Germany Denounces The United States Under Trump's Leadership, Releases Historic Statement

No but America certainly is NOT the moral conscience of the planet.

It would be much closer to it if we could flush Dems like Hillary, Bill, Obama and you folks etc

It's you sex crazed (how many liberal teachers have abused children now?), immoral, gender confused people making it immoral.
Germany Denounces The United States Under Trump's Leadership, Releases Historic Statement
Germany Denounces The United States Under Trump's Leadership, Releases Historic Statement

Germany’s top diplomat has just informed the United States that they no longer see the United States as the ally they once were, saying that leadership from President Donald Trump has led Europe on a path toward nuclear war.

German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel told the Berlin Foreign Policy Forum that Germany would start to go after its own agenda, whether the U.S. likes it or not because the West was losing influence around the world now that Trump is president.

“The U.S. no longer sees the world as a global community but as a fighting arena where everyone has to seek their own advantage,” Gabriel said, according to Deutsche Welle.

“Germany can no longer simply react to U.S. policy but must establish its own position…even after Trump leaves the White House, relations with the U.S. will never be the same.”

Germany: We no longer recognize the United States as a superpower

Since taking office, Trump has attacked Germany (one of the United State’s closest allies) over Iran and North Korea, has denounced their trade surplus with us (even though it was wildly inaccurate) and accused Germany and other allies in NATO of owing vast amounts of money to the United States. We didn’t even mention the withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord, which caused the United States to become the only major country on the planet to not be apart of the deal.


“Germany cannot afford to wait for decisions from Washington, or to merely react to them. We must lay out our own position and make clear to our allies where the limits of our solidarity are reached,” Gabriel said in the speech, excerpts of which had been published by Sueddeutsche Zeitung ahead of time.

Talk about fucking up our relationships around the world! Trump has to go!

the trumptards are such morons, they think this is a good thing.

It is never a good thing to want to alienate half the planet, I say half because the other half of the planet America is probably planning on nuking for who cares what reason, just to show everyone America can fire nukes if they want to :rolleyes-41:

That crowd want to nuke North Korea, no thought of WHAT the ramifications of doing that are going to be, no diplomatic skills just nuke them wipe them off the planet, thank God cooler heads on the behind the scenes diplomacy circuit are attempting to defuse the crazy North Korean situation in a more sane way.
Most regular Americas are fine letting Japan and Germany rebuild. Few of us benefit from the Military Industrial Complex.

Americans are your friends. Trump has many flaws, but he is not part of the complex, which is part of the reason people like JohnMcCain, the Bushes, and Mitt Romney hate him. He is fucking up the program.

What Trump is doing is probably the first step in getting out of world policing. Many of us saw the opportunity, even though we hate the GOP.
No but America certainly is NOT the moral conscience of the planet.

It would be much closer to it if we could flush Dems like Hillary, Bill, Obama and you folks etc

It's you sex crazed (how many liberal teachers have abused children now?), immoral, gender confused people making it immoral.

"It's you sex crazed, immoral, gender confused people making it immoral."

Huh? Are you addressing these bizarro comments at me? I might be sex crazed and immoral darling but I certainly am not gender confused.
Most regular Americas are fine letting Japan and Germany rebuild. Few of us benefit from the Military Industrial Complex.

Americans are your friends. Trump has many flaws, but he is not part of the complex, which is part of the reason people like JohnMcCain, the Bushes, and Mitt Romney hate him. He is fucking up the program.

What Trump is doing is probably the first step in getting out of world policing. Many of us saw the opportunity, even though we hate the GOP.
It is never a good thing to want to alienate half the planet, I say half because the other half of the planet America is probably planning on nuking for who cares what reason, just to show everyone America can fire nukes if they want to :rolleyes-41:

That crowd want to nuke North Korea, no thought of WHAT the ramifications of doing that are going to be, no diplomatic skills just nuke them wipe them off the planet, thank God cooler heads on the behind the scenes diplomacy circuit are attempting to defuse the crazy North Korean situation in a more sane way.

