Germany Plunges into Political Crisis

Germany would not survive 20m african muzz. It would turn the country into Zimbabwe. Or, nurture the rise of a new Hitler.
Well, they are leaning Right.

"Well, they are leaning Right."

Not Right enough, they need to throw Merkel off the boat, CDU get a new leader, CSU replace Horst Seehofer with Markus Söder have a new election and have a coalition of CDU/CSU/AfD.

Not Right enough they need to go FULL RIGHT. Period. The problem with the Germans is they have been subjected for 15-20 years to Propaganda and brainwashed into hating themselves, hating their Culture and Heritage and hating their Ancestors.

We never were subjected to any of that we also are immune to any attempt at that Propaganda shit.

We had our election on October 15 and 57.5% of our peoples voted for a combination of ÖVP and FPÖ and we combined have an unassailable majority, the below graphic is not only how you silence the Left to the point they cannot stop your Agenda but also how you flush their friends the Environmentalist psychos down the toilet.

Oh and the ONLY group of people who gave the SPÖ a majority of their votes were 60 years and older, die soon you pathetic self hating fuckers, the New Generation of Proud Patriots have replaced you.

ALL other age groups 16-30, 30-45, 45-55 voted for a combination of ÖVP and FPÖ, think of that for a moment.

Then look at this, when a German election result looks as Right-Wing as the below, then they have a hope:

View attachment 161627
Germany has resisted the Right since Hitler, he cost them a lot.

They have not resisted the Right, they have been prevented from going Full Right thanks to a Constitution that was written by The Usual Suspects that was designed to keep Germany down.

But in the soul the desire is there it always has been, all thats needed is the spark to ignite the fire and then history tells the Kebabs and African savages to GTFO as soon as possible or face the consequences.
The Usual Suspects were the US and our allies.

Leftists are beyond ignorant and uneducated about European politics and also what happens on this Continent. I spend six months in America about six years ago I on a regular basis watched the American news I did rarely see ONE news item reported about what was happening on my own Continent, 90% of the American news was about domestic America.

Also remember when the French election happened you posted a thread almost orgasmic that that weirdo faggot Macron who is married to a 65 year old woman had won the election.

At the time I responded commenting that it would not be long before it got nasty for him, well I was of course correct.

In France the wannabe Dictator Emmanuel Macron, is falling into the bottomless pit fast now. Lol as I just commented all those who are against European Patriots had a collective orgasm when this freak was elected, of course Patriots predicted Macron would fall and the below article and poll is the beginning. Also several days ago across 170 French towns there were mass civil protests about the freak of nature Macron who at 39 sleeps with an old wrinkle 65 year old woman. They hate the POS now, as was predicted.

Weirdo freak self-hating Frenchman a Traitor who comments things like the below, since the 19th Century worldwide France has been famous for it's Culture a Culture that Macron hates and wants destroyed via Multiculturalism of inferior cultures.

French Culture is majestic and something that French Patriots are correctly proud of only Traitors would think the below:


Macron is even more unpopular than Hollande and Hollande was the most unpopular President in French history.




Emmanuel Macron faces first revolt as 100 party members resign over 'arrogant, undemocratic' ways
"Well, they are leaning Right."

Not Right enough, they need to throw Merkel off the boat, CDU get a new leader, CSU replace Horst Seehofer with Markus Söder have a new election and have a coalition of CDU/CSU/AfD.

Not Right enough they need to go FULL RIGHT. Period. The problem with the Germans is they have been subjected for 15-20 years to Propaganda and brainwashed into hating themselves, hating their Culture and Heritage and hating their Ancestors.

We never were subjected to any of that we also are immune to any attempt at that Propaganda shit.

We had our election on October 15 and 57.5% of our peoples voted for a combination of ÖVP and FPÖ and we combined have an unassailable majority, the below graphic is not only how you silence the Left to the point they cannot stop your Agenda but also how you flush their friends the Environmentalist psychos down the toilet.

Oh and the ONLY group of people who gave the SPÖ a majority of their votes were 60 years and older, die soon you pathetic self hating fuckers, the New Generation of Proud Patriots have replaced you.

ALL other age groups 16-30, 30-45, 45-55 voted for a combination of ÖVP and FPÖ, think of that for a moment.

Then look at this, when a German election result looks as Right-Wing as the below, then they have a hope:

View attachment 161627
Germany has resisted the Right since Hitler, he cost them a lot.

They have not resisted the Right, they have been prevented from going Full Right thanks to a Constitution that was written by The Usual Suspects that was designed to keep Germany down.

But in the soul the desire is there it always has been, all thats needed is the spark to ignite the fire and then history tells the Kebabs and African savages to GTFO as soon as possible or face the consequences.
The Usual Suspects were the US and our allies.

"The Usual Suspects were the US and our allies."

Your main one as I commented its capital city London is majority African and Kebab now and it has a Paki Mayor, worked out not so well for them then did it. No. Winston Churchill he hated Blacks and Muslims he must be turning in his grave.

