Germany Watch: German Racism and Hate Highlighted at World Cup

Yeah, because you enjoyed watching the East Germans suffer.

Also, over 60% of the population are Christians, another reason you hate their guts.
Do you have a link to that. My understanding is that there are very few people of faith in Germany.

Religion in Germany

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Christianity is the largest religion in Germany with roughly 50 million adherents or 62% of the total population,[1][2] The second largest religion is Islam with 4 million adherents, making up 5% of the country's total population[1] followed by Buddhism and Judaism. During the last few decades, the two largest churches in Germany, namely the Protestant Evangelical Church in Germany and the Roman Catholic Church, have lost significant number of adherents. Both accounted for about 30% of the population in 2011.[2][3] More than 30% of the population is not affiliated with any church or other religious body.[1][4] Due to losses of both the Protestant churches and the Catholic Church in Hamburg, this state has also joined the group of states with a non-religious majority.[5][not in citation given]

Religion in Germany - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Religion in Germany

In this article:•Religion in Germany
•Religion: Societal & Legal Status

As one may expect from a country with 1300 years of Christian tradition, Christianity is still the predominant religion in Germany. Although the number of practicing Christians is on the decline, the Christian religion in Germany is present in the country’s cultural heritage.

Religion in Germany – Christianity

About 65% to 70% of the population are followers of the Christian religion in Germany. They are more or less evenly split between the mainstream denominations of Lutheran-Protestantism and Calvinism united in the EKD (Evangelical Church in Germany) and the Roman Catholic Church. Due to the historical development of religion in Germany, these denominations are concentrated in specific regions.

Religion in Germany |
Thank you for the link...but I would argue there is certainly a difference between those who claim religion (faith) and those who actually practice it.

Germany's 'Cold Religion' | Christianity Today

How is church life in Germany different than it is in the United States?

The Protestant state church is fairly dead. The percent of committed Christians in Germany is maybe at 3 or 4 percent. Eighty percent belong to a church nominally, Protestant or Catholic. A mere 0.5 percent belong to a free evangelical church. The percent of people believing in life after death is fewer than 50 percent. It's what a German philosopher, Ruediger Safranski, calls "cold religion," very left-brained, very cognitive, focused on rituals and membership but not on personal commitment. Sometimes the mainline bishops say we need to be more mission minded. But they don't put any money into it.

My church has missions to is pretty much a Godless nation.
Anyone remember this...

The Munich massacre was an attack during the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich, West Germany, on 11 members of the Israeli Olympic team, who were taken hostage and eventually killed, along with a German police officer, by the Palestinian group Black September.[3][4][5][6] Shortly after the crisis began, they demanded the release of 234 prisoners held in Israeli jails,[7] and the release of the founders (Andreas Baader and Ulrike Meinhof) of the German Red Army Faction, who were held in German prisons.[8] Black September called the operation "Iqrit and Biram",[9] after two Palestinian Christian villages whose inhabitants were expelled by the Haganah in 1948.

The attackers were apparently given logistical assistance by German neo-Nazis.[10] Five of the eight members of Black September were killed by police officers during a failed rescue attempt. The three surviving attackers were captured, but later released by West Germany following the hijacking of a Lufthansa airliner. Israel responded to the killers' release with Operation "Spring of Youth" and Operation "Wrath of God", during which Israeli intelligence agency Mossad and special forces systematically tracked down and killed Palestinians suspected of involvement in the massacre.

The Germans were sure to bury the story about how GERMANS helped Palestinian terrorists kill Jews during the 1972 Olympics....As I said, Germans hide their hate very well!

Files Show Neo-Nazis Helped Palestinian Terrorists in Munich 1972 Massacre - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Photo Gallery: The 1972 Munich Olympics Massacre Photos

The men who were arrested in the Munich house of former Waffen-SS member Charles Jochheim late on Oct. 27, 1972 were armed like soldiers on their way to the front. In one suitcase, police found three Kalashnikov automatic rifles, six magazines, 174 rounds of ammunition, two pistols, a revolver and six Belgian-made hand grenades.

The two men who were arrested were also carrying other weapons. Wolfgang Abramowski had weapons hidden in his waistband, while his accomplice, Willi Pohl, was carrying two pistols and a hand grenade, according to a Munich police investigative report.

