Germany Plunges into Political Crisis

Cons hate our allies.

Yea, that's it....moron.
Name an ally you like.

Well lets see.....
I like Japan,South Korea,Canada,England,France pretty much all Christian Nations and Nations that are civilized.
Do I see eye to eye with all of their policies? No I most certainly dont but I see tham as allies and I fear for their continued existence.

"South Korea"

South Korea eat cats and dogs, that is not what a civilised nation does, a civilised nation treats animals with respect.
Oh, very simple, nelsen, the majority of Americans do not like the treasonous fat senile old orange clown.
Germans don't like her either. The only (((people))) on the planet who like Merkel are Soros and the US media.
Does anybody else here think Old Rocks and Frigidaire are lovers?

Old Rocks is one of the stupidest Trolls at this forum, ignore anything it posts is my advice.

Old Rocks will boost your ratings though by Funnying everything you post.
Because you silly asses are so funny.
Cons hate our allies.

Yea, that's it....moron.
Name an ally you like.

Well lets see.....
I like Japan,South Korea,Canada,England,France pretty much all Christian Nations and Nations that are civilized.
Do I see eye to eye with all of their policies? No I most certainly dont but I see tham as allies and I fear for their continued existence.

"South Korea"

South Korea eat cats and dogs, that is not what a civilised nation does, a civilised nation treats animals with respect.
Sheesh. So did Native Americans. They are red meat.
Cons hate our allies.
No, twit, Merkel isn't our ally. She is the ally of George Soros, or, in Yiddish, "puppet".

I feel for the German people.
The muslim invasion of Europe and the south american invasion of the U.S. is no coincidence.

"The muslim invasion of Europe and the south american invasion of the U.S. is no coincidence."

You are correct the same Usual Suspects are funding both.

There is nothing like the US Constitution on this Continent, so I see no reason why many of our nations cannot just begin rounding up and forcibly deporting all the Third World scum that has been filthing up parts of this Continent since September 2015 when Merkel announced to the Third World to come here to claim welfare.

The Donald is having problems deporting all your Third World scum because of the US Constitution and American Traitors going to Leftist judges who keep blocking his deportation plans.
Don’t panic. Political crisis in Germany have never caused any significant problems.


Trolling again? Yes we know your ilk hates Germans and has wet dreams about the demographic replacement of Germans by Infinity Brown low IQ savages.

what the fuck is wrong with you? Third Reich wasn't savage enough for you? Did the light skin color make it ok?
Cons hate our allies.

Yea, that's it....moron.
Name an ally you like.

Well lets see.....
I like Japan,South Korea,Canada,England,France pretty much all Christian Nations and Nations that are civilized.
Do I see eye to eye with all of their policies? No I most certainly dont but I see tham as allies and I fear for their continued existence.

"South Korea"

South Korea eat cats and dogs, that is not what a civilised nation does, a civilised nation treats animals with respect.

It's all about culture.
Do I agree with their culture and them eating pups? Hell no,but if I go to south Korea,which I would never do anyway,I'd rather see the real country rather than a generic copy.
Oh, very simple, nelsen, the majority of Americans do not like the treasonous fat senile old orange clown.
Germans don't like her either. The only (((people))) on the planet who like Merkel are Soros and the US media.
Does anybody else here think Old Rocks and Frigidaire are lovers?

Old Rocks is one of the stupidest Trolls at this forum, ignore anything it posts is my advice.

Old Rocks will boost your ratings though by Funnying everything you post.
Because you silly asses are so funny.

There is nothing funny about this, its simple:

Either the Third World scum agree to leave peacefully and return to their own crap hole nations OR this is not going to end well for these people.

How should I put this diplomatically....history is going to repeat itself.
Cons hate our allies.
No, twit, Merkel isn't our ally. She is the ally of George Soros, or, in Yiddish, "puppet".

I feel for the German people.
The muslim invasion of Europe and the south american invasion of the U.S. is no coincidence.