Do you have any clue the horrors of torture and human rights abuse behind the North Korean Steel Curtain?
Those FEW who have managed to escape have the scars to show you.
It doesn't affect you're happy ignoring those people. Trade places with ONE of them for a day Ms. Canary.

But here you are, defending the North Korean state as if all we have to do is look the other way.
Ms. Naive....some countries WANT to kill Americans (same as you do). Except they have nuclear weapons and submarines and delivery systems.

We left them alone through Obama and now they have achieved the capability to carry out their threats. Good job. Maybe they won't. They say they will. Let's gamble all our lives on them being good global citizens ....<sarc>

Your notion that all you have to do is leave others alone and try to be friends to achieve security and world peace is riddled with the blood from the violence that totally proves you wrong since the dawn of time.
Germany Denounces The United States Under Trump's Leadership, Releases Historic Statement
Germany Denounces The United States Under Trump's Leadership, Releases Historic Statement

Germany’s top diplomat has just informed the United States that they no longer see the United States as the ally they once were, saying that leadership from President Donald Trump has led Europe on a path toward nuclear war.

German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel told the Berlin Foreign Policy Forum that Germany would start to go after its own agenda, whether the U.S. likes it or not because the West was losing influence around the world now that Trump is president.

“The U.S. no longer sees the world as a global community but as a fighting arena where everyone has to seek their own advantage,” Gabriel said, according to Deutsche Welle.

“Germany can no longer simply react to U.S. policy but must establish its own position…even after Trump leaves the White House, relations with the U.S. will never be the same.”

Germany: We no longer recognize the United States as a superpower

Since taking office, Trump has attacked Germany (one of the United State’s closest allies) over Iran and North Korea, has denounced their trade surplus with us (even though it was wildly inaccurate) and accused Germany and other allies in NATO of owing vast amounts of money to the United States. We didn’t even mention the withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord, which caused the United States to become the only major country on the planet to not be apart of the deal.


“Germany cannot afford to wait for decisions from Washington, or to merely react to them. We must lay out our own position and make clear to our allies where the limits of our solidarity are reached,” Gabriel said in the speech, excerpts of which had been published by Sueddeutsche Zeitung ahead of time.

Talk about fucking up our relationships around the world! Trump has to go!

...because we should care what the Germans think. The people that brought the world Marxism, communism, Nazism, and today they push globalism, progressivism, and multiculturalism. Germans make good engineers and can build things better than most, but they are also the most stubborn and have no common sense.

If you want set up a PayPal account and I'll PAY for you to GTFO of Germany and go back to America where you belong, you hate Germans so much then GTFO and go back to America you little slug.

I work for the US military and we are here in Germany because of Hitler.
I like being in Europe but I have learned that Germans are pretty stubborn. The Germans elected Merkel, let’s see you defend that. There is hope for them, they are starting to reject her globalist multiculturalism Agenda, but you can’t deny they fully embraced it. To be fair, there are lots of stupid people in the states too....we elected the Hussein twice after all. But can you name any great conservative leaders in Germany and times they had the majority of power? Do you deny that Karl Marx came from Germany? You know these people honor him by naming streets after him? Do you deny that Germany’s stupid policies lead to two world wars, and their progressive pro-Islamic Agenda will no doubt lead to a third?

"I work for the US military and we are here in Germany because of Hitler."

He's been dead for 72 years you are SQUATTING in Germany because of a man who has been dead for 72 years? Lol the DEAD are now a THREAT or whatever :badgrin:

Squatting? We’re here because the German government wants us to be here. A little something called NATO. So, you going to address and refute anything I said, or keep siding with the OP and leftist German idiots?
Most regular Americas are fine letting Japan and Germany rebuild. Few of us benefit from the Military Industrial Complex.

Americans are your friends. Trump has many flaws, but he is not part of the complex, which is part of the reason people like JohnMcCain, the Bushes, and Mitt Romney hate him. He is fucking up the program.