A fellow member of a right-wing extremist splinter group calling itself the "National Socialist Fighting Group for a Greater Germany" had tipped off the police about Pohl and Abramowski. The two men allegedly planned to use the weapons to free a fellow extremist who was in prison, but investigators soon questioned whether this story was true.
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The racism is actually making news. Not a good look.

World Cup: Germany?s Campaign Haunted by Racism, Nazism - TIME

German fans in blackface
A photograph of two German fans in black face at the Germany vs Ghana match sparked an online storm, with FIFA promising to investigate. Reports say that several German fans came to the match on June 21 in blackface.

Oh MY! TWO German fans , and perhaps a FEW MORE out of how many THOUSAND FANS, means we MUST paint with that liberal BROAD BRUSH of intolerance!
Did the bigots do a DNA test on "Germans" who they portrayed as inherent racists? Low information lefties love labels. It's easier than thinking but the bigots become the racists.
Anyone remember this...

The Munich massacre was an attack during the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich, West Germany, on 11 members of the Israeli Olympic team, who were taken hostage and eventually killed, along with a German police officer, by the Palestinian group Black September.[3][4][5][6] Shortly after the crisis began, they demanded the release of 234 prisoners held in Israeli jails,[7] and the release of the founders (Andreas Baader and Ulrike Meinhof) of the German Red Army Faction, who were held in German prisons.[8] Black September called the operation "Iqrit and Biram",[9] after two Palestinian Christian villages whose inhabitants were expelled by the Haganah in 1948.

The attackers were apparently given logistical assistance by German neo-Nazis.[10] Five of the eight members of Black September were killed by police officers during a failed rescue attempt. The three surviving attackers were captured, but later released by West Germany following the hijacking of a Lufthansa airliner. Israel responded to the killers' release with Operation "Spring of Youth" and Operation "Wrath of God", during which Israeli intelligence agency Mossad and special forces systematically tracked down and killed Palestinians suspected of involvement in the massacre.
The Germans were sure to bury the story about how GERMANS helped Palestinian terrorists kill Jews during the 1972 Olympics....As I said, Germans hide their hate very well!

Files Show Neo-Nazis Helped Palestinian Terrorists in Munich 1972 Massacre - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Photo Gallery: The 1972 Munich Olympics Massacre Photos

The men who were arrested in the Munich house of former Waffen-SS member Charles Jochheim late on Oct. 27, 1972 were armed like soldiers on their way to the front. In one suitcase, police found three Kalashnikov automatic rifles, six magazines, 174 rounds of ammunition, two pistols, a revolver and six Belgian-made hand grenades.

The two men who were arrested were also carrying other weapons. Wolfgang Abramowski had weapons hidden in his waistband, while his accomplice, Willi Pohl, was carrying two pistols and a hand grenade, according to a Munich police investigative report.

A fellow member of a right-wing extremist splinter group calling itself the "National Socialist Fighting Group for a Greater Germany" had tipped off the police about Pohl and Abramowski. The two men allegedly planned to use the weapons to free a fellow extremist who was in prison, but investigators soon questioned whether this story was true.

How many Germans were involved....2, a FEW, DOZENS? A BRIGADE? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Is there a law in Germany against this?

Just an example of German or not.

Now just think about how many hate the subversives in here, and Germany is NOTHING! I believe some would say that is THIN SKINED!

You know how you look at Obama and hate him not for one action, but the sum of many. All of those factors would be anecdotal evidence that lead to your opinion. It is the same in this is not being thin skinned over a single is making an informed decision because of a number of events.
The racism is actually making news. Not a good look.

World Cup: Germany?s Campaign Haunted by Racism, Nazism - TIME

German fans in blackface
A photograph of two German fans in black face at the Germany vs Ghana match sparked an online storm, with FIFA promising to investigate. Reports say that several German fans came to the match on June 21 in blackface.

Oh MY! TWO German fans , and perhaps a FEW MORE out of how many THOUSAND FANS, means we MUST paint with that liberal BROAD BRUSH of intolerance!

Its not just two fans or confined to soccer. Its the night clubs too.