"The muslim invasion of Europe and the south american invasion of the U.S. is no coincidence."

You are correct the same Usual Suspects are funding both.

There is nothing like the US Constitution on this Continent, so I see no reason why many of our nations cannot just begin rounding up and forcibly deporting all the Third World scum that has been filthing up parts of this Continent since September 2015 when Merkel announced to the Third World to come here to claim welfare.

The Donald is having problems deporting all your Third World scum because of the US Constitution and American Traitors going to Leftist judges who keep blocking his deportation plans.

The deep state is fucking us all.
If we dont defeat them in our generation we're in for a world of shit.
Don’t panic. Political crisis in Germany have never caused any significant problems.


Trolling again? Yes we know your ilk hates Germans and has wet dreams about the demographic replacement of Germans by Infinity Brown low IQ savages.

what the fuck is wrong with you? Third Reich wasn't savage enough for you? Did the light skin color make it ok?

Look another Troll, sorry what were you saying? Oh thats right nothing important, now run along.
Ms. Merkel, an icon of Western democracy and values? Is this the same Merkel that had her head buried up Obama rear for years and was turning her country over to the refugees?

Germany Plunged Into Political Crisis After Coalition Talks Fail

Merkel has only two bosses: Deep State and Soros, she serves them, not German people.
She already invited 2m + IQ60 illiterate 'refugees' to Germany, almost 20m family members are waiting in Africa for visas.

She is a destroyer and killer, traitor and commie psycho, her name will be cursed 1000 years in Germany.

Millions of these guys were invited by Merkel to Germany.

The only condition:

IQ60 or lower, illiterate, criminal, good knowelage of Quran, sexual perverse ( sorry, what Muslim is not sexual perverse ) and has no problem to receive welfare and other benefits.


Germany would not survive 20m african muzz. It would turn the country into Zimbabwe. Or, nurture the rise of a new Hitler.
Well, they are leaning Right.

"Well, they are leaning Right."

Not Right enough, they need to throw Merkel off the boat, CDU get a new leader, CSU replace Horst Seehofer with Markus Söder have a new election and have a coalition of CDU/CSU/AfD.

Not Right enough they need to go FULL RIGHT. Period. The problem with the Germans is they have been subjected for 15-20 years to Propaganda and brainwashed into hating themselves, hating their Culture and Heritage and hating their Ancestors.

We never were subjected to any of that we also are immune to any attempt at that Propaganda shit.

We had our election on October 15 and 57.5% of our peoples voted for a combination of ÖVP and FPÖ and we combined have an unassailable majority, the below graphic is not only how you silence the Left to the point they cannot stop your Agenda but also how you flush their friends the Environmentalist psychos down the toilet.

Oh and the ONLY group of people who gave the SPÖ a majority of their votes were 60 years and older, die soon you pathetic self hating fuckers, the New Generation of Proud Patriots have replaced you.

ALL other age groups 16-30, 30-45, 45-55 voted for a combination of ÖVP and FPÖ, think of that for a moment.

Then look at this, when a German election result looks as Right-Wing as the below, then they have a hope:

View attachment 161627

Germany has resisted the Right since Hitler, he cost them a lot.
Ms. Merkel, an icon of Western democracy and values? Is this the same Merkel that had her head buried up Obama rear for years and was turning her country over to the refugees?

Germany Plunged Into Political Crisis After Coalition Talks Fail

Merkel has only two bosses: Deep State and Soros, she serves them, not German people.
She already invited 2m + IQ60 illiterate 'refugees' to Germany, almost 20m family members are waiting in Africa for visas.

She is a destroyer and killer, traitor and commie psycho, her name will be cursed 1000 years in Germany.

Millions of these guys were invited by Merkel to Germany.

The only condition:

IQ60 or lower, illiterate, criminal, good knowelage of Quran, sexual perverse ( sorry, what Muslim is not sexual perverse ) and has no problem to receive welfare and other benefits.


