Germany rebuffs Obama

Gotta love smart power and glass houses.

Germany's finance minister is rejecting U.S. President Barack Obama's calls on Europe to move faster in fighting its debt crisis, telling him to get the American deficit under control instead.
Wolfgang Schaeuble told public broadcaster ZDF in an interview late Sunday that "people are always very quick at giving others advice."
He says: "Mr. Obama should first of all take care of reducing the American deficit, which is higher than in the eurozone."

News from The Associated Press

There goes Wolfgang's Ipod.
Gotta love smart power and glass houses.

Germany's finance minister is rejecting U.S. President Barack Obama's calls on Europe to move faster in fighting its debt crisis, telling him to get the American deficit under control instead.
Wolfgang Schaeuble told public broadcaster ZDF in an interview late Sunday that "people are always very quick at giving others advice."
He says: "Mr. Obama should first of all take care of reducing the American deficit, which is higher than in the eurozone."

News from The Associated Press

Obama's response is to play the race card: "He only said that to me because I'm black and he's a racist Nazi!"
More like a rebuff to the USA, who caused this world depression under Boooosh. Great job, Pubbies!

Where's the quote from Hollande? Link? Merkle's austerity policies are far from beloved in most of the EU.

Is this where I say - How typical it is for right wingers to be in full agreement with the leadership of Germany. ;)

Why make such a comment? Germany is the shining light in the trouble of what is now Western Europe. They have managed to balance their budget, become an exporting country, while still maintaining high wages and a decent healthcare system. Germany (like Canada, Austraila, Israel and Chile) is a country to admire. Yes it's not even close to as great as the US, but it's up there!
Gotta love smart power and glass houses.

Germany's finance minister is rejecting U.S. President Barack Obama's calls on Europe to move faster in fighting its debt crisis, telling him to get the American deficit under control instead.
Wolfgang Schaeuble told public broadcaster ZDF in an interview late Sunday that "people are always very quick at giving others advice."
He says: "Mr. Obama should first of all take care of reducing the American deficit, which is higher than in the eurozone."

News from The Associated Press

Good for Wolfgang.

Obamas statements are exactly the kind of thing we DONT need right now...more American superiority...Jesus, hes just itching to hand the keys over to etch-a-sketch, isnt he?
Everyone loves Obama remember? :lol: It seems nobody respects him in reality, Obama telling Europe what to do as he is our worst president ever dealing with debt. :cuckoo:
Everyone loves Obama remember? :lol: It seems nobody respects him in reality, Obama telling Europe what to do as he is our worst president ever dealing with debt. :cuckoo:

I disagree with THAT.

He put the wars on HIS record...he didnt push them off to the future like Bush.

His statements to Eurozone are absurd but WORST EVER when dealing with our debt? thats just partrisan nonsense.
Gotta love smart power and glass houses.

Germany's finance minister is rejecting U.S. President Barack Obama's calls on Europe to move faster in fighting its debt crisis, telling him to get the American deficit under control instead.
Wolfgang Schaeuble told public broadcaster ZDF in an interview late Sunday that "people are always very quick at giving others advice."
He says: "Mr. Obama should first of all take care of reducing the American deficit, which is higher than in the eurozone."
News from The Associated Press


Clean up your own backyard before you go looking in your neighbors.

damn nice to hear someone tell obama to get to fucking work.
More like, STFU and butt the fuck out.

Obama doesn't want Greece to go belly up and possibly hurt our economy, thereby hurting his chances for re-election. Fine with him if Germany continues to throw good money after bad.
Obama doesn't want Greece to go belly up and possibly hurt our economy, thereby hurting his chances for re-election. Fine with him if Germany continues to throw good money after bad.

If he continues the way hes going, it wont matter if gas prices drop to .99 cents, Al Queda announced its going to bomb us with poetry only from now on and jesus Christ himself comes back to endorse him.

Hes making some MAJOR gaffs lately and handing the presidency over to etch-a-sketch.
Obama doesn't want Greece to go belly up and possibly hurt our economy, thereby hurting his chances for re-election. Fine with him if Germany continues to throw good money after bad.

If he continues the way hes going, it wont matter if gas prices drop to .99 cents, Al Queda announced its going to bomb us with poetry only from now on and jesus Christ himself comes back to endorse him.

Hes making some MAJOR gaffs lately and handing the presidency over to etch-a-sketch.

On his worst day, the Big0 is the best orator in American politics.

