Germany Watch: German Racism and Hate Highlighted at World Cup

Great story on the rise of anti-Semitism in Germany.

BBC News - Is anti-semitism rising in Germany?

Six million Jews, two million Roma and thousands of other people were killed in Nazi death camps.

Now there are fears that anti-semitism is on the rise - a recent survey of 6,000 Jewish people found that a third have faced physical or verbal abuse.

Stephen Evans reports from Berlin.

Germany ain't the enemy and anti-semitism is freaking the major problem in the Middle East.
World Cup: Germany?s Campaign Haunted by Racism, Nazism - TIME

This is a continuation of my Public Service Announcements, educating the world about German hate and bloodlust. Many people believe that WWII somehow magically ended German hate...but as it is obvious, their hate and bloodlust has never been extinguished...only hidden by the German people. We should never trust Germans...they have committed some of the greatest atrocities known to humankind. For the sake of humanity, pay attention and be very cautious when it comes to the German people...whether it is a Teaper racist who is proud of his German heritage or a native German...BE CAREFUL - especially if you are Jewish or a minority.

Don't know how serious this has become in Germany, but again, my father was one American not thrilled when the Berlin wall fell, he feared a united Germany.

He is a very intelligent man. Germany is becoming increasingly arrogant and emboldened with their hate and racism. They are also becoming overly nationalistic as they have hijacked the EU in their pursuit for power.
Interesting how you can knee jerk react to a few examples of stupidity among the German people and use it to condemn the entire nation.
You have become what you hate.
Why you stupidly mentioned the EU financial crisis is a mystery. Since you opened the door..
But for Germany's continued bailouts of other EU nations, the whole thing would have collapsed.
And that other moron who's daddy "feared" a united Germany, what an idiot. Fear is the beginning of hatred born out of ignorance.
World Cup: Germany?s Campaign Haunted by Racism, Nazism - TIME

This is a continuation of my Public Service Announcements, educating the world about German hate and bloodlust. Many people believe that WWII somehow magically ended German hate...but as it is obvious, their hate and bloodlust has never been extinguished...only hidden by the German people. We should never trust Germans...they have committed some of the greatest atrocities known to humankind. For the sake of humanity, pay attention and be very cautious when it comes to the German people...whether it is a Teaper racist who is proud of his German heritage or a native German...BE CAREFUL - especially if you are Jewish or a minority.

Germany’s recent record on blackface isn’t good. Die Tageszeitung, a left-leaning newspaper known for its progressiveness and work on inequality, referred to the White House as “Uncle Barack’s Cabin” in 2008. Editors defended the cover, saying it was satirical.

In 2011, Martin Sonneborn, a print satirist, comedian and current member of European Parliament lathered himself in blackface in order to compare himself to Obama.
The satyrical “Die Partei” (The Party) party featuring candidate Martin Sonneborn made to look like US President Barack Obama, in Berlin September 16, 2011, ahead of regional elections. John MacDougall/Getty Images

The backlash in English-speaking media was ferocious, but Sonneborn was unapologetic. “No, I didn’t know [the history of blackface],” he said. “If Americans associate it with that, then I’m sorry, but I’m not going to take it down,” Sonneborn told The Local at the time.

Neo-Nazi sympathizer invades the field

Also during the match between Ghana and Germany, a man covered in Nazi markings—including an “HH” for “Heil HItler”—invaded the field, and evaded stewards. It fell to Ghanaian midfielder Sulley Muntari to remove him.
Ghana's Sulley Muntari helps a spectator off the pitch during the 2014 World Cup Group G soccer match between Germany and Ghana at the Castelao arenaGhana’s Sulley Muntari helps a spectator off the field during the 2014 World Cup soccer match between Germany and Ghana on June 21, 2014. Eddie Keogh/Reuters

According to AP, the incident is being referred to the FIFA Disciplinary committee. FIFA spokeswoman Delia Fischer told reporters: ”We do not respect any discriminatory messages. We are always taking any evidence or submissions to our disciplinary committee.”

According to Football Against Racism in Europe director Piara Powar “The question becomes how does one control an individual fan who chooses to mark his body and jumps on the pitch to propagate his neo-Nazi views.” He added: ”It’s a failure in the FIFA system to get as far as he did.”