The Second War finished in 1945 72 years ago, so Germany is not any of your business anymore, keep to your own business and stop interfering, just do something else like randomly bomb some more Middle Eastern nations that are tens of thousands of miles away from America because you know you have to "protect American interests"

The European Continent is not any of America's business, America is not part of this Continent and this Continent is not part of America.
It was a Right Wing president who lied about weapons of mass destruction, because he longed to be a war president.

Obama bombed more nations than GWB did, Obama was The War President.

GWB was not Right Wing he specifically commented that America was not at war with Islam so the Kebabs who were already squatting in America wouldn't have their feelings hurt and supported Multiculturalism and was pro-Immigration and could not get enough of Mexicans, probably because Jeb is married to that weird Mexican dwarf or whatever she is.
Germany has resisted the Right since Hitler, he cost them a lot.

They have not resisted the Right, they have been prevented from going Full Right thanks to a Constitution that was written by The Usual Suspects that was designed to keep Germany down.

But in the soul the desire is there it always has been, all thats needed is the spark to ignite the fire and then history tells the Kebabs and African savages to GTFO as soon as possible or face the consequences.
The Usual Suspects were the US and our allies.

"The Usual Suspects were the US and our allies."

Your main one as I commented its capital city London is majority African and Kebab now and it has a Paki Mayor, worked out not so well for them then did it. No. Winston Churchill he hated Blacks and Muslims he must be turning in his grave.

The Second War finished in 1945 72 years ago, so Germany is not any of your business anymore, keep to your own business and stop interfering, just do something else like randomly bomb some more Middle Eastern nations that are tens of thousands of miles away from America because you know you have to "protect American interests"

The European Continent is not any of America's business, America is not part of this Continent and this Continent is not part of America.
It was a Right Wing president who lied about weapons of mass destruction, because he longed to be a war president.

Obama bombed more nations than GWB did, Obama was The War President.

GWB was not Right Wing he specifically commented that America was not at war with Islam so the Kebabs who were already squatting in America wouldn't have their feelings hurt and supported Multiculturalism and was pro-Immigration and could not get enough of Mexicans, probably because Jeb is married to that weird Mexican dwarf or whatever she is.
Neither Bush nor Cheney can easily travel outside America. They're considered war criminals.
They have not resisted the Right, they have been prevented from going Full Right thanks to a Constitution that was written by The Usual Suspects that was designed to keep Germany down.

But in the soul the desire is there it always has been, all thats needed is the spark to ignite the fire and then history tells the Kebabs and African savages to GTFO as soon as possible or face the consequences.
The Usual Suspects were the US and our allies.

"The Usual Suspects were the US and our allies."

Your main one as I commented its capital city London is majority African and Kebab now and it has a Paki Mayor, worked out not so well for them then did it. No. Winston Churchill he hated Blacks and Muslims he must be turning in his grave.

The Second War finished in 1945 72 years ago, so Germany is not any of your business anymore, keep to your own business and stop interfering, just do something else like randomly bomb some more Middle Eastern nations that are tens of thousands of miles away from America because you know you have to "protect American interests"

The European Continent is not any of America's business, America is not part of this Continent and this Continent is not part of America.
It was a Right Wing president who lied about weapons of mass destruction, because he longed to be a war president.

Obama bombed more nations than GWB did, Obama was The War President.

GWB was not Right Wing he specifically commented that America was not at war with Islam so the Kebabs who were already squatting in America wouldn't have their feelings hurt and supported Multiculturalism and was pro-Immigration and could not get enough of Mexicans, probably because Jeb is married to that weird Mexican dwarf or whatever she is.
Neither Bush nor Cheney can easily travel outside America. They're considered war criminals.

So is Henry Kissinger and Madeleine Albright considered war criminals.

So America has it's own war criminals, how about launching a campaign to airdrop them to the ICC to face trial like America likes demanding that any other leaders as long as they are not American should face charges, recent examples, think The Balkans War and now think Rodrigo Duerte who thousands of screaming American Leftists with the human slugs at Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International want prosecuting because he's destroying all the Drug Cartels and Drug Dealers across the Philippines, lets not forget Aung San Suu Kyi who was WORSHIPPED by International Leftists until she started Removing Kebab that have no right even being in Myanmar now they want her prosecuted.
The Usual Suspects were the US and our allies.

"The Usual Suspects were the US and our allies."

Your main one as I commented its capital city London is majority African and Kebab now and it has a Paki Mayor, worked out not so well for them then did it. No. Winston Churchill he hated Blacks and Muslims he must be turning in his grave.

The Second War finished in 1945 72 years ago, so Germany is not any of your business anymore, keep to your own business and stop interfering, just do something else like randomly bomb some more Middle Eastern nations that are tens of thousands of miles away from America because you know you have to "protect American interests"

The European Continent is not any of America's business, America is not part of this Continent and this Continent is not part of America.
It was a Right Wing president who lied about weapons of mass destruction, because he longed to be a war president.

