GERMANY: Muslim invaders are pooping and ejaculating in the pool

Well, let's turn back to my statement that all Muslims are potential enemies.

And I will give the sad example of my sister, who made the mistake of marrying a Muslim from Egypt.

And even though Egypt tries to suppress radical Islam, they did not suppress all of it.

My brother-in-law believed, because it is in the Koran, that he is entitled to hit my sister, because she is his wife, and he can do what he pleases him.

After repeated abuse, my brother-in-law threw a vase at my sister's head, severely wounded her.

She didn't have her cell phone so she went door to door to ask them if she could use their phone so she could call the police. All her neighbors were Muslims, and they refused. In their twisted religion, if there is a conflict between a husband a wife, the wife is always to blame.

They got divorced and agreed that their son would be raised as a Muslim. But he goes to Catholic school so who knows how it will turn out.

When he came for Thanksgiving, I had to be the one to tell him he was not allowed to eat ham. He had no idea that ham was off limits for a Muslim.

I'm confused.... She married a Muslim, so why doesn't she take abuse? That's what you agree to, when you marry a Muslim man. That's part of their culture, their ideology, their religion.

Did you not warn her? Where was her parents?

Moreover, why did you tell her son he wasn't to eat ham? Are you in agreement with this whole thing?

Are you and your family Atheists or something? Did your faith, play no part in your sisters choices?

Sometimes darling, advice falls on the deaf ears.

True. But the way this was written was like it was a surprise.

I can say for certain that in my parents home, there would be no surprise. There would hell to pay. This would be world war 3 in my parents house. And mine for that matter.

And even if she were to choose to ignore all that 'advice'.... If she repented, and realized her mistake, you most certainly would not be raising the child as Muslim... not in my parents house. So there would be no "explaining to him he can't have ham".

Now I get it, in our modern stupidity, we allow daughters to run off and do what they want. But in a Christian home, there's a concept of 'shunning'. It's the opposite of 'enabling'. You don't hang around your son whose a drug dealer. Right? Because you just encourage him to destroy his life.

Same thing with a daughter running off with a muslim man. Not chance that's happening. And then agreeing to allow her child to be raised muslim, when you are christian and just had your face smashed in by him?

Something like that would not be allowed in my parents home. Not at all. Or mine. Just enabling stupidity.
Germany intends on imposing the German culture on middle eastern men. That's not very multicultural or respectful of them.
I hope the Germans slaughter them.

Hope so too ... sadly Germans are other words

total left wing politically correct European morons.

they deserve all the shit.

thats all.

I go to the bed....with your strange comments now I think you might be trying to put me in rubber room :crybaby::crybaby:
Germany intends on imposing the German culture on middle eastern men. That's not very multicultural or respectful of them.
I hope the Germans slaughter them.

Hope so too ... sadly Germans are other words

total left wing politically correct European morons.

they deserve all the shit.

thats all.

I go to the bed....with your strange comments now I think you might be trying to put me in rubber room :crybaby::crybaby:

Nite Nite! :biggrin:

too funny:laugh:
Germany intends on imposing the German culture on middle eastern men. That's not very multicultural or respectful of them.
I hope the Germans slaughter them.

Hope so too ... sadly Germans are other words

total left wing politically correct European morons.

they deserve all the shit.

thats all.

I go to the bed....with your strange comments now I think you might be trying to put me in rubber room :crybaby::crybaby:

Nite Nite! :biggrin:

too funny:laugh:

This is so strange, I don't think it's you, someone is posting but it's not you. If it is you, you need to have nap.

Whatever. Not good situation.
Well, let's turn back to my statement that all Muslims are potential enemies.

And I will give the sad example of my sister, who made the mistake of marrying a Muslim from Egypt.

And even though Egypt tries to suppress radical Islam, they did not suppress all of it.

My brother-in-law believed, because it is in the Koran, that he is entitled to hit my sister, because she is his wife, and he can do what he pleases him.

After repeated abuse, my brother-in-law threw a vase at my sister's head, severely wounded her.

She didn't have her cell phone so she went door to door to ask them if she could use their phone so she could call the police. All her neighbors were Muslims, and they refused. In their twisted religion, if there is a conflict between a husband a wife, the wife is always to blame.

They got divorced and agreed that their son would be raised as a Muslim. But he goes to Catholic school so who knows how it will turn out.

When he came for Thanksgiving, I had to be the one to tell him he was not allowed to eat ham. He had no idea that ham was off limits for a Muslim.

I'm confused.... She married a Muslim, so why doesn't she take abuse? That's what you agree to, when you marry a Muslim man. That's part of their culture, their ideology, their religion.

Did you not warn her? Where was her parents?

