Germany Plunges into Political Crisis

They’re a good example of why most Americans are supporting President Trump.
They’re a good example of why most Americans are supporting President Trump.

Polling Data
Poll Date Sample Approve Disapprove Spread
RCP Average 10/26 - 11/19 -- 38.3 57.1 -18.8
Gallup 11/17 - 11/19 1500 A 38 57 -19
Rasmussen Reports 11/15 - 11/19 1500 LV 41 57 -16
Economist/YouGov 11/12 - 11/14 1281 RV 39 56 -17
Harvard-Harris 11/11 - 11/14 2350 RV 41 59 -18
Reuters/Ipsos 11/10 - 11/14 1520 A 37 59 -22
Quinnipiac 11/7 - 11/13 1577 RV 35 58 -23
Marist 11/6 - 11/9 850 RV 39 55 -16
CNN 11/2 - 11/5 RV 38 57 -19
IBD/TIPP 10/26 - 11/3 917 A 36 58 -22
ABC News/Wash Post 10/29 - 11/1 884 RV 38 58 -20
CBS News 10/27 - 10/30 1109 A 39 55 -16
PPP (D) 10/27 - 10/29 572 RV 38 56 -18

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval
This is why the German system works so well, different views get a say and no one party can lord it over the others.
Thereby leaving the field open for the Soros billions.

But Germany doesn't have this, does it?

The reality is that the Koch brothers, Soros and the rest can pump money in because they've bought the political system which then lets them do this. In Germany the system prevents this from happening.

Each party knows if it does well it can soar, if it does badly it can lose all its seats.

The reality is the US political system is the most expensive system for getting seats in the world, for a reason. It doesn't work for most except the rich.
George Soros: An American Oligarch‘s Dirty Tale of Corruption – F. William Engdahl –

Nigel Farage Exposes George Soros' "Open Society" Collusion Within The EU - Brainstain News
Ms. Merkel, an icon of Western democracy and values? Is this the same Merkel that had her head buried up Obama rear for years and was turning her country over to the refugees?

Germany Plunged Into Political Crisis After Coalition Talks Fail

One of the reasons she's having this crisis is that other parties don't want to be involved with a party that has a relaxed immigration policy.

This is why the German system works so well, different views get a say and no one party can lord it over the others.

PR for the US is a must.

"One of the reasons she's having this crisis is that other parties don't want to be involved with a party that has a relaxed immigration policy."

No idiot the coalition talks have collapsed because the Environmentalist psychos are demanding family reunification for the filthy POS that are squatting now in Germany thanks to Merkel being TOLD by The Usual Suspects who Historically have always hated Germanics to Open The Gates. They need to tell The Usual Suspects to fuck off like we do.

That would be approx another 8-10 MILLION filthy Kebabs and filthy Sub Saharan African savages to add to the 1.5 MILLION Street Shitters who are already squatting there.

That is why, it again illustrates that the Environmentalists are Traitors and hate their own peoples and should be dealt with as Traitors.

Thanks to my nation being always MEGA Red Pilled we flushed the Environmentalists down the toilet where they belong, we also closed The Balkan Route - which Berlin were screaming at us for doing - closing The Balkan Route meant that the Third World crap stopped coming in, they are stranded in Greece and who gives a shit about Greece they have twice elected a Commie Government.

We show the only solution is to elect a Right Wing Government of Patriots, across the border they need to listen to us, in the end we always have to show them the way.
RCP Average 10/26 - 11/19 -- 38.3 57.1 -18.8
Gallup 11/17 - 11/19 1500 A 38 57 -19
Rasmussen Reports 11/15 - 11/19 1500 LV 41 57 -16
Economist/YouGov 11/12 - 11/14 1281 RV 39 56 -17
Harvard-Harris 11/11 - 11/14 2350 RV 41 59 -18
Reuters/Ipsos 11/10 - 11/14 1520 A 37 59 -22
Quinnipiac 11/7 - 11/13 1577 RV 35 58 -23
Marist 11/6 - 11/9 850 RV 39 55 -16
CNN 11/2 - 11/5 RV 38 57 -19
IBD/TIPP 10/26 - 11/3 917 A 36 58 -22
ABC News/Wash Post 10/29 - 11/1 884 RV 38 58 -20
CBS News 10/27 - 10/30 1109 A 39 55 -16
PPP (D) 10/27 - 10/29 572 RV 38 56 -18
Cons hate our allies.
No, twit, Merkel isn't our ally. She is the ally of George Soros, or, in Yiddish, "puppet".

I feel for the German people.
The muslim invasion of Europe and the south american invasion of the U.S. is no coincidence.
South America is invading? You know Mexico is North America, right?