Obama bombed more nations than GWB did, Obama was The War President.

GWB was not Right Wing he specifically commented that America was not at war with Islam so the Kebabs who were already squatting in America wouldn't have their feelings hurt and supported Multiculturalism and was pro-Immigration and could not get enough of Mexicans, probably because Jeb is married to that weird Mexican dwarf or whatever she is.
Neither Bush nor Cheney can easily travel outside America. They're considered war criminals.

So is Henry Kissinger and Madeleine Albright considered war criminals.

So America has it's own war criminals, how about launching a campaign to airdrop them to the ICC to face trial like America likes demanding that any other leaders as long as they are not American should face charges, recent examples, think The Balkans War and now think Rodrigo Duerte who thousands of screaming American Leftists with the human slugs at Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International want prosecuting because he's destroying all the Drug Cartels and Drug Dealers across the Philippines, lets not forget Aung San Suu Kyi who was WORSHIPPED by International Leftists until she started Removing Kebab that have no right even being in Myanmar now they want her prosecuted.
Kissinger, yes. Albright, no.

Does Henry Kissinger Have a Conscience?
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International Leftists and the Commie UN are screaming at him




^^^^ This is what my Continent needs to do, either GTFO or be rounded up and put in our prisons.


^^^^ Thats because they are illegal economic migrants and infiltrators. Also like Bibi has the absolute right and a national duty to protect the Jewish character, we on the European Continent have the same absolute right and national duty to protect the Historically Christian character of this Continent.

Do it Bibi get those filthy African savages airdropped into Rwanda.


^^^^ Commie UN typical reaction.

Israel Moves to Deport 40,000 African Migrants
"The Usual Suspects were the US and our allies."

Your main one as I commented its capital city London is majority African and Kebab now and it has a Paki Mayor, worked out not so well for them then did it. No. Winston Churchill he hated Blacks and Muslims he must be turning in his grave.

The Second War finished in 1945 72 years ago, so Germany is not any of your business anymore, keep to your own business and stop interfering, just do something else like randomly bomb some more Middle Eastern nations that are tens of thousands of miles away from America because you know you have to "protect American interests"

The European Continent is not any of America's business, America is not part of this Continent and this Continent is not part of America.
It was a Right Wing president who lied about weapons of mass destruction, because he longed to be a war president.

Obama bombed more nations than GWB did, Obama was The War President.

GWB was not Right Wing he specifically commented that America was not at war with Islam so the Kebabs who were already squatting in America wouldn't have their feelings hurt and supported Multiculturalism and was pro-Immigration and could not get enough of Mexicans, probably because Jeb is married to that weird Mexican dwarf or whatever she is.
Neither Bush nor Cheney can easily travel outside America. They're considered war criminals.

So is Henry Kissinger and Madeleine Albright considered war criminals.

So America has it's own war criminals, how about launching a campaign to airdrop them to the ICC to face trial like America likes demanding that any other leaders as long as they are not American should face charges, recent examples, think The Balkans War and now think Rodrigo Duerte who thousands of screaming American Leftists with the human slugs at Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International want prosecuting because he's destroying all the Drug Cartels and Drug Dealers across the Philippines, lets not forget Aung San Suu Kyi who was WORSHIPPED by International Leftists until she started Removing Kebab that have no right even being in Myanmar now they want her prosecuted.
Kissinger, yes. Albright, no.

Does Henry Kissinger Have a Conscience?

That is because you are a partisan hack. For starters the below re Madeleine Albright, oh and the interviewer said thats more than died in Hiroshima....uh oh what nation committed that MONUMENTAL war crime, oh that's right America did. If a different result would have happened Truman would have swung from a rope for Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Be proud that the ONLY time in HISTORY an Atomic Bomb has been dropped was by you. Pot meet kettle and don't forget Karma is a bitch so don't think America is not going to be punished and judged by others for its sins and crimes against humanity.

America has done A LOT of good in the world, but you have also done A LOT of bad, so why don't you leave Germany alone and leave the whole European Continent alone, it's not like your nation has no blood on its hands.

Madeleine Albright says 500,000 dead Iraqi Children was "worth it"

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"The Usual Suspects were the US and our allies."

Your main one as I commented its capital city London is majority African and Kebab now and it has a Paki Mayor, worked out not so well for them then did it. No. Winston Churchill he hated Blacks and Muslims he must be turning in his grave.

The Second War finished in 1945 72 years ago, so Germany is not any of your business anymore, keep to your own business and stop interfering, just do something else like randomly bomb some more Middle Eastern nations that are tens of thousands of miles away from America because you know you have to "protect American interests"

The European Continent is not any of America's business, America is not part of this Continent and this Continent is not part of America.
It was a Right Wing president who lied about weapons of mass destruction, because he longed to be a war president.

Obama bombed more nations than GWB did, Obama was The War President.