What Trump is doing is probably the first step in getting out of world policing. Many of us saw the opportunity, even though we hate the GOP.

"Most regular Americas are fine letting Japan and Germany rebuild. Few of us benefit from the Military Industrial Complex."

Yes I know I have many American friends and I have no problem with that type of American, it's these crazy Bomb's Away Americans who are the problem.

"Americans are your friends."

I agree.

"Trump has many flaws, but he is not part of the complex, which is part of the reason people like John McCain, the Bushes, and Mitt Romney hate him. He is fucking up the program."

I agree on this also and bizarrely the crazy Bomb's Away Americans all hate John McCain yet he's as crazy as they are because he's Bomb's Away himself.
Germany Denounces The United States Under Trump's Leadership, Releases Historic Statement
Germany Denounces The United States Under Trump's Leadership, Releases Historic Statement

Talk about fucking up our relationships around the world! Trump has to go!

...because we should care what the Germans think. The people that brought the world Marxism, communism, Nazism, and today they push globalism, progressivism, and multiculturalism. Germans make good engineers and can build things better than most, but they are also the most stubborn and have no common sense.

If you want set up a PayPal account and I'll PAY for you to GTFO of Germany and go back to America where you belong, you hate Germans so much then GTFO and go back to America you little slug.
Do you deny that Germany’s stupid policies lead to two world wars, and their progressive pro-Islamic Agenda will no doubt lead to a third?

Germans are mega-kooks.

Be careful Sobieski because the same crowd who hate Germany also hate Poland and you should already know that.
Poland is awesome, as is much of Eastern Europe. They reject multiculturalism, especially Islam. Which is totally opposite of German idiots that welcome millions of Muslim savages with open arms.
Russia damn sure loves Trump ... thats all that matters to Trump and his drone collective
Germany Denounces The United States Under Trump's Leadership, Releases Historic Statement
Germany Denounces The United States Under Trump's Leadership, Releases Historic Statement

Talk about fucking up our relationships around the world! Trump has to go!

...because we should care what the Germans think. The people that brought the world Marxism, communism, Nazism, and today they push globalism, progressivism, and multiculturalism. Germans make good engineers and can build things better than most, but they are also the most stubborn and have no common sense.

If you want set up a PayPal account and I'll PAY for you to GTFO of Germany and go back to America where you belong, you hate Germans so much then GTFO and go back to America you little slug.

I work for the US military and we are here in Germany because of Hitler.
I like being in Europe but I have learned that Germans are pretty stubborn. The Germans elected Merkel, let’s see you defend that. There is hope for them, they are starting to reject her globalist multiculturalism Agenda, but you can’t deny they fully embraced it. To be fair, there are lots of stupid people in the states too....we elected the Hussein twice after all. But can you name any great conservative leaders in Germany and times they had the majority of power? Do you deny that Karl Marx came from Germany? You know these people honor him by naming streets after him? Do you deny that Germany’s stupid policies lead to two world wars, and their progressive pro-Islamic Agenda will no doubt lead to a third?

"I work for the US military and we are here in Germany because of Hitler."

He's been dead for 72 years you are SQUATTING in Germany because of a man who has been dead for 72 years? Lol the DEAD are now a THREAT or whatever :badgrin:

Squatting? We’re here because the German government wants us to be here. A little something called NATO. So, you going to address and refute anything I said, or keep siding with the OP and leftist German idiots?

"We’re here because the German government wants us to be here."

No we both know that is incorrect.

"A little something called NATO."

Which is why I said NATO still exists when it should have been dismantled in 1991/1992, it still exists because America uses NATO as an excuse to squat in nations.

"So, you going to address and refute anything I said,"

Like what? You rambling about you are squatting in Germany 72 years later because of Hitler who died 72 years ago and thats why you are still in Germany in 2017.

"or keep siding with the OP and leftist German idiots?