His gaffs won't be his downfall. The real unemployment number, the one for those who have given up looking or are underemployed is about 17%.

He can talk the stink off poop, but he can't talk the stink off this economy.

Makes you wonder which job creating company he plans to sue next.
Obama doesn't want Greece to go belly up and possibly hurt our economy, thereby hurting his chances for re-election. Fine with him if Germany continues to throw good money after bad.

If he continues the way hes going, it wont matter if gas prices drop to .99 cents, Al Queda announced its going to bomb us with poetry only from now on and jesus Christ himself comes back to endorse him.

Hes making some MAJOR gaffs lately and handing the presidency over to etch-a-sketch.

On his worst day, the Big0 is the best orator in American politics.

His gaffs won't be his downfall. The real unemployment number, the one for those who have given up looking or are underemployed is about 17%.

He can talk the stink off poop, but he can't talk the stink off this economy.

Makes you wonder which job creating company he plans to sue next.

That's largely over blown. Obama is not a good orator. Tell me what memorable sentences or phrases you know from any of his speeches.
Obama doesn't want Greece to go belly up and possibly hurt our economy, thereby hurting his chances for re-election. Fine with him if Germany continues to throw good money after bad.

If he continues the way hes going, it wont matter if gas prices drop to .99 cents, Al Queda announced its going to bomb us with poetry only from now on and jesus Christ himself comes back to endorse him.

Hes making some MAJOR gaffs lately and handing the presidency over to etch-a-sketch.

On his worst day, the Big0 is the best orator in American politics.

His gaffs won't be his downfall. The real unemployment number, the one for those who have given up looking or are underemployed is about 17%.

He can talk the stink off poop, but he can't talk the stink off this economy.

Makes you wonder which job creating company he plans to sue next.

Depends on who you are I think.

My wife and I are now doing fine. Things got pretty scary there for awhile but finacially we have made it through and are "rebuilding"

I cant blame Obama for the economy. Just cant do it.

It went belly up before he took office, it happened due to 30+ years of bad choices and I never once believed we would be out of it in just four years. But we ARE better off than I believed we would be at this point.

So to MY mind, Obama has been successful in that the economy didnt completely collapse, private job growth has been good and inflation hasnt been out of control ( not good, but also not runaway crazy either ). Some of that he effects and some he doesnt but he would take the blame for anyway.

Now, I understand that someone whos been out of work for the last two years might see things differently. They lost their job once Obama was in office and so they blame him. I get it.

So again, I think its a matter of perspective when it comes to an opinion of Obama in general.

The caveat being there are those who were going to hate him no matter what happened. Even if the economy was booming.
Gotta love smart power and glass houses.

Germany's finance minister is rejecting U.S. President Barack Obama's calls on Europe to move faster in fighting its debt crisis, telling him to get the American deficit under control instead.
Wolfgang Schaeuble told public broadcaster ZDF in an interview late Sunday that "people are always very quick at giving others advice."
He says: "Mr. Obama should first of all take care of reducing the American deficit, which is higher than in the eurozone."

News from The Associated Press

LOL, good point!! Germany's finance Minister is correct. We should mind Our own business and clean up Our own House before we start telling others how to 'clean their own house'.
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Gotta love smart power and glass houses.

Germany's finance minister is rejecting U.S. President Barack Obama's calls on Europe to move faster in fighting its debt crisis, telling him to get the American deficit under control instead.
Wolfgang Schaeuble told public broadcaster ZDF in an interview late Sunday that "people are always very quick at giving others advice."
He says: "Mr. Obama should first of all take care of reducing the American deficit, which is higher than in the eurozone."

News from The Associated Press


Clean up your own backyard before you go looking in your neighbors.

damn nice to hear someone tell obama to get to fucking work.

Maybe we can extend that sentiment to Foreign policy as well..........
Gotta love smart power and glass houses.

Germany's finance minister is rejecting U.S. President Barack Obama's calls on Europe to move faster in fighting its debt crisis, telling him to get the American deficit under control instead.
Wolfgang Schaeuble told public broadcaster ZDF in an interview late Sunday that "people are always very quick at giving others advice."
He says: "Mr. Obama should first of all take care of reducing the American deficit, which is higher than in the eurozone."

News from The Associated Press

Obama's response is to play the race card: "He only said that to me because I'm black and he's a racist Nazi!"

When did he say that? Can you please post the quote? Thanks!

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