islamonazi blood libels and propaganda.
is it good or bad. How do you feel about those who carpet bombed Germany?

German court declares 95-year-old Auschwitz paramedic fit for trial

Decision reverses previous ruling that deemed Hubert Z, accused of being accessory to murder of at least 3,681 people, too frail for legal proceedings

A German appeals court has cleared the way for the trial of a 95-year-old man accused of being an accessory to the murder of at least 3,681 people at the Auschwitz-Birkenau Nazi death camp.

German court declares 95-year-old Auschwitz paramedic fit for trial

What has this to do with the allies bombing Germany during WW2, ask the British how they felt about being bombed during WW2. Then ask how they felt about having rockets fired at them constantly.

If he is fit to stand trial then he should be made to pay for his crimes
is it good or bad. How do you feel about those who carpet bombed Germany?

German court declares 95-year-old Auschwitz paramedic fit for trial

Decision reverses previous ruling that deemed Hubert Z, accused of being accessory to murder of at least 3,681 people, too frail for legal proceedings

A German appeals court has cleared the way for the trial of a 95-year-old man accused of being an accessory to the murder of at least 3,681 people at the Auschwitz-Birkenau Nazi death camp.

German court declares 95-year-old Auschwitz paramedic fit for trial

What has this to do with the allies bombing Germany during WW2, ask the British how they felt about being bombed during WW2. Then ask how they felt about having rockets fired at them constantly.

If he is fit to stand trial then he should be made to pay for his crimes

Are you German? He was in a war and following orders and there is no proof he killed anyone.
If it is possible for a whole country to make an Ass of itself, Germany is doing its best. Between its insane immigration position, the VW cheating scandal, and picking on old men in the name of "justice,"....Jesus, what are they thinking?

Carpet bombing? The purpose of war is to win. The Third Reich was evil. The way you win a war is by killing civilians.

What, exactly, is your issue?

The Germans were just following orders, no different than the men who carpet boomed and dropped chemical bombs. How about the nuclear bomb on Japan. Are all criminals then?? How about the ones who let the German POW's starve after the war? Was only a jew life worth something in WWII. How about what Israel is doing to the Palestinians today?

This is my issue , over 65 mil died in WWII and the no. of 6 million jews is made up.

There is such a concept as refusing to carry out orders that are against IHL and social mores. Only a muslim has no intelligence to see this, and it seems that you are a muslim.

Over 12 million plus are known to have been murdered in the concentration camps and only a muslim holocaust denier would deny this. What are the Israeli's doing to the Palestinians today then, and I want facts based on real evidence not your usual islamonazi blood libels and propaganda.

Less than 6 mil jews died in WWII and many fought for Britain and Germany, as well as partisan groups for Russia and Poland. They were not innocent. Their lifes are no more imp than anyone's else's. 6 million were in pogroms in Russia in 1917 also. 6 million is just a no. picked out of the air.
is it good or bad. How do you feel about those who carpet bombed Germany?

German court declares 95-year-old Auschwitz paramedic fit for trial

Decision reverses previous ruling that deemed Hubert Z, accused of being accessory to murder of at least 3,681 people, too frail for legal proceedings

A German appeals court has cleared the way for the trial of a 95-year-old man accused of being an accessory to the murder of at least 3,681 people at the Auschwitz-Birkenau Nazi death camp.

German court declares 95-year-old Auschwitz paramedic fit for trial

What has this to do with the allies bombing Germany during WW2, ask the British how they felt about being bombed during WW2. Then ask how they felt about having rockets fired at them constantly.

If he is fit to stand trial then he should be made to pay for his crimes
is it good or bad. How do you feel about those who carpet bombed Germany?

German court declares 95-year-old Auschwitz paramedic fit for trial

Decision reverses previous ruling that deemed Hubert Z, accused of being accessory to murder of at least 3,681 people, too frail for legal proceedings

A German appeals court has cleared the way for the trial of a 95-year-old man accused of being an accessory to the murder of at least 3,681 people at the Auschwitz-Birkenau Nazi death camp.

German court declares 95-year-old Auschwitz paramedic fit for trial

What has this to do with the allies bombing Germany during WW2, ask the British how they felt about being bombed during WW2. Then ask how they felt about having rockets fired at them constantly.

If he is fit to stand trial then he should be made to pay for his crimes

Are you German? He was in a war and following orders and there is no proof he killed anyone.