GWB was not Right Wing he specifically commented that America was not at war with Islam so the Kebabs who were already squatting in America wouldn't have their feelings hurt and supported Multiculturalism and was pro-Immigration and could not get enough of Mexicans, probably because Jeb is married to that weird Mexican dwarf or whatever she is.
Neither Bush nor Cheney can easily travel outside America. They're considered war criminals.

So is Henry Kissinger and Madeleine Albright considered war criminals.

So America has it's own war criminals, how about launching a campaign to airdrop them to the ICC to face trial like America likes demanding that any other leaders as long as they are not American should face charges, recent examples, think The Balkans War and now think Rodrigo Duerte who thousands of screaming American Leftists with the human slugs at Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International want prosecuting because he's destroying all the Drug Cartels and Drug Dealers across the Philippines, lets not forget Aung San Suu Kyi who was WORSHIPPED by International Leftists until she started Removing Kebab that have no right even being in Myanmar now they want her prosecuted.
Kissinger, yes. Albright, no.

Does Henry Kissinger Have a Conscience?

Henry Kissinger has no conscience and Madeleine Albright also has no conscience, both are Sociopaths.

Yes he is on the Right and she is on the Left, but as I am not a partisan hack I can say they are both as bad as each other, instead of saying Henry Kissinger is great because he's on the Right and Madeleine Albright is not because she is on the Left.

The problem with Leftists is that you do not give a crap you can never accept that Leftists are nothing ever than almost Living Saints.
It was a Right Wing president who lied about weapons of mass destruction, because he longed to be a war president.

Obama bombed more nations than GWB did, Obama was The War President.

GWB was not Right Wing he specifically commented that America was not at war with Islam so the Kebabs who were already squatting in America wouldn't have their feelings hurt and supported Multiculturalism and was pro-Immigration and could not get enough of Mexicans, probably because Jeb is married to that weird Mexican dwarf or whatever she is.
Neither Bush nor Cheney can easily travel outside America. They're considered war criminals.

So is Henry Kissinger and Madeleine Albright considered war criminals.

So America has it's own war criminals, how about launching a campaign to airdrop them to the ICC to face trial like America likes demanding that any other leaders as long as they are not American should face charges, recent examples, think The Balkans War and now think Rodrigo Duerte who thousands of screaming American Leftists with the human slugs at Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International want prosecuting because he's destroying all the Drug Cartels and Drug Dealers across the Philippines, lets not forget Aung San Suu Kyi who was WORSHIPPED by International Leftists until she started Removing Kebab that have no right even being in Myanmar now they want her prosecuted.
Kissinger, yes. Albright, no.

Does Henry Kissinger Have a Conscience?

Henry Kissinger has no conscience and Madeleine Albright also has no conscience, both are Sociopaths.

Yes he is on the Right and she is on the Left, but as I am not a partisan hack I can say they are both as bad as each other, instead of saying Henry Kissinger is great because he's on the Right and Madeleine Albright is not because she is on the Left.

The problem with Leftists is that you do not give a crap you can never accept that Leftists are nothing ever than almost Living Saints.

And Henry Kissinger's a German.
Well, they are leaning Right.

"Well, they are leaning Right."

Not Right enough, they need to throw Merkel off the boat, CDU get a new leader, CSU replace Horst Seehofer with Markus Söder have a new election and have a coalition of CDU/CSU/AfD.

Not Right enough they need to go FULL RIGHT. Period. The problem with the Germans is they have been subjected for 15-20 years to Propaganda and brainwashed into hating themselves, hating their Culture and Heritage and hating their Ancestors.

We never were subjected to any of that we also are immune to any attempt at that Propaganda shit.

We had our election on October 15 and 57.5% of our peoples voted for a combination of ÖVP and FPÖ and we combined have an unassailable majority, the below graphic is not only how you silence the Left to the point they cannot stop your Agenda but also how you flush their friends the Environmentalist psychos down the toilet.

Oh and the ONLY group of people who gave the SPÖ a majority of their votes were 60 years and older, die soon you pathetic self hating fuckers, the New Generation of Proud Patriots have replaced you.

ALL other age groups 16-30, 30-45, 45-55 voted for a combination of ÖVP and FPÖ, think of that for a moment.

Then look at this, when a German election result looks as Right-Wing as the below, then they have a hope:

View attachment 161627
Germany has resisted the Right since Hitler, he cost them a lot.

They have not resisted the Right, they have been prevented from going Full Right thanks to a Constitution that was written by The Usual Suspects that was designed to keep Germany down.

But in the soul the desire is there it always has been, all thats needed is the spark to ignite the fire and then history tells the Kebabs and African savages to GTFO as soon as possible or face the consequences.
The Usual Suspects were the US and our allies.

Leftists are beyond ignorant and uneducated about European politics and also what happens on this Continent. I spend six months in America about six years ago I on a regular basis watched the American news I did rarely see ONE news item reported about what was happening on my own Continent, 90% of the American news was about domestic America.

