Germany Denounces The United States Under Trump's Leadership, Releases Historic Statement

I think the real motivations of WW1.... Was for Germans to regain Serbia who were no longer controlled by German royalty, like they were in the past.

I think the real motivations of WW2... Was for Germans to regain Poland who were no longer controlled by German royalty, like they were in the past.

I think the real motivations of Partitions of Poland... Was for Germans to knock out it's non-German leadership.

Germans obviously wished to control the whole of Europe.... They goofed up....

YOu are assuming families operating as a cohesive whole across generations and conflicting interests.

That seems unlikely.

Really, why would the Kaiser give a damn if some cousin of his got a tiny throne in a backwater like Serbia?

The motivation against Russia seemed pretty clear. To take them down before Russian industrialization grew Russia into a major threat.

The Kaiser and Tsar Nicholas II were close cousins both Germans, though.

And did that stop the Kaiser from setting in motion events that led to the deaths of his cousins?


Blood might be thicker than water, but it is far thinner than imperial gold.

Kaiser Wihelm II didn't send the train of Bolsheviks to Russia in 1917 which successfully killed his cousin Tsar Nicholas II, this decision was done by Bethmann - Hollweg a different German coming from a long-line of bankers.

And here is where, imo, conspiracy theories so often go wrong.

On one hand we are to assume a network of germans, competent enough to maintain a system of control over most of the world, down to a level where they want to put one of their own on the Throne of Serbia,

and yet, they miss something like sending that train, or don't do anything about it once it was sent,

Did the Kaiser have that man and his family disappeared as punishment for disrupting his plans? Or did he respond like a weak leader in nominal control of a modern state apparatus that was full of people with their own agendas?
Oooh the Germans are going to get us.....
Yet another moronic Trumpette who thinks we don't need any allies in the world,.

If they get this bent over US just talking about having policies to protect our interests, they are not an ally.
. Well it's like people are saying now, otherwise that just like it is here (the lefties) have taken control of these nation's or rather they want the world to at least think that they have. Once they get control, then they puff themselves up or set themselves up as if they are the say all, and the end all to the world's problems.

Trump was the end all to their bullcrap here, and they hate him sorely for it. They figure that he has exposed them for the crazies that they are, and their greatest fear is that the world might just catch on to it as well. So as the left falls through out the world now, Trump will be looked at by the left as the culprit. I think he wears the banner proudly, because at one time they say Trump was a leftist but then finally saw the light.
Germany: "We no longer recognize the United States as a Superpower.".....
Cons don't bother answering you live in fantasy world.

You liberals dont have the slightest clue what Reality is.

Here are some hints;

1) the USA is the only Superpower remaining in the world, and it doesnt matter how many leftwing dupes in Germany's state department or elsewhere refuse to recognise that Reality. All that German moron did was demonstrate to the world what a moron he is and what imbeciles run Germany's government.

2) When you say that everyone in the world hates the USA, does that include the Russians who you claim put Trump in the White House?

You libs sling so much bullshit you dont even bother keeping it straight any more.
Germany: "We no longer recognize the United States as a Superpower.".....
Cons don't bother answering you live in fantasy world.

You liberals dont have the slightest clue what Reality is.

Here are some hints;

1) the USA is the only Superpower remaining in the world, and it doesnt matter how many leftwing dupes in Germany's state department or elsewhere refuse to recognise that Reality. All that German moron did was demonstrate to the world what a moron he is and what imbeciles run Germany's government.

2) When you say that everyone in the world hates the USA, does that include the Russians who you claim put Trump in the White House?

You libs sling so much bullshit you dont even bother keeping it straight any more.

They don't really expect to be called on their bullshit,

and they don't care if they are, because they know, and all their friends know that the shit they say, is just shit they say.

No one really believes it.

THey just pretend to, to have an excuse for the shit they do.
Oooh the Germans are going to get us.....
Yet another moronic Trumpette who thinks we don't need any allies in the world,.

If they get this bent over US just talking about having policies to protect our interests, they are not an ally.
. Well it's like people are saying now, otherwise that just like it is here (the lefties) have taken control of these nation's or rather they want the world to at least think that they have. Once they get control, then they puff themselves up or set themselves up as if they are the say all, and the end all to the world's problems.

Trump was the end all to their bullcrap here, and they hate him sorely for it. They figure that he has exposed them for the crazies that they are, and their greatest fear is that the world might just catch on to it as well. So as the left falls through out the world now, Trump will be looked at by the left as the culprit. I think he wears the banner proudly, because at one time they say Trump was a leftist but then finally saw the light.

Trump exposed you fricken morons. person

You have no morals whasoever when you support people like Donald Trump & Roy Moore.