Germany's Nightclubs Get Called Out for Racism - CityLab

This is how he did it. With a group of friends – some, like himself, members of Munich's Foreigners' Advisory Council – Dipama tried to get into one nightclub after the other. Of the 25 clubs they paid a visit to, 20 turned him and his minority ethnic friends away. Shortly after they were rejected – typical excuses were "it's a private party" and "you need a reservation" – white German friends also involved in the experiment were let in without problems.

Now Dipama is suing six of the clubs for a symbolic €500 worth of damages, under a German law that forbids the exclusion of anyone from public life (including nightclubs) because of their ethnic origin. The first trial – there have to be individual cases opened for each club – began this week.
The racism is actually making news. Not a good look.

World Cup: Germany?s Campaign Haunted by Racism, Nazism - TIME

German fans in blackface
A photograph of two German fans in black face at the Germany vs Ghana match sparked an online storm, with FIFA promising to investigate. Reports say that several German fans came to the match on June 21 in blackface.

Oh MY! TWO German fans , and perhaps a FEW MORE out of how many THOUSAND FANS, means we MUST paint with that liberal BROAD BRUSH of intolerance!

You seem to be stuck on the race issue as it pertains to blacks. I am speaking of a much BIGGER issue. The attempted genocide of the Jews, 2 world wars, national are limiting your mind to a black and white thing and I am speaking of hateful people who attack anything that is different. Jews, blacks, gays, Polish, French...anyone who is not German is a target of their hate!
It amazes me how you people will defend Nazism!
Just an example of German or not.

Now just think about how many hate the subversives in here, and Germany is NOTHING! I believe some would say that is THIN SKINED!

You know how you look at Obama and hate him not for one action, but the sum of many. All of those factors would be anecdotal evidence that lead to your opinion. It is the same in this is not being thin skinned over a single is making an informed decision because of a number of events.

Get it right, it's racist to characterize "some" Germans as racists.

If that is how you choose to label me...then so be it. I am what I am. It is a shame you want to spend more time trying to call me a racist for pointing out the dark history of the German people as opposed to educating yourself and understanding that history repeats itself.
It will only get really scary when secret societies become the norm over the three major religions in Germany — and all of Europe in general.

Some secret societies' roles in the making of world history have been good: the Freemasons in the USA, for example.

Most have been nefarious — and the best example of that is the Thule and Vril societies in post-WWI Germany.
Wow. is in the school system as well

Konrad Werner: Racism is built into Germany's school system -

"I picked up my daughter from school and she told me about the song: 'C-o-f-f-e-e, don’t drink so much coffee! The Turkish drink is not for kids, it weakens the nerves, makes you pale and sick. Don’t be like Muslim men who can’t stop drinking coffee!'"
"Once I gave a wrong answer in physics class and the teacher said, 'That may be so in your desert, but not here in Germany.'"
"My daughter came home from school and told us they’d been singing that song – ‘Drei Chinesen mit dem Kontrabass’. And that while they were singing, the teacher had called upon the students to pull the corners of their eyes into that 'slant-eye' face."
Now just think about how many hate the subversives in here, and Germany is NOTHING! I believe some would say that is THIN SKINED!

You know how you look at Obama and hate him not for one action, but the sum of many. All of those factors would be anecdotal evidence that lead to your opinion. It is the same in this is not being thin skinned over a single is making an informed decision because of a number of events.


Vigilante...I am ashamed of you..playing the race card. I really thought you were better than that...but now you are playing the Teaper role of deflecting. Why? Why does pointing our German history such a bad thing?
Wow. is in the school system as well

Konrad Werner: Racism is built into Germany's school system -

"I picked up my daughter from school and she told me about the song: 'C-o-f-f-e-e, don’t drink so much coffee! The Turkish drink is not for kids, it weakens the nerves, makes you pale and sick. Don’t be like Muslim men who can’t stop drinking coffee!'"
"Once I gave a wrong answer in physics class and the teacher said, 'That may be so in your desert, but not here in Germany.'"
"My daughter came home from school and told us they’d been singing that song – ‘Drei Chinesen mit dem Kontrabass’. And that while they were singing, the teacher had called upon the students to pull the corners of their eyes into that 'slant-eye' face."

Sounds alike to eating a POP TART into the shape of a GUN.... Was it on their permanent record, as it would be here?

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