The biggest tragedy was when east and west Germany were united

How so? Explain. And use your own words.
Great story on the rise of anti-Semitism in Germany.

BBC News - Is anti-semitism rising in Germany?

Six million Jews, two million Roma and thousands of other people were killed in Nazi death camps.

Now there are fears that anti-semitism is on the rise - a recent survey of 6,000 Jewish people found that a third have faced physical or verbal abuse.

Stephen Evans reports from Berlin.

Bet if you asked 6,000 blacks, say on a university campus the number who said the same thing would be the same, if not higher....brainwashing and racist professors tend to warp young black minds....don't you agree?
You should start a thread on Sharia law and tell me something I dont already know. This thread is very enlightening because I had no idea of the racism. I just spoke to my cousin that was stationed over there and he told me there are some parts of Germany that you cant even go to as a Black person or you risk being killed..

There are some parts of the US that Law enforcement and freaking Hollywood tells us that white people can't go or risk being killed. Does that authorize bigots to brand an entire European country as racist. It's a freaking scam.

Where did anyone brand everyone in Germany as racist? The country in general has problems with racism. We are talking about it along with its racist history. Stop being butthurt and participate or dont comment.

Exactly, I don't understand all of the deflection. Besides, they are butthurt because of the race issue, but they are ignoring the anti-semitism, xenophobia, and ultra nationalism that led to 2 world wars and 2 attempts at genocide. Somehow, they can't see the big picture...they think this is only an attack on German racism against blacks (which they think is acceptable, thus that is why they ignore the rest).

German behavior today is similar to their behavior prior to WWII...history repeats itself...the entire world should be cautious.
My best friend is a German immigrate, he's been my friend since 1976. I was the Best Man in his wedding and he was mine when I got married. He's like my brother, I know him that well. I have also met his brothers and sisters several times when they have come to the states for extended visits.
I can guarantee you that that some folks are painting the German people with a mighty wide brush and that's wrong.
Therefore, I disapprove of this thread.

The libs are exposing themselves as being precisely what they claim to hate. The racism, generalizations, painting groups of people with a broad brush, making assumptions about an individual just because they happen to be a part of a certain cultural or demographic group.
Only thing is while most haters keep their opinions to themselves, Libs are most outspoken about their fear and hated towards those not just like them.
No, because they are talking about a single, or small group of "N's" as I would call them, but as we have discussed using the "N" doesn't paint an entire group of people, just that particular pond scum discussed!
I don't see how this is any different.

Just as we discussed about Teapers...I don't think ALL teapers are racist. You people just take it as that because it somehow has a personal affect on you. Don't you think, when people spew racist nonsense...that it would have the same personal affect on blacks.

You say not all blacks are scum or 'N's', but the presentation often gives a different impression...wouldn't you agree. So perhaps you are being thin skinned here...or perhaps you are feeling the same that blacks feel when they are painted with a broad brush by Teapers?

I don't know, you tell me.

Do I have your permission to post one of your PM's with me? I don't know if that is allowed, but it would shine a lot of light on your thoughts about the dreaded Tea Partiers!
It was posted on my Message Board, so everyone has access to read it anyway! Thanks for asking permission though, I appreciate that.
Anybody consider that it's an example of bigotry to accuse the people of an entire country of racism?

Ho-hum...I clearly stated that not ALL Germans are full of hate and bloodlust. You should pay attention and take this as an opportunity to learn something about a nation and people that have committed some of the greatest atrocities known to mankind.

Cut the bullshit.
Anybody consider that it's an example of bigotry to accuse the people of an entire country of racism?

Ho-hum...I clearly stated that not ALL Germans are full of hate and bloodlust. You should pay attention and take this as an opportunity to learn something about a nation and people that have committed some of the greatest atrocities known to mankind.

Cut the bullshit.

What are you so emotional about? Why is it BS if its documented fact?
Damn there are so many articles. It seems to be a pretty everyday issue there. I had no idea. The women certainly love Black men. I wonder why I never even detected it?