Yes Political Flunky, we know Mexico is in North America. It doesn’t prevent South Americans from invading the US, and culturally Mexicans are the same as South Americans.
Have you been to Mexico or South America? There are Europeans in both places.
Argentina is whiter than the US.
Let's make an ally of Iceland and Ireland, they know what's what.
RCP Average 10/26 - 11/19 -- 38.3 57.1 -18.8
Gallup 11/17 - 11/19 1500 A 38 57 -19
Rasmussen Reports 11/15 - 11/19 1500 LV 41 57 -16
Economist/YouGov 11/12 - 11/14 1281 RV 39 56 -17
Harvard-Harris 11/11 - 11/14 2350 RV 41 59 -18
Reuters/Ipsos 11/10 - 11/14 1520 A 37 59 -22
Quinnipiac 11/7 - 11/13 1577 RV 35 58 -23
Marist 11/6 - 11/9 850 RV 39 55 -16
CNN 11/2 - 11/5 RV 38 57 -19
IBD/TIPP 10/26 - 11/3 917 A 36 58 -22
ABC News/Wash Post 10/29 - 11/1 884 RV 38 58 -20
CBS News 10/27 - 10/30 1109 A 39 55 -16
PPP (D) 10/27 - 10/29 572 RV 38 56 -18
Oh, very simple, nelsen, the majority of Americans do not like the treasonous fat senile old orange clown.
Cons hate our allies.
No, twit, Merkel isn't our ally. She is the ally of George Soros, or, in Yiddish, "puppet".

I feel for the German people.
The muslim invasion of Europe and the south american invasion of the U.S. is no coincidence.
South America is invading? You know Mexico is North America, right?

Yes Political Flunky, we know Mexico is in North America. It doesn’t prevent South Americans from invading the US, and culturally Mexicans are the same as South Americans.
Have you been to Mexico or South America? There are Europeans in both places.
Argentina is whiter than the US.

Dont even try and lecture a Texan about south americans.
No, twit, Merkel isn't our ally. She is the ally of George Soros, or, in Yiddish, "puppet".

I feel for the German people.
The muslim invasion of Europe and the south american invasion of the U.S. is no coincidence.
South America is invading? You know Mexico is North America, right?

Yes Political Flunky, we know Mexico is in North America. It doesn’t prevent South Americans from invading the US, and culturally Mexicans are the same as South Americans.
Have you been to Mexico or South America? There are Europeans in both places.
Argentina is whiter than the US.

Dont even try and lecture a Texan about south americans.
I liked Mexicans better when they just strolled around restaurants in colorful outfits and made you kiss the girl you were with.
Ms. Merkel, an icon of Western democracy and values? Is this the same Merkel that had her head buried up Obama rear for years and was turning her country over to the refugees?

Germany Plunged Into Political Crisis After Coalition Talks Fail

Merkel has only two bosses: Deep State and Soros, she serves them, not German people.
She already invited 2m + IQ60 illiterate 'refugees' to Germany, almost 20m family members are waiting in Africa for visas.

She is a destroyer and killer, traitor and commie psycho, her name will be cursed 1000 years in Germany.

Millions of these guys were invited by Merkel to Germany.

The only condition:

IQ60 or lower, illiterate, criminal, good knowelage of Quran, sexual perverse ( sorry, what Muslim is not sexual perverse ) and has no problem to receive welfare and other benefits.


Germany would not survive 20m african muzz. It would turn the country into Zimbabwe. Or, nurture the rise of a new Hitler.
Well, they are leaning Right.

"Well, they are leaning Right."

Not Right enough, they need to throw Merkel off the boat, CDU get a new leader, CSU replace Horst Seehofer with Markus Söder have a new election and have a coalition of CDU/CSU/AfD.

Not Right enough they need to go FULL RIGHT. Period. The problem with the Germans is they have been subjected for 15-20 years to Propaganda and brainwashed into hating themselves, hating their Culture and Heritage and hating their Ancestors.

We never were subjected to any of that we also are immune to any attempt at that Propaganda shit.

We had our election on October 15 and 57.5% of our peoples voted for a combination of ÖVP and FPÖ and we combined have an unassailable majority, the below graphic is not only how you silence the Left to the point they cannot stop your Agenda but also how you flush their friends the Environmentalist psychos down the toilet.

Oh and the ONLY group of people who gave the SPÖ a majority of their votes were 60 years and older, die soon you pathetic self hating fuckers, the New Generation of Proud Patriots have replaced you.

ALL other age groups 16-30, 30-45, 45-55 voted for a combination of ÖVP and FPÖ, think of that for a moment.

Then look at this, when a German election result looks as Right-Wing as the below, then they have a hope:


Don’t panic. Political crisis in Germany have never caused any significant problems.


Trolling again? Yes we know your ilk hates Germans and has wet dreams about the demographic replacement of Germans by Infinity Brown low IQ savages.
Oh, very simple, nelsen, the majority of Americans do not like the treasonous fat senile old orange clown.
Germans don't like her either. The only (((people))) on the planet who like Merkel are Soros and the US media.
Does anybody else here think Old Rocks and Frigidaire are lovers?

Old Rocks is one of the stupidest Trolls at this forum, ignore anything it posts is my advice.

Old Rocks will boost your ratings though by Funnying everything you post.
Let's make an ally of Iceland and Ireland, they know what's what.
And all the rest of the "I" countries: India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, and (on a probationary basis) Italy
Good idea, but not likely. Those nations, with the exception of India, are looking to China. If you read what China is proposing, and actually building;

We have forgotten how to dream big.

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