CDZ Germany Prosecutes Auschwitz Guard. Good Thing or Not?

His job at the camp was to collect the suitcases and other belongings of people when they exited the train cars.

He was never involved with any alleged abuse of the inmates.

That is why no charges were brought against his by the Allies after the war.

Basically just a soldier following lawful orders. ...... :cool:
You mean to confiscate property from people that were illegally detained and being sent illegally to their deaths.

There is no excuse unless he is mentally retarded and didn't know what he was doing. And that is not the case.
Look, I've been to the camps, I've seen them. It happened and only a complete clueless fool would ever say it didn't happen. You people look sad spewing that nonsense
So what?

I've been to Disneyland.......which is basically the same thing......a fantasy park to make money. ...... :cool:
Of course you have to prosecute this German monster. Of course the German people have to put up the show to confuse the world about their inclination to hate and their blood lust.

But as a world, we must prosecute and hopefully kill this German savage as a reminder to what the German people are capable and as a reminder to the German savages as to what will happen when they try genocide and war again.
You mean to confiscate property from people that were illegally detained and being sent illegally to their deaths.

There is no excuse unless he is mentally retarded and didn't know what he was doing. And that is not the case.
He was just following lawful orders.

He would have been shot if he disobeyed. ....... :cool:
Look, I've been to the camps, I've seen them. It happened and only a complete clueless fool would ever say it didn't happen. You people look sad spewing that nonsense
So what?

I've been to Disneyland.......which is basically the same thing......a fantasy park to make money. ...... :cool:

Stop, I'm not listening to your BS any longer, direct that crap at me again and I will ignore you. What took place was a travesty and must never be allowed to happen again
His job at the camp was to collect the suitcases and other belongings of people when they exited the train cars.

He was never involved with any alleged abuse of the inmates.

That is why no charges were brought against his by the Allies after the war.

Basically just a soldier following lawful orders. ...... :cool:
You mean to confiscate property from people that were illegally detained and being sent illegally to their deaths.

There is no excuse unless he is mentally retarded and didn't know what he was doing. And that is not the case.
No they were legally detained and legally sent to their deaths. Germans are very law abiding.
That was his job. I really dont see a reason to prosecute him other than to put ona show.
People who stand by and either do nothing, or actively participate in machinations that lead to the deaths and torture of innocents should be tried, regardless of their age or how much time has passed since they were participants. I hope to see Planned Parenthood and CDC employees and administrators, and the politicians they fund, brought to trial some day.
People who stand by and either do nothing, or actively participate in machinations that lead to the deaths and torture of innocents should be tried, regardless of their age or how much time has passed since they were participants.

I couldn't do it and I don't know how anyone could live with themselves
Harassing this innocent man is just another zionist juden PR stunt to keep the Holohoax myth in the media.

Gotta keep that western guilt money flowing in to the coffers. ..... :thup:
Harassing this innocent man is just another zionist juden PR stunt to keep the Holohoax myth in the media.

Gotta keep that western guilt money flowing in to the coffers. ..... :thup:
What's innocent about taking money from people who are being slaughtered?
People who stand by and either do nothing, or actively participate in machinations that lead to the deaths and torture of innocents should be tried, regardless of their age or how much time has passed since they were participants. I hope to see Planned Parenthood and CDC employees and administrators, and the politicians they fund, brought to trial some day.
You would end up trying every German who was over the age of 10 at the time.
People who stand by and either do nothing, or actively participate in machinations that lead to the deaths and torture of innocents should be tried, regardless of their age or how much time has passed since they were participants. I hope to see Planned Parenthood and CDC employees and administrators, and the politicians they fund, brought to trial some day.
You would end up trying every German who was over the age of 10 at the time.

That's not true, many Germans risked their lives to save Jews.
Again, the man was just following orders.

He was never accused of crimes by the Allies after the war and was allowed to return to civilian life.

Now the radical zionists want to stage a PR show trial for publicity. ....... :cool:
So Germany is putting a 93yr old man on trial for his role during the war at Auschwitz. His job was to collect money from the arriving Jews, most of whom were killed within hours of arrival.
My question is, is this really worthwhile? They will spend large amounts of money to prosecute an elderly man because he was basically in the wrong place at the wrong time on the wrong side. If he were complicit in raids that killed Jews or helped round them up, sure. Not much of an issue. But he has lived openly in Germany since the war and spoken about his role.
What will they punish him with? Life in prison? That's absurd for a 93yr old.
The best thing they could do is take a complete oral history from him of what exactly he did, why he did it, what the circumstances were, what he remembers from it and everything else they can think of. Then keep that oral history along with the other trillions of documents from that era to demonstrate to future generations that yes it really happened and here's why and here's why we cant let it happen again.

This, and other roles in the concentration camp system has no place in modern warfare so can see a need to prosecute such participants. They weren't acting in a soldier's role and soldier's around the world would take exception to them using that as a defense. They were simply criminals and thus should be prosecuted as criminals.
People who stand by and either do nothing, or actively participate in machinations that lead to the deaths and torture of innocents should be tried, regardless of their age or how much time has passed since they were participants. I hope to see Planned Parenthood and CDC employees and administrators, and the politicians they fund, brought to trial some day.
You would end up trying every German who was over the age of 10 at the time.
I'm okay with that.

They forced the residents Weimar to walk through the camps and get a good, close look at what they had put up with.
This, and other roles in the concentration camp system has no place in modern warfare so can see a need to prosecute such participants. They weren't acting in a soldier's role and soldier's around the world would take exception to them using that as a defense. They were simply criminals and thus should be prosecuted as criminals.
So by that logic.

All of the US Army guards at the Japanese American internment camps in California during WWII who are still alive should also be arrested and brought to trial. ..... :cool:
This, and other roles in the concentration camp system has no place in modern warfare so can see a need to prosecute such participants. They weren't acting in a soldier's role and soldier's around the world would take exception to them using that as a defense. They were simply criminals and thus should be prosecuted as criminals.
So by that logic.

All of the US Army guards at the Japanese American internment camps in California during WWII who are still alive should also be arrested and brought to trial. ..... :cool:

Who got gassed in Japanese internment camps?
This, and other roles in the concentration camp system has no place in modern warfare so can see a need to prosecute such participants. They weren't acting in a soldier's role and soldier's around the world would take exception to them using that as a defense. They were simply criminals and thus should be prosecuted as criminals.
So by that logic.

All of the US Army guards at the Japanese American internment camps in California during WWII who are still alive should also be arrested and brought to trial. ..... :cool:
Nope. The Japanese internment camps were NOTHING like Nazi death camps. Try again.
Many German soldiers transferred to combat units on the eastern front rather than serve in the camps. The guards had safe jobs that kept them out of combat. In exchange they were required to assist in the murder, thievery and torture of innocents, including children. The men and women who chose to remain as guards were cowards and criminals. Allowing them to go unpunished is an insult to those who refused and instead chose to be soldiers bravely defending their country in combat or other capacities.

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