So the same applies to any member of the IDF then, and you wont be racially attacking them any more for carrying out their orders, Or do you have different rules for the Jews ?

He could have refused those orders on humanitarian grounds and been posted to a medical corps unit.
If it is possible for a whole country to make an Ass of itself, Germany is doing its best. Between its insane immigration position, the VW cheating scandal, and picking on old men in the name of "justice,"....Jesus, what are they thinking?

Carpet bombing? The purpose of war is to win. The Third Reich was evil. The way you win a war is by killing civilians.

What, exactly, is your issue?

The Germans were just following orders, no different than the men who carpet boomed and dropped chemical bombs. How about the nuclear bomb on Japan. Are all criminals then?? How about the ones who let the German POW's starve after the war? Was only a jew life worth something in WWII. How about what Israel is doing to the Palestinians today?

This is my issue , over 65 mil died in WWII and the no. of 6 million jews is made up.

There is such a concept as refusing to carry out orders that are against IHL and social mores. Only a muslim has no intelligence to see this, and it seems that you are a muslim.

Over 12 million plus are known to have been murdered in the concentration camps and only a muslim holocaust denier would deny this. What are the Israeli's doing to the Palestinians today then, and I want facts based on real evidence not your usual islamonazi blood libels and propaganda.

Less than 6 mil jews died in WWII and many fought for Britain and Germany, as well as partisan groups for Russia and Poland. They were not innocent. Their lifes are no more imp than anyone's else's. 6 million were in pogroms in Russia in 1917 also. 6 million is just a no. picked out of the air.


The majority of the Jews were already in concentration camps by the time the war started. What you are saying is one week old babies fought against the Germans and so became targets. Heavily pregnant women ran screaming at German troops, giving birth on the battlefield. Elderly people confined to wheelchairs were dropped behind Germany's borders and blew up their military infrastructure. You show your stupidity every time you repeat what your imam's tell you is true, and become a but of everyones jokes
Holocaust deniers are scum of the lowest order. Those who would quibble about 5m or 6m or any other figure are no better.
Over 65 mil died in WWII, yet all we hear about is the jewish holocaust. People who think the jews were innocent in this are the foolish ones. Just like in Palestine now, taking land and power away from the inhabitants. The secular Hebrews , Russians really did nothing to help the religious jews of Poland , why they didn't want them to move to Palestine, it was to be a secular state.

This is not about WWII, its about a 95 year old veteran of the geman army going on trial just for being affiliated with the german army in WWII. That is what this post is about.

Where are the German people and where is their rage about this. I guess now your more concerned about the Muslims, funny how this is corresponding to the Holocaust celebration day.
Over 65 mil died in WWII, yet all we hear about is the jewish holocaust. People who think the jews were innocent in this are the foolish ones. Just like in Palestine now, taking land and power away from the inhabitants. The secular Hebrews , Russians really did nothing to help the religious jews of Poland , why they didn't want them to move to Palestine, it was to be a secular state.

This is not about WWII, its about a 95 year old veteran of the geman army going on trial just for being affiliated with the german army in WWII. That is what this post is about.

Where are the German people and where is their rage about this. I guess now your more concerned about the Muslims, funny how this is corresponding to the Holocaust celebration day.

who is "we" ? I was born after world war II-----and heard A LOT more
about that war than "jews were killed" In fact my little town was FULL
of war memorials naming the USA boys killed in that war. I never saw
a "jewish war memorial" in public as a child. In what dung heap do you reside?.
Germans of today do not have a RIGHT ---in your perverted view, to enact
and adhere to their own laws?, The man is not being tried for being "affiliated with the german army during world war II. He is being tried for VOLUNTEERING to
work for the EFFICIENCY and EFFICACY of an extermination camp. I did not
notice the word "jew" in your citation------the man was part of the machinery
of an EXTERMINATION CAMP---devoted to the murder of civilians-----in fact,
not all of them were jews-------too bad you and yours were not shipped there
Over 65 mil died in WWII, yet all we hear about is the jewish holocaust. People who think the jews were innocent in this are the foolish ones. Just like in Palestine now, taking land and power away from the inhabitants. The secular Hebrews , Russians really did nothing to help the religious jews of Poland , why they didn't want them to move to Palestine, it was to be a secular state.

This is not about WWII, its about a 95 year old veteran of the geman army going on trial just for being affiliated with the german army in WWII. That is what this post is about.