Germany grapples with day-to-day racism | Germany | DW.DE | 02.09.2013

Oh gawd, give it up. Every black person I know, and I know quite a few out here, LOVE living in Germany. Your links provide no actual evidence of racism existing, just stupid accusations. Just because a Nazi era soccer jersey was displayed in Brazil, that means Germans are racist? My favorite from your link above is the reference of polizei doing random checks "for no apparent reason". Yes, they do that shit quite often, I have been a "victim" of that as well. EVERYONE is a victim of that bullshit, not just blacks. They call it a "routine check", and that shit wouldn't fly in the States, but guess what, this isn't America, it's Germany. Germans have their own way of doing things, some of it I will never understand, but it is their country and they can do whatever they want. Keep in mind they do NOT have the same freedoms as Americans, such as freedom of speech, your own links even say that it is ILLEGAL to engage in racism. For a so-called "racist country" they sure do allow lots of immigrants from Africa and Turkey in.

Obviously, you haven't read the entire thread. Many, many examples have been given of German hate and bloodlust. You are trying to limit the discussion to blacks...that is just one small part of German hate and bloodlust.

Read, learn some more...then comment again.

You have absolutely no experience with Germans, and that is quite obvious. How much time have you spent in Germany? How much have you experienced day-to-day life in Germany? Obviously not one fucking day. I don't need to read any of the bullshit on this thread because I live in Germany, and I can see for myself how much "racism" exists here and how much minorities enjoy it here.

Posting a picture of a couple of spray painted swastikas on gravestones in no way symbolizes how the entire country feels about Jews. That kind of shit happens in the US does it not? Is that how all Americans feel about Jews then? The only thing your thread proves is just how ignorant you are and how much YOU stereotype others by the actions of a very few select individuals. Yea, there's always going to be some skinhead idiot lurking around, whether it be in Berlin or New York, but you don't get to condemn a whole country because of it.
Great story on the rise of anti-Semitism in Germany.

BBC News - Is anti-semitism rising in Germany?

Six million Jews, two million Roma and thousands of other people were killed in Nazi death camps.

Now there are fears that anti-semitism is on the rise - a recent survey of 6,000 Jewish people found that a third have faced physical or verbal abuse.

Stephen Evans reports from Berlin.

Germany ain't the enemy and anti-semitism is freaking the major problem in the Middle East.

Germany continues to sell weapons to killer muslim nations. Given their history of hate and the attempted genocide of the Jews...I find that to be despicable. For a nation that claims to repent for their actions, I find it suspect that they will arm those who want to finish the job they started. On top of that, aiding the Palestinians in 1972, the rise of anti-semitism, the rise in hate against hooligans chanting racist nonsense and attacking Jews....Germany must be watched...they have committed some of the greatest atrocities known to humanity, and they are repeating the poor behavior that led to these atrocities.
Oh gawd, give it up. Every black person I know, and I know quite a few out here, LOVE living in Germany. Your links provide no actual evidence of racism existing, just stupid accusations. Just because a Nazi era soccer jersey was displayed in Brazil, that means Germans are racist? My favorite from your link above is the reference of polizei doing random checks "for no apparent reason". Yes, they do that shit quite often, I have been a "victim" of that as well. EVERYONE is a victim of that bullshit, not just blacks. They call it a "routine check", and that shit wouldn't fly in the States, but guess what, this isn't America, it's Germany. Germans have their own way of doing things, some of it I will never understand, but it is their country and they can do whatever they want. Keep in mind they do NOT have the same freedoms as Americans, such as freedom of speech, your own links even say that it is ILLEGAL to engage in racism. For a so-called "racist country" they sure do allow lots of immigrants from Africa and Turkey in.

Obviously, you haven't read the entire thread. Many, many examples have been given of German hate and bloodlust. You are trying to limit the discussion to blacks...that is just one small part of German hate and bloodlust.

Read, learn some more...then comment again.

You have absolutely no experience with Germans, and that is quite obvious. How much time have you spent in Germany? How much have you experienced day-to-day life in Germany? Obviously not one fucking day. I don't need to read any of the bullshit on this thread because I live in Germany, and I can see for myself how much "racism" exists here and how much minorities enjoy it here.

Posting a picture of a couple of spray painted swastikas on gravestones in no way symbolizes how the entire country feels about Jews. That kind of shit happens in the US does it not? Is that how all Americans feel about Jews then? The only thing your thread proves is just how ignorant you are and how much YOU stereotype others by the actions of a very few select individuals. Yea, there's always going to be some skinhead idiot lurking around, whether it be in Berlin or New York, but you don't get to condemn a whole country because of it.