I have not sided with the OP and only someone who has lost an argument they never had in the first place would comment I'm Leftist.
This is the American mentality, no need for diplomats when they can put nukes on the ground and then they cannot comprehend why half of the planet consider America the greatest danger to life on this planet

No, actually we WANT to be considered the greatest danger to life on the planet. It's the easiest and best way to get other nations to leave us the fuck alone. If these other nations are so great, why the hell did our ancestors leave there to come here?
The German government's reaction to Trump indicates that Germany is also suffering from globalist oligarchy influence that does not represent the best interests or needs of the German people. That government likely has not, and continues to not, do what is best for the German people, just like the American political establishment has pretty much ignored us. Trump is the rebellion against that global elite establishment, made up partly of the Military Industrial Complex.

Germany (like many countries) needs a Trump-like outsider to break up the party (although, I hope your outsider is not as much of an asshole as Trump.)

So, while I agree that we need to give the good German people back their sovereignty, Trump is not the problem there. Trump is, in fact, the American people revolting against the establishment, which includes those who want to continue the occupation.
...because we should care what the Germans think. The people that brought the world Marxism, communism, Nazism, and today they push globalism, progressivism, and multiculturalism. Germans make good engineers and can build things better than most, but they are also the most stubborn and have no common sense.

If you want set up a PayPal account and I'll PAY for you to GTFO of Germany and go back to America where you belong, you hate Germans so much then GTFO and go back to America you little slug.
Do you deny that Germany’s stupid policies lead to two world wars, and their progressive pro-Islamic Agenda will no doubt lead to a third?

Germans are mega-kooks.

Be careful Sobieski because the same crowd who hate Germany also hate Poland and you should already know that.
Poland is awesome, as is much of Eastern Europe. They reject multiculturalism, especially Islam. Which is totally opposite of German idiots that welcome millions of Muslim savages with open arms.

The Usual Suspects hate Poland and are attempting to push the Propaganda Guilt Trip on them, most of The Usual Suspects are American, many squatting in Germany so they can continue to Guilt Trip the population about something that ended 72 years ago and because 15-20 years of that Propaganda crap just has not been enough because OMG the AfD got 12% at the election.

Why is there no party further to the Right than the CSU? Oh thats right because anything slightly further to the Right than the CSU would automatically become Literally Hitler :rolleyes-41:
...because we should care what the Germans think. The people that brought the world Marxism, communism, Nazism, and today they push globalism, progressivism, and multiculturalism. Germans make good engineers and can build things better than most, but they are also the most stubborn and have no common sense.

If you want set up a PayPal account and I'll PAY for you to GTFO of Germany and go back to America where you belong, you hate Germans so much then GTFO and go back to America you little slug.

I work for the US military and we are here in Germany because of Hitler.
I like being in Europe but I have learned that Germans are pretty stubborn. The Germans elected Merkel, let’s see you defend that. There is hope for them, they are starting to reject her globalist multiculturalism Agenda, but you can’t deny they fully embraced it. To be fair, there are lots of stupid people in the states too....we elected the Hussein twice after all. But can you name any great conservative leaders in Germany and times they had the majority of power? Do you deny that Karl Marx came from Germany? You know these people honor him by naming streets after him? Do you deny that Germany’s stupid policies lead to two world wars, and their progressive pro-Islamic Agenda will no doubt lead to a third?

"I work for the US military and we are here in Germany because of Hitler."

He's been dead for 72 years you are SQUATTING in Germany because of a man who has been dead for 72 years? Lol the DEAD are now a THREAT or whatever :badgrin:

Squatting? We’re here because the German government wants us to be here. A little something called NATO. So, you going to address and refute anything I said, or keep siding with the OP and leftist German idiots?

"We’re here because the German government wants us to be here."

No we both know that is incorrect.

"A little something called NATO."

Which is why I said NATO still exists when it should have been dismantled in 1991/1992, it still exists because America uses NATO as an excuse to squat in nations.