Where are the German people and where is their rage about this. I guess now your more concerned about the Muslims, funny how this is corresponding to the Holocaust celebration day.

Then stop bringing it up all the time dear, it is you that is fixated on the holocaust and have brought it into 10 threads in the last 24 hours. It is you that brought this up and complained about a mass murdering piece of scum having to face the courts for his actions. As far as you are concerned he is a hero as he was instrumental in killing thousands of innocent people. Not just Jews but Romany, invalids, disabled, terminally ill, anti Nazi's, communists, POW's and mentally disturbed. Only a POS muslim could ever think that this is allowable in the modern world, and shows that you have no place in a civilised nation and should be deported for your islamonazi views and agenda.

This post is about anti Semitism and Jew hatred because that is why you have posted it
Over 65 mil died in WWII, yet all we hear about is the jewish holocaust. People who think the jews were innocent in this are the foolish ones. Just like in Palestine now, taking land and power away from the inhabitants. The secular Hebrews , Russians really did nothing to help the religious jews of Poland , why they didn't want them to move to Palestine, it was to be a secular state.

This is not about WWII, its about a 95 year old veteran of the geman army going on trial just for being affiliated with the german army in WWII. That is what this post is about.

Where are the German people and where is their rage about this. I guess now your more concerned about the Muslims, funny how this is corresponding to the Holocaust celebration day.

Then stop bringing it up all the time dear, it is you that is fixated on the holocaust and have brought it into 10 threads in the last 24 hours. It is you that brought this up and complained about a mass murdering piece of scum having to face the courts for his actions. As far as you are concerned he is a hero as he was instrumental in killing thousands of innocent people. Not just Jews but Romany, invalids, disabled, terminally ill, anti Nazi's, communists, POW's and mentally disturbed. Only a POS muslim could ever think that this is allowable in the modern world, and shows that you have no place in a civilised nation and should be deported for your islamonazi views and agenda.

This post is about anti Semitism and Jew hatred because that is why you have posted it

Read about what happened to the German Pows after the war. I am sickened by the fact that a 95 year old vet is going to trial accuse of being involved in a no. picked out of thin air. By all rights all of our service men in the Iraq war should be on trial, and the ones at the front line should be Bush, Cheney and Rumsfled.

PS: how many germans, poles, French, brits, Japanese and US citizens died in WWII. Bet you don't even know without looking it up.
With victory comes the right to declare the losers war criminals.

I liked it better when the winners simply eliminated the losers right outta the gate. Genocide leaves little residual opposition.
for the record------penny is full of it as usual. Russia was burdened with MILLIONS
of refugees during and after world war II-------and they put them in CAMPS-------there
was no program to annihilate germans. Long ago------when I was a kid I had a teacher-----young at that time, like mid thirties------he spent the war in a RUSSIAN
POW CAMP-------why? you ask-------ok------his family had fled Poland -----why? you ask-------they were jews and were fleeing the filth of the penelopians-------I know all
about the "POW" camps in Russia------he talked about it all the time
Over 65 mil died in WWII, yet all we hear about is the jewish holocaust. People who think the jews were innocent in this are the foolish ones. Just like in Palestine now, taking land and power away from the inhabitants. The secular Hebrews , Russians really did nothing to help the religious jews of Poland , why they didn't want them to move to Palestine, it was to be a secular state.

This is not about WWII, its about a 95 year old veteran of the geman army going on trial just for being affiliated with the german army in WWII. That is what this post is about.

Where are the German people and where is their rage about this. I guess now your more concerned about the Muslims, funny how this is corresponding to the Holocaust celebration day.

Then stop bringing it up all the time dear, it is you that is fixated on the holocaust and have brought it into 10 threads in the last 24 hours. It is you that brought this up and complained about a mass murdering piece of scum having to face the courts for his actions. As far as you are concerned he is a hero as he was instrumental in killing thousands of innocent people. Not just Jews but Romany, invalids, disabled, terminally ill, anti Nazi's, communists, POW's and mentally disturbed. Only a POS muslim could ever think that this is allowable in the modern world, and shows that you have no place in a civilised nation and should be deported for your islamonazi views and agenda.

This post is about anti Semitism and Jew hatred because that is why you have posted it

Read about what happened to the German Pows after the war. I am sickened by the fact that a 95 year old vet is going to trial accuse of being involved in a no. picked out of thin air. By all rights all of our service men in the Iraq war should be on trial, and the ones at the front line should be Bush, Cheney and Rumsfled.

