Germany Watch: German Racism and Hate Highlighted at World Cup

I know they have a sordid history. They (as a country) are responsible for at least 2 attempts at genocide that I am aware of. The Holocaust everyone already knows about concerning the Jews and the Herero Holocaust which preceded it that no one every talks about.

Herero Genocide -

Stalin's genocide of the Ukranian people preceded WW2 and were one hundred times more deaths than the Herero Genocide.

I always thought Stalin was Russian?

Of course he was Russian. The last thing I am doing is jumping on the crazy train of bashing the entire 21st century German population for no discernable reason in this pathetic thread.
Anybody consider that it's an example of bigotry to accuse the people of an entire country of racism?

Ho-hum...I clearly stated that not ALL Germans are full of hate and bloodlust. You should pay attention and take this as an opportunity to learn something about a nation and people that have committed some of the greatest atrocities known to mankind.
Anybody consider that it's an example of bigotry to accuse the people of an entire country of racism?

Ho-hum...I clearly stated that not ALL Germans are full of hate and bloodlust. You should pay attention and take this as an opportunity to learn something about a nation and people that have committed some of the greatest atrocities known to mankind.

You sound like a liberal talking about America.
Stalin's genocide of the Ukranian people preceded WW2 and were one hundred times more deaths than the Herero Genocide.

I always thought Stalin was Russian?

Of course he was Russian. The last thing I am doing is jumping on the crazy train of bashing the entire 21st century German population for no discernable reason in this pathetic thread.

We were discussing the Germans penchant for genocide as a country not Russias. No one asked you to jump on anything at all. If a thread offends you dont comment. Both the OP and I have said that its not everyone. I myself never saw racism while there but I do know their history.
My best friend is a German immigrate, he's been my friend since 1976. I was the Best Man in his wedding and he was mine when I got married. He's like my brother, I know him that well. I have also met his brothers and sisters several times when they have come to the states for extended visits.
I can guarantee you that that some folks are painting the German people with a mighty wide brush and that's wrong.
Therefore, I disapprove of this thread.

Nutz has some sort of irrational hatred of Germany and paints the entire population out of the actions of a few. The fact of the matter, the crime rate is twenty times better than the states, and they have been a very peaceful people similar to Japan.
Action of a few...the attempted genocide of the Jews was a concerted effort by the German population. The nationalism and xenophobia that led to 2 WORLD WARS was a concerted effort by the entire population. can talk about crime rate, but that is nothing more than deflection! Stay tuned, I will post more examples of German hate and bloodlust.
Why anybody would consider the reunification of East and West Germany as anywhere near a dangerous thing in the world we live in is borderline insane. We have nuclear proliferation, terrorism, global warming. The last problem on Earth for the United States is Germany.
It isn't a problem for the is a problem for HUMANITY. Look at what an unchecked Germany did during the 20th Century!
Nutz is clearly nuts. Go Germany!!! If they win, I look forward to his head exploding out of rage.

I am sure they will intimidate their opponents with black faces, racist chants, Nazi flags and overall hooliganism.
World Cup: Germany?s Campaign Haunted by Racism, Nazism - TIME

This is a continuation of my Public Service Announcements, educating the world about German hate and bloodlust. Many people believe that WWII somehow magically ended German hate...but as it is obvious, their hate and bloodlust has never been extinguished...only hidden by the German people. We should never trust Germans...they have committed some of the greatest atrocities known to humankind. For the sake of humanity, pay attention and be very cautious when it comes to the German people...whether it is a Teaper racist who is proud of his German heritage or a native German...BE CAREFUL - especially if you are Jewish or a minority.

The biggest tragedy was when east and west Germany were united

Yeah, because you enjoyed watching the East Germans suffer.

Also, over 60% of the population are Christians, another reason you hate their guts.
Do you have a link to that. My understanding is that there are very few people of faith in Germany.
Speaking of the "White Girls" movie, last October some white actress dressed up as some black character from some show. She wore black face, and I remember she got hammered big time in the press and many blacks were outraged. Yet the "White Girls" was an entire movie, and I sure don't remember the Wayman brothers getting any criticism whatsoever.
Funny how that works.
Speaking of the "White Girls" movie, last October some white actress dressed up as some black character from some show. She wore black face, and I remember she got hammered big time in the press and many blacks were outraged. Yet the "White Girls" was an entire movie, and I sure don't remember the Wayman brothers getting any criticism whatsoever.
Funny how that works.

:lmao: You are better than that DD.
Speaking of the "White Girls" movie, last October some white actress dressed up as some black character from some show. She wore black face, and I remember she got hammered big time in the press and many blacks were outraged. Yet the "White Girls" was an entire movie, and I sure don't remember the Wayman brothers getting any criticism whatsoever.
Funny how that works.

Its possible no important white people were offended.
The biggest tragedy was when east and west Germany were united

Yeah, because you enjoyed watching the East Germans suffer.

Also, over 60% of the population are Christians, another reason you hate their guts.
Do you have a link to that. My understanding is that there are very few people of faith in Germany.

Religion in Germany

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Christianity is the largest religion in Germany with roughly 50 million adherents or 62% of the total population,[1][2] The second largest religion is Islam with 4 million adherents, making up 5% of the country's total population[1] followed by Buddhism and Judaism. During the last few decades, the two largest churches in Germany, namely the Protestant Evangelical Church in Germany and the Roman Catholic Church, have lost significant number of adherents. Both accounted for about 30% of the population in 2011.[2][3] More than 30% of the population is not affiliated with any church or other religious body.[1][4] Due to losses of both the Protestant churches and the Catholic Church in Hamburg, this state has also joined the group of states with a non-religious majority.[5][not in citation given]

Religion in Germany - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Religion in Germany

In this article:•Religion in Germany
•Religion: Societal & Legal Status

As one may expect from a country with 1300 years of Christian tradition, Christianity is still the predominant religion in Germany. Although the number of practicing Christians is on the decline, the Christian religion in Germany is present in the country’s cultural heritage.

Religion in Germany – Christianity

About 65% to 70% of the population are followers of the Christian religion in Germany. They are more or less evenly split between the mainstream denominations of Lutheran-Protestantism and Calvinism united in the EKD (Evangelical Church in Germany) and the Roman Catholic Church. Due to the historical development of religion in Germany, these denominations are concentrated in specific regions.

Religion in Germany |

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