My cousin was stationed in Germany and he told me that there were entire parts of Germany he as a Black person would be killed if he went there. I myself experienced no racism but as someone pointed out I was there for sports and probably sheltered from it. The articles I have found online regarding racism as a present day problem are eye opening. I have some friends from Togo that lived there and I do remember them saying there was some racism in Germany and thats why the moved to the states.
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Oh gawd, give it up. Every black person I know, and I know quite a few out here, LOVE living in Germany. Your links provide no actual evidence of racism existing, just stupid accusations. Just because a Nazi era soccer jersey was displayed in Brazil, that means Germans are racist? My favorite from your link above is the reference of polizei doing random checks "for no apparent reason". Yes, they do that shit quite often, I have been a "victim" of that as well. EVERYONE is a victim of that bullshit, not just blacks. They call it a "routine check", and that shit wouldn't fly in the States, but guess what, this isn't America, it's Germany. Germans have their own way of doing things, some of it I will never understand, but it is their country and they can do whatever they want. Keep in mind they do NOT have the same freedoms as Americans, such as freedom of speech, your own links even say that it is ILLEGAL to engage in racism. For a so-called "racist country" they sure do allow lots of immigrants from Africa and Turkey in.

Obviously, you haven't read the entire thread. Many, many examples have been given of German hate and bloodlust. You are trying to limit the discussion to blacks...that is just one small part of German hate and bloodlust.

Read, learn some more...then comment again.

You have absolutely no experience with Germans, and that is quite obvious. How much time have you spent in Germany? How much have you experienced day-to-day life in Germany? Obviously not one fucking day. I don't need to read any of the bullshit on this thread because I live in Germany, and I can see for myself how much "racism" exists here and how much minorities enjoy it here.

Posting a picture of a couple of spray painted swastikas on gravestones in no way symbolizes how the entire country feels about Jews. That kind of shit happens in the US does it not? Is that how all Americans feel about Jews then? The only thing your thread proves is just how ignorant you are and how much YOU stereotype others by the actions of a very few select individuals. Yea, there's always going to be some skinhead idiot lurking around, whether it be in Berlin or New York, but you don't get to condemn a whole country because of it.

You must be a non-Jew and white. Of course you don't experience the racism and hate...DUH! But, I guess you know better than those who experience it first hand.
I don't see how this is any different.

Just as we discussed about Teapers...I don't think ALL teapers are racist. You people just take it as that because it somehow has a personal affect on you. Don't you think, when people spew racist nonsense...that it would have the same personal affect on blacks.

You say not all blacks are scum or 'N's', but the presentation often gives a different impression...wouldn't you agree. So perhaps you are being thin skinned here...or perhaps you are feeling the same that blacks feel when they are painted with a broad brush by Teapers?

I don't know, you tell me.

Do I have your permission to post one of your PM's with me? I don't know if that is allowed, but it would shine a lot of light on your thoughts about the dreaded Tea Partiers!
It was posted on my Message Board, so everyone has access to read it anyway! Thanks for asking permission though, I appreciate that.

"Don't get me started on the Tea Party. For the most part, low information, low education buffoons who have no individual/ original thought who band together to fight age old fights...not in an effort to be righteous, but in an effort to oppose a black President."

I believe I told you that that was RACIST!
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Yet you don't protest the black thug threads, do you? Yet you protest a lesson in history and current events because it has nothing to do with blacks?

No, because they are talking about a single, or small group of "N's" as I would call them, but as we have discussed using the "N" doesn't paint an entire group of people, just that particular pond scum discussed!
I don't see how this is any different.

Just as we discussed about Teapers...I don't think ALL teapers are racist. You people just take it as that because it somehow has a personal affect on you. Don't you think, when people spew racist nonsense...that it would have the same personal affect on blacks.

You say not all blacks are scum or 'N's', but the presentation often gives a different impression...wouldn't you agree. So perhaps you are being thin skinned here...or perhaps you are feeling the same that blacks feel when they are painted with a broad brush by Teapers?

I don't know, you tell me.

You ignored this one Vigi..

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