Germany would not survive 20m african muzz. It would turn the country into Zimbabwe. Or, nurture the rise of a new Hitler.
Well, they are leaning Right.

"Well, they are leaning Right."

Not Right enough, they need to throw Merkel off the boat, CDU get a new leader, CSU replace Horst Seehofer with Markus Söder have a new election and have a coalition of CDU/CSU/AfD.

Not Right enough they need to go FULL RIGHT. Period. The problem with the Germans is they have been subjected for 15-20 years to Propaganda and brainwashed into hating themselves, hating their Culture and Heritage and hating their Ancestors.

We never were subjected to any of that we also are immune to any attempt at that Propaganda shit.

We had our election on October 15 and 57.5% of our peoples voted for a combination of ÖVP and FPÖ and we combined have an unassailable majority, the below graphic is not only how you silence the Left to the point they cannot stop your Agenda but also how you flush their friends the Environmentalist psychos down the toilet.

Oh and the ONLY group of people who gave the SPÖ a majority of their votes were 60 years and older, die soon you pathetic self hating fuckers, the New Generation of Proud Patriots have replaced you.

ALL other age groups 16-30, 30-45, 45-55 voted for a combination of ÖVP and FPÖ, think of that for a moment.

Then look at this, when a German election result looks as Right-Wing as the below, then they have a hope:

View attachment 161627
Germany has resisted the Right since Hitler, he cost them a lot.

Now look at them, full of Kebabs and Sub Saharan African low IQ knuckledraggers, same with the British, London half Kebab and African with a Paki Mayor. LOL.
Oh, very simple, nelsen, the majority of Americans do not like the treasonous fat senile old orange clown.
Germans don't like her either. The only (((people))) on the planet who like Merkel are Soros and the US media.
Does anybody else here think Old Rocks and Frigidaire are lovers?

Old Rocks is one of the stupidest Trolls at this forum, ignore anything it posts is my advice.

Old Rocks will boost your ratings though by Funnying everything you post.
Because you silly asses are so funny.

There is nothing funny about this, its simple:

Either the Third World scum agree to leave peacefully and return to their own crap hole nations OR this is not going to end well for these people.

How should I put this diplomatically....history is going to repeat itself.
Leave it to a con to wish for another holocaust.
Ms. Merkel, an icon of Western democracy and values? Is this the same Merkel that had her head buried up Obama rear for years and was turning her country over to the refugees?

Germany Plunged Into Political Crisis After Coalition Talks Fail

Merkel has only two bosses: Deep State and Soros, she serves them, not German people.
She already invited 2m + IQ60 illiterate 'refugees' to Germany, almost 20m family members are waiting in Africa for visas.

She is a destroyer and killer, traitor and commie psycho, her name will be cursed 1000 years in Germany.

Millions of these guys were invited by Merkel to Germany.

The only condition:

IQ60 or lower, illiterate, criminal, good knowelage of Quran, sexual perverse ( sorry, what Muslim is not sexual perverse ) and has no problem to receive welfare and other benefits.


Germany would not survive 20m african muzz. It would turn the country into Zimbabwe. Or, nurture the rise of a new Hitler.
Well, they are leaning Right.

"Well, they are leaning Right."

Not Right enough, they need to throw Merkel off the boat, CDU get a new leader, CSU replace Horst Seehofer with Markus Söder have a new election and have a coalition of CDU/CSU/AfD.

Not Right enough they need to go FULL RIGHT. Period. The problem with the Germans is they have been subjected for 15-20 years to Propaganda and brainwashed into hating themselves, hating their Culture and Heritage and hating their Ancestors.

We never were subjected to any of that we also are immune to any attempt at that Propaganda shit.

We had our election on October 15 and 57.5% of our peoples voted for a combination of ÖVP and FPÖ and we combined have an unassailable majority, the below graphic is not only how you silence the Left to the point they cannot stop your Agenda but also how you flush their friends the Environmentalist psychos down the toilet.