Also remember when the French election happened you posted a thread almost orgasmic that that weirdo faggot Macron who is married to a 65 year old woman had won the election.

At the time I responded commenting that it would not be long before it got nasty for him, well I was of course correct.

In France the wannabe Dictator Emmanuel Macron, is falling into the bottomless pit fast now. Lol as I just commented all those who are against European Patriots had a collective orgasm when this freak was elected, of course Patriots predicted Macron would fall and the below article and poll is the beginning. Also several days ago across 170 French towns there were mass civil protests about the freak of nature Macron who at 39 sleeps with an old wrinkle 65 year old woman. They hate the POS now, as was predicted.

Weirdo freak self-hating Frenchman a Traitor who comments things like the below, since the 19th Century worldwide France has been famous for it's Culture a Culture that Macron hates and wants destroyed via Multiculturalism of inferior cultures.

French Culture is majestic and something that French Patriots are correctly proud of only Traitors would think the below:

View attachment 161634

Macron is even more unpopular than Hollande and Hollande was the most unpopular President in French history.

View attachment 161635

View attachment 161636

View attachment 161637

Emmanuel Macron faces first revolt as 100 party members resign over 'arrogant, undemocratic' ways

Fox News is the only channel which reports anything from overseas.

ABC World News: no content about the WORLD whatsoever.
Obama bombed more nations than GWB did, Obama was The War President.

GWB was not Right Wing he specifically commented that America was not at war with Islam so the Kebabs who were already squatting in America wouldn't have their feelings hurt and supported Multiculturalism and was pro-Immigration and could not get enough of Mexicans, probably because Jeb is married to that weird Mexican dwarf or whatever she is.
Neither Bush nor Cheney can easily travel outside America. They're considered war criminals.

So is Henry Kissinger and Madeleine Albright considered war criminals.

So America has it's own war criminals, how about launching a campaign to airdrop them to the ICC to face trial like America likes demanding that any other leaders as long as they are not American should face charges, recent examples, think The Balkans War and now think Rodrigo Duerte who thousands of screaming American Leftists with the human slugs at Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International want prosecuting because he's destroying all the Drug Cartels and Drug Dealers across the Philippines, lets not forget Aung San Suu Kyi who was WORSHIPPED by International Leftists until she started Removing Kebab that have no right even being in Myanmar now they want her prosecuted.
Kissinger, yes. Albright, no.

Does Henry Kissinger Have a Conscience?

Henry Kissinger has no conscience and Madeleine Albright also has no conscience, both are Sociopaths.

Yes he is on the Right and she is on the Left, but as I am not a partisan hack I can say they are both as bad as each other, instead of saying Henry Kissinger is great because he's on the Right and Madeleine Albright is not because she is on the Left.

The problem with Leftists is that you do not give a crap you can never accept that Leftists are nothing ever than almost Living Saints.

And Henry Kissinger's a German.

No he's an American and has been for many decades, anyone who goes to America they consider American, you know the Melting Pot shit they are so proud of.
Neither Bush nor Cheney can easily travel outside America. They're considered war criminals.

So is Henry Kissinger and Madeleine Albright considered war criminals.

So America has it's own war criminals, how about launching a campaign to airdrop them to the ICC to face trial like America likes demanding that any other leaders as long as they are not American should face charges, recent examples, think The Balkans War and now think Rodrigo Duerte who thousands of screaming American Leftists with the human slugs at Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International want prosecuting because he's destroying all the Drug Cartels and Drug Dealers across the Philippines, lets not forget Aung San Suu Kyi who was WORSHIPPED by International Leftists until she started Removing Kebab that have no right even being in Myanmar now they want her prosecuted.
Kissinger, yes. Albright, no.

Does Henry Kissinger Have a Conscience?

Henry Kissinger has no conscience and Madeleine Albright also has no conscience, both are Sociopaths.

Yes he is on the Right and she is on the Left, but as I am not a partisan hack I can say they are both as bad as each other, instead of saying Henry Kissinger is great because he's on the Right and Madeleine Albright is not because she is on the Left.

The problem with Leftists is that you do not give a crap you can never accept that Leftists are nothing ever than almost Living Saints.

And Henry Kissinger's a German.

No he's an American and has been for many decades, anyone who goes to America they consider American, you know the Melting Pot shit they are so proud of.

He took out American citizenship. But he is German born and bred, hence he could never have been POTUS.
"Well, they are leaning Right."

Not Right enough, they need to throw Merkel off the boat, CDU get a new leader, CSU replace Horst Seehofer with Markus Söder have a new election and have a coalition of CDU/CSU/AfD.

Not Right enough they need to go FULL RIGHT. Period. The problem with the Germans is they have been subjected for 15-20 years to Propaganda and brainwashed into hating themselves, hating their Culture and Heritage and hating their Ancestors.

We never were subjected to any of that we also are immune to any attempt at that Propaganda shit.