PS: how many germans, poles, French, brits, Japanese and US citizens died in WWII. Bet you don't even know without looking it up.

And what have you demanded the Israeli government do to their "vets" WHO JUST CARRIED OUT THEIR ORDERS

You have one rule for the Jews and another rule for everyone else, and then try and deny that you are a JEW HATING NAZI
Over 65 mil died in WWII, yet all we hear about is the jewish holocaust. People who think the jews were innocent in this are the foolish ones. Just like in Palestine now, taking land and power away from the inhabitants. The secular Hebrews , Russians really did nothing to help the religious jews of Poland , why they didn't want them to move to Palestine, it was to be a secular state.

This is not about WWII, its about a 95 year old veteran of the geman army going on trial just for being affiliated with the german army in WWII. That is what this post is about.

Where are the German people and where is their rage about this. I guess now your more concerned about the Muslims, funny how this is corresponding to the Holocaust celebration day.

Then stop bringing it up all the time dear, it is you that is fixated on the holocaust and have brought it into 10 threads in the last 24 hours. It is you that brought this up and complained about a mass murdering piece of scum having to face the courts for his actions. As far as you are concerned he is a hero as he was instrumental in killing thousands of innocent people. Not just Jews but Romany, invalids, disabled, terminally ill, anti Nazi's, communists, POW's and mentally disturbed. Only a POS muslim could ever think that this is allowable in the modern world, and shows that you have no place in a civilised nation and should be deported for your islamonazi views and agenda.

This post is about anti Semitism and Jew hatred because that is why you have posted it

Read about what happened to the German Pows after the war. I am sickened by the fact that a 95 year old vet is going to trial accuse of being involved in a no. picked out of thin air. By all rights all of our service men in the Iraq war should be on trial, and the ones at the front line should be Bush, Cheney and Rumsfled.

PS: how many germans, poles, French, brits, Japanese and US citizens died in WWII. Bet you don't even know without looking it up.

And what have you demanded the Israeli government do to their "vets" WHO JUST CARRIED OUT THEIR ORDERS

You have one rule for the Jews and another rule for everyone else, and then try and deny that you are a JEW HATING NAZI

do not blast our dear Penny------she simply parrots standard islamo Nazi partyline
Over 65 mil died in WWII, yet all we hear about is the jewish holocaust. People who think the jews were innocent in this are the foolish ones. Just like in Palestine now, taking land and power away from the inhabitants. The secular Hebrews , Russians really did nothing to help the religious jews of Poland , why they didn't want them to move to Palestine, it was to be a secular state.

This is not about WWII, its about a 95 year old veteran of the geman army going on trial just for being affiliated with the german army in WWII. That is what this post is about.

Where are the German people and where is their rage about this. I guess now your more concerned about the Muslims, funny how this is corresponding to the Holocaust celebration day.

Then stop bringing it up all the time dear, it is you that is fixated on the holocaust and have brought it into 10 threads in the last 24 hours. It is you that brought this up and complained about a mass murdering piece of scum having to face the courts for his actions. As far as you are concerned he is a hero as he was instrumental in killing thousands of innocent people. Not just Jews but Romany, invalids, disabled, terminally ill, anti Nazi's, communists, POW's and mentally disturbed. Only a POS muslim could ever think that this is allowable in the modern world, and shows that you have no place in a civilised nation and should be deported for your islamonazi views and agenda.

This post is about anti Semitism and Jew hatred because that is why you have posted it

Read about what happened to the German Pows after the war. I am sickened by the fact that a 95 year old vet is going to trial accuse of being involved in a no. picked out of thin air. By all rights all of our service men in the Iraq war should be on trial, and the ones at the front line should be Bush, Cheney and Rumsfled.

PS: how many germans, poles, French, brits, Japanese and US citizens died in WWII. Bet you don't even know without looking it up.

And what have you demanded the Israeli government do to their "vets" WHO JUST CARRIED OUT THEIR ORDERS

You have one rule for the Jews and another rule for everyone else, and then try and deny that you are a JEW HATING NAZI

do not blast our dear Penny------she simply parrots standard islamo Nazi partyline

I don't take him seriously, I imagine he dislikes Jew atheist Marx as much as Hitler.

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