For decades, this country has been active in the happens of the globe for our own security, to protect our businesses operating around the globe, keeping tabs on the wacko leaders that might cause us to be involved in yet another major war.

But noooooooooooooooooooio. You dumbasses think we can with draw from the world & survive.

NK gets ugly & trump begs other countries to help. Why should they help when told them to fuck themselves regarding other world issues such as trade, refugees, and gloibal warming.

The UN tries to stop gun running & you fuckheads run in circles screaming that the UN is coming for your precious guns.

Face it. You people are the dumbest, most easiest duped people on the plant.
Germany: "We no longer recognize the United States as a Superpower.".....
Cons don't bother answering you live in fantasy world.

You liberals dont have the slightest clue what Reality is.

Here are some hints;

1) the USA is the only Superpower remaining in the world, and it doesnt matter how many leftwing dupes in Germany's state department or elsewhere refuse to recognise that Reality. All that German moron did was demonstrate to the world what a moron he is and what imbeciles run Germany's government.

2) When you say that everyone in the world hates the USA, does that include the Russians who you claim put Trump in the White House?

You libs sling so much bullshit you dont even bother keeping it straight any more.

Economic power trumps military power.

Russia hates the US so much it gave us Trumpo as President. Just how stupid are you?
Oooh the Germans are going to get us.....
Yet another moronic Trumpette who thinks we don't need any allies in the world,.

If they get this bent over US just talking about having policies to protect our interests, they are not an ally.
How does declaring Jerusalem to be capital of Israel in our interest?

Shows how ignorant you are.Under Clinton you moron.

Jerusalem Embassy Act
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jerusalem Embassy Act - Wikipedia
Oooh the Germans are going to get us.....
Yet another moronic Trumpette who thinks we don't need any allies in the world,.

If they get this bent over US just talking about having policies to protect our interests, they are not an ally.
How does declaring Jerusalem to be capital of Israel in our interest?

Shows how ignorant you are.Under Clinton you moron.

Jerusalem Embassy Act
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jerusalem Embassy Act - Wikipedia
I am well aware. But every administration prior t o the Groper, studied the issue & postponed it & figured on using it as a bargaining chip in Middle Easr peace.

Your hero, Mr Art of the DEAL, gave away that chip & created rioting & violence as predicted.

For nothing other than change the subject from his impending impeachment and/or arrest.
Oooh the Germans are going to get us.....
Yet another moronic Trumpette who thinks we don't need any allies in the world,.

If they get this bent over US just talking about having policies to protect our interests, they are not an ally.
How does declaring Jerusalem to be capital of Israel in our interest?

Because kowtowing to the muslims just encourages them to commit more violence.
Fuck the krauts. Let russia keep the whole place next time.

Russia doesn't need more nazis.let alone all the muslim nazis in Merkels Germany. Putin has enough to deal with the Ukrainian nazis next door that Obama gave him.

Trump praises our home grown Nazis. Do you?

You are a filthy liar.

LIke I said, earlier. You people just say shit, and you don't even care when you get called on it, because everyone you know plays the same game.
Face it, we are no longer the world leader of freedom. Human rights and free speech are not foundations of this regime.
... How does declaring Jerusalem to be capital of Israel in our interest?
It's not; directly, anyway. It is, however, in the best interest of our staunchest ally in the region.

And, in another respect, it helps to put "paid", in part, to the debt that Western Europe (and Nova Europa) owe the Jews for complicity or inaction during the Holocaust.

And, given that Islam is not friendly to either Christianity nor Western Civilization in general, it helps to solidify the foothold that The West has reclaimed in the Middle East.

Having Forward Bases is always a good idea; having an Early Warning Tripwire is always a good idea; having a Strong Prepositioned Military Force in the area is a good idea.

In these respects, Israel is an Outpost of Western Civilization, reclaiming part of its old stomping grounds from the descendants of those who took it by the sword.
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... How does declaring Jerusalem to be capital of Israel in our interest?
It's not; directly, anyway. It is, however, in the best interest of our staunchest ally in the region.

And, in another respect, it helps to put "paid", in part, to the debt that Western Europe (and Nova Europa) owe the Jews for complicity or inaction during the Holocaust.

And, given that Islam is not friendly to either Christianity nor Western Civilization in general, it helps to solidify the foothold that The West has reclaimed in the Middle East.

Having Forward Bases is always a good idea; having an Early Warning Tripwire is always a good idea; having a Strong Prepositioned Military Force in the area is a good idea.

In these respects, Israel is an Outpost of Western Civilization, reclaiming part of its old stomping grounds from the descendants of those who took it by the sword.

So why do it. There was no advantage but rather disadvantages.

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