We had our election on October 15 and 57.5% of our peoples voted for a combination of ÖVP and FPÖ and we combined have an unassailable majority, the below graphic is not only how you silence the Left to the point they cannot stop your Agenda but also how you flush their friends the Environmentalist psychos down the toilet.

Oh and the ONLY group of people who gave the SPÖ a majority of their votes were 60 years and older, die soon you pathetic self hating fuckers, the New Generation of Proud Patriots have replaced you.

ALL other age groups 16-30, 30-45, 45-55 voted for a combination of ÖVP and FPÖ, think of that for a moment.

Then look at this, when a German election result looks as Right-Wing as the below, then they have a hope:

View attachment 161627
Germany has resisted the Right since Hitler, he cost them a lot.

They have not resisted the Right, they have been prevented from going Full Right thanks to a Constitution that was written by The Usual Suspects that was designed to keep Germany down.

But in the soul the desire is there it always has been, all thats needed is the spark to ignite the fire and then history tells the Kebabs and African savages to GTFO as soon as possible or face the consequences.
The Usual Suspects were the US and our allies.

Leftists are beyond ignorant and uneducated about European politics and also what happens on this Continent. I spend six months in America about six years ago I on a regular basis watched the American news I did rarely see ONE news item reported about what was happening on my own Continent, 90% of the American news was about domestic America.

Also remember when the French election happened you posted a thread almost orgasmic that that weirdo faggot Macron who is married to a 65 year old woman had won the election.

At the time I responded commenting that it would not be long before it got nasty for him, well I was of course correct.

In France the wannabe Dictator Emmanuel Macron, is falling into the bottomless pit fast now. Lol as I just commented all those who are against European Patriots had a collective orgasm when this freak was elected, of course Patriots predicted Macron would fall and the below article and poll is the beginning. Also several days ago across 170 French towns there were mass civil protests about the freak of nature Macron who at 39 sleeps with an old wrinkle 65 year old woman. They hate the POS now, as was predicted.

Weirdo freak self-hating Frenchman a Traitor who comments things like the below, since the 19th Century worldwide France has been famous for it's Culture a Culture that Macron hates and wants destroyed via Multiculturalism of inferior cultures.

French Culture is majestic and something that French Patriots are correctly proud of only Traitors would think the below:

View attachment 161634

Macron is even more unpopular than Hollande and Hollande was the most unpopular President in French history.

View attachment 161635

View attachment 161636

View attachment 161637

Emmanuel Macron faces first revolt as 100 party members resign over 'arrogant, undemocratic' ways

Fox News is the only channel which reports anything from overseas.

ABC World News: no content about the WORLD whatsoever.

Most of the news items that I saw were about domestic America, the only nations they report on not American were Canada, Mexico and I think it was China or Japan, it was like that was it.

To know what was happening on my own Continent I would have to Google and also I got news what was happening when I was on the phone with my family and they would tell me.

Also I had many problems because crucial European football matches were happening and I could not get these on the television and then a friend of mine in Dallas he take me to very weirdly a British pub in Dallas which is owned by British people who now are in Dallas or was it an Irish pub in Dallas owned by Irish now in Dallas, I cannot remember but it was one and they have some satellite whatever where they get ALL European matches including domestic matches, so we would go there to watch the matches and also bizarro situation was that all the Americans in that place supported Arsenal or Manchester United for reasons I didn't know.
Well, they are leaning Right.

"Well, they are leaning Right."

Not Right enough, they need to throw Merkel off the boat, CDU get a new leader, CSU replace Horst Seehofer with Markus Söder have a new election and have a coalition of CDU/CSU/AfD.

Not Right enough they need to go FULL RIGHT. Period. The problem with the Germans is they have been subjected for 15-20 years to Propaganda and brainwashed into hating themselves, hating their Culture and Heritage and hating their Ancestors.

We never were subjected to any of that we also are immune to any attempt at that Propaganda shit.

We had our election on October 15 and 57.5% of our peoples voted for a combination of ÖVP and FPÖ and we combined have an unassailable majority, the below graphic is not only how you silence the Left to the point they cannot stop your Agenda but also how you flush their friends the Environmentalist psychos down the toilet.

Oh and the ONLY group of people who gave the SPÖ a majority of their votes were 60 years and older, die soon you pathetic self hating fuckers, the New Generation of Proud Patriots have replaced you.

ALL other age groups 16-30, 30-45, 45-55 voted for a combination of ÖVP and FPÖ, think of that for a moment.

Then look at this, when a German election result looks as Right-Wing as the below, then they have a hope:

View attachment 161627
Germany has resisted the Right since Hitler, he cost them a lot.

They have not resisted the Right, they have been prevented from going Full Right thanks to a Constitution that was written by The Usual Suspects that was designed to keep Germany down.

But in the soul the desire is there it always has been, all thats needed is the spark to ignite the fire and then history tells the Kebabs and African savages to GTFO as soon as possible or face the consequences.
The Usual Suspects were the US and our allies.