"So, you going to address and refute anything I said,"

Like what? You rambling about you are squatting in Germany 72 years later because of Hitler who died 72 years ago and thats why you are still in Germany in 2017.

"or keep siding with the OP and leftist German idiots?

I have not sided with the OP and only someone who has lost an argument they never had in the first place would comment I'm Leftist.

Yes, the Germans can ask us to leave if they really want. They are too afraid though, they think the Russians will take all of Eastern Europe. Quite frankly we are tired of holding their hands. President Trump is right, they should be paying us a lot more if we are going to stay. In the past few years alone, I’ve seen the decline of Germany first hand due to the Muslim influx. If Germany is going to be dumb enough to keep importing them, it’s going to cause a war in Europe. Why should we stay and help them if they are so determined to kill themselves?

You still refuse to acknowledge the stupidity of Germans and their progressive, Globalist policies.
The German government's reaction to Trump indicates that Germany is also suffering from globalist oligarchy influence that does not represent the best interests or needs of the German people. That government likely has not, and continues to not, do what is best for the German people, just like the American political establishment has pretty much ignored us. Trump is the rebellion against that global elite establishment, made up partly of the Military Industrial Complex.

Germany (like many countries) needs a Trump-like outsider to break up the party (although, I hope your outsider is not as much of an asshole as Trump.)

So, while I agree that we need to give the good German people back their sovereignty, Trump is not the problem there. Trump is, in fact, the American people revolting against the establishment, which includes those who want to continue the occupation.

^^^^ I agree 100%.
Why is there no party further to the Right than the CSU? Oh thats right because anything slightly further to the Right than the CSU would automatically become Literally Hitler

That must be a real pain in the ass for good Germans looking for alternatives to the current political makeup. They are living in fear of being called Nazis.

How convenient for the Germany establishment.
Most regular Americas are fine letting Japan and Germany rebuild. Few of us benefit from the Military Industrial Complex.

Americans are your friends. Trump has many flaws, but he is not part of the complex, which is part of the reason people like JohnMcCain, the Bushes, and Mitt Romney hate him. He is fucking up the program.

What Trump is doing is probably the first step in getting out of world policing. Many of us saw the opportunity, even though we hate the GOP.

"Most regular Americas are fine letting Japan and Germany rebuild. Few of us benefit from the Military Industrial Complex."

Yes I know I have many American friends and I have no problem with that type of American, it's these crazy Bomb's Away Americans who are the problem.

"Americans are your friends."

I agree.

"Trump has many flaws, but he is not part of the complex, which is part of the reason people like John McCain, the Bushes, and Mitt Romney hate him. He is fucking up the program."

I agree on this also and bizarrely the crazy Bomb's Away Americans all hate John McCain yet he's as crazy as they are because he's Bomb's Away himself.

Some people are incapable of learning.
Trump is the most reviled leader in the world but I love watching you trying to explain it away.... trying badly.
If you want set up a PayPal account and I'll PAY for you to GTFO of Germany and go back to America where you belong, you hate Germans so much then GTFO and go back to America you little slug.
Do you deny that Germany’s stupid policies lead to two world wars, and their progressive pro-Islamic Agenda will no doubt lead to a third?

Germans are mega-kooks.

Be careful Sobieski because the same crowd who hate Germany also hate Poland and you should already know that.
Poland is awesome, as is much of Eastern Europe. They reject multiculturalism, especially Islam. Which is totally opposite of German idiots that welcome millions of Muslim savages with open arms.

The Usual Suspects hate Poland and are attempting to push the Propaganda Guilt Trip on them, most of The Usual Suspects are American, many squatting in Germany so they can continue to Guilt Trip the population about something that ended 72 years ago and because 15-20 years of that Propaganda crap just has not been enough because OMG the AfD got 12% at the election.

Why is there no party further to the Right than the CSU? Oh thats right because anything slightly further to the Right than the CSU would automatically become Literally Hitler :rolleyes-41:

I don’t know any American that hates Poland. None. Who are these “usual suspects”?

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