Oh and the ONLY group of people who gave the SPÖ a majority of their votes were 60 years and older, die soon you pathetic self hating fuckers, the New Generation of Proud Patriots have replaced you.

ALL other age groups 16-30, 30-45, 45-55 voted for a combination of ÖVP and FPÖ, think of that for a moment.

Then look at this, when a German election result looks as Right-Wing as the below, then they have a hope:

View attachment 161627
Germany has resisted the Right since Hitler, he cost them a lot.

They have not resisted the Right, they have been prevented from going Full Right thanks to a Constitution that was written by The Usual Suspects that was designed to keep Germany down.

But in the soul the desire is there it always has been, all thats needed is the spark to ignite the fire and then history tells the Kebabs and African savages to GTFO as soon as possible or face the consequences.
Don’t panic. Political crisis in Germany have never caused any significant problems.


Trolling again? Yes we know your ilk hates Germans and has wet dreams about the demographic replacement of Germans by Infinity Brown low IQ savages.

what the fuck is wrong with you? Third Reich wasn't savage enough for you? Did the light skin color make it ok?

Look another Troll, sorry what were you saying? Oh thats right nothing important, now run along.

I was saying you are a piece of shit racist getting all upset at someone talking bad about whitey fucking NAZIS.
Germans don't like her either. The only (((people))) on the planet who like Merkel are Soros and the US media.
Does anybody else here think Old Rocks and Frigidaire are lovers?

Old Rocks is one of the stupidest Trolls at this forum, ignore anything it posts is my advice.

Old Rocks will boost your ratings though by Funnying everything you post.
Because you silly asses are so funny.

There is nothing funny about this, its simple:

Either the Third World scum agree to leave peacefully and return to their own crap hole nations OR this is not going to end well for these people.

How should I put this diplomatically....history is going to repeat itself.
Leave it to a con to wish for another holocaust.

Well you Leftists would prefer a Holocaust of White Christian Peoples, we know it's okay, we know that:

Diversity is code for Anti-White, Anti-Christian.
Does anybody else here think Old Rocks and Frigidaire are lovers?

Old Rocks is one of the stupidest Trolls at this forum, ignore anything it posts is my advice.

Old Rocks will boost your ratings though by Funnying everything you post.
Because you silly asses are so funny.

There is nothing funny about this, its simple:

Either the Third World scum agree to leave peacefully and return to their own crap hole nations OR this is not going to end well for these people.

How should I put this diplomatically....history is going to repeat itself.
Leave it to a con to wish for another holocaust.

Well you Leftists would prefer a Holocaust of White Christian Peoples, we know it's okay, we know that:

Diversity is code for Anti-White, Anti-Christian.
That's the kinda thing Hitler said.
Germans don't like her either. The only (((people))) on the planet who like Merkel are Soros and the US media.
Does anybody else here think Old Rocks and Frigidaire are lovers?

Old Rocks is one of the stupidest Trolls at this forum, ignore anything it posts is my advice.

Old Rocks will boost your ratings though by Funnying everything you post.
Because you silly asses are so funny.

There is nothing funny about this, its simple:

Either the Third World scum agree to leave peacefully and return to their own crap hole nations OR this is not going to end well for these people.

How should I put this diplomatically....history is going to repeat itself.
Leave it to a con to wish for another holocaust.
What do you think the Jews are doing to the Europeans, now?
Don’t panic. Political crisis in Germany have never caused any significant problems.


Trolling again? Yes we know your ilk hates Germans and has wet dreams about the demographic replacement of Germans by Infinity Brown low IQ savages.

Who would want anyone to replace the ‘Master Race’?

All you do is Troll. Why would anyone respond in any other way to your posts who knows your ilk want to destroy Germanic peoples especially the ones of us you hate the most the blonde blue eyed ones.

You should just say it gives you a woody every time a Germanic woman is sexually violated by a Kebab or African savage, you know because of something that ended 72 years ago.

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