Leftists are beyond ignorant and uneducated about European politics and also what happens on this Continent. I spend six months in America about six years ago I on a regular basis watched the American news I did rarely see ONE news item reported about what was happening on my own Continent, 90% of the American news was about domestic America.

Also remember when the French election happened you posted a thread almost orgasmic that that weirdo faggot Macron who is married to a 65 year old woman had won the election.

At the time I responded commenting that it would not be long before it got nasty for him, well I was of course correct.

In France the wannabe Dictator Emmanuel Macron, is falling into the bottomless pit fast now. Lol as I just commented all those who are against European Patriots had a collective orgasm when this freak was elected, of course Patriots predicted Macron would fall and the below article and poll is the beginning. Also several days ago across 170 French towns there were mass civil protests about the freak of nature Macron who at 39 sleeps with an old wrinkle 65 year old woman. They hate the POS now, as was predicted.

Weirdo freak self-hating Frenchman a Traitor who comments things like the below, since the 19th Century worldwide France has been famous for it's Culture a Culture that Macron hates and wants destroyed via Multiculturalism of inferior cultures.

French Culture is majestic and something that French Patriots are correctly proud of only Traitors would think the below:

View attachment 161634

Macron is even more unpopular than Hollande and Hollande was the most unpopular President in French history.

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View attachment 161637

Emmanuel Macron faces first revolt as 100 party members resign over 'arrogant, undemocratic' ways

Left Wing Psychosis: It's "progressive" to loath your own culture and patriotism is hate
So is Henry Kissinger and Madeleine Albright considered war criminals.

So America has it's own war criminals, how about launching a campaign to airdrop them to the ICC to face trial like America likes demanding that any other leaders as long as they are not American should face charges, recent examples, think The Balkans War and now think Rodrigo Duerte who thousands of screaming American Leftists with the human slugs at Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International want prosecuting because he's destroying all the Drug Cartels and Drug Dealers across the Philippines, lets not forget Aung San Suu Kyi who was WORSHIPPED by International Leftists until she started Removing Kebab that have no right even being in Myanmar now they want her prosecuted.
Kissinger, yes. Albright, no.

Does Henry Kissinger Have a Conscience?

Henry Kissinger has no conscience and Madeleine Albright also has no conscience, both are Sociopaths.

Yes he is on the Right and she is on the Left, but as I am not a partisan hack I can say they are both as bad as each other, instead of saying Henry Kissinger is great because he's on the Right and Madeleine Albright is not because she is on the Left.

The problem with Leftists is that you do not give a crap you can never accept that Leftists are nothing ever than almost Living Saints.

And Henry Kissinger's a German.

No he's an American and has been for many decades, anyone who goes to America they consider American, you know the Melting Pot shit they are so proud of.

He took out American citizenship. But he is German born and bred, hence he could never have been POTUS.

Well Americans reject where someone is born, that is why all those Somalians from Mogadishu who are in Minnesota are considered as American as Baseball and apple pies.

Thanks to Leftists and International Globalists its like that in Sweden now, you know the Afghans are as Swedish as IKEA and ABBA. And if you disagree you are just a racist or whatever :rolleyes-41:

Essentially you are what your Ancestors are and were, if you were eg born in Belgium but your Ancestors were Latvians you are not Belgian you are Latvian. Its the blood in your veins put in your veins from many many Centuries from your Ancestors that determines what you are.

Arnie supported Sebastian Kurz in our election, he even did a television campaign ad for Kurz, good we like Arnie if he was still California Governor in place of that ???? his name is they have now California would not have the problems they now have that Leftists are in control.

Leftists ruin everything its pathological with them, Leftism is a mental illness.
"Well, they are leaning Right."

Not Right enough, they need to throw Merkel off the boat, CDU get a new leader, CSU replace Horst Seehofer with Markus Söder have a new election and have a coalition of CDU/CSU/AfD.

Not Right enough they need to go FULL RIGHT. Period. The problem with the Germans is they have been subjected for 15-20 years to Propaganda and brainwashed into hating themselves, hating their Culture and Heritage and hating their Ancestors.

We never were subjected to any of that we also are immune to any attempt at that Propaganda shit.

We had our election on October 15 and 57.5% of our peoples voted for a combination of ÖVP and FPÖ and we combined have an unassailable majority, the below graphic is not only how you silence the Left to the point they cannot stop your Agenda but also how you flush their friends the Environmentalist psychos down the toilet.

Oh and the ONLY group of people who gave the SPÖ a majority of their votes were 60 years and older, die soon you pathetic self hating fuckers, the New Generation of Proud Patriots have replaced you.

ALL other age groups 16-30, 30-45, 45-55 voted for a combination of ÖVP and FPÖ, think of that for a moment.

Then look at this, when a German election result looks as Right-Wing as the below, then they have a hope:

View attachment 161627
Germany has resisted the Right since Hitler, he cost them a lot.

They have not resisted the Right, they have been prevented from going Full Right thanks to a Constitution that was written by The Usual Suspects that was designed to keep Germany down.