Moreover, why did you tell her son he wasn't to eat ham? Are you in agreement with this whole thing?

Are you and your family Atheists or something? Did your faith, play no part in your sisters choices?
Well, let's turn back to my statement that all Muslims are potential enemies.

And I will give the sad example of my sister, who made the mistake of marrying a Muslim from Egypt.

And even though Egypt tries to suppress radical Islam, they did not suppress all of it.

My brother-in-law believed, because it is in the Koran, that he is entitled to hit my sister, because she is his wife, and he can do what he pleases him.

After repeated abuse, my brother-in-law threw a vase at my sister's head, severely wounded her.

She didn't have her cell phone so she went door to door to ask them if she could use their phone so she could call the police. All her neighbors were Muslims, and they refused. In their twisted religion, if there is a conflict between a husband a wife, the wife is always to blame.

They got divorced and agreed that their son would be raised as a Muslim. But he goes to Catholic school so who knows how it will turn out.

When he came for Thanksgiving, I had to be the one to tell him he was not allowed to eat ham. He had no idea that ham was off limits for a Muslim.

I'm confused.... She married a Muslim, so why doesn't she take abuse? That's what you agree to, when you marry a Muslim man. That's part of their culture, their ideology, their religion.

Did you not warn her? Where was her parents?

Moreover, why did you tell her son he wasn't to eat ham? Are you in agreement with this whole thing?

Are you and your family Atheists or something? Did your faith, play no part in your sisters choices?
My sister agreed to raise her son as a Muslim during the divorce.

If she refused to obey the terms of the agreement, she could lose custody. I am a lawyer and I told my nephew not to eat the ham, so that he would not tell his Muslim father he ate ham while with his mother.

If it makes you feel any better, there was an atheist also at the party. My nephew asked him if he believed in God, and the atheist said no. My nephew asked him why, and the atheist said "There is no proof."

I told the atheist that the kid was being raised as a Muslim and I don't want stories to get back to the father that an atheist told him there was no God.
Well, let's turn back to my statement that all Muslims are potential enemies.

And I will give the sad example of my sister, who made the mistake of marrying a Muslim from Egypt.

And even though Egypt tries to suppress radical Islam, they did not suppress all of it.

My brother-in-law believed, because it is in the Koran, that he is entitled to hit my sister, because she is his wife, and he can do what he pleases him.

After repeated abuse, my brother-in-law threw a vase at my sister's head, severely wounded her.

She didn't have her cell phone so she went door to door to ask them if she could use their phone so she could call the police. All her neighbors were Muslims, and they refused. In their twisted religion, if there is a conflict between a husband a wife, the wife is always to blame.

They got divorced and agreed that their son would be raised as a Muslim. But he goes to Catholic school so who knows how it will turn out.

When he came for Thanksgiving, I had to be the one to tell him he was not allowed to eat ham. He had no idea that ham was off limits for a Muslim.

I'm confused.... She married a Muslim, so why doesn't she take abuse? That's what you agree to, when you marry a Muslim man. That's part of their culture, their ideology, their religion.

Did you not warn her? Where was her parents?

Moreover, why did you tell her son he wasn't to eat ham? Are you in agreement with this whole thing?

Are you and your family Atheists or something? Did your faith, play no part in your sisters choices?

Sometimes darling, advice falls on the deaf ears.

True. But the way this was written was like it was a surprise.

I can say for certain that in my parents home, there would be no surprise. There would hell to pay. This would be world war 3 in my parents house. And mine for that matter.

And even if she were to choose to ignore all that 'advice'.... If she repented, and realized her mistake, you most certainly would not be raising the child as Muslim... not in my parents house. So there would be no "explaining to him he can't have ham".

Now I get it, in our modern stupidity, we allow daughters to run off and do what they want. But in a Christian home, there's a concept of 'shunning'. It's the opposite of 'enabling'. You don't hang around your son whose a drug dealer. Right? Because you just encourage him to destroy his life.

Same thing with a daughter running off with a muslim man. Not chance that's happening. And then agreeing to allow her child to be raised muslim, when you are christian and just had your face smashed in by him?

Something like that would not be allowed in my parents home. Not at all. Or mine. Just enabling stupidity.
I'm really not interested in your opinions about what I did.
Well, let's turn back to my statement that all Muslims are potential enemies.

And I will give the sad example of my sister, who made the mistake of marrying a Muslim from Egypt.

And even though Egypt tries to suppress radical Islam, they did not suppress all of it.

My brother-in-law believed, because it is in the Koran, that he is entitled to hit my sister, because she is his wife, and he can do what he pleases him.

After repeated abuse, my brother-in-law threw a vase at my sister's head, severely wounded her.