But in the soul the desire is there it always has been, all thats needed is the spark to ignite the fire and then history tells the Kebabs and African savages to GTFO as soon as possible or face the consequences.
The Usual Suspects were the US and our allies.

Leftists are beyond ignorant and uneducated about European politics and also what happens on this Continent. I spend six months in America about six years ago I on a regular basis watched the American news I did rarely see ONE news item reported about what was happening on my own Continent, 90% of the American news was about domestic America.

Also remember when the French election happened you posted a thread almost orgasmic that that weirdo faggot Macron who is married to a 65 year old woman had won the election.

At the time I responded commenting that it would not be long before it got nasty for him, well I was of course correct.

In France the wannabe Dictator Emmanuel Macron, is falling into the bottomless pit fast now. Lol as I just commented all those who are against European Patriots had a collective orgasm when this freak was elected, of course Patriots predicted Macron would fall and the below article and poll is the beginning. Also several days ago across 170 French towns there were mass civil protests about the freak of nature Macron who at 39 sleeps with an old wrinkle 65 year old woman. They hate the POS now, as was predicted.

Weirdo freak self-hating Frenchman a Traitor who comments things like the below, since the 19th Century worldwide France has been famous for it's Culture a Culture that Macron hates and wants destroyed via Multiculturalism of inferior cultures.

French Culture is majestic and something that French Patriots are correctly proud of only Traitors would think the below:

View attachment 161634

Macron is even more unpopular than Hollande and Hollande was the most unpopular President in French history.

View attachment 161635

View attachment 161636

View attachment 161637

Emmanuel Macron faces first revolt as 100 party members resign over 'arrogant, undemocratic' ways

Left Wing Psychosis: It's "progressive" to loath your own culture and patriotism is hate

This is why you have them not respecting your flag and all the Leftists think thats great and now I read that the Leftists say your National Anthem should be changed because its racist. I do not know what this Thanksgiving is but I read that that is also considered racist by ONLY the Leftists.
Germany has resisted the Right since Hitler, he cost them a lot.

They have not resisted the Right, they have been prevented from going Full Right thanks to a Constitution that was written by The Usual Suspects that was designed to keep Germany down.

But in the soul the desire is there it always has been, all thats needed is the spark to ignite the fire and then history tells the Kebabs and African savages to GTFO as soon as possible or face the consequences.
The Usual Suspects were the US and our allies.

Leftists are beyond ignorant and uneducated about European politics and also what happens on this Continent. I spend six months in America about six years ago I on a regular basis watched the American news I did rarely see ONE news item reported about what was happening on my own Continent, 90% of the American news was about domestic America.

Also remember when the French election happened you posted a thread almost orgasmic that that weirdo faggot Macron who is married to a 65 year old woman had won the election.

At the time I responded commenting that it would not be long before it got nasty for him, well I was of course correct.

In France the wannabe Dictator Emmanuel Macron, is falling into the bottomless pit fast now. Lol as I just commented all those who are against European Patriots had a collective orgasm when this freak was elected, of course Patriots predicted Macron would fall and the below article and poll is the beginning. Also several days ago across 170 French towns there were mass civil protests about the freak of nature Macron who at 39 sleeps with an old wrinkle 65 year old woman. They hate the POS now, as was predicted.

Weirdo freak self-hating Frenchman a Traitor who comments things like the below, since the 19th Century worldwide France has been famous for it's Culture a Culture that Macron hates and wants destroyed via Multiculturalism of inferior cultures.

French Culture is majestic and something that French Patriots are correctly proud of only Traitors would think the below:

View attachment 161634

Macron is even more unpopular than Hollande and Hollande was the most unpopular President in French history.

View attachment 161635

View attachment 161636

View attachment 161637

Emmanuel Macron faces first revolt as 100 party members resign over 'arrogant, undemocratic' ways

Fox News is the only channel which reports anything from overseas.

ABC World News: no content about the WORLD whatsoever.

Most of the news items that I saw were about domestic America, the only nations they report on not American were Canada, Mexico and I think it was China or Japan, it was like that was it.

To know what was happening on my own Continent I would have to Google and also I got news what was happening when I was on the phone with my family and they would tell me.

Also I had many problems because crucial European football matches were happening and I could not get these on the television and then a friend of mine in Dallas he take me to very weirdly a British pub in Dallas which is owned by British people who now are in Dallas or was it an Irish pub in Dallas owned by Irish now in Dallas, I cannot remember but it was one and they have some satellite whatever where they get ALL European matches including domestic matches, so we would go there to watch the matches and also bizarro situation was that all the Americans in that place supported Arsenal or Manchester United for reasons I didn't know.

I visit the US often, and during my recent visit, I could pick up UK TV live on my iPad. All the main channels. Allowing for the time difference, it cracked me up being able to watch 'Coronation Street' in a downtown Washington DC hotel. Also, 'Last Night of The Proms'. :)

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