She didn't have her cell phone so she went door to door to ask them if she could use their phone so she could call the police. All her neighbors were Muslims, and they refused. In their twisted religion, if there is a conflict between a husband a wife, the wife is always to blame.

They got divorced and agreed that their son would be raised as a Muslim. But he goes to Catholic school so who knows how it will turn out.

When he came for Thanksgiving, I had to be the one to tell him he was not allowed to eat ham. He had no idea that ham was off limits for a Muslim.

I'm confused.... She married a Muslim, so why doesn't she take abuse? That's what you agree to, when you marry a Muslim man. That's part of their culture, their ideology, their religion.

Did you not warn her? Where was her parents?

Moreover, why did you tell her son he wasn't to eat ham? Are you in agreement with this whole thing?

Are you and your family Atheists or something? Did your faith, play no part in your sisters choices?
Well, let's turn back to my statement that all Muslims are potential enemies.

And I will give the sad example of my sister, who made the mistake of marrying a Muslim from Egypt.

And even though Egypt tries to suppress radical Islam, they did not suppress all of it.

My brother-in-law believed, because it is in the Koran, that he is entitled to hit my sister, because she is his wife, and he can do what he pleases him.

After repeated abuse, my brother-in-law threw a vase at my sister's head, severely wounded her.

She didn't have her cell phone so she went door to door to ask them if she could use their phone so she could call the police. All her neighbors were Muslims, and they refused. In their twisted religion, if there is a conflict between a husband a wife, the wife is always to blame.

They got divorced and agreed that their son would be raised as a Muslim. But he goes to Catholic school so who knows how it will turn out.

When he came for Thanksgiving, I had to be the one to tell him he was not allowed to eat ham. He had no idea that ham was off limits for a Muslim.

I'm confused.... She married a Muslim, so why doesn't she take abuse? That's what you agree to, when you marry a Muslim man. That's part of their culture, their ideology, their religion.

Did you not warn her? Where was her parents?

Moreover, why did you tell her son he wasn't to eat ham? Are you in agreement with this whole thing?

Are you and your family Atheists or something? Did your faith, play no part in your sisters choices?
My sister agreed to raise her son as a Muslim during the divorce.

If she refused to obey the terms of the agreement, she could lose custody. I am a lawyer and I told my nephew not to eat the ham, so that he would not tell his Muslim father he ate ham while with his mother.

If it makes you feel any better, there was an atheist also at the party. My nephew asked him if he believed in God, and the atheist said no. My nephew asked him why, and the atheist said "There is no proof."

I told the atheist that the kid was being raised as a Muslim and I don't want stories to get back to the father that an atheist told him there was no God.

Well, from my perspective..... I'd rather she lose custody. Better to not help raise a terrorist, than to engaging in this. You are literally helping to raise a wife beater. Do not see this?

Now she may no longer have a choice in the matter... but *YOU* specifically are helping to ingrain an ideology that abused your sister, into your nephew. Better to not be involved in that at all... than to actually be helping to create your own enemy.

I just don't understand this at all.

And for heaven sakes, get him away from the atheist. People are desperate for something real. Having this kid around this atheist is going to drive him more to Islam. Is that what you want?

I'm really not interested in your opinions about what I did.

Welcome to open forums man. When I tell people what I have done, they give their opinion of it too.

Part of being on a forum.

If you don't want people to comment on what you do, then don't say what you do.

Ironically I find that comment as baffling as the rest of your story. It's like gays running through the street shoving their sexual choices in everyone's faces, and then crying about how it's their private life, and you shouldn't say anything.

If it's private, then we wouldn't know, and thus wouldn't comment. If you are going to tell everyone, expect to have people comment on it.

Strange people....
Germany intends on imposing the German culture on middle eastern men. That's not very multicultural or respectful of them.
I hope the Germans slaughter them.

Hope so too ... sadly Germans are other words

total left wing politically correct European morons.

they deserve all the shit.

thats all.

I go to the bed....with your strange comments now I think you might be trying to put me in rubber room :crybaby::crybaby:

Nite Nite! :biggrin:

too funny:laugh:

I'm pleased that you think me funny :rolleyes-41:
Well, from my perspective..... I'd rather she lose custody. Better to not help raise a terrorist, than to engaging in this. You are literally helping to raise a wife beater. Do not see this?

I'll take this under advisement.
Look at everyone in this thread acting all high and mighty, like they've never jerked off in a pool before. :eusa_snooty:
You are sub-human scum. If I would have seen you do that in a public pool I would have waited for you and done something to you that would have henceforth made your being alive a living hell for the rest of your miserable life!
Permanent Ignore.

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